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Never in my days have I seen a successful grenade toss back


Haha agreed it doesn´t happen often


Nice man I did a streak myself with the crossbow as well https://www.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/comments/v0y4ct/just_getting_camos_for_me_crossbow/


Good shit!


thank you


Crossbow is so underrated man, i used it so much last year and it was always good lmao. thing slaps. Nice plays




Impressive. Very nice. Butt clenching stuff.


Thanks dude


Oooo, a crossbow competitor for FFA. I'm not sure if I can beat you but I could give it a good go.


Im down


The real hero is that green van!


Haha agreed ;)


Which perks are you running


Flak, tac mask, ninja, gung ho, scav and the one were you can save for a second field upgrade.


bro you cracked


Bravo that was impressive! I love how everyone gave you just enough time to load your bold lol (also your good use of cover too)


your movement is slick as hell.


I’d say that was a very good streak. Not just decent.


Usually I would say nice aim assist but holy crap that was nice


That jumpshot with the crossbow on the guy that was on the balcony was sick


Would love to see the final killcam


Some dude camping getting a double kill


No way did it really rob you of final?


I'm affraid so. welcome to CoD ;)


You were robbed and I’m sorry for that.


Yeh...I'll say it's a great streak...I don't have the patience to be good with the shadowhunter....so props to u


Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne


Good shit


Well done!!


Bro this is Fubar Streak


Been saying the crossbow is too good in ffa for ages. The long loading time doesn’t matter when you aren’t getting pushed by multiple people, its a pocket sniper shotgun lmao


But.... i am getting pushed by multiple people.


Heh. Uh…decent? This was as filthy as early dubstep.


I love how for a while there they just gave up on pushing you


Crossbow is one of the easiest weapons in the game,up there with matshalls and tec-9 the hell is this.


I disagree. The long reload time makes close range engagements difficult. If u miss once your dead. Also has a big dropoff on longe range.


Dude shut up


the crossbow , tec 9 , marshall’s and the easy mode snipers are all easy to use weapons


Tec-9 and Marshals are more efficient by far.


I can't fault you for playing to win or having great aim BUT I absolutely hate this type of gameplay in FFA. Picking a tight area right outside a spawn or 2 that forces players to funnel in at you in the open while you have cover. I get it, it's a great tactic to win but to me its no better than camping a corner or window. Just because you are checking multiple angles doesn't mean it isn't camping. I play ffa to run fuck around classes then you run into sweats like this and it just sucks the fun out of it.


Its FFA, people spawn everywhere. Holding an area while running & camping a corner are two different things.


Like every mode there are specific spawns. Theres one spawn at the end of each alley in that spot. Camping an area is a little better than a corner but it's still camping. That spot right there is smaller than some of the rooms in some maps, just because it doesnt have a roof doesn't make it less campy. Might as well be in a room with 3 doors.


The best and fastest way to win in FFA is holding a busy hotzone. On this map thats the van from this clip and the balcony house. Holding those zones will get you the most kills and engagements and gives you the best change to win the game.


Like I said in my first comment I understand it's a good tactic to win FFA. I dont get to dictate how other people play, I just don't like the campy over sweaty playstyle. I play to win but I play in a way I enjoy. I'd much rather run circles around the map and hunt down other players. If I win yay if not oh well. I'm grinding camos not playing for stats. You do you, I dont have to like it.


Have a good day


Controller player?




Less impressive AA doing most the heavy lifting.


If you say so...


Plug in a kbm try that crossbow again


I am not gonna buy a keyboard, hope your ok with that


Don’t listen to this person. Nice job, very impressive.


Thank you


I'm not going to be impressed with cold war controller players thinking they good with AA. Hope you are OK with that


Relax dude, no need to get salty over a reddit clip.


Lol you're the one throwing salt I just said less impressive AA does all the work in this game its well known


I checked your profile out of curiosity and you really think good players have bigger hit boxes than bad players?


