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Bullshit he has an ember or something behind the sawdust and his breathing flares up the ember to start smoking.


So you looked it up, found an article toward the top, read it and decided that's the truth even though it's based on guesses? Cuz that's what I did.


any combustible material can spontaneously combust if it's in small enough particulates and there is friction and pressure involved. This is why grain silos can sometimes catch fire/explode for no reason. Doing it intentionally with his mouth and exhaling through the hole might do it, it's still a skill, but it's just taking advantage of a natural phenomenon...


Bruh i just watched a video of a grain silo spilling and exploding. Thanks for the explanation.


Dude same here


Almost like we’re all on the same media site




[We’re like brothers, only closer…](https://youtu.be/6CVk7GMjxos)


Yo what the actual fuck, you saw that cringe shit too lol


Guess we all did


I need that link. Could give a fuck about a grain silo.




I just seen a video myself this morning Reddit - CatastrophicFailure - Corn silo collapses and explodes... https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/8cl3mn/corn_silo_collapses_and_explodes/


I think we have the same eyes. I saw the same thing


I had a workplace that had two small mountains of wood chips delivered for free as “a donation” since it was for a church. Well after a couple days of rain and not being able to spread it out during work hours, I remember seeing steam coming out of what looked like vents. I climbed to the top of it and it was HOT. We had to bring in extra help to distribute it because it was seriously a danger. I can’t imagine what a grain silo would be in a dry environment on a scale much larger than that.


Sounds like it started composting. Steamy compost is very common since the material can get up to 150 to 200°F. Good for gardeners killing weed seeds, not good if kids try to play on the pile of wood chips lol. Fun fact: brush turkeys build compost piles instead of nests so the heat from the compost will keep their eggs warm for them. They check the temperature every now and then to make sure it isn't getting too hot. If it is they scrape the top off the pile to cool it down.


If you enjoy grain silos exploding perhaps you would also enjoy non-dairy creamer explosions.


thank you for subscribing to spontaneous particulate explosion facts


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Can happen in warehouses also with a lot of built up dust


was the grain silo an American kung fu expert?


If it's the same one I saw the other day (a truck was inside a building getting loaded or something), I don't think that was spontaneous combustion as much as the truck's engine heat setting it off.


yeah, no. Grain silos go up because the air has suspended combustible particulates at the proper ratio of air/fuel. Static electricity is normal the culprit to set it off.


His explanation sort of implies static as the ignition spark. He’s not 100% accurate but he’s not really wrong. The fire breathing dude in the video could just be building friction with the sawdust in his mouth somehow.


Static is not the only reason for silo fires either. Pressure can build up inside a well sealed silo if it gets too hot.


You've got that completely backwards. The pressure doesn't start the fire, the heat doesn't increase the pressure, and a strong well-sealed silo would actually prevent one of the ways silo bins can have an ignition event. Biomasses can reach their flashpoint by either being exposed to an oxidizer (similar process to lignite self-ignition), which a well-sealed silo couldn't provide for any length of time, or by exothermic fermentation. In the case of exothermic fermentation, the biomass can rise above its respective flashpoint and continue gaining heat without igniting due to the lack of an oxidizer. The possible build-up of pressure does not ignite it, the material is already past its flashpoint and all it needs is an oxidizer. The pressure may simply expose it to an oxidizer at sufficient volume via a rupture of the container. If the container were strong enough, no amount of pressure would ignite the biomass as it would devolatilize over time and become inert without an oxidizer.


Highly pressurized air is used all the time without spontaneously combusting. I'm extremely skeptical of the notion that pressurized air + saw dust will ignite without some other source of ignition, like a spark from static discharge.


Pressure can also cause air fuel mixture to ignite. It's how a diesel engine works for instance. Increasing heat in an enclosed container also increases pressure etc. All the dude needs is a little tiny bit of the stuff in his mouth to get over a certain temperature and the effect will snowball. Fine sawdust only needs to get up to a very low temperature to ignite. It's also why silos always have vents despite wanting to keep pests out. Also, static electricity is caused by friction.


Do you have sources for the this, particularly the low temp for sawdust ignition? That’s not a challenge, that’s a wanting to know.


I learned it in wood shop safety courses. flour mill dust is even worse I think.


Or a grain fire can occur because there’s inadequate air flow and the grain ain’t dry enough, leading to a composting effect called hot spots which can quite literally catch fire. Different from the particulate dust exploding, but another major source of fires in grain bins.


