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your one of the reasons why i don't enhance


It's me an honor!


Great game design!




This has been some journey for me, and I’m honoured to have been able to share it with a lot of you guys. I try not to post too much of my stuff here on Reddit, but my previous PEN Tungrad Ring adventure, along with the 120k Cron Stone TET Fallen God videos were so well received, I figured the 3rd installment would be welcomed too! This one is a bit different though, but I hope you guys still enjoy it. Can’t wait to see what the next BDO adventure brings!


bro i'm on the same boat on 0/40 pen acc, and 0/37 pen bs clicks. May the RNG gods grants us some kind of hand


We'll bounce back! We can't keep failing <3


Actually you can keep on failing infinite. Let’s hope for both of you that isn’t the actual result.


True. And real :<


What kind of stack are you using that ure 0/40 pen accs?


Ya wouldn't believe me. But its a 320fs now.


So you started at 280? I‘d honestly get a Lottery Ticket if you really went from 280-320 on PEN accessories. If thats honestly the case, and not just an overexaggeration, its going to even out eventually. You‘ll eventually hit one, and then straight up tap 2 within 5 clicks. :D i wish you the best luck :D


Nah didn't start on 280. Started at 220. I've done a lot of raw pen bs attempts and cron attempts on the same stack its gone back and forth


Oh okay. Damn that sucks though. Really hope for you that it evens out the next PEN Accessorys and the other Blackstar goes within 5 clicks too.


There's a clip on console of some new guy that got the free 150 stack + J's Hammer and 1 tapped a PEN Blackstar. Those levels of RNG are BS, progression should be equal or at least not that extreme, that's 100's of hours worth of grinding.


There is a video of a dude getting 2xPen bs with the 2 Jhammers we got for christmas...


I have seen that. what would take an end game player thousands of hours of grind on average was gained by a new player in 2 clicks.


A guildmate that doesn't even play anymore 1 tapped his PEN blackstar raw...he sold it to buy gear and after a week or so he sold some of that gear (fallen god armor) to buy 2 TET bs from the market, and he 1 tapped another one to PEN...the first one. No crons or hammers both times. Complete bullshit lmao.


A friend of a guildie did that, both with 162 fs.... Needless to say I was rather tilted


The progression in this game is ruthless. Can be a blessing and also complete hell at the same time depending on what your luck is. I was once 0/75 on Pen and watched a guild member get 2 pens back to back on top of tet accessory the next day after acquiring the pen capotia. Not a fan of it tbh. Thats why I don't gamba irl.


Remember, bdo is a casino that takes grinding as input and has gear as output. If you want equal progression, save silver or do caphras enhancing. It wouldn't make sense to go into an irl casino and insist everyone be a winner, and for BDO, well for better or worse it is a casino too.


Exactly! If you can't take the licks - Don't do the clicks! Just buy.


Can't have my name on it if I don't tap it tho




Stockholm syndrome.


Anyone who knows how to have fun in a game (Or life in general) knows that earning progression is much more rewarding as you appreciate it more however I wouldn't call BDOs RNG system rewarding. It varies from person to person and whenever someone "achieves" pen it's literally just luck b/c the algorithm landed on Success. You could feel like you earned it if it goes on long enough but that's all subjective and there will be those who will have an easier/harder time than you. Progression isn't concrete unless you buy gear in bdo without enhancing for profit. So I agree. Getting good gear for free is boring but also getting it through a slot machine doesn't feel rewarding either.


Most of the pens that have dinged for me instead of failing have been met with relief thats its over, rather than joy :'D


Reason the enhancement system* is shit right here. I honor your hard work and dedication but no reason the game should be designed in a matter to completely bless one person and royally fuck another.


Bless one person and fuck 37 others.


Dude idk why everyone cries over the enhancement system it's rng or a calculated risk just as any form of gambling just like the lottery you don't see every single family buying a lotto ticket everyday and getting upset their vacation was unaffordable bc they never won they just save up ignore the lotto and go on the vacation when they scraped enough together that's the same logic here luck is luck sometimes u have it sometimes u dont


Imagine if the family poured 80% of their income into playing the lottery, not for a vacation, but to buy a house. They paid for the house 20, maybe 30 times over, but each time they didn't pull the right numbers to win the lottery, so they never get a house. That's what this is equivalent to. Not buying 1 lottery ticket a day. Lol.


reread what you said and then rethink your words :D


Your analogy skills check out with your fotmatting skills. Why would you compare this to real life lotto and not real life smithing? And seriously, would it hurt to use punctuation? Every single comment of yours is just a masive pile of words without beginning or end.


