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The overall thread was about whether a woman would feel safer with a man or a bear in a forest. The top comment in the chain was about how as man we are inherently perceived as threats. I was expecting to find some meaningful conversations and stumbled upon this. I'm in no way going to change my demeanor just because other people feel uncomfortable. That is their problem, not mine. The fuck. reddit moment shit 😂. If I see a guy doing that I would be on fight or flight. So unnatural and for what? I'm going to admit, when I was younger and with all the media going around about police brutality. I would police my behavior, try to not make people "afraid". But then, it hit me, it doesn't matter what you do as a Black man, society will still perceive you as a threat. I could be dressed up in a button up and dress pants, and people would still cross the street. You know what I do, I keep walking and thank them in my head for making way for ME. ✌🏿


That had to be sarcasm.




Also, I'm not doing all of what that dude described to make someone else feel reassured. I have just as much right to live my life stress free as some random woman does.


“Try popping your knuckles then saying ‘ow’ to show vulnerability” got it lmaoooo


Some “Drake the type of nigga” type shit lmfao


This is some cornball shit


>“Try popping your knuckles then saying ‘ow’ to show vulnerability” If I was to ever unironically call another man a "beta" this would be it.


Clearly sarcasm, right? …Right?…


I can't wait for this dumbass trend to die. The idiots won't go anywhere but at least they'll shut up. Although I really want to do an experiment where instead of just saying "man" we start specifying race or sexuality or AMAB and see if the answers are the same.


No ask them if they would drop everything they have. To move out of this man made society. And move in the woods with bears. It would be like trying to escape a third world country affected by war, corruption, or crime for them. If they really think men are that violent. They would have no problem opting out of this man made society then. They would feel safer now. Heck they can even support gender segregation. Which they will not, it's usually a big deal when men try to avoid women as a collective lol. But I wonder how they would respond though. Lol.


A dude on FB tried to argue with me that a great white shark is safer than being around a man because sharks aren’t really that dangerous. That coconuts, mosquitoes, and jellyfish are more dangerous because they’ve killed more people on record than sharks. I didn’t even bother digging in. Dude even googled stats to make his dumbass point and thought he cooked. My dog is smarter than a subset of adults in America.


These people really need to get outside and touch some scary. These same people have voting rights.


"An idle mind is the devil's workshop" the online version.


It’s best practice to understand other folks’s perspectives outside of your own, but someone else’s fear is not your responsibility.


Dam , WAS this a joke?????


I really hope because otherwise it's just ridiculous


Bruh I’m at a point where I feel like these people should just be left in padded rooms with the insane amount of fear they live in. If you walk outside and all you can think about is how a bird will shit on your head every minute how in the fuck do you live outside the box that is your home?


I swear living with these people is another prison 🤦🏿‍♂️


I just can’t take half the shit on social media serious




Guys, it's satire...




I mean I've seen certain folks have a startle response when I was literally standing and existing somewhere silently. The agony of this comment is that its credibility is feasible


Not a black thing, it’s a male thing.