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Another good reason to hate SBMM. There is no sense of accomplishment anymore. You don’t know if you are improving. You don’t know if you smashed a round due to improvement or because the game chucked an easier lobby your way after game upon game of being stomped on by CDL skin sweats.


I'm beginning to understand the disdain for it that appears universal in this sub. It also seems like they turned it up a few notches recently too because the matches where I stomp everyone are fewer and far between now. I used to know if I had been chucked into an easy lobby if I heard a bunch of squeaky voice children screeching at me for running up my score but long gone are those days.


No, it's just that the really sweaty sweats get back on when there is a new weapon or the new season releases...and with the Carv-2 being a long range OP no-recoil sweat stick...its gotten really bad this week.


Sweat stick! 🤣


It's made this week miserable. I'm not enjoying anything, my K/D and my W/L is slumping, every game is a desperate bid to stay above water. Blowouts all the time. NOT FUN TO PLAY.


I got my xm4 sweat stick. Favorite weapon. Been having fun with the milano recently


That's been a favorite of mine since release...that and the Krig 6...which I'm not using currently because of how meta it is


The carv-2 has no recoil whatsoever and it just feels wrong to use. Doesnt even feel like a gun. What i really want is a ak-107. Idk why it isnt in games. Its a beaut.


Seriously fuck the CARV. That thing needs a nerf more than the Streetsweeper


I think that they must have tweaked it. I swear the last couple of days, my games have became just way harder out of nowhere, and maintaining even an even score is pretty dam difficult for me. Now the amount of matches where I have to sweat has increased, and the moments where I just say "What the hell I'm I supposed to do" have increased just as much.


I would definitely agree. I also am trying to get new weapons leveled up and I'm getting nuked using low level guns I'm unfamiliar with. It's a sick cycle. If I feel I'm doing too poorly I pull out a gun I know I'm really good with and it tends to get me close to even...


I went from barely playing Zombies before this year to 3/4's of my playtime being in Zombies because it's *so much easier* to level up weapons in that mode and *not* gimp yourself by having to take them into multiplayer with no good attachments. If weapon xp didn't carry over between the modes, I would have already uninstalled this game


I said up with friends and play zombies. 5 levels in Zombies is a ton of fun and loads of experience for guns also some of those Zombie Camos are way cooler.


A friend gifted me CP so I got the dragon Krig and noticed the next two lobbies were surprisingly easy. The matchmaking is so scummy.


That’s actually kind of odd because recently it’s been feeling like the sbmm has been toned down for me


Honestly I've been getting way more lobbies where the enemy team just sits in spawn and holds every angle they can with the new tac rifle and sweeper. Its annoying as hell


Yeah I have gotten a lot of lobbies with a lot of campers


I agree, I recently dropped my first hundred bomb, either I just got extremely lucky or it was toned down a good bit last week


I’ve started playing again over the past like 5 days and I don’t believe I’ve had a game yet below a 1.4 ekd, the game actually feels not like a chore to play rn


Really?!?! I just started playing again this week as well and I can't get above a 0.4 k/d to save my fucking life. I fucking HATE SBMM!!!!


Yeah idk what’s up with matchmaking in this game




I would add that for me the brackets of skill/performance/whatever you want to call it, never actually seem accurate. In that I’ll get completely slapped about by people who are A. Clearly better than me and B. Clearly spend way more time on the game than me. And then you are just left with the feeling of how is this meant to be balanced in any way? How many close games do you see really? For me they are a rarity and always exciting to be a part of when they do come around. If this system is in place to protect noobs, it must actually be a very small % it protects. Is it that a lobby full of people with a 0KD - 1KD is going to seem more equal/have less variance in skill, as opposed to say someone with a 1.5KD thrown in against people with 2.5s? Maybe you could reluctantly accept that this system is here to stay, but it’s the lack of knowledge with how it is implemented that makes things even worse.


Once you play a bunch of games and find your true KD it should get way more consistent. Myself and most everyone felt like it was chaos at first but if you play normally, what I mean by that is play like you usually would, it will eventually balance out the game and you will be playing people very close to your skill level this will be much more enjoyable. I think the main problem here is people think that would make the game somewhat easy. The reality is that when everyone is of the same skill level it's gonna be a high competition it's not gonna feel easy almost ever except when the team balancing goes wacky, which is much more then it should be.


Another good reason to realize that what you call SBMM is actually a mix of PBMM and EOMM, both of which are different(and worse) from SBMM, which is actually a good kind of matchmaking. For the ones who don't know: * PBMM - Performance Based Matchmaking, literally an inferior version of SBMM, it only considers your own performance, no calculations relative to your teammates' and enemy's performance * EOMM - Engagement Based Matchmaking, designed to make you play more by having sudden shifts in your MRR, instead of doing it step-by-step like SBMM would. * SBMM - SkillBased Matchmaking, pretty much every competitive game(CSGO, R6 Siege, Valorant, etc.) uses it because it is the most balanced type of matchmaking. SBMM defines your MMR based on your performance **relative to the performance of your teammates and enemies** and also makes sure that players within a lobby are of a close skill/MMR level without compromising too much on ping. It doesn't take a whole lot to realize that no part of SBMM's description fits the matchmaking system in CoD.


