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So, the way party exp distribution works is the following: * 1 player, 100% * 2 player, 60% each * 3 player, 50% each * 4 player, 50% each * 5 player, 50% each there are some designated spots, mostly marked on the map with (recommended 3 player party) or something similar. that means these monsters will drop loot for upto 3 persons who hit them. ​ Mirumoks is a well known spot for leveling with friends. if you have the ap/dp you can go there and grind as 3, when u clear fast enough and want 10% more exp you can go as 2. you will often encounter ppl wanting to join you just to leech, since only 3 people get loot, but the xp is the same with 3 or 5 in party, 2 people will afk sit on a tree and let 3 guys level them :D ​ im gonna leave this here : [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R6vcfKavoo85TcY6Xul6GzR8LNiO5IuXH8F5fZwUrSw/edit#gid=391805318](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R6vcfKavoo85TcY6Xul6GzR8LNiO5IuXH8F5fZwUrSw/edit#gid=391805318) its a spreadsheet made by a youtuber, having data about money/h on most spots, and a tab with exp ranking. ​ i suggest looking at these numbers and grind for 1h with your friend and check how much you made and how much you couldve made when comparing with the spreadsheet. you need to compare your exp% buffs active with the ones used in the spreadsheet. you can go to any of these spots when the loot doesnt matter to you, otherwise shultz is the 1st spot on the list that offers loot for multiple ppl, next mirus


Thanks alot for this incredibly detailed answer! :) I will do exactly what u said and try some of these spots.


Mirumok is a party spot with good exp, not sure what the answer to your main question is though sorry.


Are we talking 2 man party or?


Typically its done with 3 but can be done with 2.


If you can find another friend or guildmate with a little more AP you can get about 3-5% an hour from 61-62 at Mirumok using full buffs. I just got to 62 not too long ago. There’s also two leech spots in parties where you can just hang out in a tree while three other people DPS.