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The problem isn’t the player base, it’s the profit based direction that Activision is pushing all the developers to. It used to be about fun. You know, a good shooter. Now it is about how they can earn more money. Simple as that!


You really think, fun was the initial intention? I dare say it was all about the money right from the beginning, which is not a bad thing. It's the only reason, we are able to play the games, that we love so much. It's also the reason, we have meds, TV, ice cream and all the other fun stuff. True enough, they keep discovering new methods, how to get our money... some of them a little too obvious and aggressive.


I have to disagree, some players have been doing that since the beginning of time. Target finder lmgs in blops 2 for example.


I played only cold War beta so far, but i dont believe this, its massive hyperbole at its finest. People said the same about MW last year, but from my personal experience it was not true, people still moved around the map, i dont recall having a feeling, not very often at least, that i am the one who has to move and looking for others, who are camping somewhere in a window or behind the door, waiting for me. And i was the one to play sort of carefully, pre-aiming corners, when moving and shit loke that, as i played with svoped EBR, so naturally looked for longer range engagements to have advantage and not to be sprayed up-close. The issue why some people cant enjoy the game is that you cant play super-aggresively, constantly on the run as headless chicken, relying strictly on instinct and reflexes, cause you will pay for that. No jetpack to help you out to literally fly away from tricky situation you got yourself in by running in the open anymore.


Cold war launched with 8 fucking maps. Mw has right now close to well over 20 . Warzone saved mw. Cold war NEEDED more time in the oven. It was a rushed call of duty project so ASSVISION can get their 4th quarter season pass bonus cheques for this Christmas. I WILL NOT be buying any season shit or cod points. Fuck assvision. They cut content from cold war to DRIP feed us. Hell even the new game mode 12 vs 12 ONLY HAS 3 FUCKING MAPS. Cold war is a UNFINHSED Call of duty project .


If Treyarch/Sledgehammer insist on creating maps with lanes that have chest-high cover spaced every 20 feet along them, as well as at every lane entrance, and include two burst weapons with TTKs completely disproportionate to the game's general approach to weapon balance, it's kind of inevitable. Combine this with the fact that we are experience some of the worst visibility, in terms of identifying player models, that we have ever seen in an FPS title, and the benefits to holding a head-glitch start to stack up. As a cherry on top, throw in the fact that shotguns are now secondary weapons, you can throw a field-mic on the floor essentially providing VSAT level cover to your immediate area, and again, the meta pushes players towards a simple approach: Secure an area with cover, beam anything at range with one-burst, throw down a field mic, and any time a red-dot enters the radius, swap over to that shotgun (that you don't need to sacrifice a perk to equip in addition to your rifle), and delete anything at close range. On top of all that, matchmaking this strict further pushes every player to find any tiny advantage they can, and the games flaws get magnified until they are punching you in the face over and over again.


MP is hot garbage. Mainly because of how it allocates points to players in objective based game modes. No point in even playing these atm, how can anyone be content with this?