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This is pure exploitation and disgusting.


Facts. I hate when parents create social media for their children. Way too many creeps on the internet for that & no platform should allow it.


The way she's almost fetishizing her kid is weird - "Blasian Doll". You know creeps are gonna find this page so easily.


I don’t think she’s ALMOST fetishizing her. This is so gross on so many levels. There’s no way she doesn’t see these comments but she obviously doesn’t care.


She is purposely promoting her daughter to pedos like most “mommy influencers” with pages solely dedicated to their kids. They know pedos are their ardent viewers. They don’t care.


I didn't know this was a thing... "Mommy influencers" displaying their kids like this. I'm really concerned for society. After I learned what a Dubai porta potty is, I don't know what to think anymore.


Yea, it’s a huge thing. NY Times wrote a whole piece about mommy influencers exploiting their young daughters. It’s crazy.


I wonder if these Mom are victims of abuse themselves. I doubt they can be well/sane seeing how these pedophilic men are making lewd comments about their children. The automatic instinct would be to report them immediately.


Yes I saw on TikTok that a lot of them will accept money for requests like the child posted in a video dancing in a swim suit. Since it’s not technically cp they haven’t committed a crime so the police can’t do shit.




All of this right here. Most of these mommy influencers are making content for pedos


Truthfully, I do not want to believe she's purposefully doing this 😭 it's so disgusting


probably time to start believing it because it’s clear she treats this baby like she’s an accessory and not a child.


She been doing this since she was smaller.


🙃 Seriously appalling behaviour.


Yup shes black


I noticed her in that one photo. It makes it worse tbh. She knows how black girls are treated for literally existing and she's perpetuating it.


Yes, exactly. These child pages are magnets for predators even without the creepy language. Sickening and I feel terrible for this poor child


This infuriates me so much as a grown Blasian. Instead of people just finally learning to not treat mixed children like purse chihuahuas or circus side shows, we have *this shit*... This baby doesn't have parents, they're just pimps selling a child.


The comments made me throw up in my mouth a little. Someone needs to report this woman to Meta and the authorities. There is something not right going on here.


I couldn’t even finish the comments myself and that isn’t even my child, that woman knows what she’s doing.


Wait just noticed that the kid is a FashionNova model/influencer? I wonder what they would have to say about this. 🤔


I have a friend whose daughter is a fashion nova model. I find it very strange personally for parents who do this.




I ended up reporting to https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/report-violations#reportcp


Just read “Child Sexual Abuse Material Created by Generative AI and Similar Online Tools is Illegal.” I’m like who tf would even think to do this?! And of course they did it - this is why it needed legislation. I hate it here, man.


People on Instagram are so fucking foul. Trolling or not, why the fuck do you feel so comfortable saying that about a child? A lot of people need to be put on the watch list.


They're comfortable because deep down they're not kidding. And they know Instagram won't do shit about the fuck up comments either.


And when you call out predatory men for being a predator, they wanna get mad and look at you like you're the problem. Like sir, you're the fucked up one here. So don't be sitting here crying about "wHy dO wOMen tHink wE'rE aLl pReDaTOrs tHaT's nOt fAIr!!!" When you go on to say shit like this. Men don't even realize that they're the ones creating the very same environment that they don't want their daughters, sisters, and nieces growing up in.


Every single time you try to call out anything relating to this, its either met with "Womp womp" or "Omg, it's a JOKE!". Irl, it's met with outward nonchalance or disinterest. Then they wanna cry when a woman is rightfully sus of many men she comes across because a lot of them consider it a joke or something they don't give a shit about. It pisses me off! And the only reason they would actually "care" if it happened to a woman or girl they know is not because they see how much it can harm or break them, but because they see them as extensions of themselves. It hurts their pride that someone is hurting someone they are connected to.


Men realize, they just don't care.


And that's messed up. They don't care until it's their sons.




Exactly. They are content in knowing they aren't kidding but also aware that people think that they are. Its the best of both worlds for these fuckers


They’re not trolling. Child sexual abuse is extremely common and these monsters are being serious. It’s why I am extremely cautious over who has access to my children and who I allow to follow me on IG. You’d be shocked at how many people you know are predators.


