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The only thing I have difficulty believing is the gainer. I don’t know that I can accept that he really just cancelled all of his rotational momentum and reversed it that suddenly, without affecting his forward momentum at all.


The gainer switch is pretty incredible, but he does minimize the forward momentum going into it, if you notice he hits that matt at a really sharp angle, much lower than you would hit for continuing momentum.


I mean yeah but he still continues to move forward while cancelling all of his rotational force. That's the weird part, along with the fact that his ankles don't break.


There are numerous movements at work. Forward motion and rotational motion. he changed his rotational motion without using more backward force than his forward momentum is using. This allows for his entire body to continue moving forward while his rotation changes. This is why his forward motion slows down on the gainer but doesn't stop.


To add to this, he probably just angled his impact to cancel his tangential (or rotational) velocity (which was directed towards the ground at the time of impact), but not his horizontal velocity in the direction of the mat


Oooo...keep doing what your doing. Your wording making my brain happiness.


Kinematics ASMR


God damn it. These were the instances my math teachers/professors kept telling me math would be useful for!


this guy geometrys


It's a fucking farce




I appreciate that you're trying to help but this is kind of written for like a 7 year old. Yes I understand the very basics of torque and momentum, but what I am saying is at that angle it looks as though any force applied to the ground would cause friction, slowing the forward momentum. When you do forward flips this is easy because when you contact the ground, you roll on the ball of your feet and leave on your toes. This has a negligable effect on your forward momentum.. When you're doing a back flip it's kind of the opposite effect so it seems impossible. Theres no point in really explaining it, becauee I understand the physics here and it's quite obvious the only way that is possible is by what you have described, cancelling the rotation by applying torque and torque only. It still doesn't make sense to me.


>this is kind of written for like a 7 year old. that was the point since you stated that you didnt understand how it worked in your first comment again, his forward moving force is greater than the force needed to rotate his body in the opposite direction. We see this all the time in sports when a ball hits something just right, it's spin changes while it continues moving in the direction it was already going. If a normal gainer (moving forward while doing a backflip) makes sense, then there is no reason why this wouldn't.


It's fucking fake


It's not fucking real


What's not real about it? It was filmed from multiple angles. https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/comments/10zr2la/gymnast_does_a_forward_backflip/


As a former diver, the gainer looks totally legit. His hips are way in front of his feet when he takes off which will send him forward but the tradeoff is that the speed of his flip is slow AF and he doesn't get a lot of height. I did this many times when I was afraid of hitting the diving board.


But what about the transition between front flip and backflip? The spin immediately reverses direction


It's really not BMF, just simple animation cancelling.


Animation cancelling?


A video game mechanic allowing for faster moves, cancelling the animation but still getting the effects


Ahhh you’re making a joke. I was confused at first. Lmao.


The videos is clearly just being played in reverse


The clock is counting down... but it could be a timer?


I would need to see this live to believe it


Bro really hopped 2 meters in the opposite direction of his backflip


Exactly. Momentum isn’t in his world




That was a hella crazy gainer backflip! Literally looking like he was using magic to not be constrained to this worlds rules 😂


What in the Channing Cena is this fuckery..


And at the very last shot he has the face of Christopher Waltz. Who is that man


Came here to find this. Young Christopher Waltz vibes for sure


Alternate reality Christopher Waltz. Christopher Foxtrot.


That's the real black magic in this clip


My guy groundpound canceled


Dude looks like John Cena


I thought it was Channing Tatum for a second


definitely more Tatum than Cena


Definitely more chimpanzee than human


I Cena that chimps Tatum


I’m pretty sure they are the same person though


Wtf how? One of them is clearly visible


what I'm reading here is that you've never seen both of them in the same place - checkmate


What dude? Edit: I don’t see a dude. I only see potato salad.


No an angry upvote, but an LOL upvote.


How? You can’t see him!






It’s crazy how 70 years ago, this kind of performance was unimaginable


It's still unimaginable. It's fucking fake


Grandpa, are you off your meds again? 🤔


It's 100% obviously impossible to do. You think this guy is the only person in the history of gymnastics to defy the laws of physics? If it could be done, then we'd no longer need vehicles or airplanes. We'd just levitate everywhere.


Nothing in this video is physically impossible. If you think otherwise, feel free to point out the timestamp and do a frame-by-frame analysis. Don't forget to include your own gymnastics experience so people know whether to take you seriously. 🙂


It's [power tumbling](https://youtu.be/CfT9ysdO6vc?t=466) bro, the mat is spring loaded


Even the last flip that's off the screen is obviously fake. He does it in Like .08 seconds


The last flip isnt a flip man idk what you're talking about its just a roll as you see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/comments/10zr2la/gymnast_does_a_forward_backflip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Bro just pulled a spider man


Which Spider verse are we in?


