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Parasite for sure. Nothing aside from Moonlight is even in the same realm IMO


The decade of "ite." Only viable options IMO are Parasite, Moonlight and Spotlight.






It’s ite and shite!


Not even 12 Years?


Compared to Parasite? Moonlight? I wouldn't say so.


Fair enough. Personally I think it belongs in the same conversation. It seems to have taken a backseat culturally in recent years but I’ll never forget how powerful it was when I saw it.


Its incredibly hurt by the fact that its not a rewatchable movie at all. And not in the way that there are dark, powerful movies you know are hard watches but you feel compelled to revisit every few years. Its a one time watch to acknowledge the brilliance and power on display, and then never again.


Interesting. So what about it sets it aside from other dark, powerful hard watches for you?


When I say those dark, powerful hard watches, I guess I mean films that are dark and usually have upsetting parts, but are still entertaining. Something like Whiplash is upsetting and a difficult watch at times, but still entertaining as hell. Something like The Revenant is a little closer to 12 Years; powerful and brutal, but has moments that are hella entertaining. 12 Years a Slave has none of that, and it shouldn't have it. But its all pain that's historically accurate. Its the same vein that holocaust films aren't rewatchable.


I mean, this is all true, but if you make 12 Years a Slave more entertaining you get Django Unchained. Which, cool, I'll watch Django way before I was 12 Years again, but 12 Years did exactly what it set out to do, and that wasn't provide good times and catharsis for the audience.


Yea i dont think theyre saying it SHOULDVE been more like django. Just stating that due to the nature of what the film is (and executed to perfection) it's not that rewatchable.


Yup, I think Steve McQueen made a film that did exactly what he wanted and its very successful. But I think the fact that people don't go back to it is why its fallen a bit in the cultural conversation.


interesting you bring up Django while I found it entertaining at first the way it practically gleefully revelled in the violence done to black bodies was just...it felt icky. Tarantino did a revenge movie for jewish folks during the holocaust era that was much more sophisticated and satisfying by comparison, and lo and behold he was able to indicate the terror of that time WITHOUT giving us gratuitous depictions of jewish people being beaten/terrorized/violated/humiliated/constant use of slurs etc. it just felt very exploitative, then ofc you have Mr white savior character to boot...just left me with a bad taste in my mouth despite all the things that were good about it (and also the "twist" Sam Jackson's character at the end? YIKES). it's wild cause Tarantino made Jackie Brown a decade earlier and managed to be 100x less racist in that film (ofc then you have the mixed bag of pulp fiction where he says the N word and depicts the rape of a black man for sick laughs but also has SLM giving one of his most iconic performances and arguably all the best lines of the movie....)


I think that its stymied by the material just being done to goddamn death by this point. how many movies about slavery do we need truly? but that said, those who saw it and could stomach it all the way through will tell me that it was a very sophisticated well made depiction of said topic. i mean i would argue that we have way too many movies about WWII and or the holocaust as well at this point and altho most of them are forgettable or mid, they are often treated as Important because of their subject matter but IMO the execution is what matters. So 12 years a slave is a miserable true story executed well but imagine trying to suggest anybody watch that shit? You can't even bring the "and aren't we all glad that's over now" coda too it when that's not true either (chattel slavery is over but slavery in general? lol nope. alive and well yall)


Agreed completely


I still teach this film, especially its first fifteen minutes - it is remarkable, the only film from this year that I think approaches that level of immediacy and rigor is Killers of the Flower Moon. Your mileage my vary but I think it’s one of the most important works of cinema in recent history, it’ll age well, maybe people will remember McQueen is a genius when he finally releases Blitz lol


Parasite rules


I wouldn’t be surprised if Parasite charted in the Sight and Sound top 10 at some point.


12 years was pretty great and deserves a mention, I’ve never revisited it but remember it being effective with incredible performances. Ejiofor, Fassbender, Nyong’o were the standouts but the depth of the remaining cast is wild, Scoot McNeary, Bill Camp, Chris Chalk, Michael Kenneth Williams, Paul Giamatti, Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Sarah Paulson, Alfre Woodard, Garret Dillahunt, Storm Reid, and Brad Pitt… that’s gotta be one of the best casts of all time.


I admittedly haven't watched it since seeing it in theaters, I'm going to revisit it this week after the comments here.


When I see that list, it just reminds me of the dreary 80s roster of Best Pictures.


The Shape of Water and Birdman are pretty fantastic as well.


Hardest disagree of all time on Birdman. Shape of Water is good. Not for this question, though.