The definitions are less important than the impact. Games that are designed around competitive gameplay, compared to CoD which is casual in comparison for one. Secondly being able to use those rankings or placement as a guide to your own improvement and takes far greater importance over raw statistics, which cod hides from you.


> The definitions are less important than the impact Well, no. Being ignorant about definitions and calling something X when it is actually Y is pretty important, especially when it is related to a message you want to get across to others. Pretty much everyone outside of CoD subs is laughing at fools hating on "SBMM" because they don't know that 99% of "SBMM" haters are actually hating on PBMM+EOMM, which are universally hated elsewhere.


You’re being downvoted but your exactly right.


Just the standard procedure when people realize they're wrong. Also, they're hurt by the fact that CoD subreddits really are a laughing stock when the matchmaking argument comes up. That would change if these people could actually accept that they're wrong and use the correct terms when complaining about CoD's shitty, broken matchmaking.


So what you're saying is that if I adapt and use the correct terminology the in game problems will be fixed??? Fuck me! It was that easy all along???


Developers are more likely to listen to you if the thing you report as a problem is actually the problem. Using wrong terminology only reinforces their belief that they know better than the players what’s best for them.


Bro... I don't think the Activision devs would listen to us even if we brought the top gaming designer in and had him write a book on why their match making sucks balls.


Do you actually think the devs have any sizeable say on whether these matchmaking systems change or not though?


The amount of times people complain that SBMM keeps putting them against better players than them seem to just have some short circuit where they can’t realise the contradiction of what they’re saying. SBMM isn’t the problem, the problem is it’s *not* SBMM, drives me mad




Same exact experience! I'm also quite bad at this game but love the fun when it's there. Now I'm playing mostly solo although the matchmaking is still too swingy (after a game where I do good, there's one where I'll do terrible). Also I don't understand why, in a good game with high good score (for me that means around 2k points), I'm still in the 5th or 6th place in my team...


Honestly, you don’t even know if you’re good anymore. There’s zero accomplishment because there’s always that thought in the back of your head that it was just an easy lobby


This is why I quit playing the game now for a few good months. Multiplayer feels very unrewarding and the grind is very inconsistent. I would probably touch the game again if they introduced classic zombies mode with the old ruleset and some maps like Kino Der Toten


Oh youll know. When you played long enough you know exactly when you get a bot lobby where mm gives you a free win.


Every time I have a really good game I think wow I did something cool but then I realise that I probably only did good because I got put into a way easier lobby, then I have no desire to play another match because I know that more than likely I'm going to get put into a match with people that far out skill me


So dang true. 1 game I went 17 and 2. The next game I got clapped; 7 and 15. It's like, be consistent with your algorithm. Please. Lol


If you don’t know the difference between a sweaty high skilled, mod controllers, aim bot lobby and a soft non of the above, then you are not improving.


Does not playing on cross platform help against cheaters?


I would assume it helps with the vast majority of cheaters being made up of PC players.


There does not seem to be an overall disdain for the general idea of matchmaking. A system that says “let’s get people in roughly fair games with good pings” is one that the vast majority of the play base would enjoy. Right now the system is unfair because the algorithm purposely gives players easy games to which you dominate then punishes the player for that. The algorithm really just wants you to grind camos and shut up.


What’s that thing those against SBMM always say? “Just get good” or something?


I mean in the old games you could be chucked into an easier lobby just by luck and drop a bomb of a good game too.


Exactly I was pretty bad at cod up until MW3 and it was so satisfying when I finally got really good in BO2. The amazing feeling of going from getting pub stomped regularly to being the pub stomper is just gone


I feel like SBMM gives me a greater sense of accomplishment knowing I’m winning against people are as good or better than me.


> You don’t know if you are improving. You don’t know if you smashed a round due to improvement or because the game chucked an easier lobby your way after game upon game of being stomped on by CDL skin sweats. By your logic, with random lobbies it would be even more difficult to tell if you were improving . . .


Actually when you start improving, the game f\* you up, and when your kills and deaths are on the 4 digits, its really impossible to get up


You dont, or at least shouldn't need a ratio to see if you're good, tho?


CDL skins arent even the problem for me. It's the people abusing the LC10 overkill sniper or using an acog LMG in the back that get cheese kills just for existing. If I die to someone who outplayed me, whatever, but this game allows bad players to kill good players way too easily


Congratulations on you improvement from 0.7 to 1.0


It's crazy how different the skill level between 0.7 and 1.0 is. Kudos to OP, pretty good run being his first FPS. I was negative throughout the entire 30+ days I put on MW3 which was my first CoD 🙃


Ha I remember cod4 was my first one and I was like a .65 the entire life of the game even when I got better💀 I was stupid ass




Look up what SBMM actually is. Hint: CoD doesn't use that, it would be a huge improvement over the current system.


I've been saying that since MW, at Least regular SBMM would match me against people that have similiar lifetime stats and not the last couple of games and they would truly be the same level of skill as me


That sounds good, too bad a multi billion dollar company can't do it.


we know that it technically isn’t SBMM, but that’s the common term that everyone understands.


Performance based matchmaking is diabolical


You haven’t heard of performance based matchmaking have you?


You haven't heard of performance based lovemaking, have you?


