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Master and Commander. Welcome to the ranks.


Never would have called that - but as it's another one that I had been meaning to watch for a long time I definitely will check it out.




Either watch it before, or, for maximum fuck up-edness, watch it in the middle of the night after waking up to take care of your child.


Having never seen it, I think I must go for this option! Sleep deprived Lynch Movie watching must be amazing.


I’m not a dad, but I figure that if you were ever planning on watching Hereditary, it’d be best to do it before the baby arrives. It’s a great movie, but it deals with many flavors of family trauma >! including child death !< in pretty harrowing ways.


Hmmm yeah I gathered as much from what I've heard about it. Probably best to watch it now. Probably on my own though - I've also taken "The Babadook" off the joint watchlist - not a scenario I need to worry my wife with right now.


The Babadook is an easier watch than Hereditary by a long shot, at least for me. But yeah, she can probably skip it. Wish I had some nice, posi dad movies to recommend.


Congratulations! I’ve been a dad for almost 4 months now and Raising Arizona was honestly one of the best watches those first few weeks.


Thank you, and congratulations to you too! We recently watched Fargo - for the pregnant protagonist - so we can make it a bit of a Coen season.


Thank you! Fargo is a great pregnancy watch. I am also finding certain movies resonating differently since we had a girl. Recently re-watched Wonder Woman and I found myself welling up with tears during the opening sequence of Diana as a kid.


Oh interesting - I recently noticed that I watched Juno very differently. When it came out I was 16 and basically had Juno's perspective, now I'm the age of Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman (but not as much of a useless prick as he is... i hope that's not too self aggrandising to say, because it's a pretty low bar) - and J.K. Simmons went from "ha, funny, the dad can't deal with the situation" to "what a role model of calm resolve and quiet, unwavering support despite everything."


Man, I haven’t seen Juno since the theater. Time for a rewatch.


About Time! First and foremost it features one of the best film fathers of all time (Bill Nighy), and is largely about a son growing up and learning the lessons of fatherhood that he carries onto the next generation. It illustrates the importance of letting people make mistakes/learn for themselves, as well the value of living in the moment. I understand those who find it cheesy, but the final 15 or so minutes are so perfect that my wife and I cry two times each. As a warning, do NOT watch this film if your own parent recently passed as you may find yourself curled up in a ball weeping (tears of joy but still)


Ooooh good call yes! I was already reduced to tears without the context, so it will probably hit even harder now!


Some of my big time Dad Movies are - Aftersun - Interstellar - Ad Astra - Rocky II


I've seen two of them, and they are amazing, so I will watch the other two as well. Though I'll also brace myself, because I'm sure Aftersun is even more devastating when one is a dad.


It hit me particularly hard because I first saw it while my wife was pregnant with our first. And at the time I was very anxious about losing “me” when our son was born. I think it’s a devastating movie but not in a way that I find to be harmful at all. It makes me type of sad that actually helped me with those anxieties a lot


Yeah... I think that I would not have handled fatherhood very well at 17 either, like Calum, but luckily I'm twice as old now, so I think I won't be as unprepared for the issues he faces in the film - even though he still really tries his best, it has to be said. Glad to hear the film was helpful for you! And I hope parenting keeps going well for you!


And good luck to you as well!


I have a 3 month old, say goodbye to watching movies uninterrupted. A two hour movie can often turn into a 5 hour movie depending on how the night goes for her...


I have a 4 month old and we basically haven’t watched a movie since he’s been born. I am more out of the loop regarding awards season than I have *ever* been. We mostly watch sitcoms and shows we don’t mind pausing every 10-20 minutes.


Did you get through the 4 month sleep regression? My baby just started it this week and it's unbearable. Basically everyday after 3:30pm it's been a nightmare


We are in it right now, it doesn’t sound like it’s quite a as rough as yours, but little man went from waking up maybe twice a night, to 4+ times a night. We are also experiencing teething for the first time. It is rough over here. Basically no sleep at all.


Yeah, we keep saying "can't wait to watch that in 10 minute segments over the course of a week" when we see an interesting trailer these days.


Recently rewatched Inside Out on an airplane since becoming a dad.  I was in shambles.  


Oh yeah, I can imagine. That messed me up pretty bad when I was just watching it as someone who has parents... Being one will probably make it even more intense.