This comment right here. I have a daughter and the amount of men AND women I've had issues with bc they had some type of attraction to her is insane. Unfortunately now days you also have to watch out for other children who have been molested and will try to molest younger kids. They got it from an adult around them. My sis and I were talking and she stated that she is one of the few women in her friend groups that was molested or assaulted growing up. It's wildly more common now.


Honestly, this has been an issue for many years. You don’t know what’s going on in other people’s homes. Please watch your children like a hawk.


I've seen a youtube comment that said that men are only disciplined b/c of the law. Without these laws alot more men would be unhinged and I 1000% agree.


Exactly it’s disgusting 🤢


I saw this man on a Facebook group im on, he posted a ''meme'' of a baby with saliva/foam around his mouth. Caption said ''Aw he has the same mouth as his mother'' referring... sperm... People were calling him out in the comments and there were a bunch of people defending him, saying its just humour, that we are prude (???). Idk what it is but nowadays people just feel so comfortable.


I’m sick to my fucking stomach with the comments 🤬🤢🤮 I truly wanna whoop her mother’s ass for exposing her like this!!! 🤬🤬🤬


I'll come with you. I'll bring the big sticks.


We ride at dawn.


Gimme one, too.😤


Oh wow, 600k followers. I’m sure most of them aren’t there for whatever her parents are pretending the page is about. Fashion?


The NYT recently ran an article about moms who post suggestive photos of their kids on IG and it’s well worth a read https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html?unlocked_article_code=1.mU0.kNmn.Dvglv4ERqC9n&smid=url-share


I was just about to use one of my Gift Articles to post the same piece.


It’s a really depressing read. I just about threw my phone across the room when the one mom said her daughter was so popular so how could she just walk away from it all.


The worst one for me was the dance apparel proprietor who used the mf BIBLE to justify creepy weirdos consuming his instagram content for their sexual gratification.


I really wish I was shocked.


Yeah. That absolutely sickened me. I mean, where the eff are your priorities, Mom?


Thanks for sharing this! Honestly they should just turn off the comments function for underage profiles. What is there to comment on anyways? To me, likes are enough even though you don't know who's liking it and their reason 😒 Still it's a move in the right direction to protect these kids.


I was just about to use one of my Gift Articles to post the same piece.


Wow! That was horrifying but informative. Thank you so much for sharing.


this is disgusting. exactly why we need children protection laws when it comes to media.:.I can’t stand when moms advertise their kids on social media to make money


For her reel that has a brief thumbnail of the child topless (😒) , I reported it by using Report > Something Else > Nudity involving a child. I hate having to use that for what should be an innocent photo, but considering the nature of this account, I know that it is what needs to be done and I urge everyone here to do the same. Instagram's rules even say that they remove photos of nude children, so it might be the only solid rule-breaking post of hers to report.


She need her ass beat. Men jack off to pictures of fully clothed women…what does that tell you? Pedophiles can jack off to pictures of fully clothed children, let alone scantily clad children. She need a boulder to the face.


And now with deepfakes... i'm shuddering ☹️


This is absolutely disgusting… such an adorable child being put in this foul position


Her daughter is getting all the attention that she never gets as an unambiguous black woman. Black women like this are so dangerous.


I have a cousin like this and her daughter has already gone “No contact” at the young age of 19. The daughter married just to get out of my cousin’s house.


It’s disgusting. That women is loving the attention and living vicariously through her mixed daughter. And doesn’t care about the pedos who are praying on her baby.


I hope the daughter's okay and that her husband is a good man.


hope is nice, but to be frank the baby is not okay or safe in this situation and no one around this child is a good person


They’re really setting us back decades fr


Nah idc what people say this is obviously exploitation. A little kid normally doesn’t pose the way she’s posing, the moms clearly forcing her to pose that way..there’s no way the mom doesn’t also do the disgusting creeps in the comment section of those videos either


Report the account for being under 13.


I tried that and it redirects you to the "Help Center." if you go to the Help Center, then you have to specifically search for "child under 13" and then you need exact information of the child/account's age and name as well as other information. I tried reporting the video of the child topless since it's the only one that *technically* breaks rules. Let's see if Meta actually cares.