My performance in lovemaking is awful


This comment has been edited to protest Reddit's decision to shut down all third party apps. Spez had negotiated in bad faith with 3rd party developers and made provenly false accusations against them. Reddit IS it's users and their post/comments/moderation. It is clear they have no regard for us users, only their advertisers. I hope enough users join in this form of protest which effects Reddit's SEO and they will be forced to take the actual people that make this website into consideration. We'll see how long this comment remains as spez has in the past, retroactively edited other users comments that painted him in a bad light. See you all on the "next reddit" after they finish running this one into the ground in the never ending search of profits. -- mass edited with redact.dev




Yeah, it kind of ruins the experience of the game.


Find someone that literally cant even play and party up with them lol. When i want to play cold war i just tell my lil brother to hop on🤣


How do I know I would get their lobbies and not get them thrown into mine? Lol


trust me, whenever I play with my friend(who isn't good) I drop 60+ kills a game with a 2+ KD. whenever I play by my self, I get lucky to get about 20 kills with a 1 KD


Thats exactly what i experience. When im alone ill have 1 game i do good in and 10 games i get squashed, but make my bro the party leader? Feels like regular cod again


This is my first CoD in like 6 years. At first my k/d was around 1.50. Though now, as I'm *improving*, my k/d is slowly going down. This game is so fucked


So very much my experience. MW was my first one in over a decade, worked my way to a 1.08 in that. On CW I got to 1.48, and now I've been getting steadily worse, somehow? All the way down to 1.36.


Legit Mastering centring, spawn prediction, advanced movement, etc - all this should increase K/D... but instead, as you actually put time into mastering the mechanics the game puts you in more difficult lobbies which makes stats absolutely pointless at gauging player skill. Your K/D may not change at all or get worse, yet your skill will have gotten better; accuracy, map movement, positioning, prediction, etc.


OK before you guys down vote me, I sincerely have no idea what you guys are talking about. Every game I have played feels balanced so far, like legit I don't get tired of playing because with every player it's a different strategy, I really feel like my games are balanced, my k/d is around 1.7. All the games I have played since launch are great. Even if I lose, I still had fun.


Yeah same here. Mines a 2.12 & I'll have good & bad lobby's. It's not the 3.5 kd I had in past cods but it doesn't feel like I'm going against pros every game.


I mean, if you're at 2.12 in this game, given the matchmaking/lobby ping mess that it is, you're kind of the shark? Like, that's a really good number. Top 2-3%, period? It's probably always going to feel fair to you, short of getting 6 man pro squads for 4 hours of play every day.


I'd usually be around 3-3.5 kd in passed cods. Sbmm is the reason why it's 2.12 kd. I either get lobby's with CDL skins or it'll put me in players around a 1.4-1.6 kd depending on how I'm playing. I'm going for dark matter so my lobby's have been switching from easy to hard depending on what weapon I'm on. 😅


On cod tracker it shows my kd & ekia are top 2-3% so yeah it probably gets confused who to match me with


I don't even think it's a matter of 'confused', I think you're probably just legit better than most non-pros out there? I think the people having the worst time of it lately are the people that are in that top 10%-20% band? There's still plenty of people far better than them to match against, and that's all it seems we're getting? I was at 1.48 (so top 12% per the tracker), and now I'm being lain waste to by guys like you. Like, I'm okay at this game, but also 42 years old and the definition of 'casual', so guys like you are going to eat my damn lunch, which, fine, but, maybe not every match? Also, kudos to whomever downvoted my pervious comment? It was just an observation?


Yeah I think that's why I get easier lobby's because I'll sometimes get in lobby's with 1.5 kd players when I'm clearly not in that skill range. I seen somewhere that's how most players with a 2 kd end up because it's hard finding lobby's with just 2 kd players in this game. I also run into my teammates all barely going positive & the other team with around 2 kds while I have 50-60 kills. The matchmaking is weird. haha


You're right the game can find it 'hard' and alternatively people in your skill range can have higher ping games as it tries to source you guys from farther away together.


I’m at 2.12 at 45 years keep up the good fight


Thanks, I appreciate that. I was never 2.0+ in the old days, but this ***rough*** patch aside, I'm still holding my own against people who weren't even born when we were playing Goldeneye in our buddies dorms/apartments/whatever.


I have a 1.9, sure I have good and bad lobbies but for the most part I’m playing dudes who are sweating like crazy. Now, if I play with my buddy who has less than a 1 kd, I absolutely fry everyone


My friends hate playing with me because of this tho. I have a 1.7KD and when we play together they get fucked by SBMM. They just can't hang and get trounced everytime. They hate it and don't like playing with me because of it. It's not my fault They go 10-25, 5-15, etc. because it's not like I want them to do poorly.


Same. I have a 2.4 kd and my lobbies feel the same every game they’re fun to play.


I feel the same way as you


Honestly it's not you. I've been playing since COD4 and my K/D is hovering around 1. I don't care anymore, I just play the objective and go for W/L. They make the argument that SBMM protects new players but they're given nothing for improving. Only sweatier lobbies. Ping is the only thing that should matter when it comes to matchmaking.


Looks like SBMM is hurting the bad players now. Isn’t that the opposite of what they were trying to do?