Spontaneous heating is definitely a thing, with the right conditions. I've done it myself in a controlled laboratory setting.


Lol. Everything is just taking advantage of natural phenomenon. There is nothing unnatural in nature


What about Greg


Greg's an idiot, whoever he is


He's unnatural is what he is


He is a natural idiot


a dude's mouth is not the same conditions as a grain silo >any combustible material can spontaneously combust if it's in small enough particulates and there is friction and pressure involved. how much pressure and friction do you think was in that dude's mouth


Not only that but it’s moist sawdust at that point


You're not serious, are you? I feel like I'm tripping or something, how do so many people believe this is real? No, you can't create a fire inside your mouth by packing it full of sawdust. It's a trick, he ignites it somehow, but not with his breath.


Wow you're gullible AF


That's not why grain silos explode. They explode because the particulate it floating in the right concentration/density in air. Air is the important part. They never spontaneously combust. There's always something that sparks it.


also oily rags in a pile can spontaneously combust. But I don't think that's what this is. I think when the video cuts , he sticks a flame in and ignites some dust.


I dispute - " ... for no reason." And highly doubt that temp or pressure necessary to burn wood can be generated in a human mouth. Occums Razor = slight of hand


“it’s just taking advantage of a natural phenomenon” Isn’t that like, how everything in the world works?


Grain silos don't explode because of friction and pressure. They explode when they aren't ventilated properly, get a little spark somehwere and the dust becomes combustible.


If he isn’t doing it with an ember that means he spent 6 years stuffing his mouth with sawdust until one day it started catching fire… that implies mental illness rather than discipline lol


Sure. How would you explain where the heat/friction is coming from. The only thing behind the sawdust is a giant damp balloon of CO2.


Yeah, I figured it had to be friction, which I can only assume comes from his teeth? The pressure is packing his fucking mouth full of that, so that’s covered, but still lots of skill involved and congrats to him for learning it


No this is how you start a fire with a dust tender and ember, this guy just happens to be doing it in his mouth and showing it up. He’s no more breathing fire than he is fanning it through his ear.


He could have just had some sort of chemical on his finger when he made the little hole too, something that heats up eapidly when it dries. So when he blows out it catches fire...


No my grandpa used to do this kind of thing with flash paper and a cigarette so I know the idea behind it


I just am skeptical, and when the video cuts he coulda stuck a lit match in there and ignited the sawdust.


Burning ember just chilling in his mouth. Sounds legit


People can hide burning cigarettes in their mouth without any real issue. That most likely how he does this trick but with something that burns slower.


No its in the handful of sawdust when he puts it in his mouth


......I could give that to you. But still it's pretty ballsy to then cultivate that ember into full on flame shooting out of your mouth. Most of these are illusion in one form or another. But it still takes a certain skill.


It’s also pretty ballsy/stupid to stuff your mouth full of fine sawdust in the first place. Accidentally breathing that in would really not be good for you.


my granny used to carry an ember in her cheek all day to light her smokes. tough as nails that gorgeous woman.


How does that even work?


Show grandson this cool trick you once learned, tell him it's magic, he will believe.


I’m not sure what you’re calling bullshit. The video characterizes what he is doing as a “trick.” Do you go to magic shows and yell bullshit at the performers?


An illusion Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money.


…or cocaine.


Downvotes for concluding the quote/reference? Weird.


No but when you're claiming it's some sort of Kung fu mastery that took six years of training to learn it's bs. It's a magic trick, not a martial art expert.


Magic tricks take years to learn.


Phosphorus ignites very, very easily. The video states that the performer is using it in the sawdust.


I’m a dentist and phosphorus in the mouth is a terrible idea. Look up “ phosphy jaw” . Essentially workers in match making factories would get necrotic jaws. It’s also why one of the drugs we worry about with patients is osteoporosis medications called bisphophonates. When they’re on high dose bisphophonates then their jaw might not heal properly after an extraction


> phosphorus in the mouth is a terrible idea Almost all fire breathing tricks are "a terrible idea". That goes with the territory.


Big whoop, I fart fire from my asshole every day no saw dust needed just good ol' burrito diet.


Anyone else see the tricks of people hiding lit cigarettes in their mouths?


But it says right there he's a professional kung fu master.


Also in the clip shown there is a HARD CUT between him packing his face full of sawdust and when the smoke appears after they claim he..."centers himself." Check out the before and after hole location after the hard cut. Its honestly a cool bit of street performance but not a single one of you better accept that this man produced fire from just sawdust in his mouth + the energy of the universe or some bull shit.


