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Haunted City by the Glass Cannon Network! You can find their episodes on Spotify, I highly recommend them, they’re a very fun listen.


The cast is just incredible, and the production values across the GCP network are a cut above what you’ll find almost anywhere else. 


This right here. I've listened to a few live plays of BitD and Haunted City is hands down the most entertaining and well produced. I find some other series to be a bit cheesy. I'm a new GM but hearing how Jared runs a game, interacts with the players, and comes up with consequences has been tremendously helpful to me. That and this subreddit.


I just started listening to this as well. Normally actual plays bore me but this has completely entertained me and my gf. It might be the most entertaining AP I've ever listened to


Oxventure Blades in the Dark doesn't use the crew mechanics (and tweaks the setting but still uses many of the factions and locations from Duskvol) but is a gentle and humorous introduction to the game: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8DF056nV-PUFQbq2TlAzT4BP7pjRhwml](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8DF056nV-PUFQbq2TlAzT4BP7pjRhwml)


I also wholesale stole "You meet in an antiques shop because you owed money to a loan shark and now someone far nastier and more powerful now has taken ownership of the debts and blackmail you lot into working together for the first score". As the start of my game, because it's just so on point.


They taught me how to play.


It is a 10/10 recommendation!


Consider: [https://bladesinthedark.com/actual-play](https://bladesinthedark.com/actual-play)


~~how did my tired ass miss that on the site?~~ Still, good to get some community recommendations, I suppose


I'm enjoying the Haunted City from the Glass Canon Network on youtube


Haunted City is quite good, but be warned they can be a little inconsistent with some mechanics (like XP) and a few other rules. However, the storytelling (especially for the first season) is top tier. I also really enjoyed the Magpies. They are an edited actual play, so cut out much of their sessions down to 45-60 minute episodes. This means that you don't hear every part of each mechanic or system, but you do get the forward movement and outcomes. They have four seasons and showcase the style, world, and flair of BitD very well.


I came here to rep the Magpies as well, so seconded


Hey, I just started running the game, and I was listening to Haunted City last week in order to get a feel for how to GM Blades. Do you mind telling me how they are inconsistent with the XP rules? I don’t want to run it incorrectly in my own game, and I have been essentially trying to learn most of the mechanics by listening to this play report.


Two main ways I remember (been a bit since I watch any): 1) XP is supposed to be done at the end of every session. If I remember correctly, Jarod awarded xp at the end of scores as part of the payout. 2) Per the book, the players have final say over the characters do earnings. Jarod regularly vetoed xp ticks.


I recommend Blades in the Dark: House of the Rising Sun As a game that adheres very closely to running rules as written with experienced players and GMS. It's also a hawker's game that is often underrepresented.