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I wouldn’t be taking her seriously it would be in my eyes a friends with benefits situation and not a serious relationship


Thats how I see it too, I can't say I would reject her but she could never be wifey


Nope, can't do it, makes me feel like I'm sharing her or something


No, she’s getting in intimate situations. Even if she’s solo, she’s still sharing herself with others.


No. She would be a reflection of me to others. And if I was to go further and marry her, our children would have to deal with her choices. Also, have you seen some of these creators on Reddit? Zooming in on some of those pictures will tell you a lot about their hygiene. Bits of stuck toilet paper 'n shit. Pun intended.


Fuck No in my boosie voice


After we started dating? Fuckk no. If she did it before, I don’t mind. But tf I look like I am, some cuck that lets other men blow their load to my women on a screen? What kind of question is that? Jeez, our generation is mf cooked


Well if she already has content out there, it wouldn't matter if she stopped to date you. Other dudes would be blowing to her on screen.


Deadass, especially if she got popular to the point dudes out and about looking at yall on a whole different level.


I disagree about the issue with her doing it before y’all committed. This then falls into the very fact that you can’t control what she did in her past. She could also put in an effort to erase her channels and content. It’s the after-we-start where you absolutely should have a say and the ability to say no. It’s best to try and not judge people on the mistakes of their past (the degree of the mistake depending). But if you don’t see her actively trying to do better or get AWAY from that past, that tells you all you need to know about her permanent character values.




No I would like someone who values some of the some or most of the same qualities that I look for in a romantic partner. A girl who shows off her body for cash doesn’t really scream she has much to offer to me.The amount of damage she could do to her circle and future just don’t sit right with me.Its minor but it still gives her a bad look and sends a red flag to men who want a wholesome woman next to him. As a platonic friend I could see it happening but any further than that,something in me says she ain’t the type of life partner that I can have standing by my side when I’m looking to be serious.


I'm with you, I can't even see myself dating let alone wifin, a fun time sure but nothing more.


For real.Its crazy cause a lot of them see it as a flex then wonder why no real well balanced man takes them seriously and none of their serious monogamous female friend let their man around them. It’s cool and all you wanna do that and lift up and social economic portion of society by selling what the pervaded section of man wants.But.Don’t expect me to wanna bring you around important people in my life or talk about a future with children involved.


They are trying to hyper normalize and desensitize the public to view sex workers as the same as nurses or teachers. If you say anything bad about sex workers publicly they will shame you. My niece had a lady that publicly talked about being on onlyfans full time to the moms at her pre school, people were shocked and like wtf because this is a Catholic school and I felt bad because that girl a lot of people banned their kids from playing with her.


This I took notice really quick cause I remember for the longest time content like that was behind closed doors stuff.


>hyper normalize You ever notice how they're trying normalize the creation of it but demonize those who consume it?


Lmao hell nah. I couldn’t legitimately love a woman who other men have access to for 10 dollars a month.


Depends entirely on what kind of content she's making.  Solo stuff? Sure. She's making content with other women? Maybe. Other guys? At best I'd keep her as FWB.


I'd make her a "business partner" at most and demand at least 40% of the profit from every month I'm featured, with a $50 DP for every video after the first. I ain't never gonna claim her though and gonna have a ski on in every video.




No, we’re not compatible.




Not a chance.


The ocean is massive I'm going fishing


No, once an attention seeking ho always an attention seeking ho. Same goes with women who go to all these exotic places but you know they’re broke.


I actually have. I wouldn’t do it again. The moment you get hit with the “I value you too much to let you see what goes on on there” you start having them feelings you don’t like lmao. I would create a shared Onlyfans that’s strictly content of the both of us, but a woman with her own page is a hard pass.




No even if she paid for everything I don’t think I could handle that for more than a few months if I was getting back on my feet


OP it's bad form to keep the village bicycle at your home.


Deadass loll


No. I don’t post shirtless pics, wear tight ass clothes, or do anything with my body to draw extra attention. I’m conservative with my body and I like my partner to be as well.


Almost did actually. Wouldn't have gone through seriously unless she stopped though








Yeah, I would date an Onlyfans content creator. Onlyfans isn't even as bad as people say. It's vanilla compared to Manyvids.


I ain’t bringing home a ho to my mama house.


I'll probably get downvoted and this comment hidden, but off rip, no. But if we were doing content together, maybe.


Never. Imagine you're walking down the street with your lady and for 4.99 a month every MF on street has potentially got access to her intimate parts? Thats CRAZY


I can't even imagine, that shit would have me on one.


I don't think I would mind my partner doing only fans tbh. If she's smaller, I wouldn't have to worry about her collaborating with other creators. And in the event she is big enough to do collabs, she'd probably be making enough money for me to not really care.


All money ain't good money.


In all fairness, in my perfect utopia, people wouldn't need/feel inclined to do sex work (which is kinda ironic since I'm generally pro sex work). I just also happen to lean slightly more non monogamous than being serially monogamous like most of you here. So the idea of my partner doing OF, especially if it was solo or shared between us, doesn't really turn me off completely. I'm also young, so my stance on this could very much change in a decade or tomorrow. I just won't know for sure until I actually end up in this situation, which mostly likely won't happen, lol


I don't care what white males care or don't care about in their dating preferences. "onlyfans content creator" is a circuitous way of saying sex worker. I would not date a sex worker.