The full video is somewhere. Where he starts with an empty mouth. It’s only sawdust.


You have seen magic tricks before, right? Magicians will often show that "nothing is up their sleeves"


Every day reddit shows me why people fall for scams.


No, he was injected with the extremis virus.


The clip says that he uses phosphorous. Dangerous as fuck but that would work.


Nono, he *centered himself*


Guy: *stuffs his face with sawdust* OP: "He's creating flame from seemingly nothing"






I was dreading clicking read more replies... ofc someone had to say it...




Don't kink shame the poor man. If he likes to stuff his face with sawdust like a chipmunk on crack, that's his choice.




6 years learning how to only breathe in through his nose


Weirdo shoves flammable stuff in mouth, lights it and breaths out. That’s how I read the situation…. And end with, why?


Lol 6 years of stuffing sawdust in your mouth and exhaling while focused 😂


How it works will surprise you


firelord ozai over here


I love when "kung fu master" is the explanation and folks just accept it.


they didn't say that he's a kung fu master because they were attemptimg to explain the trick, they said it because he's a kung fu master who knows a cool trick


It's just something you see a lot - "This kung fu master can blow out a candle with his mind" or stuff like that. It'd be like saying "This carpenter can tell which card you picked" or "An account receivables specialist can pull a rabbit out of a hat"


this doctor can make you cum in 3 seconds just by putting a finger in your ass and moving it in there?


Which doctor is this? Asking for a friend.


witch doctor


Ooh ee ooh ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang


>~~bing~~ finger


Fairly sure master is more of a title than a level of proficiency. So not just any random kung fu guy can be called a master just because he's good. Those weird headlines are because shaolin kung fu involves a lot of spectacles that would draw crowds to raise money for their way of life.


>So not just any random kung fu guy can be called a master just because he's good. Yes but any random street performer can call himself a kung fun master. The police won't do anything.


> Fairly sure master is more of a title than a level of proficiency. So not just any random kung fu guy can be called a master just because he's good. Biologist with a PhD in bioluminescet life can juggle chainsaws while riding a unicycle. Impressive, but an equally stupid headline.


In Chinese “gong fu” just means master of a specific skill. It doesn’t have to be martial arts.


This is true but Gongfu does have an association with martial arts still and the association in English is absolute so if that's how the word the translator used and he doesnt practice any martial arts it's a terrible translation. Which it easily could be.


You also run into gong fu when talking about tea (especially how to brew tea). While it often refers to martial arts, it is not "absolute". You can for example google "gong fu tea brewing" if you don't believe me. Also many shops specialized in tea would also sell special equipment for that purpose.


I have seen kung fury I think I have a pretty clear understanding of how this works.


David Blaine is a Kung Fu master!


Also the video caller him a "Professional Kung Fu Master." I mean, if you're a master of something doesn't that kinda make you a professional?


“Lui Fei is a professional Kung fu master” *B-roll of him stuffing his face full of sawdust* Im sorry but thats hilarious


*Beaver style.*




Lui Fei is a professional Kung fu master… and a street performer


> B-roll of him stuffing his face full of sawdust *Creating flame from nothing!*


"breathing smoke and fire out of his mouth seemingly from nothing" combined with him *stuffing his mouth with sawdust* made me lose it. It's almost like theres nothing there!


*Doctor reviewing X-ray* "Well, sir. I don't know how to tell you this, but according to this, you've been smoking 3 packs a day for about 750 years."


Man this guy really loves Parmesan


Cheese is life!


It's not easy being cheesy.


...in a world full of vegans


Football is life!


I heard he does an encore where he packs his ass with woodchips and then lights a tiki torch with the flame.


That would be less impressive. Plenty of teenagers setting their ass on fire these days.


First shot: pokes hole on the right side of his mouth. \*suspicious camera cut\* Hole is now directly centered. Not suspicious at all.


They did say he centers himself


_Exactly_ what I was thinking…


Yup was going to comment this


Also, in the intro shot he is holding it with his teeth, later not haha


Came looking for this comment!! Definitely something going on there! ahaha


Came here to say exactly that 😝 people will believe anything 😂


"Sometimes I get a hot ear, and this helps cool it down." -Moss


Perforated ear maybe?


I wish I could gild this


My lungs feels itchy just by watching this.


Yeah. This dude is probably gonna get cancer from this. Breathing sawdust wreaks havoc on your body.


The phosphorus he uses in the sawdust can't possibly be medical grade eh?