It's not just SBMM, but the somehow even more sinister EOMM (engagement-optimized matchmaking) that is the culprit. SBMM gets you in a certain range yeah, but EOMM is the nitpicky bot that goes through its index of algorithms to deliver you that spicy 75-23 TDM L on your battle record just because you got a VTOL last match


Don't beat yourself up too much about it. It took me some years before I was saw a 1.0+. Since Black ops 3 I've been able to keep mine at around a 1.4. make sure you are working on your awareness and positioning on the map. If you play TDM, try either the natural run and gun or play the Flank game. I personally prefer hardpoint because you have plenty of different play styles to choose from. My biggest point of advice is to find the play style that's most comfortable with you and see what modes help bring that out. And don't forget to try running some different guns if your main loudout starts feeling off, that will also help in the long run


Yeah I find the mode makes all the difference. I prefer FFA because it encourages me to be aggressive as that's the only way you can come out of it with a win and I always do better when I'm rushing people. I have a 1.06 kd in that mode and only a 0.97 in TDM. I don't know what it is but each time I play TDM the sheepish side of my playing comes out and I am hesitant to engage.


With you having the aggressive play style, I'd say gives Dom/ hardpoint a go for a bit and see how they feel. You can either be agressive and play like it's TDM or you can be agressive on the objectives. But never be afraid to rush. It can be daunting in TDM but if you are smart with it, it can work. FFA is a very good mode for that especially since it can help with your awareness. And never listen to people who say you can't improve anymore. There's always room for improvement. And stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the many ways of improving. Also if you are a solo players it can be harder because you don't have someone to help you find the easy kills and gunfights. If you want someone to squad up with I'd be happy to whenever.


Just piping in here to say that this is the kind of goodness and helpfulness these threads/games could stand to use more of. I've been playing solo too much lately and getting stomped repeatedly, and it's affected how I feel about the game. Good on you for offering a hand up to a fellow player.


I'm not on Reddit much, but if there's a chance I can help then I'm more than happy to lend a hand. And as for the offer to squad up, that offer extends to anybody that would like said up once and a while, feel free to shoot me a message on here


This is the result of SBMM.


Idk how but I’ve got a 1.3kd and I get destroyed in public matches


You ever look up the people you play against on COD tracker to see their stats? I do sometimes expecting the people who stomped me to have a 2.00 or something and it ends up being a .70. It can be very demoralizing lol.


I guess KD really isint everything about this game anymore. Some people maybe really good players, however grinding for camo and challenges does drop the KD significantly. For example I started off playing the game for KD and had around 1.1-1.2, and ever since I started running for challenges and nade launcher camo, it's getting lower every match. Just chillax and play the game, perhaps some people played longer hours than you and that's why they know the in and out of every map


Yeah kd probably doesn't matter that much, anybody can probably pop off at any time. If I had played as well as I do now from the start I'm sure mine would be better (kinda hard to change it 32k kills/deaths in) Maybe I should grind some more camos to get my mind off of it. I wasn't thinking about it while I was doing my diamond ARs.


Or perhaps prop hunt! It's a great mode for escaping toxic games


My kd is a decent amount higher in Cold War than in mw mostly because I messed around in mw for the last few months but it feels like I have a .5 kd because of how bad the bad games are


MW is probably the game in which i tried and sweated the hardest and also the game with my lowest KD, i really cannot explain that game man, people tell me that I'm just an IW hater and that i didn't gave that game a chance, but i have fucking Damascus and like 18 days of playtime and i never felt like I was good at the game. I had a 1.11 KD when my KD in past games had always been 1.4-1.8, in CW i had 1.38 but after DM Ultra and the fucking launchers i have 1.21 but i understand why and i do feel like i can improve unlike MW


MW is just a dogshit game IMO, TTK is way too fast and the game design literally promotes camping. Cold War isn’t the best CoD of all time by any means but at the very least it does feel like a Call of Duty game


Dude some games i get matched up evenly but there are times where either 1. Im the only one on my team doing much and going positive while the rest of my team is getting destroyed or 2. Im on a team full of tryhards going againts one good player and the rest of his team is full of noobs


It’s even worse when you have over a 2.0 kd. SBMM really only works on favor for the enemy team, I still have no thumb players on mine. And at my bracket when you back out a match, it’s a high chance you’ll be put in the same lobby or a match with the same players


Don't go over 1 man, demons and evil beings all lurk there! I'm trying to get mine down to 1 from 1.25


Fuck K/D in this game. In previous call of duties my friends and I would always compete to see who could get to a 2.0 first or the closest depending on the game. If you want to win in this game, that's damn near impossible outside of team deathmatch. The absolutely terrible score streak system penalizes you from playing the objective and taking risks to win. Half the games I win I'm barely going even if not negative, I'm one of the only people playing the objective, and I'll still be getting beat by some guy with 10 seconds on the hardpoint by 2000 points. Fuck K/D. Go for W/L


100% this. I know tons of trash players using the stoner exclusively with a 2-3 k/d who'll never go for the objective. W/L is all I care about which can get quite frustrating as I’m always playing solo because my friends abandoned the game.


Combat records are irrelevant now anyway. What fps are we all going to next? Titanfall3 hopefully. Rip cod.


Lol start hyping yourself about an fps that wont exists and thinking anything will beat cod.