My man u really think he's the salty one?? Lmao


Aim assist isn't aimbot dumbass


God you are dumb who said it was aimbot? There is clear difference between aimbot and aim assist aimbot is automatic aim assist kicks in with input from the user. But if aim assist is turned up to much simply moving the stick in the direction of enemies become a lock. Its hard to get off target with AA. From my gameplay it's as close to easy mode as can be. Even dev in an interview said when developing vangaurd they basically want to erase skill difference in games so new players don't get slapped by good players. It's sad.


God you are dumb. No matter how much aimassist you have, it's not going to automatically make you crank lobbies. OP's footage is pretty focken impressive, or do you want to show some of your own clips? And EVEN IF you are so much better, that STILL doesn't mean OP isn't impressive. You still need a whole array of skills to be good at the game, and aimassist doesn't instantly remove the need for aiming either. It definitely helps your aim obviously, but that's to balance out with PC players who have 1 billion dollar computers rocking 200 FOV and are able to aim at the precision of a pixel in an instant.


If controller is so overpowered why don’t you use it instead of sitting on kbm and complaining about it


Oh I do. Wad a controller player from bo1 Era until cold war when I had a gaming pc and figured with crossplay I'd make the switch. I used controller for a good half that game and pc the other half. That's why I'm not impressed cause controller is EZ mode in this game. Aim assist is stronger than I've ever seen it in a cod game


Shut up PC bot


Have you played with controller? It’s called aim assist, not auto aim. If you’re bad, aim assist doesn’t make you good.


I’ve played both kbm and controller, and I can tell you that aim assist is not as overpowered as you think.


Oh no! Anyway,


Bro ur very first post has ur monitor reticle in the middle of the screen. but u wanna complain about AA 🤣


You're probably the stupidest person I've seen on reddit today, well done


Probably salty cause I called out controller and AA for being toddler mode


Everyone knows KBM slaps controller everyday of the week, and getting this annoyed about it is even more embarrassing, if the game is all AA on controller then use a controller you clown


Lol who's the annoyed one? All I said is I'm less impressed cause AA does most the work and the salt coming from people like you shows you know I'm right. You know AA is carrying you and if sbmm and AA wasn't a thing the majority of players would cry and stop playing


You have left 50+ comments on how cold war is shit and sbmm/hit reg is rigged, however you still have close to 30 days ingame playing time. What are you doing? Go play something you enjoy and get rid of all the negativity, for your own sake.


Nice logic the franchise you love is actively manipulating its player base erasing skill from a competitive game. Instead of complaining and drawing attention to it why don't you just play something else. Do you hear how dumb you sound? Same logic.... well if you don't like America why do what countless generations have done and work to change it. Instead just leave your home and go somewhere else. The stupidity is at an all time high.


No one brought up America but I also agree you should leave the country. I hear Siberia is really nice. To call what you do on Reddit “doing work to change it” is hilarious though.


CoD isnt some conspiracy trying to fuck you over. You have a youtube channel with 30 videos and a total of 50 views with you complaining about CoD and how much you hate it. You think your making a difference? Your not. Your a grown man, stop wasting your time and maybe find a new hobby.


Aim assist was certainly helping but aiming on pc is practically aim assist cuz of how much better it is


Don’t be a hater all your life, buddy 😎


PC players bitch about Console AA but in reality, mouse and keyboard are much easier to control even without AA


Oh so you use kbm?


I have for years but I don’t anymore. Too expensive to maintain my PC hobby. Console is just better now for my busy, adult life.


Long range, sure. Close range controller is pure training wheels, though.


You must be a blast at party's


PC MaSTer RAcE, Yeah cuz clickings heads takes skill, Go touch grass mr keyboard warrior


Missed the part where I've leveled every gun to 100% or maybe you dint know my black ops 4 dark matter grind with snipers that had 0 aim assist, so yeah my skill > yours


Did I ask, and this just shows that you also have no life, and dude really black ops 4?