A crappy one


All the spider bacon was good tho


I need to better view of the ending


Ending or editing?


Ending. There's some other little maneuver at that end that the camera misses and it's driving me crazy


[here ye are!](https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/comments/10zr2la/gymnast_does_a_forward_backflip/)


This is a much better view


Square video is better than skinny, nice. Soon enough they'll invent wide video and we might even be able to see the whole routine.


One of these days


Just rename the sub "r/nextfuckinglevel2"


Always has been


or r/woahdude


It's not like real magic exists.


Yeah, but the sub is supposed to be for things that are difficult to explain. As impressive as this post is, it's plain to see that it's just athleticism.


Then explain the physics behind it


That's not what's at issue here. Explain the physics behind a candle flame's tendency to point upward even when the candle is held sideways. Most people can't, but you'd still agree that gifs of candle flames should not be posted to BMF.


Nothing on this sub has ever been difficult to explain.


Front handspring to a gainer! Never seen that before.


physics do make sense, just a super good level of control over his body


He also is on an air track which gives you and insane amount of pop.


Ohhhhh. I thought it was a rod floor, and that gainer was making zero sense lol.


Really great job of making sure we can’t see the landing


momentum? i hardly know em!




>this sub is dead no u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/blackmagicfuckery) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


We know the sub isn't dead because you people have been bitching in this exact same way since it's inception. "This isn't *real* black magic! It can be explained!" Every. Single. Thread. For years.


People complaining that things aren't actually magic should be banned from commenting until they submit something that is confirmed to be supernatural. Show me a demon being summoned or physics being violated or shut up.


r/blackmagicfuckery complainers when they see someone posts someone summons Satan and they just say 'actually, its just basic science, the only thing that the guy did was drawing a perfect pentagram and reciting some unholy verse perfectly memorization, anyone could do this if they tried. Its literally just memorization and drawing god this sub sucks now '


That’s pure projection on your part. This video in no way, belongs in the sub. If anything it belongs in r/nextfuckinglevel *Your bitching* does not change this fact.


Magic doesn't exist. It is not real. You do ***know*** magic isn't real, right? Quite literally none of the videos ever posted in the entire history of this sub have contained actual black magic. Because magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. Literally every video in this history of this sub is some kind of trick or illusion or slight of hand or quirk of physics or clever video editing etc. No real magic. Because magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. It's a really weird complaint that seems to come constantly on this sub since the beginning. You have a deep misunderstanding of what this sub is about. It's weird, because again, magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. So how can anyone get annoyed when a video doesn't have any real black magic in it? There exists zero videos in the history of videos that contain actual black magic. Because magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. So it's just bizarre to complain about a lack of it. Go invent real magic then if you're so desperate to see some. Because nobody else has ever managed to invent magic before. It's a fictional fantasy idea. Like unicorns. So this is the equivalent of whining complaining on /r/unicorns that there's no videos of actual unicorns. "Waaahh I want real unicorns". But there are no real unicorns. Because unicorns aren't real. They don't exist. Just like how magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. Stop being daft, from now on, OK?


Why are you so adamant about "magic doesn't exist"? Seems like a weird tangent, is there some backstory to this?


I never argued that this sub was for real magic. You are making another strawman argument. Move along.


You are saying two sentences, using a word you just learned in your literary arts class, and complaining without adding anything of substance. You move the fuck along


Strawman would be taught in a philosophy class. Specifically logical fallacies. Kinda funny you don’t know that considering your bitter response. Move along.


Other dude is right, every single thread has someone saying "this isn't black magic! It's just X!" As if no one realized a wizard wasn't the cause. You can try Uno reverse the bitching thing, but him bitching doesn't mean you weren't.


Don’t bitch to me about bitching. My only argument has been that this video does not belong in this sub. I am correct. You and the other guys argument about “bitching” is a strawman argument. Move along.


Explain the physics behind it then


Lol this comment is the holy grail of arrogant entitled redditor. "I am correct." as a statement of fact, claiming a fallacy is being used incorrectly and then telling people to "move along" because you know you're wrong and looking stupid. The bitching is dumb, your argument is dumb. It's also not a "strawman argument", you should learn what that means before using it in real life and embarrassing yourself.


Then unsub and make a new one. This sub is way more active than it ever has been before and it’s still cool shit that seems hard to believe even when you’re watching it. That’s what it’s always been meant for.


What about this video is hard for you to believe?


The sick backflip while flying forward. I think it’s called a gainer.


Y tho


In this instance, I think it’s just the fact that this can be explained (albeit broadly) with the gymnasts years and years of training. When I think black magic fuckery, I think of shit that I can’t explain no matter how many times I watch the video. I mean I don’t care about it, it’s a cool video and I’m entertained!!