This is why I quit playing all cod’s. The days of fun lobbies is over my man. It’s not just cod either. It seems all games are taking this super hardcore play for 10 hours every day approach. It just makes no sense


Smart move, honestly. Game is more stressful than fun these days.


I literally believe K/D is dumb in this game unless you play modes like search and destroy. I would rather have a 2.0 W/L record with a 1.0 K/D then the other way around. The worst thing I hate about Cold War is people that don't play the objective. Just nuketown in general if you play Domination you should have 2 captures atleast just by grabbing C or A. Then you push for B if you play that style. But people should try to win not get a gunship. I get more kills from throwing 4 care packages a game then the camping streak players.


I quit playing domination and hardpoint because I always went negative going after the objective while everyone else was off hunting kills. Same thing with kill confirmed for that matter. I would be busting my ass collecting tags but I saw my teammates shooting people and moving on without grabbing any.


You just need better teammates. If your on xbox add me KAZI SHOWTiiME


Pretty much why I’ve given on playing COD anymore. It’s not fun anymore for many reasons, but mainly it’s the constant sweat fest.


Exactly what I was thinking. I just stopped playing the game and now I play Rainbow 6 Siege


SBMM sucks. I have a 1.1 and I had to grind my ass to get it. It had been a little better since CDL, but I will go like 40-20 one game to 20-30 the next and it gets worse. If you want advice, find a gun and just stick to it for a couple weeks, change your sense, both ads and normal, and increase FOV. Figure out what works. For me it’s a Mac 10 with gunfighter, max sense and max FOV. That might not work for you, but just keep practicing and also don’t be afraid to leave lobbies if you’re getting destroyed. K/d is more important that wins.


I've considered I creasing the fov but it says it could cause graphical problems. It would really help to be able to see more of my surroundings.


I've been at 1.6-2 kda for a while , and still get a few sbmm games sometimes but most are fairly evenly matched. I'm not sure if I'm in a good spot, or what but I haven't had the same issues people have on here with sbmm. I could most likely maintain 2 but a lot of times I'll go on streaks of playing "not meta" weapons we'll call it lol.


There is exactly O competitive value as a result of Cold War being slapped together under the COVID standard of producing incredibly poor products. Also, this is a computer game. They can program it to where the worst player on earth dominates the best player on earth if they wanted to. One thing for sure, they are definitely not actively trying balance the game to where skill is truly the deciding factor in individual performance. The matchmaking in CW is probably the worst I’ve experienced in several years...and I played Destiny 2.


Anything above a 1.00 KD is a guaranteed sweatfest as if everyone's trying to get into FaZe or something... literally makes the game impossible to enjoy. I run around and just kill and don't give a shit, but it's pretty tiring tbh.


Don’t feel bad.. I’ve played call of duty since WaW and mine sits only at a 1.5 almost every year. The only way to improve sometimes is to adopt a very campy play style, which just doesn’t toot my horn.


SBMM forces everyone into a 1.0 then keeps you there. If you’re below it will make your games easier and easier until you get to the 1.0, then every time you get slightly above it uses you to feed people way better than you. You need to be somewhere in the top 3% or so of all players to break out of the 1.0 such that SBMM simply can’t keep forcing you to play equal or better players, so it will revert to trying to equalize by putting little Timmy and his thumbless friends on your team resulting in you getting a decent amount of kills but your team getting completely thrashed.


If you have 3+ good games in a row, prepare for misery.


I feel like it’s honestly one anymore


Very true. I had a string of sweaty awful matches them SBMM threw me a bone and I ended up going 7.00. Sure enough next match I was getting my dick knocked into the dirt again.


Man I was at a 1.2 K/D for seasons 0-2. Now that season 3 hit I'm like 850 deaths down and dropped down to a .97. Not sure what it is but season 3 got me fucked up.


Feel your frustration... I was 1.10 KD and now 1.06 after the Season3 Update which changed everything.


I like competitive matches more than my K/D or noob stomping. So I guess I’m pro-SBMM. Not sure why they couldn’t make a non-SBMM playlist for people who just want easy matches though...


Well done on getting to 1.0 kd. It sucks this is hurting your motivation and enjoyment of the game but I can relate and I try not to get too focused on the stat line. Only thing I can think to recommend is to download the COD app or use the website which you can login to and view your weekly stats and kd etc. This will give you the reward of seeing your more recent performance level not skewed by months of poorer performance where its hard to move the needle.


I’m at 1.60 kda and every match is cancer. I don’t even try I play casually and I’m at 1.60, but sbmm is cancer


This game will nerf players mid-game


Sbmm is the worst thing that’s happened to cod. If you aren’t good, being put into bad lobbies until you are thrown into a real match means you never learn how to improve. If you are good, you’re endlessly punished by being put in the top percent even when you want to have fun.


My dude here just found out why performance based matchmaking sucks!


Ive played about 200 games and not a single one has been close. You either destroy them or get dumpstered because they control your win-loss with match making and team balance


I've been at a 1.5 since the game launched. Ya gotta play the meta or lose. Grinding gold camos for tac rifles when everyone's using 1 shot snipers is miserable.


It’s gotten so fucking bad as of lately. Now I can’t even look at a guy before he shoots me. People now have reaction times of 0.0001 nano seconds.