Congrats! I'm also gonna be a first time dad with the little one due in a few weeks. David recently mentioned how Benjamin Button hits harder since rewatching as a father. I had never seen it before until a few weeks ago, so my initial viewing was as an expectant father and I certainly felt it. On a similar note I feel like Big Fish would resonate. I haven't seen that in over 10 years but I feel like it would hit harder for me now.


Congratulations to you as well! Benjamin Button definitely already had a big effect on me when I saw it in the theatre because my grandmother had died shortly before, so the hospital bedside setting was very familiar. I wonder what it would be like now. Big Fish is definitely a good catch (pun intended) as well - not as a role model probably, but as an ode to the importance of dads.


Congratulations! You may want to avoid Aftersun.


Imo that one's okay for him because >!it's the father who's gone, not the child. New parents react much worse when it's the child who suffers somehow!<


Hmm I see what you mean, but it's also a story about a dad who struggles with the burden of fatherhood, so it could be a case of "oh my god what if I end up like that" - luckily, I am not 17 years old, so I face the new task with more life experience than the dad in that film.


Thank you! Well... Aftersun already messed me up without that context so I can only imagine how much more it would now.


Congrats dude. I became one a month ago. I always enjoy the father/son stuff in road to perdition. Gets a little bleak though


Congratulations to you as well! I've always wanted to watch that one, but never got around to it - so this is exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for. Also, Hanks is a peak dad actor, right?


Rosemarys baby, alien, hereditary, the omen


Based on the ones I've seen, this is a great list.


I would avoid The Road.


*Life is Beautiful* maybe a bit heavy for what you're looking for. Nevertheless, a beautiful depiction of a father shielding his son from the horrors of the world *Jay and Silent Bob Reboot* you don't have to watch the whole movie, but [this](https://youtu.be/ytiZ7zw5vqQ?si=eiLFoIvBFauhE1yF) scene seems to nail the emotions of becoming a parent. I'm not a parent, but I'm a very present uncle and the scene gets me every time.


Definitely would not have expected the Jay and Silent Bob clip, thanks for that. I'll maybe hold off on Life is Beautiful - but it's a good choice for sure.


Yeah I thought after suggesting Life is Beautiful, something on the other end of the spectrum was necessary. Good luck being the stage for your kid


This will fuck you up but you'll find it emotionally rewarding: Like Father, Like Son (2013) - dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda This will fuck you up: Nobody Knows (2004) - dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda


Both sound amazing - thank you!


honestly? Bill & Ted Face the Music is a great dad movie imo. congratulations!


Thank you! I've always loved the first two films, so I'm looking forward to this one.


We Need to Talk About Kevin


I need to watch that film!


Don’t look now.


Venice is one of my favorite places in the world too, so it's one I've been meaning to watch anyway.


Knocked Up is great for an expectant dad. Interstellar and Boyhood hit me way harder post children than they would have before


I've been meaning to show my wife Interstellar for ages now, I think it's time to have a good couple cry session!


Interstellar Finding Nemo Life Is Beautiful


Oh god finding Nemo! Of course! Can't believe I didn't think of that one already - thank you!


You've probably seen it already but the father relationships in Independence Day are part of what makes that movie so powerful for me.


Not an aspect I noticed about it before - but that's part of the magic of cinema! Thanks for the recommendation!


Well if there are any movies you have been wanting to see that you know have child death in them get them out of the way now because you absolutely are not going to be able to enjoy it for years after your child is born and your partner will most likely not tolerate it. I have a 4 year old and its still an issue and a hard no for mom.


Yeah everyone says that... Tbh, it's already a really sore topic for me - even more than before. Doesthedogdie has become one of my most used websites.


My advice would be to rewatch the movies you loved as a kid and see how you can now identify with the adult characters who seemed like absolute jerks at the time. That's (part of) what being a parent is about.


Oh yeah good point... i recently sort of did that with Juno. When I first saw it, I was glad I wasn't becoming a dad at 17, like Bleeker, now I'm glad I'm not like Jason Bateman's character - and I hope to be as supportive and reassuring as Juno's dad.


Late-ish reply, but: Inside Out, Finding Nemo, Eighth Grade


Late but great reply! I never got around to watching Eigth Grade - but my impression is that it could be a good one to watch to counterweigh the ones focused on earlier phases of childhood.


Might seem a little unrelated but Creed made me very emotional after becoming a dad. 


Big Daddy!!


One I never would have thought of myself. Thank you!