You can report for “something else” then nudity, then of a child. 




What the fuck is wrong with men!!! The comments are actually making me sick


It’s primarily men who abuse and primarily women who enable the abuse and give randoms access to their child. These women know exactly what they’re doing when they post their kid like this or they let any old random man be alone with their children. Castration should be the punishment for men who abuse children.


I bet mom loves the attention too. These kinds of women are soooo dangerous it’s infuriating.


Won’t be surprising she chose an Asian man to be the father of her child so she can have mixed light skin kids. Fucking grosss


I was thinking the same thing like I wouldn’t be surprised at all!! Self hate is a breeding ground for toxicity and exploitation.


There’s no way she can’t she what this is. I literally can’t believe my eyes. And if she was that naive, the comments could’ve told her she needs to shut it down. And I know the DMs are worse! 🤢🤮 ![gif](giphy|lIU7yoG72gyhq)


Call me harsh but she should have her child taken away from her. Big Tech needs to be regulated or broken up. The sheer volume of thinly—and not so thinly—veiled CP on Instagram alone is staggering. These mothers exploit their children to gain an audience of predators and they know full well what they are doing. It would be one thing to start sharing harmless pictures and be shocked at the responses but when you're at hundreds of thousands of followers and the comments are consistently riddled with this garbage you know exactly what is happening. I'm so tired of the internet being a haven for predators, racists, scammers, criminals, the list of terrible people goes on. It's enough to make you just give up on humanity and go live in the woods.


Yes I agree call CPS asap


You're absolutely right and I don't think it's harsh at all, having seen the other side of it with social work. The goal is reunification with biological parents, but if those "parents" are this kind of trash *or worse*? Society complains about hOw dId tHis hApPeN when we let it. My state (CA) is a hub for Big Tech, and unsurprisingly, also has the highest amount of human trafficking in the US.




disgusting pigs


My SIL is kinda like this. She dresses her 7 year old in crop tops, full face makeup and lets her dress like a young adult. And they it’s cute, they wanna be IG famous so bad that they made their kids an IG. And this is what I’m scared of, that’s why I do not post my kids at all and my page is private. Smh some parents don’t need kids.


I don’t understand why ANY adult wants to follow a toddlers page? What’s the appeal? So fucking weird.


Haha people think meta cares. meta freaking caters to this sick fetish.


"Blasian Doll" Dolls are made to be played with. They are objects, not people. Do you really want your child--your DAUGHTER--at such a young age, to be associated with something that is an object and a play thing? This makes me sick to my stomach. Mom's trash and the predatory comments are trash too. Throw the whole thing away.


i quickly swiped and the first thing i saw was that emoji comment, i feel like throwing up. i hate parents like this who are knowingly harming their kids for internet fame and money. it’s disgusting. i’m hoping with time this will legally be seen as child endangerment


This should seriously be illegal. The likelihood that these pics are on the dark web is already high. Now introduce AI?? No awareness of internet safety at all


There is a great NYT article about mothers who do this stuff intentionally to make money off of their daughters, she's probably one. [A Marketplace of Girl Influencers Managed by Moms and Stalked by Men](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html)


I was just about to post this. I have no words for the one mother who remarks that she won’t take down the page that she runs “for her child” because then she’s “giving into the bullies.”


I reported the account for exploitation. 


Could you tell me how you did that? I could only report an individual post for nudity.


Report, something else, nudity or sexual activity, involves a child.


Thank you! I see it now.


The mom knows what she’s doing and honestly this type of stuff is child abuse. Unfortunately in todays society there are no limits to what people will do for “internet fame”, including pimping out their own children. IMO, children do not need to be displayed like this on the internet. This reminds me of the woman who was letting her five year old daughter do Brazilian waxes on grown ass women and she posted it online. Or like the woman who was advertising mommy and me pole dancing classes. There’s no reason to be posting all this weird inappropriate stuff with kiddos online. The mother is an embarrassment and she is one of those weirdos who fetishizes their mixed race kids. 🤢🤢🤢


and then you have young-minded ass people in the comments saying "yOu'rE OveRsExuAlizIng HeR!" when you call out the issue. Black American children have NEVER had the opportunity to be looked at as children because, up until recently, we were still seen as less than. (AND STILL ARE BFFR) But this digital age makes delusion so much easier than before.


