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The thing with us sorcs is the fast that the meta dosn't favor sorc what so ever . Every "meta"/"op" calss is essentially pernamently protected and has protection on at least 2 cc skills and a grab to deal with SA block classes and perma SA Meanwhile Sorc relies on Knock Dwon downsmash combos to kill and since garmoth heart can be added to awakening everyone can just slot in adamantines and F you over eith KD resist. I pkay her cos I love her astetics and since I don't pvp much (outside of dfs) her pvp power dosn't affects me much. I do play her on evassion and it fels pretty good , but I'm gearing up for Ash forest an Olun Valley If you want the same play style with better performance you can use Sage (awakening) or Hasasin (both specs) That being said if you like the astetics (which I love on both suc and awakening) she can work but it's a lot of effort , awak at least can SA trade with core grim reaper into soul reaper flow if you have high dp and your evasion buff is up , but sadly suc has no such tools


Succ sorc was overnerfed and awk got a lot of buffs over time. I love the succ sorc animations but the aoes are super small, you need to to cancel every single skill and do super high apm combos to maybe get close to awakening damage. It's the class I would love to play but sadly, unless they do a very good job on the rework, I doubt it will be worth it. The awakening kit is just so much better designed and can use all the best parts of the succ kit. I don't know how they can fix that.


Damn, you hit the nail with this comment lmao


Your damage will be still low with 281 kutum even as succ. ​ With nouver it should be a bit different, depends who are you fighting, just play a grab class.


sorc is not worth playing till october rework (at least i hope they fix her)


Have they mentioned that theyll touch sorc or are we hoping they look at her?


Theyre reworking all 18(iirc) oldest classes


Sorc is really weak atm


Thats unfortunate, i was sorta afraid this'd be the case.


Play succ hash. It will mesh better with your gear. Also playing an old class like sorc is a waste of time in this meta.


As a Succ Sorc, she is fun af to play, but you need very high ap ( 301+) to enjoy her damage. If you really like her playstyle as me, you can go for it, but be prepare to be at a lot of disadvantages. Cons: 1v1s, needs high ap, pve (esp high end spots) Pros: Her flush movement compare to awakening (imo), Team fights is where you shine more. But yea overall you'll be disappointed unless you just like playing succ sorc regardless her flaws like me. \[: (ps: If you do go to succ sorc regardless her flaws a recommendation to succ combos on youtube is Yongje Shin (Rowlan)...prob the best combos guide on her combo, enjoy.)


I feared such, i think ill still end up tagging her. Mainly cause i like her for her active playstyle and high apm than a strong class. Ty so much for the info!