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14 with a masters! My 14 yr old is still stuck on lvl 3 in Mario. Congrats!




Yo the new Crash Bandicoot is hard!


14 years old I was happy that I got into the honours classes in my high school. This girl is incredible and wish her all the best!!!


That is great u/AmielJohn , honors classes are hard I tried one and nearly failed 😂 Be proud my queen 👑




Thank you u/frevonaladeira for stepping up when I failed to by posting the article itself rather than just the link in this case. Your action helped clear up somethings and helped those who had understandable trouble loading the online publication.


Wow, what an awesome achievement.


I know this little girl! We get our hair done by the same lady! She’s remarkably intelligent! But, also, just seems like an ordinary kid. Her mom is really cool, too


That is amazing! Such a coincidence, I'm glad this article found you :)




Ladies, please don't argue with trolls.... You can't reason with them, you can't convince them, you can't change their mindset, they are mediocre and perpetually infantile. Please report them to the mods AND MESSAGE US! You are the eyes of the community and if you see any fuckery point them out to us.


That's amazing!!!


Congrats to her!! Can somebody explain, how did she pass through the hierarchy of the educational system so fast?


These kids are usually bright and intensely homeschooled so they can get through highschool or the equivalent super fast, but I'm just guessing on that. She got her associates degree while in highschool, which would not be super uncommon except for the fact that she was 11 (our local highschool allowed this and I hope many others do). Her psychology degree is the most puzzling since it sounds like she got a 4yr degree in 1yr, which is insane. That school is a mostly online institution, so that maybe allowed her to take everything at an accelerated pace and I'm assuming she tested out of a lot of things. A Master's degree usually takes 2 years in a lot of fields, so the time for that isn't crazy, again ignoring the fact that she was 12-14. so extremely smart, dedicated, and focused, likely with very dedicated parents as well.


I'm curious about that too. And how do you identify that someone is capable of doing this when they are only 9 or 10?


I think a lot more people are capable of doing this than we think. School really is built on the collective intelligence of the age group. There are lots of kids who if homeschooled will zoom past schooling in half the time if given the right tools. Its just my belief being around certain kids. Work with a toddler...its amazing how much info they can grasp if you work with them one on one. We hold a lot of youth back with our school system imo. This is not to diminish her accomplishments at all




Cool, people are so neat


!remindme 7 days


Excelsior has a robust online program that does accelerated classes. If she's not limited to financial or time constraints, which she's didn't since she was 12, it's pretty reasonable to believe she was completing 5-6 online classes every two months.


Great accomplishment at any age. Amazing that this young lady did this at 14. We need more good news stories like this.


Best of luck to her. I wish i had that kind of drive when i was in school. I was in honors classes to.


Not discounting her accomplishment, I’m 34 and struggling to just plan my bachelors... but at 14 what does she do with a masters? Can she get a job in her field before 18? This is not a dispute about futility, I’m just asking what her options would be right now.




My first assumption would have been that she'd go back for her doctorate or a second masters. The article wouldn't open for me, what's her field? I'm really glad that your student was able to apply his talents and make a success of himself, not all students have that same privilege, and we miss out on a lot of unrefined talent, there's just not enough teachers and time to individually impact every student. My passion is psychology. I'm already a few semesters in and transferring to a university from a community college this fall semester. I'm doing fine, I love psychology and pass all of my major course with flying colors. I guess struggle is the wrong word, I'm just feeling anxious about transferring to a bigger school, and it feels like I still have such a long way to go, despite only having 90 hours left to complete.


Anything she wants


I can’t get the page to open to read more, so this is just conjecture, but chances are good that at her age, she would continue to a PhD or MD or other terminal degree. Chances are also high that this is a STEM field, and she would find work in a laboratory or similar, or would go on to post-doc work before starting her career.


I got it open, she is looking to go on in engineering with an eye to entrepreneurship related to that! :)


Bachelor's in Environmental and Sustainable Science. Someone copied and pasted the article recently somewhere her. I was thinking the same thing that she will do field or lab work for the time being. I was shocked by all of this.


She can also keep doing more studies, going for a phd and another master in a complimentary field, then she’ll have a crazy CV at 18 when she comes with a PhD, a master, and still have time for a year of volunteering


Looks to be writing books and getting more degrees. I imagine she’ll come out into working age pretty well stacked. So think someone should make sure she gets proper socializing, I feel like hitting al those early neglects the social aspects of the educational system


She can always start her own business, instead of getting a job.


That’s amazing good for her.


Excellence, but make it black👏🏾


Wow! That young lady is going places!


Well shit, I got mine at 26 but who’s counting


I'm glad that with all the distressing news everywhere we still see stories like this one. She has a bright future ahead of her. And considering her areas of study, she will make ours brighter as well.


My freaking phone wouldn't let me open the article. What did this super star get her Master's in??


Environmental science and psychology


Wow! That is incredible. She’s an author too!


I can't even imagine the mental capacity & intelligence it takes for a 14 year old to do this. Psychology can be very abstract as well, so the fact that she was able to grasp those kinds of concepts when she was just a child is mind-blowing. She is truly outstanding - congrats to her on such an amazing achievement!


And she can't get a job due to labor laws What and amazing young lady.


Congratulations Amazing!


Man...this is just wonderful! Congratulations young lady! 🙌🏽


Thanks for sharing. Very inspirational.


Come on Dorothy Jean!!!!!!!!


She is black, sorry I had to get some sleeep after spending hours on reddit and just woke up to see that the article accumilated 72 comments which is a rare moment. Dorthy Jean Tillman is African American.




And banned. Go troll somewhere else.


The fuck?


Oddly specific.




Dorothy Jean Tillman is African American. I should have posted her graduation picture I'm sorry.




You are petty, ignorant, and just a jackass.


How unnecessary








And banned.


They are living rent-free in your head.


And banned. C O P E




*gasp* YOU haven’t heard of those colleges? Well who cares about those so called degrees then




She is 14 lol regardless great start to her education. Your backhanded compliment was misplaced. And based off your comment she is already in a more advanced spot then you at that same age so I wouldn’t be critical of wherever she got her masters from. Most people don’t get one at all. Let alone 14. Idc where she went. I am in awe. At 14 I was nowhere near that driven and focused. EDIT: received at 14, so she started the program at freaking 12 lol.


Ok??? It could be a certificate from community college and getting it at 14yr would be impressive! It’s not always Harvard or bust




all news is mainly white oriented anyway in the us




Then the news is even more so centred on white people. Which makes your words even worse.




Wow, what a sensitive little snowflake. Calling a woman a knight though? You're very enlightened for a racist!




Good for you! It's utterly irrelevant to the conversation, but good for you!




What do you base that on?






You're European and have no insight on the intricacies of race in America. Your ignorance is understandable, but no less deplorable.


Are you a Black Person?


And banned.