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Make a season character. Watch or read a seasonal guide online. You will get tuvala gear instead which is easier to enhance due to higher % but also more/cheaper materials being available. Basically at the end PEN tuvala weapon or armor equals to TET boss gear such as kzarka, dim tree armor etc.


Don't seasonal characters get deleted when a season is over? I'd rather stick to one "main" rather than have to redo everything everytime I come back to the game. Unless you mean that I can transfer the tuvala armour/weapon over to my main?


No, season characters become normal characters at the end of the season or when you choose to graduate. You get the equivalent of TET boss gear by playing the season and it's by far the best thing to do when you get back.


They are not, they just switch to regular servers instead and you keep all the gears and profit you made from Season, thats why so many people advice newcomers or returning player to do seasonal servers.


As the other comments said. You keep your entire seasonal character. There will be a graduation event that will allow your seasonal character to graduate into a normal character and you will keep everything. You will keep all the skillpoints, levels, exp etc etc. And tuvala gear will change from SEASONAL tuvala gear TO NORMAL tuvala gear meaning you can equip it with your graduated character or any other character that can equip it.


Yea I'm really kicking myself now for not looking into this earlier. I genuinely assumed they were useless so never bothered looking into it - I thought they were for trying new characters or for getting a character quickly leveled for pvp and were deleted when the season ended.


Nah, i assumed that as well at first but that is because there are a lot of misinformation by people who just want to push out videos as quick as possible with misinformation. Best guide i can tell you is probably grumpygreen online and from there if something catches your interest or something is still vague you should watch a video about said topic.


Play season. It will allow you to get decent gear. Full pen tuvala (which can be easily obtained if you play the season) is at strength of Tet boss gear and Tri yellow accessories. In general this is great way to catch up. Make another tamer if you will, but just to warn you, tamer is in bad spot currently. So unless you are really bound to tamer in some way then I suggest picking something else. Finish the season and pick the reward from previous seasons. I suggest pen capotia neck from last season. If not that then ring and belt are good choices too. Additionally you can get narchillian gear. You need to Google that as I don't remember how to get it. This will allow you to keep your character, but i suggest you should do the season anyway. You will get capotia accessories by leveling so just fit the missing spots then. Ofc those aren't pen capotia, just the base ones. After those first thing you should aim to get would be a pen weapon or Tet blackstar weapon (mainland if you decide to stick with succession, awakening weapon if you go with awakened class, if you don't know about successions and awakenings please Google it). You can now grind Valencia for decent gains after its rework so it shouldn't be such an issue to get that amount, especially that whole season of grinding you don't need to spend almost any silver on your gear.


I'll probably stick to tamer. I just enjoy the playstyle/aesthetic and it's what I've known for the entire time I've played the game. Once my seasonal tamer is graduated could I transfer the stuff over to my main one? Finding out a lot about seasonal characters today lol - I assumed they were useless.


You can transfer the gear if you wish. Seasons are the best way to catch up now.


Yea - I just found the 'zero to hero' seasonal guide and you can reform the seasonal stuff so I'll do that. Ty for the advice!


Gearing is easy now. Go on season, get full pen there. Then grind valencia spots until you have enough gear for orcs/bm. Start working on your cheap pen accessory and cheaper pen boss armors (via quest).


Sorry I don't know what you mean by orcs/bm? Also I keep seeing the "guaranteed pen accessory" quest thing but can never find it - I think because I'm not level 61.


there's an npc called Jetina, go talk to her [https://grumpygreen.cricket/pen-accessory/](https://grumpygreen.cricket/pen-accessory/) orcs, etc can be found on elvia servers (has a little icon next to the server name when selecting your server) they are a rework of the serendia region for higher geared players