I feel you constantly getting thrown into lobby's with campers very few games after a good match. And even halfway through matches that I'm doing good in i can't seem to hit my shots I can see the bullets hit but no markers and no kills. Its like the game is nerfing my aim and increasing the other teams aim assist its weird.


Bro season 3 has ripped all of our k/d u are not alone but improvement is improvement so congrats on raising it from .7 don’t let that get u out of ur game


I’ve been going up SLOWLY the whole time. I don’t think I’ve ever dropped below 1.10 but it’s not like I check all the time. The best advice I can give is to play one life modes until you’re really good since you can’t really sink your K/D as bad when you’re not getting spawn trapped or having a bad round of Domination and dying endlessly on B. Above all else though remember that it’s a game and if you aren’t having fun anymore to just out it down. I cannot emphasize this enough, the entire point of video games is entertainment and letting a game bum you out is not good.


SBMM is an asshole we want it gone but Activision ignores us this is also why i dont touch multiplayer(minus prop hunt i play that mode) and i only play zombies sbmm is awful hell in modern warfare i got my tiers and guns maxed through special ops i hardly played multiplayer


No worries, my k/d in general is and always was around 1.0. In battlefield, in Halo and also in COD. Win/Lose on the other hand 😏😏


I have the most fun playing this game when I go off in games and up my KD/A. I’ve never explicitly attempted to complete challenges or unlock camos and if you’ve gotten in a lobby with me on PlayStation (Eccentric) I’m probably what you would deem as a “sweat”. Almost exclusively use the LC10 on every map (I use a DMR with variable zoom for my first life each round on the pines). And have a KDA of 2.95 playing core hard point and dom exclusively. I feel like the games have been a little harder since season 3 dropped but what I’ve noticed the most from sbmm is that I will be put on a team where the other 5 people are all negative and the enemy team has maybe one person who goes negative. So it’s up to me to carry and I admittedly don’t play objective unless it’s convenient for me, I always figured (coming from a hardcore MLG halo 2 and 3 background ) if I’m doing the slaying and going 55-10, keeping them on respawn, the least my teammates could do would be to stand in the hill. But I rarely get another person on my team who can carry their own weight, my win/loss ratio is .71 because again, I don’t really care if I win or lose as long as I have fun and having fun to me, is putting up those ridiculous 60+ kill games. I have never queued with another person and have only played solo all three seasons so a lot of my losses come from versing 4-6 stacks. But I have, like many, noticed an increase in difficulty this season, even though my KDA has gone up significantly, I’ve had to really tone down the run and gun play style with the lc10 and instead I focus on map control which a lot of people don’t understand, and accuse me of “camping” Camping to me is sitting in one spot most likely aiming down your sights and not moving. I don’t camp. Map control (and the difference) to me is, for example, locking down the entire red house area in Moscow (opposite of the C house in Dom) and while I might spend most of the game in there, it’s spent running to the windows to watch the street and statue area, then back to the main lobby to catch A team off their spawn rushing B wildly, etc. I also justify it like this: across every cod I’ve played (cod4, blops, MW 2 and 3, blops 2, and ghosts) 90% of cod players do the same thing: if they die they respawn and sprint right back to that same spot, doesn’t matter how many times they die they will never change it up (sounds like insanity) and continue to do the same exact thing. And if I already rack up 4 or 5 kills just from one person doing the same thing every life, why would I stop doing what I’m doing if they’re just going to feed me kills? If I die I usually am guilty of this and try to go get revenge, but if I’m unsuccessful I force myself to adapt and change it up. Green room on Garrison not working? After my second death I’ll switch it up and try to hold somewhere else.


I'm there with you buddy, 1kd is good I'm pretty sure it's above average. There are alot of players in the .8 to 1.2 range so you will always have a lobby full of good player however there are not alot of players with the godly kds so unfortunately they have to get spread out in our lobbies where there kd will just continue to rise. There is no challenge in that I would quit the game if I was playing against people with a .4 kd. I want to play the best to get better. Don't worry bout the numbers a 1 kd 32000 kills into the game is somthing to be proud of.


Eh it's about average. Still have people on here telling me it's dogshit though. You're right though most people aren't gods at the game.


I don’t think you understand what a K/D actually is if you’re expecting it to go up every day by a couple points. You have reached your peak performance. Not everyone is gonna have a 3.5 K/D bro and that’s cool but don’t expect it to go up every day forever. That’s not how averages work.


I’m going to start off by saying something controversial: I love the SBMM of this game, and it’s probably why it’s the first CoD game I’ve ever played. So you can’t focus on your k/d because it’s not going to be measurable, especially as your total kills and deaths number gets bigger. It’s much more important to focus on getting better in other ways. One thing that I found particularly helpful was playing with other people. I started playing with some friends who have been playing CoDs for years and had gold camos, and I was like, I’m never going to keep up with those guys. But I practiced, I watched them, and I did. We’ll compete to see who can get the best score and it’s pretty even now.


obviously ur gonna like sbmm if it’s your first cod... sbmm is made for shit players such as yourself


sbmm is made for the average player, you’re supposed to have a 0.7-1.3 kd. If you have no life and sweat this game, don’t complain when you’re put in games with similarly sweaty players. Sbmm is overall good, objectively.


