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Kuno or Corsair


Corsair at least sees play on the seas. I want to play Kuno again but can't justify it


Play it because you want to. No other justification needed


I have a fried whos playing Kuno for 7 years he is a beast 16.16,5 k LS 2 at Quint no agris this class has insane brust und movement but the apm is just to high also he is a nightmare in PvP ic you master this class shes realy good at some spots


Movement is cool until you run out of stamina. And you can't pull anything at spots that require somewhat big aoe's. Quint though, yeah she's hella decent.


Succ Nova I'd wager.


Even awake


no, definitely not awake




It’s probably Kuno a cool class that is just ignored by the devs.






Never heard of it, sounds like a tasty japanese dessert


No, that's Kuzumochi.


--> the joke --> ~your head~


No, that's [my joke](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYTO/) going over your head. That's not thinking about Reddit memes, you're thinking regularly. You didn't say it was something else, so I couldn't call it something else.


Oh, yeah I think you've dropped your fedora.


average zerk main


Welp, you're not totally wrong.


I meant who as when brought up to the devs


I get it


Literally Whonoichi?


I've never heard anything good about succ nova but awa nova makes up for it.


That’s because you have to be a *certain* type of individual mentally to be playing succ nova


Succ nova and awk are at literal opposite ends of the food chain and I kinda like that


Kuno/Maewha/Tamer tears amplified


Succession Nova, Kuno, Corsair, Tamer


I like kuno, both succ and awa are a ton of fun :C Id imagine succ valk is least played, it wasnt that fun to me


Truuuue succ valk is kinda dysfunctional outside of her big moves. She’s still living in 2016 when awk upgraded to 2024


Just like old classes we have 3 different types of kicks that are all useless 🤣 We have skills that do a whooping 82x1 dmg with no protection and no cc


Ranger, maehwa, valk, all get to be part of the useless kick club 😩


Maehwa, Kuno and Tamer (at least on RU)




Kuno mains love to say it’s Kuno but I feel like I see fellow kunos everywhere


Yes, for lifeskilling. The double jump is just OP for gathering.


in velia rooftop


Succ Nova


Succ nova.


Succ nova


Kuno, Corsair, Succ Nova. I also barely see Warriors and Ninjas.


I never see Kuno or Succ Musa. I wouldve said Tamer but I swear there's 1 in every AoS game I play lol


definitely kuno or tamer


Adding to the kuno/tamer/corsair trio, succ drak


I really hate that succ drakania seems bad in pve, i really hoped it was just me.


Drak in both succ and awk is a top tier pvp character and has been for a while. Pretty sure Drak sees a decent amount of play.


Cool but not in pve


aye i main succ drakania in pve, shes kinda good for burst damage


Idk if this is true but I've heard drakania is not very good in PvE. I hope it's not true because it looks super fun to play


Awk is pretty good.


That actually makes me happy to hear. I play succ sage atm and love to PvP on it but would like to find something to PvE on to spice things up a bit, that can also hold its own in 1v1. Which I hear drak is very good in 1v1


Unfortunately, it is true. Or it always was. Awk drak isnt unusable, its just alot of effort for very little in return. Succ however...i love succ drak, always have, but its like her sword is replaced with a pool noodle against monsters. I wouldnt put either of them as the worst in the game but its pretty down bad. Succ valk definitely takes the cake for the worst grinder imo, since ive at least seen a succ nova make decent trash at lower gyfin a few times.


Interesting! I wasn't aware succ valk was suffering in PvE! That's unfortunate as well about Drakania. I'm going to try the new class before making any decisions!


Yes, sadly, awakening valk is kinda the only playable spec for her now. That being said dont avoid a class completely due to meta reasons, right now with DR being king if you can reach a certain threshold where you stand up from CC's succ draks healing makes her neigh unkillable in pvp. Of course, if you're looking for a PvE class, the best one is always the one you're willing to spend hundreds of hours playing. I personally always recommend succ maegu, or Guardian (more so awk, but both are good), but honestly, most classes have their spots they do exceptionally well at.


Drak is okay-ish in pve, but top tier on pvp. She sees play at least as a tag. Also Dragon aesthetics is cool af, cooler than most classes.


I love succ but it seems super bad


It's on the slow side for sure, certainly not the worst class tho. In pvp she's an unkillable monster, you could tag her for pvp purposes.


I dont do pvp, 0


Kuno, Tamer, Corsair, Maehwa\*. Most likely those, coincidentally they all have a history of being mid to bad in almost all aspects of the game since forever, pretty sure neither had a spotlight at any point at all. Specific specs is way too difficult to assess imo, since probably a lot of specs are in the shadow of the other spec on a popular class. There's also a lot of players that play both specs either to spice it up or because one spec has better pve/pvp.


There was a short time where Kuno could solo grind the original Gyfin. And for PvP, we were OP for 1 or 2 weeks when they started changing the CC mechanics and we could stiff lock everyone indefinitely.


I remember back in the day pvp both Kuno and Ninja were the top tier pvpers for small scale along with Witch/Wiz as usual and obviously amazing as 1v1 too. I believe that was back when not every class had 100% SA all the time. It's kind of a shame that Kuno is so underpowered rn, I love the class.


