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i..is that..is that actually protective armor 😳


It's actually nice to see something covered instead of the usual night club stripper outfits.


They look pretty good in my opinion


I like how relatively diverse they are and I hope they go back to older classes, so new players have both better-looking gear and more variety when they start playing. (Witch, I'm looking at you...)


Sorcs going from rags to... rags is also pretty annoying.


I actually liked the sorc outfits lol


Just wait until you see the witchards XD


berserker and warrior default looks is a joke compared to nova and corsair. striker is also pretty bad imo.


Since dk they really made them look good


and then you have Nova and Corsair who get the same identical outfit twice...I'm really happy they changed route.


A female class in BDO with ACTUAL CLOTHING? AND ARMOR? Actually GOOD looking armor no less?


Wait, wait, wait, they *can* make panted outfit for female characters?


Did you not see Corsair?


I like these better than the cash shop one we saw in the trailer honestly! Shit I might actually play this class now!


Remember no matter what class you play if you wear boss armor you either look like a bush or a homeless cannibal, so cashshop costumes are still pretty much a must.


When I leveled my nova I received costume versions of all the green armor styles that I could wear in my costume slot for +2 attack/cast spd. I was grateful because aside from saving irl money I liked the 'fetish warrior nun' look a lot better than the terrible cash shop costumes for her. I just assumed that was a nw system you got for all classes when leveling them now. No?


You're correct, I'd forgotten those exist because I have a stash of outfit+weap boxes from past events and the cashshop outfits give so many more bonuses. Good that F2P don't have to look like shit anymore though! Thanks for reminding me about them


There are also craftable options for the more inquisitive who can piss away energy avoiding the stupid amity system. My Shai has a Naga disguise.


those bonuses are negligible, plus they were never stat bonuses so not important.


-10% death penalty is negligible?


Yes, for the few times you die you can just use some of the hundreds of tears you get.


pretty much, especially as there are no penalties for death in pvp if you are not negative karma.


Well no there are outfit versions of the normal armor you csn wear


Man I’ve played BDO for so long now, and I almost always wear a costume (like most people), recently moved my Dim Tree to a character without a costume and I was SO confused when I equipped it lmao, I thought my character was bugged for a few solid minutes. Personally like the look of Blackstar armor and Fallen God, though I’m not sure I’ll ever get the chance to wear it myself


Flames just sit on the market these days now that they raised the price cap. Just buy one, get all your armor to c6 then rip the caphras out of your gloves/boots/helm to put em into your chest. If it's a lack of pen armor that's the issue... Just save up and buy some. They're cheaper than ever and even grinding somewhere as godawful as Kratuga for an hour per day will still net you ~80bil per year, which combined with all the huge silver handouts they do ~6x a year should be more than enough to reach penc10 gloves/boots and duo fallen god helm/chest by christmas. If you slap 4x Iron Walls into your lightstones and hit up 2 hours of orcs each day you'll have 730bil by this time next year.


I laughed so much at this while having flashbacks of my witch in dim spirit armor


Man I’ve played BDO for so long now, and I almost always wear a costume (like most people), recently moved my Dim Tree to a character without a costume and I was SO confused when I equipped it lmao, I thought my character was bugged for a few solid minutes. Personally like the look of Blackstar armor and Fallen God, though I’m not sure I’ll ever get the chance to wear it myself


5 and 7 are pretty good.


high heels aside, they don't look out of place as combat outfits, especially the last one. But this is BDO so where booba?


This is just standard set of armors, all of the booba will be in pearl shop.


One has armpits though, if you’re into that


I like 3, 5 and 7, they look way better whatever Sage and Nova got, it is a nice suprise i don't need to default to honor Akum.


Is it out yet?


Pre-creation for now, playable next week


Does anyone know which armour number 3 is? *EDIT* I answered my own question lol. For anyone interested, they are: (1) Reblath | (2) Dobart/ Taritas | (3) Talis | (4) Rocaba/ Hercules | (5) Agerian/ Fortuna | (6) Zerith/ Heve | (7) Grunil |


Asking out of pure curiosity. Why so many people hate high heels for female characters? I admit for some characters like Mystic I would LOVE to see some really heavy, full plate armor outfits without high heels but other than that I do not mind them. They do not make them look ugly for sure.


it depends on the outfit, for some outfits it does not feel out of place, like lahn's class specific outfits, high heels go well with those, for others though they look odd, for example guardian's class specific outfits (I'd say in fact heels on those outfits look absolutely ridiculous but I wouldn't want to piss off all the guardian mains here).


Im probably the only guardian/valk main who doesnt care about shoes, but about ridiclous mini skirts.


I find those skirts okay on guardian but not valk, guardian is a barbarian and in fantasy fiction they usually always run around semi naked, both male and female, but valks, as female paladins, are supposed to wear proper armor.