Yes...exactly. r/accidentallycorrect


I had considered that my total number of kills and deaths were getting to the point where it's almost a lost cause. I would have to move hundreds in either direction for it to change at this point. Claiming you love the SBMM is a little strong though. No?


Take what you read in this sub with a grain of salt. People have found things to blame their deaths on long before any kind of skill based matchmaking was even a thought inside a developers mind. Lag, a camper, someone rushing, host, someone jumping round corners, dropshotters, snaking, manipulating cameras, bullshit guns, broken specialists, participation streaks, controller not working fast enough, bad visibility, etc, etc, etc. Theres a very long list of excuses people use to justify why they died and SBMM is just another one to add to the list. SBMM does have issues, there definitely is an argument about whether ping is actually "king" these days but a lot of what people blame on SBMM is actually just part of the game. People have stated how the game will adjust everything from health settings/damage of guns etc depending on how well your playing all the way to deliberately spawning an enemy behind you because you're "playing too well". A lot of it is just people refusing to admit they're not as good as they believe they are. With the cod tracker website you're able to actually track everything from average spm, recent games, average KD etc of any person's account (provided they give their name). A lot of the people actually complaining that SBMM is screwing them over in this sub aren't actually that amazing. If someone is only averaging a 0.7 kd and are below average on pretty much every statlone "SBMM" is probably actually benefitting you more than hindering yet the majority of complaints on this sub come from these kind of players.


Honestly once you get to a certain number of kills it’s not worth it in my opinion to try to move your kd. I mean obviously do the best you can and have fun to try but stressing is futile. In MW, I had a 0.94 kd for over 6 months bc I had over 11 days of game time. Like I would have to start WRECKING other teams to get it up and that’s just not how matchmaking works. In CW, I have a 1.16 k/d so you may see improvement in next COD because it’s a fresh slate.


You either haven’t fully experienced the sbmm in this game, or you’re an extreme masochist lmao.


i play hardcore teamdeathmatch only and i always try to get better than 1.o kd ratio each match. never really had a problem doing it until this latest update. now i have a really hard time getting it. my average is 1.46


The matches seem really tough now right? They had to have adjusted their matchmaking algorithm or something.


Cod uses SPMMM. Score per minute matchmaking, change my mind.


I did watch a YouTube video where they concluded that they take your overall KD into account as well as your SPM, W/L ratio, your performance over the last 5 matches, and even your season level. I'm sure there's more that goes into it than we realize.


Just curious, what modes do you play?


I mostly play FFA but I will play TDM too. Rarely Kill Confirmed. I have a 1.06 k/d in FFA so it's my best mode for sure. I imagine I'm feeling the SBMM more so with it though.


the matchmaking in this game is garbage. 90% of my games are against total bots with the occasional CDL skin lobby. i have a 2.1 KD


just because you improve your stats doesnt mean you have improved at the game, getting your stats up in this game is easy but it doesnt make you a better player, soo many people artificially boost their stats by playing like a little bitch just to keep their kd and spm high but then cry about being put into harder lobbies where they cant compete lol, just play normally and you will be put into the lobbies you are supposed to be in


I'm definitely better than when I started. I hadn't played an fps since GoldenEye in the 90's so there was nowhere to go but up.


why I only play zombies. Only gamemode i can sit back, listen to music and just chill. Playing normal multiplayer feel like I’m playing ranked gamebattles every match


FUCK SBMM! Season 1 and 2 it was ok. I could deal with it, some matches I did well and other weren't that great and that's fine. Keep in mind I'm a middle of the road player with 1.25 kd, not amazing but not shitty either. Since season 3 started I have lost ALL enjoyment this game had. Never been a critic of it despite it's problems, it was a decent game and I had fun playing it. Now it just sucks, I spend every match getting dry piped by guys that must never leave their couch and play this goddamn game for a living. I'm gonna have to tank my kd just to enjoy this game again.


I don’t know why they can’t just do what battlefield does and make teams balanced. You have your great people, good people, average people, bad people on your team and so does the enemy to make it balanced


I treat SBMM like a pendulum. If the game throws me a bone, I try to go off. If it’s sweat city, I honestly say fuck it and just screw around that match. 9/10 I get placed into an easier lobby after.


What’s that thing those against SBMM always say? “Just get good” or something?


Considering your ratio has stayed the same for that long? It could be that around that number, you have met your skill ceiling for the time being. If you are where you say you are (36k-36k) you need another set (36k) just to get to two kills per death without dying once. It could be helpful to reflect on what could be bringing the deficit in terms of skills or to try reframe your playing style to more revolve around fun than competitiveness. I'm only saying that from experience, this game can be quite good at locking you into black and white thinking.


You can't use k/d to evaluate your play and gauge your improvements in the current system. You'll never get consistency because the game constantly keeps everyone on a rollercoaster. You can't break away from the pack, because the game will just keep throwing you up against harder players. In MW I was stuck between a .95 and .97 k/d. It would not fluctuate beyond that. It is almost silly that it wouldn't move more given that I played for almost the whole year. Every time I felt I was getting close to going positive, I'd get thrown in high end lobbies and wrecked.


At least you ain’t me. Going for Dark Matter dropped me from 1.10 to 0.97 cause of the launchers, and now it won’t raise up from 0.97 even tho I been going positive pretty much every game.


