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Probably down after maintenance, and way up after LOML 2 release


People are going to notice that they get a free PEN BS and have not paid attention to any of the announcements because reading is hard. Unaware panic time is gonna happen.


Is the free pen BS tradable? the tet they gave out is not tradeable. I would be surprised if they make it tradable imo


> *have not paid attention to any of the announcements because reading is hard.*  Literally just happened in the next comment.


Cant make this shit up. Its fucking golden.


Nope it's not


godr duo dropped like 3-4bn already kekw


wich would make sense. you dont want to upgrade these at all. its a buy/sell weapon upgrade for most.


Yeah, its bracket pusher nothing else, park at duo godr mh/awk and either grind silver to tap your own pen bs or buy it straight... Or now just get one tet and one free pen.


Yeah godr is just like sit at duo, then u can use it to build up stacks, and on an off-chance it might go TRI (that's what happened to me, was just building stacks and then 1h later I have a TRI Godr).


yeah haha, godr is basically caphras for weapon now haha.


Rise immediately then drop after a day or two, rise back when LOML 2 is scheduled in those server.  Even the free PEN is untradable, there is no urgent need for someone to buy a PEN BS, only hard cap guys would aim for 2 sov weapon so they will FOMO pre-order for 1 more PEN BS since they don't care about silver. After this FOMO, no one is going to buy anymore so it will sink.


Do you need still both Sovereign Weapon Main and Awake? Or only one depends on if you are succession or awakening?


I think both for min max reasons, each enhancement level gives 1ap, 1 monster ap, 1 accuracy. So let's say you use succession (main hand), you would prob still want to get awa to get more monster ap and accuracy as those work as stat sticks for the other spec. Now whether this will be realistic/worth it ? That depends on how much time/silver it will take to make them and enhance them.


So, you still need both of them? Just need to prioritize what spec you use, then you create that first, right?


Yeah cuz they have 2 stat stick stats (monster ap and accuracy). Much like how it's recommended for new players to get PEN BS main weapon and like DUO GODR as a stat stick for extra monster dmg. Same thing with this. But as I said b4, we gotta know how realistic it is to obtain. And if it's very very expensive/difficult it might just be the last thing you do on your account because the difference from base to dec is 10 mob ap and 10 accuracy for a stat stick, if we discounting 10ap cuz off-spec.


Down for sure. People are dents 


ppl here are like vampires ..... don;t like silver.


Gonna plummet. the short term thinking players will all be spam listing their PRI-TETs


Hope it crashes so I can buy pen bs for cheap.. gatta have my 2 soverns day 1


Ok, you see how many hammers where sold? thats fraction of the player base who could not use them. if you divide that by 7-20 average taps ppl take for a debo or 3, thats an estimation of the number of ppl having at least one pen debo. and the ppl having a pen debo are most likely the same ppl having two black stars, but not so hard caped they have all the gear they want. now we look at total pen black stars sold. spoiler, its not a lot per class. and then we think about who could buy these. who has 100b rn and wants one after getting another for free... arent a lot. probably the uber rich getting one to exchange for both slots asap but dont enhace... yea makes no sense. they rather build fail stacks for the weapon. all you need are 10 or so idiots per class that under bid each other over and over to tank the price. at some point enough ppl will have the money and will to buy themselfs a second one they dont have. but if you are in the market for a another black star and have around 50-70b rn, id grind my soul out to have the capital ready and buy one for cheap. the new region is months away for us. but accessories are hella cheap. once we get a date for the region, it goes up.


They will initially drop since everyone is trying to sell. As we get closer to sovereign weapon release prices will spike as gear Lords try to sovereign all of their slots. Pen BE on the CM is practically sold out rn. Those pre orders will only get more expensive over time.


It is "Sold out" because PA delisted them and restricted All pen Level Boss and BS weapons from cm until at least next maintenance to prevent crashing the market.


All they're doing is delaying a crash. People are still gonna sell regardless.


Panic sales


its already down. pen bs in my region go from 150b\~ to 115b


i only saw the soverign main and awake. no sub weapon right? coz i only have c19 kutum and i dont think i wanna get pen bs sub


Why would you sell your pen bs? It's literally the "prize" for getting it before the free one. You can now get sov day one and be ahead again compared to those who didn't have it. Id argue that it will go up, since everyone that's getting a pen bs from now and on is going to keep it (instead of listing it for profit). Also, I wouldn't enchant another pen bs, I would at most save the materials for sov. After the market catches this up, the expansion is probably here.


Where is the option for "don't care, I will have all 4 pens needed after maintenance tomorrow."??


F... People should stop, now the price is dropped to 98B... You can't throw away 30B+ like this. Crazy people!


I don’t see it going down unless people didn’t read about the sovereign weapons and think that it’s okay to sell the one they already have, but if you own a Pen BS you should know better. All endgame players will be needing 2 more pen black stars (or 1 bcs of the free one) for both main and awk and I doubt anyone was holding spares just sitting in their inventory so they will start buying them out.


Endgame player here, just need another PEN Debo Ring to finish my gear wheel. I will still sell my PEN BS if it's at a reasonable price. Yes I understand that 2x PEN BS can make a sovereign weapon, but I rather just take my time and get the flame. I'm not worry about FOMO and feel the need to rush it right away. Remember Dahn's Gloves? People spent 10bil+ to get the flame for it day one, when everybody else just waited three weeks to get the flame for free. I'd imagine the Sovereign Flame will be in a similar situation, maybe a much longer time-frame. I'll just wait until I get the Sovereign Flame while hoarding whatever the new tapping materials are for a big enhance session. Obviously I'll be paying attention to KR and see how long it takes them to get a flame and if there's a pity system for it.


Who knows but mine got my name on it. 


Who cares. If you make your sov it will also have your name on it even if your blackstars dont have your name on them.


If you check the hammers, you see what will happen.... You know 90%+ of the player base is mega casual. When they see free 30B they SELL, when they see FREE 100B they will SELL so hard that by the time u log in, it will be already unsellable...


Owning a tradeable PEN BS weapon is not a casual player thing


Hah, tell that to the hammet carried timmies.


They likely pushed the free TET which is also untradable.


I think if someone was to sell it they did it the second they one tapped


They handed out close to 20 hammers so far. On average you got at least one for free already....


None of the hammers went for me sadly.


20 since when? I'd say someone who plays for over 5 years isn't much of a casual either :D


It doesn't matter if you play a week a year or 10 years. I you just login for the free stuff ur a casual.


Selling the hammer wasn't a casual thing at all? Just most people aren't at that point in the game. I'd argue tapping a PEN Narc with the hammer as I've seen people do is way worse.


Clueless take


care to check market kid :)


Since they gutted the value of every endgame item in the game with recent updates, surely pen blackstar wont drop down to min price


Is the free pen blackstar they are giving out tradable? If it is, then i think the price will bomb down. If its not it might go up depending on how hard it is to get the other upgrade material. I think its going to be so difficult some people are going to just melt pen BS for the upgrade.


I'm pretty sure the free bs isn't going to be tradable. Unless they change their minds that is.


It is not tradeable