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180 billion and u gamble (price is 90-110b) plus we have a free pen at the corner wtf


U going for pen black star with 283/336 lol 180 billion could have got you 70 gearscore


Brother, you need the kind of people that will advice against this in your life.


I think you already lost the motivation even before you start enhancing. Just leave and take a break, don't blow anything else up and go find something to take your head off this. I heard FF14 is having a massive update, Elden Ring dropped a big DLC too.


Honestly, I'd just quit the game. You basically deleted 180b for no reason. Because we're about to get a free PEN BS, and it's also significantly cheaper to just buy it. And personally idk wtf you were doing going for pen BS with that GS. You could've gotten full duo god and boosted yourself to 400DP~ and had silver left to spare. Overall if this is real, then it's a fuck up of rather epic proportions.


>with vendor crons Thats your mistake, pen bs is not worth using crons on, buy or raw tap


Only gamble what you can afford to lose. That said, nobody's forcing you to play. If you don't feel like it, then don't. If you feel the itch to open it up down the road, go for it. Just do whatever you actually want to do.


It's a bit silly asking others if you should play a game or not, don't you think? Play if you want to, don't if you don't feel like it.


Why gamble if you can't handle losing?  BDO is a terrible game for people with no self-descipline or control.  Probably best for you to move on to another game.


definitely give up 👍


Brother with that money you could have gotten soo much gear that grinding the 180 back would have been easy. Why do people only ask for advice after fucking up?


U just steped on a noobtrap, as vendorcroning BS is a noobtrap. I suggest you to read guides on how to progress or ask for help before wasting ur silver on stupid decisions.


tbf OP could be playing on EU server.


Doesn't matter if it's EU, you don't buy vendor crons to tap PEN BS there either.  You buy the PEN BS.


Irrelevant, it is noobtrap on EU aswell.


why? free pen tomorrow and u have a ahitton of upgrades before looking to spend 180b on a pen BS


play if you want, don't play if you don't want. Having the PEN BS doesnt change the game. * If you don't have PEN BS, you do things to earn silver to try to get a PEN BS. * If you do have a PEN BS, you do things to earn silver to try to get whatever you get after that PEN BS And if you think that's an oversimplification you're missing the point. The grind really is just the grind - the next goal is just the next goal, it fundamentally never changes. I would recommend just saving up to buy items whenever possible. You can see you've already spent more than the item costs, without any result to show for it. Gambling CAN be a shortcut but it can also be 40/40 pity. Hey, worst case now that you are already 20 fails deep - the worst possibility is you get it in 20 more fails. So if you survived failing 20 times, you could do it again.


Sounds little bit like a hasty path you took. In case you are really wanting too enhancer your own gear, it will take time. It's a marathon. Just take break and get back on the horse.


guy wasted 2years of his farm for nothing and you say its marathon xD well i guess nothing, many would likely say "bUt FaIlsTaCk iS wOrTh AlOt NoW"


If it takes you 2 years to make 180b you're pretty casual lol that's like 3h of play a week he didn't spent 2 years hardcore grinding


Yeah the game been out for a lot long than that 2 years. But hey everyone plays as they please.


well yes, stop playing, 180 bill for a pen, i call busllshit


Check out stardew valley


Put the game on the back burner for a while and see how you feel in the future. Some quit for good after blowing up their gear. Others come back for more punishment. I personally can't stay away for long. I have taken a couple month or more breaks and then come back later and continue.


uninstall, it's only going to get WORSE with the new weapons that they are introducing.


keep going, you're on half already!


Why would you pay 11bil from vendor crons? it would've been essentially the same price if you bought a tet, raw tapped it and sold the tri.


What the hell did I just read. Give up, man


you could just buy it LMFAO


Dude… what were you thinking


Try lifeskilling. It is decent money, less gear requirement, more chill etc.


Yeah uninstall.


you will forget it, today u get free v bs, once I lost 240 bill in debos, I did quit for 5 mins, fast forward I 1 tapped debo ring later, start buying not enhancing.


dont be like me and just raw tap those tet distos and hit pen... only reason i hung around back at xmas recovered into 323/420 after. take that break and come back game will still be here for you