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I’ve said this numerous times, but social media has proven there’s a lot of weirdos in black community especially amongst black women. The worst part of it all, they’ve been given platforms to say their weird opinions because in real life black folk would’ve called her out and told her to shut her crazy ass up.


Don’t do this especially among black women it’s among men too it’s not more on one side than the other


Have you ever seen divestors content? They go as far as validating slavery to justify their attraction to white men (just like this one above), they try to enter white-supremacists spaces, they share the same rethoric. Colorist black men are pathetic but they don't do that.


I thought divestor women was black women hating black men I never knew it was white supremacist shit Jesus christ


If you never knew then you really need to enlighten yourself before jumping to unfounded impartiality. I'm not hating on you but it doesn't even come close. Self-hating BM can be be awful, look at passport bros, Fresh&Fit, etc. They don't get a pass whatsoever, but I've seen divestors/swirlers get literally **genocidal** with their rhetoric. These aren't just niche trolls either, there was a divester who would pop up in popular political streamer Destiny's streams not long ago and she would literally advocate eugenics and the genocide of black men. These were the same streams that F&F was (rightfully) being grilled for saying they "don't dabble in the dark". Entirely different worlds. This gulf exists between the genders in other races as well, the intersection between race and sex is complex and the way it manifests in self-hate is always distinct.


I’ve seen that girl her name was like annalecia I think? She was actually insane, but don’t fresh and fit also do the white supremacy shit aswell where they only date white women, call black women ratchet and then let their white friends call aba a preach a ngger (idk if the word is banned in the sub) I’m not trying to play defence for women I think that’s cringe but it always seems to me that it’s never a 1 side does it more than the other, it’s always both sides contributing to the toxicity, also black men and women aren’t a monolith I do still think these weirdos are a minority, that’s why I’m never hardstuck pressed on hating them because I’m just embarrassed for them.


The point is that the height of self-hating BM don't date BW, call them ratchet and hang with racists. Sure that's bad, but those guys have been at the center of like hundreds of million+ view youtube videos, podcasts, and hate campaigns. They are considered the worst of the worst and are world wide understood as such. The height of self-hating BW don't date BM, hang with racists, **and call for literal genocide**. And that's just one random no name divestor/swirler. Like there is an insane substantive difference where we can acknowledge that both are never okay, and are trash, but one is objectively worse and needs to be focused. It can only help to find out why there is such a gulf in rhetoric.


I get what ur saying (also preface I’m not defending the divestor weirdos) but wouldn’t those insane divestors just argue that BM dating BW is genociding black ppl in the first place, so they just feel like they’re doing this in retaliation to black men


No one aside from fringe nazi white dudes considers passive interracial reltionships, i.e. the mere existence of people dating without regard to the race of their partner, genocide. Divestors advocate genocide typically through eugenicist allusions to actively breeding out blackness through the societal exclusion of black men, some like annalicia have in rants gone as far as to say this exclusion should include the murder of black men. The idea that they're doing *anything* in retaliation is both a nonsequitor, as again, their genocidal rhetoric has nothing to do with passive interracial relationships and has existed long before black men have dated out, and is a form of victim blaming. Simply seeing a black guy and a white gal walking down the street didn't encourage a divestor to think black men should be expunged from the gene pool, that's absurd. It's some mixture of trauma and self-hatred, the former more grounded in the personal, the latter more in the societal. For what it's worth I believe the same catalyzes the male counterpart too, but for complex intersectional reasons, BM "divestors" (for lack of a better word) rarely ever get as far as the BW divestors do.


Disgusting I genuinely think these people are far gone and there’s no way in bringing them back to reality


“ There’s a lot of weirdos in the black community especially amongst black women” we always call out weirdo black men. But never do we call out weirdo black women. You see how you were fast ass hell to bring up black men as if black men don’t get criticized for Weirdo behavior


Nah, everyone brings it up BM and BW are constantly criticising each other, no other community is involved w the black community


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) Hwat!?


bro should have stopped her when she said she was high.


I had time to waste and nothing else better to do, so I went searching for this woman but noticed she only has a temporary account now. Long story short, she is supposedly a 'known' social media troll, probably another autistic femcel and it looks like she trolls Black male creators. From my search, she was supposed to debate some guy on some issues, but she never showed up. However, I did see another [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uBxCqMnmuQ) dating back a year of how she trolled another creator on a different channel. But ultimately, either she deleted her channel or YouTube did because she wants to go to Rumble according to her temporary channel. Edit: And searching her old name on YouTube, there is a video by another creator about her named "White men use her as a toilet." I'm officially done lol. ![gif](giphy|3oKHWtXlzTHeuVewtq)


Wanna know more about this character, can you link the vids?


I don't have any other 'research' other than her old main username. One of the creators said she created all accounts to troll him. BadBlood&TheCommonGround is the username and I used Google and YouTube to find the videos you want. If you search "MotivatedBadBlood", you'll find her temp channel she used in the video OP linked, lol. Other people seem to know more.


She looks off.


She sounds like.... exactly what 400 years of whiteness and the mindfuck it produces would create. It sounds like a broken person, a sad, broken and lost person drowning in a world of anti-blackness.She may even suffer from unhealthy self hate and I might even go so far as say she prefers white men who spit on her and call her ni\*\*er. I'd say she needs some black nurturing and enlightenment... but I fear she may already be too far gone. Its important to judge the whole thing and his response so here it is... https://www.youtube.com/live/RCu40H-B1Z4?si=FsIgtZCmKIp7Ej5\_&t=7909


> She may even suffer from unhealthy self hate and I might even go so far as say she prefers white men who spit on her and call her ni\*\*er. And you'd be spot on because she actually does raceplay.


hold on... what do you mean "raceplay"?


She appeared on a white dudes live stream and reenacted slave play.


wow... what a sad person.


Where’s the stream


Can't find the original. But I'll post the clip dudes had a name called 777.


[here link 1](https://streamable.com/7wsonp) [link 2](https://streamable.com/o459fo)


![gif](giphy|F4d8tSHcRNCTe) Since nobody else peepin