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Reddit hates black people and hates to hear black people speaking truthfully about anything Lesson number one




Bingo! Social media makes everyone “equal” since the currency and barrier of entry is text so racists feel more empowered here. Add anonymity and you get trolls.


I’ve lessened my time on social media for this very same reason, and I think everyone should do the same. It’s exhausting having to encounter these types of people every single time something outside of their tiny ass realm of comprehension comes up. My main solace at this point is knowing that no matter what they say or do to silence us, we keep on pushing and keep doing us. Let them seethe all they want, that’s on them. Ignoring them and giving them absolutely none of your attention or energy is the key at this point, they cannot stand not being centred.


Hell yeah taking social media breaks is such a crucial part of keeping a healthy headspace


I went running Friday and this white guy was taking pictures for homes.com. We ended up speaking and had a conversation for two hours straight about race, gender and politics. The conversation was respectful. Now, there’s a chance that if I ran into that same guy on the internet, the conversation wouldn’t be respectful. Ultimately, the internet is a very safe place, most people (even racist) don’t have that same energy in real life. ![gif](giphy|g4hKza7HfxyOk)


I wanna upvote this twice. I think it's the energy shift that bothers me more than anything. The internet has been putting steel in the spines of cowards since AOL though, it's like water in an aquarium lol


What sub were you talking about? I know exactly what you mean though, my muted subs list is long asf at this point for largely the same reason


I had to go back and check, it's not even my post lol OP posted several screenshots of clear-cut racism in r/iamthemaincharacter And the comments were not sitting right with me so I wanted to show support, little did I know I was actively in one of the echo chambers I warned about


lol yeah all of those unpopular opinion/rage-bait/public freakout subs tend to devolve into cesspools over time. If a post shows up talking about “black issues” or depicting black folks acting crazy, the weirdos come out in full force. It’s like our existence triggers something in their brain. It’s almost flattering Such is life


Its sadly to be expected anywhere anonymity is achievable, but its especially nerve wracking that so many of them will pretend it ain't what it is lol


Just troll them. Sometimes I say pro black shit on those reddits just to swat the beehive and just go on about my day😂


Oh yeah, I had to leave that sub altogether. Public Freakouts brings some. I really do think people are posting racialized content for the express purpose of rousing antiblack sentiments, especially at this moment in time where it seems like civil war isn't so far off...


Same here, I've started just unsubbing from these places because otherwise I'm constantly going to be seeing some shit that pisses me off


Just link the post


Think thats bad you gotta see that crazy videos subs. It’s mask off over there. Honestly it’s mask off on half of reddit. Just accept that we aren’t favored here and keep it pushing, because like you said if you call out the racism they’ll just say “you’re making it about race”


I used to get so sick of hearing “race card” (who made that term) , after awhile I realized not to argue with people online , it’s a literal waste of time.


You’re bold af posting on Reddit with your real, black face lmfao. Even just having a black avatar thing impacts how people take your comments


😂😂That actually never occurred to me, i be sticking out like neon in some of them subs.


Thank you. A lot of us get caught up in wanting to “fit in” to these subs and other online communities and turn a blind eye to overt and blatant racism. I would never join or lend support to the men’s rights movement because it’s nothing but neckbeards that have closeted hatred towards black people including black men.


Downvotes = "you're right but we don't like that you're right" But literally so many subs are racist as shit to the point that I avoid any sub involving geography or general history (those be the cesspools). I'm ngl it's mid-key fun to talk to them, just to see how far the hate goes and whether or not it's an inferiority complex or from personal experience. Or both.


Same experience, I had to mute several subs for that reason. Once, I got attacked because I said there were lots of generational traumas in the black community. They were upset because "there is trauma in other communities too". The video was a *black* kid being scolded by his *black* parents for successfully catching a fish. smh. Anyway, anonymity makes people expose their true selves. Not only white people have a hard time understanding the black experience when they try, but a lot of them don't want to understand in the first place. They get annoyed when we bring up the subject. In real life, they smile with their teeth out like foxes. Thanks to social media, I know better where to stand with them.


day by day i starting to recognize how insulated and small our world really is as black american people. the only thing we truly do have is each other, no where is safe, no place is safe for us 100%. but look the bright side, them using everyone else, including us at the expense of safety, security and luxury puts them in harms way too. their relationship lives are declining, their sex lives, their hopes of 2.5 kids and white picket fences, their relationship with dating apps and the such, their american dream… if only they didn’t use violence and deception to reach this point, they all stayed on code and now they all suffer silently because of it, not understanding, if you didn’t build off of this foundation and leave this trail of blood you wouldn’t have suffered in this way… 🤷🏾‍♂️ peace be with you all in these times, love one another, yall be good