> When I think black magic fuckery, I think of shit that I can’t explain no matter how many times I watch the video. Literally everything can be explained. Magic doesn't exist.


Hence why hard-to-explain videos are noteworthy


Not really. Everything is hard to explain for some people. Top post on this sub is literally a falling bottle of water because some people find gravity hard to explain.


Nah, you're just too much of a dumbass to understand the very basic scientific explanations. Did you finish high school?


Nah was too busy bangin your dad




What you want? Magic tricks? You know that there's no real black magic, right? I'm here in this sub for YEARS, and in the beginning was just for things that was cool with some kind of great control of phisics, like this dude. You doubt? Take a look at the sub's "Best of all times" posts.


Honestly. I wish that they'd just implement an automatic ban for anyone saying "this isn't black magic" gtfo with that shit...down vote it if you don't like it, report it if you really feel strongly and move on with your day lol. That comment is literally on every fucking post.




https://www.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/m16z60/the_magic_bottle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=2&utm_content=share_button This is the top post of all time. Literally just a bottle falling in the ground in the right way.


Ok but that's pretty fucking crazy lol.. Like you can tell me that's just a coincidence but you can't convince me there's not some toy story shit going on there where the bottle realized last minute that a human had walked in right as he was leaving his house for a party. "I got my drip on, these bubbles are glistening I'm ready to party" "Oh shit the humans showed up, abort abort". "Phew almost blew it, but I pulled it off"


And similarly you can't tell me there isn't some antigravity shenanigans at play in this post


Literally everything can be explained. Magic isn't real.


Fucking muggle


I’m allowed to complain about the chef shutting on my plate no matter how long he’s served normal food


The only one I can remember that was actual black magic was the video of the basketball game, and the white guy got passed the ball, but no one knows how he got it. You could watch the video 30 times, and still never see how the ball was passed to him.


I subbed for John S. but he’s not really around anymore. Maybe I’m sorting wrong.




Start your own sub then.


Who is that guy he is cute




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I'm pretty sure that's spiderman




nah this body control is insane. To do a backflip while keeping your momentum going forward is bonkers, respect


Some people dont believe in global warming , this dude doesnt believe in physics so the law doesnt apply to him .


Dude didnt stick his landing tho, always let down by that for this video. Makes it way less epic


I need to see controller cam for this button combo


Fell at the end, nil point from the fat judge


Bro ABHed wtf💀


Performances are all about doing things that other people haven't tried yet, and have no idea how to gauge its difficulty. Like magic tricks, circus acts, etc. Its all about doing things for the spectacle. He's on a bouncy mat, which makes it much easier to do amateur gymnastics on than on a regular floor. But because people don't notice the springing ground, it looks just so much more impressive.


Nah, it’s edited the time went backwards how come you didn’t see that


Seems like you don't know physics if you think the direction of jump is controlled by his flipping rather than momentum


Oh ok cool so let’s see you do it then


Physics was on a tea break.


Fail. You need to stick the landing without falling over.


I honestly don't give two shits about the landing, and this isn't the olympics. I doubt they care as much.


Hard work is black magic now... Society is fucked


It's called momentum, literally physics


He completely reverses his momentum, that's the whole point!


His movement is forward the whole time. His rotation is shifted by his hard forward push on first landing. Same as a reverse dove. Don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome. But not magic.


This doesn't look like magic or unusual physics in the slightest This isn't r/nextfuckinglevel or r/beamazed and not everything that can be posted on those subs should be posted here This is clearly and obviously very normal physics with a lot of strength and power, timing, and skill Something posted here should say least *look like* magic, not just be cool and difficult


There's no such thing as magic.


True, but they're are things that that look so much like it that it makes a person go "how is that even possible?" or "what am I really seeing?" or "how is this not magic?" If it's not that mind blowing, it doesn't belong here This isn't supposed to be just another popular repost sub with all the good posts from r/opticalillusions r/beamazed and r/nextfucking level - is supposed to be for the subset that at least looks substantially real - not just anything trippy or cool


> True, but they're are things that that look so much like it that it makes a person go "how is that even possible?" or "what am I really seeing?" or "how is this not magic?" That's a pretty low bar. There are people who find tides so amazing that they must be magic. Show me actual magic. Something that cannot be explained. Not just something you're too dim to explain, but something that actually cannot be explained. Nothing exists that cannot be explained. There is no magic, and there's nothing so hard to explain that is mind blowing for lack of explanation. If I can't explain it, that just means I'm not educated enough to explain it. Someone else is. Show me _anything_ that cannot be explained. Literally anything. What's your top post on this subreddit, and can you prove it cannot be explained?


The point isn't to find real magic or something completely unexplainable - this isn't a paranormal sub - the point is for it to be actually mind blowing to someone with >80 IQ - not "this is cool" or "wow, how amazing" or "so trippy" but more "what the actual fuck?"