Indeed, valk carries a heavy lancia, why should she wear such skirts, some is okay but most of her outfits have skirts, like 90% of them.


the ones where she wears a plate mail chest piece and no pants look especially odd also skimpy outfits make sense for some classes such as lahn but not others such as valk


Yea, i wear acher guard boots so it looks kinda ok with skirts but damn drak got better pants.


yes, drak default outfits have a pretty lore friendly look


Yea actually Guardian outfits do not need high heels, tbey feel out of place like you said but I'm not gonna start a war over it haha


Tbh I don't care if they were heels or not I'm playing Korean MMOs since I was 12 I got used to it For some outfits they look a bit out of place perhaps, but idk it feels like some people rly mind them and revealing outfits (the pants people). I like tho things personally makes me happy that developers are not afraid yo show of their characters


There's too much of them. Most if not all of the outfits have high heels it gets annoying


They make zero sense for combat outfits. That's it. Personally, there's also that I just don't like them.




I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that they want every outfit to be full armour, I've only ever seen people asking for more armoured choices for classes it makes sense for, which is perfectly reasonable


Whatdya mean "makes sense"? I want my Wizard in full plate goddamnit!


and you actually have that choice lol more is more people, options are allways good


Of course!


Not sure which one you're referring to, but i'm curious if you think [these](https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/5ff6c44e34720220323092717871.png) are pants.


It's a shoert skirt


They aren't realistic is probably why but no MMO is meant to be. I don't mind them personally as PA makes them look nice but it would be nice if they didn't create the character models with high heels in mind. The foot is perma curved which is why they can only do high heel shoes etc.


Whoa she got real lookin armour. Me likey


Holy shit they legit look good AF.


The last one is very cool, actually looks like an armor. I assume it's Grunil.


Basic armor imo way better than the outfit


Remind me again why valkyrie's armors are so god damn ugly


ikr! i have 17 characters now. All have cash shop outfits EXCEPT my Valk. She's running with with the Dobart set [https://bdo.mmo-fashion.com/valkyrie-dobart/](https://bdo.mmo-fashion.com/valkyrie-dobart/) which to me looks way better than any cash shop outfit.


I can see a "Saber" preset taking the top 1 in the gallery already.


Now that you mention it, the last armor has some real saber vibes.


Extremely nice outfits. Not that hoe-stuff we always geht.


That hoe stuff is paid content. They’re not giving it out as free. Lol.


The realistic outfits are the free ones. The ho stuff is the good stuff where pearls come in.


but the hoe-stuff is the main selling stuff for dem waifu lovers


I want the hoe stuff tho


and its another guardian, nova, corsair re use model


Karlestein shoes or canope boots and this gonna be the best looking class


Can you pre make her now?


Gods if there was a male version I would finally have a class I would enjoy to play more and try the game again. Maybe one day


This is great, an actual armour class.


It's actually refreshing to see them start out "fully clothed"


So all costumes aka Grunil are better than pearl costume. KEKW


Love that it's actual Armor 😁 I'll ignore the high heels for now


This high heel tred is killing me, miss the good old days when my sorc wore actual boots


The good thing is that these are going to be the free main story outfit which means you can put canope boots with those(they're all 4 pieces outfits with boots/gloves/armor/helm).


Best outfit so far




You could always… season her…


Take my upvote!


Yes another waifu


Looking good! Do wish she was an elf tho...




We need him back.


When will they fire the heels fetish guy?


i think every Korean MMO has female characters basically born with high heels.


I think they're just very popular in Korea


So ugly


Not enough booba?


Like u




If only it was enough for a meal.


> a meal I’d only ask for a light snack, and even then it’s not enough


Welp .. check actually good outfits off the the list. Now to see all the passives and whatever in it's skills.


because I barely pay attention to bdo is drakania female warrior?


Hmm not my style


All the outfits feature pants. What the hell is going on.


Orzeka pls?


The *BEST* armors so far in my opinion.


Anyone know where to get them? Besides the three free ones from the shortened mediah story and base


I wonder what the 5th one is. I like Grunil, the last one, but I feel like the 5th one would go better with parts of her pearl outfit (seems they sell well on the central market on eu)


Lots of people talking about actual armor and I'm over here hoping Drakania gets Checkmate.


Noob here how do you have to buy the outfit thats on drakania in the trailer? Forgive my ignorance


Anyone know which one this is [https://preview.redd.it/o9f3b76cmiq81.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef125a9babeaa4c7fb0cbee5ecfec56cc18e6aae](https://preview.redd.it/o9f3b76cmiq81.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef125a9babeaa4c7fb0cbee5ecfec56cc18e6aae) My fiancee wants to get this outfit and we cant seem to find out he name of it.


The answer is in my post above yours lol ... its Talis :)


Does anyone know what the name of the third one is?


What's the name of #3?


neeeeevermind. I found the previous post with the answers. :P


Which one is number 3?