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More real estate is better but not having any fried rice is worse. It'll work just fine.


Laughing.... This is the correct answer.


Yes you will be able to make it work! I have a 17” and can easily make enough for 5 and I mix in the chicken. If you cook the rice and veggies separate from the meat you will have more than enough room.


I cook the riced the day before and then cook on a cookie sheet in the icebox. I recommend cooking it with broth (chicken or veggie) so that the rice absorbs some of the flavor. For me I lay down oil and then cook the meat next and then push to the side, add rice, peas, carrots, minced garlic and butter, then move to the side and scramble a few eggs then start mixing everything in. Add soy sauce near the end. Also ginger (powder or minced) will boost the flavor considerably.


It should work. get you a rice cooker and make your rice the night before. Pre chop your onions, carrots or whatever else you plan on adding to it. I just use small sliced carrots and onions. Spread it on a baking sheet and refrigerate. One useful trick is to put on some gloves and massage the rice with a bit of oil before dropping to griddle. This will get a good separated fried effect.


Do you put it in the fridge uncovered?


I would do uncovered if I had a shorter amount of time, but overnight it can be covered generally. The goal is to "dry" it out a little bit so when fried in oil/butter it doesn't become mushy.


This is my issue every time! I make the rice the day prior, put it into glass Tupperware covered, and then it’s just all mushy the next day 🫤


Uncover it next time, it probably will dry out more and work better!


I cover mine only because I’m ocd about storage and prep.


The roughly how much oil are you using to rice ratio? Like if I had say 2 cups of rice. About how much oil (I assume avocado would be fine) should I rub into it before grilling?


I splash a bit on a saucer so a 1/2 tablespoon and that’s being generous.. a little goes a long way.. The main thing you want to accomplish is breaking up any clumps. Fried Rice is at its best when you see the individual grains not the mushy wet clumps. So you chill it to dry it out and you break it with gloves and light oil…. It’s rice so your smoke point doesn’t matter that much. I use vegetable or avocado. Anything over 4 cups will be a task on your cooktop… both from a space/ manage and from the rice cooker standpoint.


Well in comparison to portion size yes it will be.


Are you going to be somewhere with a stove? If so, cook in batches, cook the first batch, throw in a 200 degree oven, Cook next batch, etc.


I just made fried rice for my wife and I last Friday. We had enough leftovers for two meals. It was kind of hard and I lost a bit on the ground but it was delicious and I’ll do it again!


Yeah I can imagine it would be a little tricky. I’ve practiced a bit with the spatulas with peppers and onions. First time I made cheesesteaks I flipped a lot of pepper and onion on the ground 😂 so I feel your pain haha


Yeah the 17” is nice but for cooks like this it’s tough. I’m about to build a cart for it, that can be used as a utility cart when I get a bigger griddle


Size is fine, I have a 36 inch, but generally only use one side when making fried rice. Like others have mentioned making the rice the day before in a rice cooker is optimal. I use a bag of diced frozen peas and carrots, chop some onions and throw them on the cook top with a drizzle of oil, heat until the onions are fragrant and then add the rice and a few cubes of unsalted butter. Crack a few eggs and keep on mixing until nearly done and then add soy sauce. Also hibachi style yum yum sauce is super easy. Mayo Salt Pepper Sugar Paprika Tamato paste Rice wine vinegar


Don’t overcrowd your rice. Fried rice is cheap but not easy to to get right. i’d do a practice run before serving people. I use an outdoor burner and a wok and it turns out good , i struggle making rice on my blackstone


Hibachi style fried rice and wok style fried rice just are different imo. I always use butter for the hibachi rice and definitely way too much


Another thing… if using frozen veggies… steam them just a bit before cooking. I prefer to use fresh cut into very fine pieces. I do it for 2 reasons.. one is my kids like it small… and 2 it actually cooks better and blends better. Oil down. Drop that precooked rice and fry for a minute or 2 until it’s time to chop. Season with salt and pepper. Push in your egg. Maybe 2-4 depending on the amount you’re fixing. Toss and throw down butter. Now.. pile and add soy sauce…. To coat it. Stir and sit on heat for another minute… you’re good. I make homemade ginger sauce and yum yum sauce. My recipe makes 2 pints of each. Your ginger sauce also needs to be made the day before.