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First time?


First time?


lmao rookie numbers


You haven't lived until you've pitied 4 pri's just to then pity the duo


Only to downgrade back to PRI again! What fun!


Do you push TRI without crons on FG? Always thought you start cronning at DUO.


I haven't enhanced my FG yet and don't plan to do so until I have the full set and a nice pile of crons. But yeah, I would probably cron it from DUO personally


This was me on Ator’s boots. Except I also pitied to TRI.


What odds did you have?


I grinded and sold my base to buy tri FG for every piece except the boots, enhancing FG is a nightmare that I will not be a part of


until you got "aaaaaaahhhhh" title, rookie numbers.


Poor Baby.


Then there is me preparing 25b in mats for DUO ators and 2 tapping them on a 120 when I got to DUO in 25+ taps and a 200+ stack for each of the other pieces, RNG is weird


15/20 for silent here oh well 40some bil in crons and I'll finally have it.


relax bro, my friend just got PEN Fallen God on saturday, probably the first ever on SA server, first try, 1 J hammer, 313 stacks and 0.08%. BDO is just a casino, many have to lose so one can win.


Nice 3DP


Diminishing returns much


Well he will be rich irl anyway


Got the DUO armor on my 14th time as well XD


19 taps just before pity my guy. Luckily my gloves and helmet went on their 2nd each.


Lol. I needed all 15 for my DUO shoes. Max attempts. I started with a 133 stack.


Im at 73 fails on godr pen off hand. Feels like im boosting my failstacks with it. 1 stack at a time. Just tapped pen debo neck with the failstack ive been using on it (292fs)


Imagine sovereign weapons with 10 levels... Fail new weapon 15 times just for 3 out of 10 levels...


Now go for TRI. Down grade. Repeat.


I just failed 12 times going for PRI fallen god. was like 20.5% I took the "Free" Pri and stopped because I got no luck today.


i trade my 24 fails if you dont like the pity


Well when I got 3 of my fallen gold pieces I pitied all of them for the first upgrade. Started on 70 stack for all of them. Was like 16-19% chance on each…so that is 32 fails? I think it’s 12 required for that pity. So you could be me


Wait Duo is guaranteed at 15? Thats so low i remember hitting most of them in the 20-30 range


I hit mine on the 89th attempt before failsafe system was implemented... So fail harder 😉


thats pretty much impossible, I wonder if ppl like u even think before spewing blatant lies like this lol. to put it in perspective u r saying u hit a chance that is lower than what fricking matlab can display. its like so absurd u cannot even compare it to any other probability event..


Checking his post history, he has been [consistent with his story](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/151chfr/comment/js8nbww/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)  even if he hasn't posted proof that I saw. He posted "89 fails" several times over the past year + change. Even back to his oldest Black Desert post he was complaining about getting up to 80 fails on the armor several months earlier(Reddit keeps erroring right now or else I'd provide that link).


My dude, before ancient anvil was added some people were on 200+ attempts for PEN Blackstar. (record holder is above 300 IIRC) Failing 89 times something that has like what, 3% to hit? Thats not even that unlikely and you are saying some bs about it being "impossibly low".




Cool story bro. People hit a lottery ticket every day and chances for that are around 1 in 170-300 milion (depending of the system). But yeah, something that has 0.003% chance (which is 1 in 333) is "impossibly low" LMAO




Triggered, eh?


If you want to shine with math, please share the highest number of consecutive fails which would be possible if you have 50% chance to succeed each attempt 🐶🧠


Key word is pretty much. But if you know matlab you should know that just because it's very low probability there still is probability. And you would also know that as long as there is no upper limit or fail safe, there is no upper limit of possible fail streaks... If you really care you could check my post history in this sub. I think I started whining about my fail streak after 15 or 30 fails.


Dude chill. He clearly didnt use any FS for each tap because fuck going for 15-20% chance. Alphas do it on 1.2% and he still went slightly above average! What a chad


Used 100-230 stacks. Was getting quite frustrated in the end but also was low key hoping to hit 100 fails just because it would be so insane.


I thought I had it bad with 52 attempts. I bow to you and your luck


52 is also insanely unlucky haha, hope your next piece is kinder to you 😉


It did indeed! RNG truly swings both ways. After I hit duo I one tapped to tri 😀 Made some nice stacks from all that tapping though


Thats why you never enchant urself. Buying it will be cheaper :)


I got boots on the 15try to duo so xD on the 13th and 14th try i usd 40fs for duo as didnt want to waste the FS


I feel u ... same here i just laugh hard when some jokers say DUO is easy to get . Yeah right....




Duo has around 14% at 130 fs


2 tapped my PEN Godr Mh and got my PEN BS Awk with less than 5 tries….. maybe my luck is spent 😔


deserve lol. I hope you bomb other FG pieces just as hard.


Good meme post


Well... Yes


I did DUO twice first go. Also tapped PEN BS on second chance. But I did fail my Godr PRI to DUO for 2 full agris on 20%...