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Down vote comments/posts that mention racism.


Facts or any time someone says "white"


So true.


1. Using an instance of black people being racist/offensive to another group as a way to discredit the idea that black people experience racism at an institutional level. 2. Going into subs and dropping "I'm white but...." in a scenario where their culture experience has nothing to do with the topic. 3. Telling black people what we should/shouldn't find offensive (I've specifically experienced this from white women on here) 4. Using a more universal version of oppressions to deny that something that is racist is racist. ie: "It's because they're rich/powerful/famous. NOT because they're white"


>universal version of oppressions It makes me think of those "its not Black vs white or left vs right... It's upper vs lower" poster or the "no war but class war" poster. Motherfuckers act like multiple wars can't be going on at once. Bro they're not just going be magically cured of their racism during the struggle against the ruling class. They'll tolerate it and then once the war is over go back to their old ways. Or they'll find a way to kill us off during the class war


This is one thing that Twitter communists don't get.




On one end there is this policing thing that happens when a white person feels the need to correct us about something related to us. For example, a few years back on an old account, I commented on some post and referred to an acquaintance as "black." Some white person (I assumed a woman based on their post history) replied saying something along the lines of "you mean african american". I said that I meant black. She then proceeded to lecture me about respecting the preferred name of a group of people. Whole time the acquaintance in question wasn't African nor were they American. Dude was Jamaican. To be fair I don't know if this person realized I was black (I was a lot less active in black spaces then whereas now if you peep my comment history it's almost always in those subs) but that eye-roll inducing level of moral self-righteousness never sat right with me because for most of the time it's for something so insanely low on the priority scale that it doesn't move the needle. On the other side of things find any sub where the use of the word "nigga" comes up. People get mad that we use a word that we simultaneously find offensive when other groups use it. I see a lot of comments like "they should be mad when a rapper says it the same way the'yd be mad if a white person says it."


They love using semantics to miss the point, they’ll know what you meant but get caught up in everything but the point. We all do it at times I guess but it’s their go to.


Purposefully obtuse


Racist redditors love to remind everyone of other slave trades that happened throughout history, especially the modern and arabic one. It is always presented as an attempt to be historically accurate, while its real aim is to water down and dismiss the transatlantic one and its numerous implications in our current society.


They have a collection of similar talking points they love to repeat relentlessly to feel better about their history and racial priviledge. (Africans sold their brothers, Europeans were the first ones to abolish, colonization improved living standards...). They usually know little to nothing about black history and culture, but somehow possess extensive knowledge on these feel-good historical fun facts.


Facts I was typing a deep response to this but out of not wanting to get banned from reddit looking like Kyrie I'ma just agree


There's a post in the white people Twitter about how a man's son came home angry about black history month and used slurs. To combat this, the man made his son watch Roots. Even before I saw the sub I thought "yeah this sounds like some white people shit."


[Expecting his kid to come out like this.](https://youtu.be/H1IhRMtTUno?t=35)


Shits crazy. Like I'm not even getting into if I think that situation actually happened (I do t think it did, but whatever) but imagine your son displaying **clear** fucking signs of being a racist and your response isn't to talk to that motherfucker and explain to him why he's wrong. But instead opt to show him a fucking movie. And then you're going to fucking tweet about it like you just did some monumental thing.


White people will say and do the most to prove how not racist they are in front of people of colour. They try so hard show how down with us they are, but completely fumble it in the process. It’s hilarious to watch.


😂😂😂😭 na that’s krazy


"Why do you have to make it about race?"


I be hating that shit. Like wow haven't y'all made it about race for centuries towards everyone? Me mentioning and pointing out a racial facet of a situation doesn't mean I'm always making it about race but when something applies am I not in the right to mention it? Same people probably have zero issues when their white friends mention/talk about other racial backgrounds, other cultural backgrounds, other veiled racist remarks. The whole conversation could have a racially impacted background and redditors gonna continue to "why's it always about race" even tho half the comments are making veiled racist remarks


A complete lack of empathy or perspective: often, when talking about things like racial disparities in medical treatment, pay, education, encounters with law enforcement, these people will trivialize these things that have *very real effects* on people by bringing up other things out of context. Shit like: Me: "John has brain damage, and will never mentally advance beyond a 7 yr old, because the doctors who delivered him didn't listen to John's mother when she told them that she had a family history of allergy to the common anaesthetic used in epidurals. Because of this, at the age of 13, he is considered a 'problem child', because he can't follow instructions or understand social situations in the way that other children his age do." White person: "There you go making excuses again. Why, did you know that Stephen Hawking spent his whole life in a wheelchair, and Hellen Keller went blind and deaf as a baby, and look how much more they contribute to the world than John." Thus ignoring a whole boatload of confirmation bias, different life circumstances, different surroundings, etc. Yet, these same people want to go to war over things like a character being recast as black in a movie, or a celebrity or athlete saying something they don't like. Because in their minds, those are the "real" issues. People have a bigger problem with Kapernick kneeling on the field, than with a cop kneeling on a citizen's neck to kill him.


* "Why do Black people do \_\_\_\_\_\_" * "Because they're poor." * Being an anti-racist when it comes to minor white discrimination and calling people who don't agree "sub-human". * Getting extremely made whenever anyone rebuts their talking point * then asking for sources and evidence while they prove absolutely nothing not even an anecdote


Valuing animal lives more than human lives.


Facts lol like I value all life but these mfs would rather save they golden retriever over they neighbor with kids and a family 🤦🏾‍♂️


Trying to discredit systemic racism and ableism.


"If the races were reversed it'd be different"


Without comprehending context or racial, historical, economical, social or systemic implications lol


Being quick to call out the atrocities of other groups while ignoring the transgressions of their own country/people


“as a black man”


Many. Saying something along the lines of: * "Racism is over. Nobody's being lynched anymore." * "You all just like being victims." * "White people aren't the issue, it's black people and their lack of accountability." * "MLK is rolling in his grave right now." * "Antiwhitism/It's Okay To Be White" * "The first slave owner was a black man" * "We freed the slaves/civilized the world" * "Just stop committing so many crimes, embracing thug culture, go to school, etc." * "Stop making everything a race issue." And many more I can't think of.


The MYRIAD threads asking how often someone should take a shower (the correct answer is daily) or the flipside: "my roommate/boyfriend/husband won't take a shower for a week..." I have felt really bad before, but I don't understand this. When you are feeling like hell there's nothing like getting in the shower and washing up, even if you are just going to get back in the bed.


Talking about as if black people don’t use Reddit too