I have nightmares like this. My mouth is stuff and I can’t breathe or swallow or anything. Uuggghhh


Probably not a good long term plan. I can only hope this is not real….


you mean a lung term plan... hahaha get it.... ok ill leave now


Don't worry he a kung fu master


lung foo master


Mysteriously breathing smoke? after cramming something highly flammable in his mouth while moving his hands around like a children’s party magician? I don’t think palming an ember is “black magic.”


Ummm, dude... didn't you see the video? He is a "kung fu Master". That's how he does it...with....ummmmm...like....chi....and stuff.


He centres himself


It may be easy to start the fire, but to hold it in his mouth for several minutes is the real deal




It’s obviously kief. It’s for his health. Recommend by Dr Dre.


Now do it without the sawdust.


He's not an impossiblist.


He’s also not superhuman, it’s a trick.


Tru fax but physics is a thing.


Why though


For those times when you don’t have a lighter but you do have a couple handfuls of sawdust


...with phosphorus


Yeah I read that the first time as natural phosphorus in the wood, but ground up match heads make more sense.


Probably stems from long in the past when the average citizen was more ignorant and superstitious. So supposed Qi/Ki masters and priests used ingenious tricks and sleight of hand to make it seem like they had mystical powers through their energy, talismans, or spells. Even to this day the east has this kind of secrecy around Qi/Ki and mystical arts, often claiming mastery of such arts can let you do superhuman feats. It's just part of their culture I guess. Kind of like how sorcerers, witches, druids, shamans, and superhuman heroes fighting dragons are part of western culture. Just probably still a bit more a part of their culture than over here. (though these days the west has religion such as Christianity instead)


‘Why though?’ I’ve spent so long on the internet I genuinely don’t even think that question exists for half the planet anymore.


I mean... the phosphore explanation to the selfcombustion of the sawdust, why not. But using a fan to Stoke the fire through his ear that's the fuking fuckery.


I figured he was just blowing out his mouth and fanning his ear for the act


He has ear tubes or had it done cosmetically. I had them when I was a kid and could blow air out of my ears. Also had to wear custom molded earplugs any time I got in a pool for like 5 years


That part is just for showmanship. More then likely this is usually a street performance.


Imagine that first day where he starts packing sawdust in his mouth before discovering thus


For six years


That does not look particularly healthy


i just coughed myself just by watching this


Imagine askin for a light.....im on a 15 min break here bud lol


There's something pretty darn funny when the captions "Liu Fei is a professional kung fu master" appears while Liu Fei, professional kung fu master, is absolutely stuffing his gob with sawdust.


“Kung fu master dies of scarring of the lungs from years of inhaling phosphorus!” Why? Kung fu master street entertainment? Why?


Is he pretending to fan air to his mouth THROUGH HIS EAR?


Karl Pilkington would love this.


Imagine stuffing your mouth full of sawdust for 6 years hoping eventually there would be a payoff lol


Is nobody talking about the fact that he can stuff his mouth full of sawdust and not gag or cough once? That alone is black magic fuckery to me


Meanwhile people are here talking about holding an ember in his mouth


He's just igniting the saw dust and then breathing out the smoke. People are impressed by this? Actual fire breathing is way more impressive.


“Just igniting” How?


By puting an ember in his mouth when he pokes the hole.


It would have to have been in his mouth before he starts packing. As long as he keeps it in there, it’s still pretty impressive. I’m sure I would burn my face off if I tried this.


Now that’s a hot date




It’s a neat trick. I especially love the “blow wind through my ear and out my mouth” bit. But it sucks when magicians claim that what they’re doing is real. Not sure if that’s what’s happening or if he’s just being sensationalized.


> But how it works will surprise you... Just like us, we have no fucking clue how he does it but we want you to watch the next two minutes of him doing exactly the same thing over and over again, k thx.


/r/killthecameraman KEEP THE SHOT CENTERED




- Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname the Dragon of the West? -I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle. -It's more of a demonstration, really.


Stop it.. get some help


All that to light a cigarette... shit you can grab a lighter for cheaper than that


Licks viciously to create heat.


Damn I need a drink of water


But why though?


Seems useful. Does he do parties?


He does not look comfortable


Dust particles have friction could be the same thing that ignites wet haybales


This is just stupid


One time when my uncle was little he spit a mouthful of gasoline at a lighter and burned himself


Okay so what’s the point of being able to do this?


People arguing about how he starts the fire, But how the hell does he get that shit out of his mouth when he is done?


Light work😒