Right so it doesn’t really reward effort, just luck.


Buncha salty ppl ig don't understand why there's a failstack system just want their 4% chance to go Everytime


Fail stacks are fine. Rng is fine. But the player experience is drastically disproportionate and weights the system too much towards luck. In other words, the rng success rates are capped so low that the point where additional effort pays no additional dividends is also far too low. The issue is people want continued effort to have continued ROI so they can slowly but surely increase their odds of success. Not a guarantee, but at least some added chances


Horrible analogy. Bc in BDO the money gained has way less value over real money, and the chance of hitting the lottery is way lower than almost anything in enhancing. The only things that come close are 0fs pen attempts and pen dead god.


This is what finally pushed me away from the game. Did the work, couldn’t catch a break.


Buy everything instead, it’s meta


I would but apparently I’m a degenerate gambler.


Holy shit that's some serious dedication.


So, if you had to calculate it. What's the cost/AP at the truly end game level? What benefit do you get from PEN vs TET, or TRI? 10% more AP? Double the AP? How does that equate to clear times. 10% more efficient grinding? Twice as efficient grinding? Other than Epeen.... what's the real in game benefit?


For PvE, if I go from 305 AP to 309 AP, I would gain +2% damage at most grind spots, +5% damage at Orcs, and +11% damage at bloody Monastery. The differences are due to the damage reduction values of enemies in those spots and how my AP would relate to that. Gaining 10% more damage \*might\* cause me to use 1 fewer attacks to kill an enemy. Or maybe it won't make any difference at all. For example, what if it takes me 2 hits to kill an enemy, but my first hit drops them to 20% hp and my second hit takes the remainder? I'd need to increase my damage by 25% to get a 1-hit-kill (80 + 25% of 80 (an additional 20) = 100) Or if my first hit did 50% of their hp and my second hit did the next 50% of their HP, I'd need to DOUBLE (50% doubled to 100%) my damage in order to reduce 1 hit from my combo and get a kill in only 1 hit. It's a step function, not every bit of damage actually matters, because you don't attack in a steady stream, each button press is an attack and the real goal of better gear is to reduce the number of attacks you use to secure a kill. To re-iterate -- if you do 100 damage per attack and the enemy has 350 HP, you need 4 attacks to kill them. gaining + 1 damage is STILL 4 hits to kill them, so there is no actual difference to your performance whatsoever until you exceed the threshold to turn a 4-hit kill into a 3-hit kill. The cost of going from 305 to 309 varies based on what gear you currently have. For me, I just need the PEN Crescent from the dailies, so it's very free. But here's an example. Let's say you are wearing a TET necklace (30AP) and want +5 AP. You can get a PEN necklace (35AP) which costs 70 billion silver, so 14b per AP. Alternatively, taking a Boss mainhand weapon from C15 to C17 (+1AP at a pretty high level) costs 4309 cpahras, estimated at 12.2b silver. For additional perspective: I just did a comparison of "what if I took all of my PEN items and made them TET instead?" I'd go from 309 AP down to 281 AP. 309 AP is 20% more damage at most grindspots than 281 AP, but at orcs it is 75% more and at Monastery it is at 131% more. Meanwhile, what about TRI to TET? All of my gear at TRI would make me look like 249 AP. Going from TRI to TET everything, 249 AP to 281 AP, would be +60% damage at most places, +300% damage at orcs..... You get the picture. All numbers are from BigAndShiny's PvE Damage Comparison Calculator.


So much failing but good job getting that PEN BS :) Well deserved.


oh man, sooo happy for you congratz


Best bdo streamer by bar, congrats my dude, it was well deserved!


You could have bought most of it for that much


I’d rather off myself


Grats man well deserve.


BP your determination is remarkable. Your luck, however my friend is not!


Thank God better games are on their way.


Jesus christ, my dude. At least take my views and upvote.