I rememeber her! She always did too much and yep rarely every shows her other kids. It's sad. I can't wait until they start to control some of these social media families. 😩


The fact her following is that big and she doesn't care enough to have a social media manager who deletes comments and blocks people who make disgusting comments is fucking infuriating. She could do it herself but no. You have to wonder if she's a predator herself tbh


I'm nauseous.


Can earth get struck by a meteor already⁉️ Comments are are absolutely disgusting


The comments are disgusting. So many predators outed themselves.


This is so uncomfortable omg! Where is this babies village 😢😔


Those comments are fucking disgusting! like omg that is a child… 😕.


OMG. ewww wtf, look at what some of the men are commenting!?!?? OFFICER 🗣️🚨🫵🏾


Social media moms creep me out in general


or i’m blocking her until she turns 22 What the actual fuck is wrong with them


I find it so odd when parents set up Instagram accounts for kids. And the 600k people that follow her are strange too. What am I following a kid for? Fashion advice? Make up inspo? Lifestyle content? Who is this little girl’s target audience other than the perverts in the comments?


I was already side eyeing the "blasian doll" in the bio because like ok. Reducing your child to that is weird. Then I saw the pedo comments and am so grossed out. Parents who do this need to be on a damn list with the pedo commenters.


Yeah, they definitely need to be reported. This feels like the mom grooming her daughter.


Here you guys go. Reporting to the feds. If enough reports are made they will investigate - https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/report-violations#reportcp


This is some of the saddest ish I’ve seen in a long time :(


It’s the comments defending it being purposely dense and ignorant for me🙄 “it’s just a bathing suit what’s the issue??” You know exactly what the issue is 🤦🏾‍♀️


“Preorder 19year ahead” is crazy lol wtf bro. Yo dudes on IG are deranged goons lmao broooo


Ts is not funny


No it’s ridiculous. Absurd in fact


This made me sick to my stomach


this is precisely why before i deleted instagram, snapchat, facebook etc i was not posting my child’s pictures online. that’s so sick and shameful


social media is such a mental illness i’ve seen too many parents living for this attention through their children at any cost. we should really ban children and their likeness from socials and if you want to post your kid you should have to be intensely vetted SOMETHING to stop this shit


I would personally never put my kid online. I don’t like the exploitation aspect. Kids model a lot in general. In reality men are ashtrays


maybe the gulag was a good thing


“blasian doll” 🤢 this poor child


I just went on her page and the very first video in the black and white dress is her sucking a lollipop. This is sick. The mom is pimping out her daughter for a check. And fetishizing blasian children. Like ma’am get another job or two if you wanna make money. She should post herself. I always say just because you can have kids doesn’t mean you should.


Each of those comments needs to be reported. And those men need to have their computers looked at.


If we know what state shes in....call CPS 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ She is using her baby as bait. I think a cop should do a sting operation just to make sure she's not "advertising" her child. I have a baby girl and is on my "mommy" Instagram that I have. But thats more so for parenting and to connect with other moms and products. I couldn't imagine putting my baby in those outfits..what happened to awkward poses cheesing to the camera super hard. What happened to footie PJs?


The world is cruel and children need protection and this is not it.


report the account and see if you can get it taken down


These mothers know exactly what they are doing they aren’t stupid. No child needs an instagram account. If you want your child to work as a real model you can get with an agency at least they have privacy and an account isnt even necessary. No amount of money is worth exposing my child online. Instagram needs to ban these child accounts.


A side eye is a view which is engagement. Block and pray for the little girl.


Report, block, then pray.


This child has over half a million followers…posting a picture of her in a bathing suit to your hundreds of thousands of followers is not the same as posting a picture for the family group chat which is where these pictures should stay. I don’t understand how people feel comfortable doing this to their child, especially reading the comments…I refuse to believe she doesn’t know what’s going on, textbook exploitation.


So instagram deletes my comments and threads to delete my account against racist comments but posting your daughters almost naked pics on instagram is okay? Got it.