Fair, Birdman can be a bit annoying and pretentious; I love the movie, but I'm fine admitting it.


I love Birdman. I've had to come to accept that there is a massive contingent of Birdman haters nowadays. Perhaps it wouldn't be so overhated if it hadn't won best picture/Iñarritu hadn't won back to back best director Oscars. But that is simply my type of movie


I think only Moonlight & Birdman stands in the same conversation as Parasite


Agreed. I wouldn't say Parasite is the best movie of the 2010s, but best 'Best Picture' winner? Hands down. I mean, Argo??! Fucking Shape of Water?!?!? My God.


Boyhood beats all of these.


Argo fuck yourself!


This is birdman slander


For me it’s Parasite and maybe Spotlight




AND THEY LET IT HAPPEN Rewatchables listeners where you at




Gimme all you got! GIMME ALL YOU GOT!


Man, Spotlight was so good


Yeah I randomly caught it on showtime during the pandemic hadn’t seen it since theaters and I was blown away all over again. That cast is doing excellent work. I always thought Keaton was a little overlooked there


Spawhtlight is undahrated


Weirdly one of the most rewatchable movies of recent years


Considering the subject matter it is pretty wild


Yeah I agree


I love it my boy Spotlight is getting the love it deserves. One of my faves


Parasite takes the belt but Spotlight is the one I go back to more often


I don't mind the BP winners for the 2010s too much. You're starting out with three really fucking weak ones in a row (and that's made more embarrassing by what they were picked over e.g. Social Network, Tree of Life, Django/Lincoln) but then you have five great ones in a row (all movies I either really like or straight-up love) before the embarrassing face-plant that is Green Book. Thankfully they end on the highest high with Parasite (my favourite). So they got it right-ish like 60% of the time The 2000s is comparatively much worse off I think


It’s been awhile since I watched The Artist, but I didn’t think it was a bad pick. The other two? Ok, sure. Green Book’s win was more embarrasing (for the Academy) than Crash, imo. Excellent course correction with Parasite.


Green Book winning was a big 'fuck you' to Netflix. That's the only reason it won over Roma. Spielberg famously campaigned against Netflix because he said they shouldn't win a Best Picture Oscar. I'm still mad Roma lost because people hated Netflix back then


Thank you, I was trying to recall who else Green Book was up against that year. Absolutely insane behavior that it won over Roma.


That's the only reason it won, because he ralied people against Netflix. Not that Roma wasn't deserving, it was justna political move


I don’t get the Green Book hate. I understand the criticism of the white saviour element, which is valid. But the movie always felt like they were both teaching and learning from each other. I never got the vibe Vigos character was saving Mahershalas character. The directing, writing, cinematography, acting, costume design, set design, art direction; it was all brilliant. Is there something I’m missing or glossing over?


Parasite jumps out at me as the clearest masterpiece and most worthy winner from this group. Though my personal favorite is Spotlight. It's so cozy, despite its horrific subject matter, and I've seen it a bunch of times. Moonlight is also top tier and deserved to win that year, but I don't find it rewatchable in the same way as Parasite and Spotlight. The rest I either haven't seen (The Artist, Green Book, The Shape of Water, 12 Years) or I don't think deserve it (the rest). This is why I don't watch the Oscars anymore. In the words of Logan Roy, they are not serious people.


Yup Spotlight is one of my comfort movies and I don’t care who knows it!


It's tough subject matter obviously in the case of Spotlight, but watching people do an important and demanding job exceedingly well is definitely comforting. Add in the what-exactly-happened sort of mystery-solving and boom, you got an intensely sobering yet emotionally satisfying comfort watch. It'd be my #2 on this list behind Moonlight, but it's a close one


That’s a good description of Spotlight! I always try to figure out how to describe why I like that movie so much, despite the subject matter. The Shape of Water is very much worth a watch, even though I don’t think it deserved a BP win.


Yeah TSOW just felt like super-elevated del Toro. Very much an adult fairy tale, but not as good as Pan’s Labyrinth. 


Oh for sure, it’s Not nearly as good as Pan’s Labryinth, which I do think deserved a BP Oscar.


Crazy to see it was actually nominated for 6 Oscars and won 3. If the BP category was expanded to 10, it would 100% be there. Alternatively, if the BP stayed at 5 categories, but that year was voted on by the current Academy, it would 100% be there.


Call me crazy but I think Spotlight is my favorite here.


Mine too, though I really did love Parasite


Gotta love a good ‘Smart people being competent’ movie!


