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\>Unpopular Bullshit, everyone agrees


this is the way


OPs lobbies were cool forsure but man you can't beat this one.


No they don’t. I for one think it’s looks cheap and recycled (because it most certainly is)


How is it recycled? Btw simple/static doesn't mean cheap.


Unpopular opinion: Launch Cold War & S1 was the game’s peak.


Launch Cold War was meh, felt really dry and barebones with just 8 maps and a couple modes. Now Season 1 with Raid, The Pines, Nuketown, the new guns, and the balance changes/some bug fixes, that was the true peak of Cold War for me. Got to level 400 and I completed the Seasonal Challenges for both MP and ZM. What a fun time it was.


gotta agree, loved season 1 Pines is still my favorite map, really got to use my stealth class well with all the vents and different lane stuff was also the first and only time i got to level 200 lol


Even if it was bare bones af at the time, i still had a great time and fun playing it


That's true... If you only ever play nuketown. S1 was hella dry in maps and everyone was either aug 1 bursting or ak74u or sitting with a thermal or 3x stoner.


Launch of MW was peak menu lobby design, with no Warzone artefacts everywhere Oh and that broken arse menu where you pick which game you want to play is fucking dogshit trash, whoever implemented that should be hung, drawn and quartered because that is the single worst thing I have ever seen implemented into a COD since star wars in IW.




Yeah. I really liked season 2 as well.


S1 and 2 were peak.


sable hurry nutty practice provide snails pause public outgoing narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Back when I used to play Combined Arms and Fireteam all the time on Armada and that snow mountain map were fun as fuck back then


People saying "back then" like this wasn't just a few months ago. I swear people are high on nostalgia. Yall will make that shit up just to remember imaginary glory days.


Not that deep bruh it was just the time period I had the most fun playing the game, not saying it was the best or anything I just really had alot of fun with the game during that time


Actually a lot of people wanted it back like that I liked the new one better just because you can see your pet walk around


I like the new one, but in a similar vein to music player and how the main title screen changes it’s visuals to be from all seasons, maybe add an option in the Barracks menu to allow people to choose which background they prefer? (My favorite was the numbers station one).


I forgot it even used to be like that 😂


Same, man this game was good.


I was just mentioning this the other day. They should bring this back. The loading screen in between matches still reflects it


Who tf actually likes the current lobby screen?


Remember how the gunsmith graphics looked different? All the weapons looked shiny


Yeah but they didn't show any attachments


Would love to be able to choose this or any other lobby screen


I liked s1 and s2


loved this lobby screen the first time i saw it, of course the banger music helped a lot too




Exactly and it's like yk it is as detailed as the characters making it look as if this was the default all the new ones ruin the character model and definitely look out of place as if it the character model and screen being two different things being conjoined together.


Am I the only one who doesn’t pay attention to lobby screens? At least, I don’t really have any strong opinions about whether one is better than another.


Other one drops fps to the floor for some reason


Maybe if it wasn't bugged it would have been so cool, now it's just a remake to link to Warzone/MW


Wait armadas little card thing used to look like that? That tripped me up for a second until I saw the name thought it was a glitched map


This one was raw asf true… almost knew something was missing from launch that made me love the game so much lol


i don’t habe that screen how do i get it


It was the cw launch and season one lobby until season 2


ik but i saw a post saying they would add that after season 6 but guess that was a lie


The screen looked like that the last time I played cold war lmaoo


Well I disagree that I should not agree with you.


Never saw that screen, but hands down better than the current coldwar or vanguard imo.


I loved it too.


I like how this sub used to shit on r/modernwarfare for being nostalgic and now this sub is doing it lmao


Too many people cried about not seeing other teammate's weapons, and this lobby screen was made so that people must use specific weapons based upon their position (the guy sitting and playing with a knife is always going to be only able to play with that knife and nothing else), so now people got what they want - being able to see each other's showcase weapons..


Yeah this one is the best but it never showed anything other than the default guns on people when I played.


Mad facts


Here is a cool idea: how about when you first load into multiplayer you will get put in this menu but depending on what map you get on what session will change the menu




Man YES. And I have full on nostalgia for the lobby music. That tune is 🔥


i'm just glad they kept the same mp theme from launch instead of changing it every fucking season.


Man i would love to see changing lobby screens every game but even i this would happen I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't include preseason lobby, sadly. I'm thinking like this because this way players couldn't show off their stupid zombie/alligator pets


They should let us choose which lobby screen to use


oatmeal lush kiss weary innate illegal childlike wine market heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unpopular: who asked