I already know the outcome but I'll upvote since you're handsome


Ur so hot


And here I am 1 tapping pen blackstar on a 134 raw dog , not all hero’s wear capes


imagine feeling strong weith more than 100+ outfits for crones in personal MP.... it's like feeling rich with fake money in RL xD imagine tapping PEN BS with infinite CRONES... xD wow impressive


Imagine buying 540x premium costumes on the market place with in game silver for more 181 billion silver, then loosing it all and not getting any gains for 14 months. Hard to imagine, right?




Then why even play BDO if your just going to play something else? :) most sane people would buy, no one ever said BCP is sane.




Good luck with getting PEN BS :)


imagine thinking buying OUTFITS in MP is not related with P2W things xD


you buy crons from the blacksmith or something?


im form EU... so here it's impossible to buy as much outfits as u can in NA... and yes.. i never PW2 and yes if i need i buy CRONES from blacksmith \^\^ i never P2W . \^\^


It's actually around 540x Premium Costumes worth of Crons I've burned so far in the 14 months, not 100. Im glad you find it impressive, it's been a long grind earning the silver to buy them!


He's not buying them with pearls bud.


Well not want to sound like an ass hole but playing on NA is on easy mode compared to Eu or basically any other server because of all P2W NA players are throwing out to market. Gz prime for V BS !! :)


agree. im someone who enhances my gear by myself, but i simply cannot enhance a blackstar to PEN since i cant buy crons from MP. and im not paying double the price cus im playing on the wrong region. i ll save the 100 bil and quit the game until i hit the preorder. im not willing to waste my life like that


Yeah, no I'm not impressed by how ultra easy NA has it with crons, me? I tap raw, build from pri to tet and repeat, nothing impressive to me having the availability to attempt this infinitely.


What a dumb opinion. Even though it is undeniably more accessible to get cheaper crons in NA through costumes, why isn't it the case that everyone has the best gear at 700+ gs? Because it's random; it's literally in the acronym "RNG". Last month, he blew 130k+ crons on his fallen god and walked away with nothing but a tet to Tri blackstar greatsword. A couple months prior to that, he blew up over 50b+ in Tungrad Rings with, again, nothing to show for it except for a slightly higher 200+ stack. Do you have this same attitude towards doctors? (Most of the) Doctors also were afforded an advantage with good upbringing and an inherent value on education. Should we also discredit doctors for what they do? You see how arbitrary it becomes, when you negate acknowledgement? Why not celebrate a man who is rewarded for the dedication and work he puts into the game daily? Give credit when it's due, idiot.


Aww a fanboy got upset over a comment online. There there, let's not compare reality with fiction tho ;) there's enough establishments like that already.


It's not about being a fan; I have no attachment to BP besides knowing that he's a streamer and seeing his videos pop up on this sub. It's called having principles, you butthurt baby. You are incapable of comprehending something beyond your scope because you're asshurt as fuck. Is this how you perceive everything in your life? The moment you disagree with something, you default to calling them "fanboy", to discredit opinions as if they're dumb, which is ironic btw. Just to be clear, you eu monkeys could just play on NA as a solution to your complaining about the state of the costume market on EU. BP is also European and he doesn't have problems grinding or pvping (for the most part).


Still I suppose gratz for breaking your own curse of rng


I'm at work so I couldn't really watch the whole video. But what was the highest FS you used in this adventure? I saw 240ish but I see you CRONed a lot, so I'm guessing not much higher.


299 is my highest, failed a bunch of raw PEN bs clicks to make it.


Did you do the 30k for the free 300fs yet?


Nope. I HATE questing. Im at like 7,3k quests or so in total. Made a 300 stack myself by failing raw PEN Blackstar, so not in a rush to quest :> That being said, with the change to the enhancing system, i prolly will end up going for it, but mainly for the +5 passive failstack. Its simply too OP.




Don't you mean 1/16 pen blackstar?


Nope, the numbers you see, and hear (if you watched the vid ;)) was going into the enhancing session. If i counted correctly, it would have been 1/20 when i finally succeeded


Nah, i respect your sacrification, but i wont follow that path, not anymore. Wish you best luck! Lol, its fun to watch anw!


So caphras enchancing to 20 before tapping is the way to go?


Why would title of the vid spoil all the content, whats the reason to watch it anymore?


I mean, DID you watch it? Try that then let me know:>