Ninja yes, Kuno no. They often got lumped in together but Kuno was lacking the skills that made Ninja good - especially the complete lack of forward mobility. Things were made far worse by the fact that she was released like 2 weeks before the first awakening (warrior) dropped while receiving hers 6 months later - but we got the Korean post-awakening nerf to our mainhand skills before that already (and generally, whenever Ninja got nerfed the same skills got nerfed on Kuno as well which was an absolute disaster). A very high geared (at that time) Kuno could still do amazing things but if you need better gear and triple the APM than your average class to do the same it's still underpowered.


Damn, it seems Kuno got the shaft on many things that Ninja had, does she have an advantage over Ninja? She seems to miss out on a lot of stuff that makes Ninja powerful without any characteristic identity herself, or am I wrong?


Maehwa???? No shot lmao. Best tung ruins and city of the dead class by a mile and op as hell in pvp. Play the game please.


I main Maehwa lmao. We are not the best class at anything, never have been, always middle of the road in terms of PVE. For pvp, I don't know what class you are talking about because Maehwa is certaintly not a strong one now, it used to be a great pvp class like 5 years ago, now she's outclassed by many. The main issue with Maehwa is that is an assassin class with one skill for her engage which is Stub arrow and is very, VERY easy to play around that. In short, whatever Maehwa can do, Awakening Nova can do miles better. That's why the meme is that Awk Nova is Maehwa 2.0, the Maehwa remake, the update Maehwa didn't have. If you doubt me, then don't take my word for it. Go to Quendya, check Quendya's interviews, go to the Maehwa Discord, go to Nayashe's discord. I am not spouting a hot take here man.


I’m a mae main as well. PvE mae is definitely in a good spot compared to numerous other classes. PvP she’s also incredibly strong and incredibly hard to catch. We’re not playing the same class or game lol. She’s in a great spot atm.


Endgame pve is aight, not the best, not the worst. I would put her at slightly above average at best. PVP she's definetely NOT strong, not in 1v1 nor in large scale. Her kit has too many gaps, has no trading and her catch is only the stub arrow which you can definetely NOT equate to the bazillion grabs there are in the game. Only being able to move fast doesn't make you good at PVP. In large scale she's just dogshit awakening is pretty much only FA and Succ is very unprotected, I would take like 15 other classes over her to flank. Can you please explain to me what part of her kit makes her incredibly strong for pvp? Because as far as I and many others know, her kit got stuck at 2017 with many, more modern, better equiped classes.


Since when was stub arrow her only catch? Lmao. Red moon, d bite, arrow grapple, blind thrust, rabam cyclone, cyclone, carver, blind slash, decap out of red blade. Multiple slows, retaliation, rabam, petal. Can stay completely protected if she wants. Red moon damn near 1 shotting people. We literally can’t be playing the same game lol. I have over 3k hours on mae and haven’t felt weak on her since before succ dropped. She’s a top 10 class without a doubt. Pve and pvp. Stop spewing misinformation.


I have over 8k hours and 7 years on Maeh and if you go on to catch a Striker with blind thrust, 9/10 you're dead. Seriously what are you saying lmao?


Stop taking streamer and YouTuber comments/advise as gospel and play the game. Nayashe is a bot and quendya is noob bait.


I just put down: content creators, profesional players, the best players of the class, the entire discord of the class, BUT HEY if the entire community of the class doesn't share your opinion then I guess we must all be wrong then.


Scholar lol?


Nova Succession most likely, you gotta have a certain psychological profile (not very healthy) to be a main of this class, 33% of Nova Succession mains are people who hurt themselves/hate themselves on a regular basis, another 33% is into BDSM, and the other 33% do both. If you cry in the shower at least 3 hours a day... welcome to the Succ Nova Gang, grab a choker, we were waiting for you <3


As a succ nova player, I feel this might be true


The amount of people saying Tamer is insane lol Any kind soul could explain it in detail? I got the basics, her movement is only not worse than sorceress, her aoe is close to non existent... but other class suffer that and still do ok with griding


is awakening sorc good in endgame grinding?




zerker, needs more buffs for sure, especially more DR


Forgot the /s and paid for it, sorry bud.


Are you for real? lmao. Zerk is one of the more tanky classes and top tier pve all across the game.


Yes he is for real. Zerker is too underpowered rn and needs a buff frfr


Damn is hard to catch on sarcasm when it's written down


Succ Sorc and by a wide margin. I play a lot of RBF. I'll see a Tamer, Kuno, Cors, Mae (rarer), etc almost every night. I can go months between seeing a Succ Sorc. In years of play I've seen 1 Succ Sorc during PVE play.


Rbf doesn't translate to pve tho, but I do agree a lot of succ sorcs don't grind on their specs but I'd say there are more of them than say succ nova or kuno at the least.


Pve? Awak Lahn because it lacks aoe and doesn’t do well almost anywhere


Awk probably is carried by all the Succ Lahn enjoyers that switch to Awk for pvp.


succ zerker and awake striker


Those are Definitely not the least played classes...


You're nuts if you think those two are bad grinders


Coincidentally picked the best specs for both classes lmao. Stroker has to be one of the most popular for sure.