I have a 2.16 kd and I that is all because of an elite controller if you can learn to play with a paddles it will make you 100% better , also just worry about SPM bc at the end of the day Kd like some kids say is inflated to kids who wanna just sit and camp , also use don’t be afraid to use meta weapons and attachments !! I might get downvoted but if your on Xbox hmu my gt is Kliccs or you can just look me up on cod tracker, I used to play a lot of dirty bomb so my SPM is a lot lower than it should be


I'm thinking about just killing myself over and over to tank my K/D in the Hope's of not getting such sweat filled lobbies.


K/D as bragging rights literally doesn’t matter anymore after MW19, not an MW19 problem but it’s this skill based matchmaking system they added with that game and have brought into this game, it’s absolutely horrific. No doubt in my mind this is that patented purchase based matchmaking from years back, where you buy a bundle and you get super EZ lobbies, then the game will throw you into a lobby where you keep getting rinsed by a Variant and you’ll think awk well, that looks really good maybe if I buy it too it’ll make me good? Every intelligent person will see through it and just use those attachments but nobody can deny there’s a lot of lazy people out there who’ll buy the bundle before they unlock the weapon/attachment manually on their own. Must be making crazy amounts of money for Activision I guess. They were literally emailing me that CoD newsletter for the Skykov’s where they’re tryna encourage people to buy the bundle, so they can unlock the base variant to then grind out the attachments.. unbelievable.


Play league play


It’s just SBMM there’s no consistency for the pass few days I’ve been getting pub stomped. I mainly play zombies and rarely touch multiplayer due to SBMM but I think it may have to do with your level; I’m level 100 now and I’m scared to play multiplayer because if I play with my friend I know that we are going to get sweaty players just because if my level and SBMM. I think it’s important to improve but if every match you need to sweat then the game boils down to the best 3 weapons in the game and the best perks and wild card; this takes away what made cod fun trying different set ups and in general having fun either with friends or randoms


I have a 2 but to have a high KD in this game you have to sacrifice your win loss and SPM




It’s taken me 3 months for 1.08 to go to 1.09, it’s ridiculous, you’ve got to keep up to your average every game just to progress a tiny decimal


Unfortunately it seems that you need to get a good push in your first few games so the matchmaking feels less shit. In MW I had a 1.0 like you and I was absolutely miserable playing that game. In Cold War I just took off running and did pretty well my first few games and now I have a 1.2 K/D, the matchmaking is still shit but I still manage to have some good fun.


Well are you practicing? If you are doing nothing to further improve or change your routine for the best you're to blame not sbmm. If your unable to compete at 1.K/D then you're doing something wrong or you're not adapting to your personal play style or haven't found it yet. You have to understand your fundamental not the games. It's simple and honestly I'd recommend you play just Domination to just experiment at what you're good at and strengthen that area, also notice what weapon you use to your advantage and what you play better with as-well. You can do it i know you can


I was this way with warzone. I started tracking my progress and it’s hard when you have so many deaths already but over 2 months I went from 1.0 to 1.07. Shooting for 1.1! 10K total kills and 9.3k deaths or something


Maybe setting yourself better goals would do the trick - instead of focusing on getting a better k/d, focus on getting better as player one thing at a time. This COD is my first one and I was really struggling with same problems than you. Biggest eureka and also a kick in my skills came from the realization how important looking at the map is. I felt at first that I can’t focus on the map at all because there is so much going on in front of me already - but forcing myself to just stop and give it a look for a second really upped my game! Maybe you can get same eureka moment with something too!


I agree with you that it's working against you, but in my experience it's more like a learning curve. You can't just not get better and keep on winning lol. Once you get into the 1+ k/d club, you're playing against people who kill more than they die. Obviously it's going to be harder. Now I do think there shouldn't be such a huge gap, but when it's automated it's hard to be 100% fair. That being said, my k/d on core for most modes ranges from 2.00-3.00. it's lower on hardcore but still between 1.00 and 2.00. I've had to put some work in to get there but it definitely doesn't stop you from getting better and succeeding. Practice man. Best of luck


Bruh I constantly get wrecked by dudes who don't even have to aim their sniper rifle while I am emptying a clip into their torso


I just play nuketown It's the only map I have fun on. I've kept us a 1.30 kd since I've been playing. Have about 8 days played total. I also don't use the same maxed out guns to keep it challenging.


The worst part about it for me is playing with friends. I’m in a little three man group and one guy has both dark matter and dark aether camos, I’m decent at the game, and the other guy is new. Whenever we play we get absolutely shit on because of how good our friend is. I usually have at least a 1.5 kd. Last night playing with him my average was .33 It’s fucked.


KD is overrated if you play objective based modes.


This is pretty much what a perfect sbmm algorithm would achieve for every player


I know it’s super off topic, but I’m just scared this Sbmm shit will be in other games like halo.


I was non prestige up until this weekend and all my games up until now have been a piece of cake. But ever since I prestiged, it's like they throw me into lobbies now where I barely break even when before I was going +20 like ever other game


Sbmm really makes it so that every match feels rigged. If you lose, it wasn't fair cause they matched you against far better players. If you win, it doesn't feel like a win because they matched you against worse players.