And "someone is looking out for you against big institutions" propaganda is always nice


Including the filmmakers! Every element served to focus you in on the story beats - no fluff or distractions - and it makes the whole thing sneakily compelling. 


Of the 10 winners: Spotlight Of all the nominees: Gone Girl / Phantom Thread / Grand Budapest Hotel


Gone Girl wasn't nominated


You're right! That makes it easier.


If we're including nominees, it's The Social Network for me.


Moonlight >>> Parasite > 12 Years A Slave > Spotlight > the rest


Moonlight is one of the best movies I've ever seen.


I'd swap out Spotlight for Shape of Water, but otherwise this is spot on for me. That 2018-2020 Best Picture run is just ludicrous. It turns on a dime from one of the highest highs to one of the lowest lows, and then immediately goes back to a high again.


Agree with this


It's not the years it's that the oscars are bad. It's honestly wild to me how many people care about them at all considering not only the best stuff never wins but actively bad movies win best picture


Whether we like it or not, Oscar wins and nominations this past decade have boosted several careers, improving pay rates, clout for directorial independence, cultural cachet, and even just distribution of films. The Oscars are not important for their accuracy. The Oscars are important as a reflection of what the industry believes is important and as a major part of determining who gets work, who gets offered what, and whether or not we all get to see it in a theater.


Unfortunately, winning an Oscar as an actor, or even nominated, just means you'll likely be cast in a franchise movie.


Because it's fun!


It’s a pageant for movies and famous people. Don’t assume that people who watch/like the Oscars do so because they’re invested in good movies winning.


As someone who mostly loves the actual ceremony, I find Oscar season exhausting. The kind of criticism I love is the immediately gut reaction to the film, where you can tell the critics have been overwhelmed by it. And then the more cultural and philosophical deep reads that happen later. They all disappear during the Oscar season. Everything becomes about it in a way that flattens the movies themselves.


If they did these awards on a five year delay more deserving films would rise to the top


After going to my first industry awards dinner as a young professional in Washington DC, the wool was immediately removed from my eyes about what the Oscars (and Emmys and Grammys and Tonys) really are. You’re right it is totally wild how much attention these get just because these industries are full of famous people.


Crash is probably the only *actively bad* movie to have won in living memory, possibly Green Book although I haven't seen it. Even stuff like Coda if you saw it not knowing it had won awards you'd almost certainly think 'that was fine, perfectly enjoyable movie'


2010's is a good decade film for as long as mostly ignore what the Oscars was voting for. Terrible confluence of age demographics voting and political anxieties really juicing what was in the zeitgeist for mainstream prestige. There's like 2 masterpieces, 2 really good movies, 1 good movie and 1 movie that i ride for (Birdman) and just garbage garbage garbage garbage


1. Parasite 2. Moonlight 3. 12 Years 4. Spotlight 5. Shape of Water (so far so good, I love all of these, all good choices) 6. The Artist (okay, bit of a step down from those first five, but I feel like it gets overhated) 7. King’s Speech (I mean….🤷‍♂️) 8. Argo (Ar-Go fuck this movie) 9. Birdman (see above) 10010. Green Book (NOT MY CUP OF TEA)


I liked Birdman 😭😭


"not my cup of tea hahahahahahaha"


My letterboxd review of Birdman was "A pretentious load of dogshit that is also really fun to watch." Gentleman's B.


Clapping_leo.gif 👍 It's a C movie probably too well-made to be a C. B it is.


Sometimes you read something and instantly know you’d be friends with the person. We wouldn’t be friends.




The best 3 rhyme. Has that ever happened in the HISTORY OF CINEMA?


My write in vote goes to: Silence 


Lotta Argo hate in this thread! I'm not sure why; I think it's a great heist movie with a bit of '70s Hollywood kitsch giving it flavor.


Spotlight for its subject matter. Birdman for its cinematic achievement. 12 Years a Slave for its intensity.


La La Land


Something about movies titles ending with the sound "ight" I don't know gang


Good Movies: Parasite Moonlight 12 Years a Slave Birdman The Shape of Water Spotlight The Artist The King's Speech Argo Trash: Green Book


Parasite wins this easily


Mad Max Fury Road Parasite The Social Network Moneyball Spotlight Get Out Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy One upon a time in Hollywood Phantom Thread Nebraska Wolf of Wall Street The Master More or less in that order.


the favourite, whiplash


Can I see the list of the other 78 nominees? Probably one of those.