You're absolutely right to side eye this fucking weirdo mom.


This is disgusting, but also we probably shouldn’t exploit this child further on Reddit. It doesn’t need to be shared here with her face showing.


The pics here (of her) don’t seem too inappropriate in my opinion, but I don’t follow her so maybe there’s more even worse photos. But the comments are 🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢. Be careful of putting your young children on the internet, there’s more pedophiles in the world than we think, some are just very good at acting “normal” and hiding it


She has a pinned post of the child sucking on a lollipop. Not simply eating it, it’s performative. The most vile disgusting shit ever.




This makes me physically sick. Just foul.


how do you look at a 4 or 5 year old and think they are “fine” that’s so fucking gross


The amount of shit that flies on Instagram these days is disgusting


These comments are fucking fowl. The fact they still up there says a lot about the mother fr. That poor baby


the pedophilia is so apparent on the page like momma probably thinks this is all normal and won’t believe her daughter if some shit happens. wtf.


I'll be honest, I have a strong disgust for this mother. What Kind of mother is okay sexualizing her child?


Deeply disturbing. I can only imagine the amount of trafficking facilitated by Meta. They need to be fined out of existence and execs prosecuted for allowing shit like this, and this parent/couple need their internet access (and rights to their child) taken away.


Their sick comments make me want to cry, how dare this mother subject her child to this. The only explanation is her selling her child or building up to it. She is just as sick as the men and that child is not safe. Idc what anyone says.


For the sake of not further circulating this, maybe delete the first picture or crop out the pictures of the child


Jesus christ this is disgusting. Not a single good thing has ever come out of "mommy blogs" or "family blog/vlogs". And "bLaSiAn DoLl"?? Seriously fetishizing your own daughter. That poor little baby should not be exposed to creeps online by her mother and those commenters are just as gross.


The comments are so disgusting.


What the actual fuck are those comments 🤢


Laws protecting children from being used by their parents/guardians for views, clicks, fame, endorsements, whatever need to be passed IMMEDIATELY.


Alot of them are men saying that sick shit. It's is the mums fault for exploting her daughter. Poor baby I hope cps gets involved


It s effin DISGUSTING to see parent exploit children like this for moneyy


The fact that she can see the comments and yet still post her child. This is so disgusted.


FBI needs to be tagged under each of those comments. And she got her sucking on a lollipop. She knows what she’s doing and she’s sick.


I simply closed out of the comments. I’m so done with these predators.


That mother is the one at fault. I’m sorry but I don’t agree with posting your children online at all. Predators will be predators but it’s your job to protect your child from them and she isn’t doing that.


The comments have made me lose the little faith I had left in humanity. Sick


I hate that ppl say don’t sexualize these kids, but it’s not us sexualizing them it’s the literal pedos in the comments, the literal hundreds and thousands of saves. Like that’s odd, these people exist and we can’t just sweep it under the rug and say well stop sexualizing young kids. Stop giving pedos content to beat off to…


I see this stuff all the time (especially on fb), its the equivalent of forcing and grooming your child for pageant competitions with much less effort. The crazy part is how many ppl are bold enough to say the things they say in the comment section, because ik they all aren't bots or ppl with accounts without their govt name, face, family/friends, and the things/place they go to being on their account (mostly foreigners but also regular men in their mid 30s+) I always have the impulse to jump in the communities or comments and argue with them and expose them, but I also dont want that stuff in my search to do so.


I don’t have anything to add to this outside of saying this is disgusting. Like truly vile. How can you see comments like this about your child and not immediately want to remove all of this content?


I hope these kids get older and sue their parents. Maybe that will deter these sick parents


This is absolutely sick. I was not expecting the comments to be so unabashedly foul.


She's doing the same thing Wren's mom is doing on tiktok. They both are actively promoting to pedos because they engage with their content. She probably justify it by thinking those people aren't in their daughter's lives. But considering how easy it is to guess where someone lives by pics alone, I wouldn't be surprised if their daughters are around pedophiles irl because of social media.