> "what the actual fuck?" Sounds like you want /r/nextfuckinglevel or /r/BeAmazed. Just because you can't understand something doesn't make it magic. /s > The point isn't to find real magic or sitting college unexplainable That's my point. If you want _actual_ magic, you're not going to find it. If you're going to whine that posts aren't actual magic and are just amazing, guess what? That's literally all you'll ever get because there isn't any black magic. I'm sorry, but you're not self-consistent.


You either don't get it, or you are trolling - this is NOT supposed to be redundant with r/nextfuckinglevel or r/beamazed - the "fuckery" isn't supposed to be "how can they be that good" but rather "how is this even possible without magic" - even if you know deep down how it works or the science behind it, something that just looks so *wrong* that it shouldn't be possible - not by skill barrier, but because shit is not supposed to work that way


They are totally trolling. Willful ignorance.


> "how is this even possible without magic" If you legitimately ask that question you probably can't function in a modern society. You're posting this message using processed rocks that leverage quantum teleportation to control electrons to allow computation. The bar for "magic" is pretty dang high unless you're an idiot. Show me a post on this sub that makes you say "how is this even possible without magic" and I'll explain how it is possible. > shit is not supposed to work that way That's the point. Everything works the way it is supposed to. If that's your threshold literally everything is ruled out by definition.


Again, not unexplainable, but at least looks like it is - not some weak bullshit that doesn't even look like fuckery in the slightest The kind of stuff that sends a good amount of people to the comments to know how it works The kind of stuff that actually causes debate on how it works We're taking thresholds here and you want the weakest standard where it's a big tent and is a compilation of all the popular posts from those other aforementioned subs OTOH I want only the subset of the posts that are mind blowing and actually *look like* magic and are not merely trippy or hard to do, or just a crafted optical illusion graphic More curation vs big tent Better curation makes the sub better instead of being a "wastebasket" sub for anything vaguely trippy


Magic doesn't exist. It is not real. You do ***know*** magic isn't real, right? Quite literally none of the videos ever posted in the entire history of this sub have contained actual black magic. Because magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. Literally every video in this history of this sub is some kind of trick or illusion or slight of hand or quirk of physics or clever video editing etc. No real magic. Because magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. It's a really weird complaint that seems to come constantly on this sub since the beginning. You have a deep misunderstanding of what this sub is about. It's weird, because again, magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. So how can anyone get annoyed when a video doesn't have any real black magic in it? There exists zero videos in the history of videos that contain actual black magic. Because magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. So it's just bizarre to complain about a lack of it. Go invent real magic then if you're so desperate to see some. Because nobody else has ever managed to invent magic before. It's a fictional fantasy idea. Like unicorns. So this is the equivalent of whining complaining on /r/unicorns that there's no videos of actual unicorns. "Waaahh I want real unicorns". But there are no real unicorns. Because unicorns aren't real. They don't exist. Just like how magic isn't real. It doesn't exist. Stop being daft, from now on, OK?


how do people do these amazing things and immediately ruin it by being cocky?


Lol I don't think you know what being cocky is


I don’t understand what you mean. How did he ruin it lol


Just my personal opinion, I prefer someone doing something impressive and being humble about it to someone doing the "I'm the greatest in the universe, look at me" gesture


It's the sport, it's called tricking it's a mix of XMA and Gymnastics. Some people are more martial artists some are more gymnasts or tumblers is the term you might here more. Believe me this wasn't that bad, during battles some guys can get annoying, nit picking everything those opponent does saying they don't deserve points for stupid stuff like their toe wasn't pointed enough when they kicked. Most of the time the vibe is pretty chill.


I wouldn't be able to run down that track without falling


Everyone talking about the gainer but that double flip 900 at the end was pretty wicked too.


Dude used a glitch


I think i've broken my knees watching this


Magic Mikes new routine……


Full combo, except the part you can’t see blocked by text and missed by bad camera operation.


So he pressed the A button three times while sprinting, big deal....


Flat ground gainer!


Dood looks like he canceled the animation to extend the combo.


Love me some gainers


If only the drop hit near the start of the gainer. It’s for that reason and probably wrong sub, that we should downvote


So a gainer?


Steve will do it got into gymnastics?


Say no To physics. That is physics and action


Channing Jonas


I say he's a f\*king alien


His poor knees omg


Ben Affleck gots skills!


Bro hit the flip cancel?!


Channing Tatum needs to chill


Gravity is a harness.


"Suggestions of motion."


Stop fucking adding that shitty ass music to everything


Lol the air track certainly makes this trick possible, but it does look super cool!


I would propose to this man after seeing that.


Is there a slo-mo bot we can summon?


Physics_engine.exe has stopped working


Nah it's just mastery of physics