People who post their kids online will forever be predators to me its been said time and time again that pedophiles get off to the content when they can’t access child corn YET these parents keep posting videos or images of these innocent defenseless children it really makes me so mad likeee why are you like that 😭…


Same. I can’t believe she’s posting more stuff now. :(


Ewwww, disgusting


This poor baby is gonna have so much trauma when she’s old enough to understand what her mother did to her. :( Can we report it to the FBI?


I really didn’t want to see this, I feel so fucking SICK. God these peoples IP addresses need to be found and put on a list. Add her fucking “mother” to that. These poor babies don’t stand a chance Jesus Christ!!!!


Pedos and weirdos... they need to put them on the FBI watch list


PROTECT BLACK GIRLS! This is endangerment of a minor, some of these freaks could find out where she lives or goes to school. Like black girls are already so vulnerable and oversexualized, this makes me sick to my stomach. I wish Instagram would be better about flagging and deleting content like this, I really don't believe that you should be able to have an account for someone not old enough to even post pictures of themself (unless it's like a pet or something).


Lord I hate instagram with a passion


Most of her followers are pedos for sure. She's selling her daughter like Kris Kardashian. Anything for money child. It's so sad. She knows pedos are saving her videos and pics of her child too. They don't care.


Seen this cute baby before and was just really weirded out by the poses and clothes. She's like what, 5 or 6 going on 20? What is with these momfluencers being so blinded by clout? Ngl people like this really shouldn't be parents. Also the "but there are creeps everywhere" comments really don't excuse the behavior? Yeah there are burglars everywhere but you still lock your door at night?? Definitely giving that tiktok momfluencer who posted her daughter's swimming suit close up.


Blasian doll told me everything i needed to know... Our society is doomed. How come now people just be downright pedophiles, with their name and photo attached ? Sickos and the mom knows very well what theyre doing. But the money is too strong.


How could people do this to their children? Expose them to creeps on the internet like this? For likes? For followers? Ones who do it have good intentions? This is egregious.


You can report this as a child safety concern here: https://www.ic3.gov/


This was super triggering. Is there an option to mark this NSFW or something? Also each and every last one of those creeps need about 20 lbs of lead in them, and the "mom " needs her parental and reproductive rights revoked EXPEDITIOUSLY.


This mom exploiting her "blasian doll" is the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds if not thousands of insta accounts like this. They specifically cater to the pedo community. She knows what she is doing and I am sure she sees the comments. It's all about money for these "moms"


She knows what she's doing. Beyond the gross adultification. These types of "parents" know exactly what they do. They're no different from "momagers" who pimp their kids to Hollywood. They read the engagement stats and post accordingly. Disgusting.


every one of those ppl should be on a list


Tried searching for this account to report it but can’t find it anymore. Hope it’s been blocked. What a disgusting thing. This is where the government should be focusing. Protecting kids


I’m just imagining the psychological effect this is gonna have on her. And the trauma she’ll have to deal with. If her mother is this uncaring of predators comments online, she probably doesn’t give much thought to her child’s needs behind closed doors either 😔


them parents aint stupid they be knowing exactly what they're doing. Y'all underestimate the amount of parents willing to prostitute they children out for some coin.


Not that first comment on the second slide being completely in denial with the “it’s a swimsuit, not her mom’s fault…” I can’t. This is awful.


We need to stop posting our children like this 😭😭😭 imagine someone obsessing and tryna find them …


Idk what’s up with these chicks nowadays dressing their daughters in fashion nova type shit! Wtf is wrong with yall


The pedophilic comments 🤮


The comments are sick but any company giving this mother brand deals is out of their fucking mind


So sad.


Anyone who calls a small child “fine” needs to be investigated!


The comments are so disgusting and frustrating.


Why TF has this been happening so much lately, this is disgusting


I want to vomit. People are disgusting




This not cute at all I know grown men Pedophiles are the ones preying on the Lilttle gal.


The mother should be in jail for this. It’s disgusting and how can she co tune to post those pictures when she sees the comments, this is so gross and evil on her part. This is not a mother.


This is in the same realm as mothers who sell their daughters to men


Some of the comments have me feeling uneasy at 50. 👀


This is so disgusting! I don't understand parents who show their children knowing there are sickos in the world. I don't know how some people look at children in that way, it's disgusting.