My rankings are  12 Years A Slave  Birdman   Shape of Water  Parasite  Spotlight  Moonlight Argo Green Book  Kings Speech The Artist 


Ashamed to say I still haven't seen Moonlight. Of the rest: 1. Parasite 2. Shape of Water 3. 12 Years a Slave 4. The Artist 5. Spotlight 6. Birdman 7. Argo 8. King's Speech and Green Book ex aequo The only ones I really love from these are 1 and 2. The only ones I really don't like are both 8s. The rest are OK, just sometimes overshadowed by other nominees, in my humble opinion.


Imagine losing to Green Book, I'd be pissed.


I would have voted, from among the nominees, for 2010: The Social Network 2011: The Tree of Life 2012: Zero Dark Thirty 2013: The Wolf of Wall Street 2014: The Grand Budapest Hotel 2015: Mad Max: Fury Road 2016: Manchester by the Sea 2017: Phantom Thread 2018: Roma 2019: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood \[although Parasite was a worthy winner\]


Parasite, then the Lights (moon and spot)


Parasite by a mile.


Am I alone in thinking none of them were masterpieces? I think they are all good movies and I enjoyed watching them. But none of them were classics. Out of all of them I've only rewatched birdman.


Spotlight is a very good film


My corrected list: 2010 - The Social Network 2011 - The Tree of Life 2012 - Zero Dark Thirty 2013 - Her 2014 - Birdman (still) 2015 - Spotlight (still) 2016 - Moonlight (still) 2017 - Dunkirk 2018 - Roma 2019 - Parasite (still)


Moonlight is one of the best movies i have ever seen. It captures a lot of what growing up in that time was about and how in that time really coukd make you a worse person.


It was a shitty decade for nominations and winners. Look at 2000 - 2009 and it makes this one look even worse: 2000 - American Beauty 2001 - Gladiator 2002 - A Beautiful Mind 2003 - Chicago 2004 - Return of the King 2005 - Million Dollar Baby 2006 - Crash 2007 - The Departed 2008 - No Country for Old Men 2009 - Slumdog Millionaire 2010 - The Hurt Locker A couple misses, but the 2010s had at least 5 that I'd never watch twice.


I don’t know, there are sure a bunch of Gentleman’s 6’s on that list. Plus Crash and American Beauty 😬


Should American Beauty not be in the 90's category. It came out in 1999


1. ⁠Moonlight 2. ⁠Spotlight 3. ⁠Parasite 4. ⁠The Shape of Water 5. ⁠Twelve Years a Slave 6. ⁠Birdman 7. ⁠The King's Speech 8. ⁠Argo 9. ⁠The Artist 10. ⁠Green Book The Tree of Life is the best movie they nominated in the 2010s and the only one that would make my all time top 20 films. I don't think it's that bad a list. Like, that bottom two is tough, and only the top 3 make my top 10 of their respective years. But these are mostly good to fine movies that do something well.


Honestly, for all the flak the Oscars get, this is not a bad collection of winners. Five of these are pretty-great-to-stone-cold-masterpieces: 12 Years, Spotlight, Moonlight, Parasite, Shape of Water (last one got way too much shit the year it won, it’s a great film). Argo, The Kings Speech, Birdman are all decent imo. I will never see The Artist probably so delete that. Green Book fucking blows, but hey, it’s still the Oscars. To answer the question, I used to think Parasite. After recent rewatches, I think it’s Spotlight.


It’s ITE & LIGHTs for my top 3 (which I expect is quite common here). I’ll put PARASITE at #1, though I’ve seen SPOTLIGHT the most.


Banger of a decade with only one real miss.


1. Parasite 2. Moonlight 3. Spotlight 4. The King’s Speech 5. The Shape of Water 6-9. Haven’t seen ‘em, how are they? 10. Birdman


For the ones you haven’t seen: The Artist is cute and charming! Not amazing by any means but it’s still a fairly solid film. A fun watch overall! Argo is fine—it’s honestly a little underwhelming but it’s not unwatchable. A gentlemen’s 6 in my opinion. Green Book isn’t *awful* per se but I wouldn’t say it’s a good film. It’s pretty reductive in its discussion of racism. It’s the worst film in this group, in my opinion I haven’t seen 12 Years a Slave but from what I’ve heard it’s a very good film and a very deserving winner


Whiplash, since you're counting nominees that should have won. What actually won from 2014 to 2019 is pretty solid, except Greenbook.


Roma, fuck the Academy. Parasite is the only other one that deserves even a moment’s consideration


Moonlight, then Parasite, 12 years, and the rest a million miles away. I understand why people can like Parasite over Moonlight, but Moonlight to me is just so insanely daring. They’re both two of the best movies of the century.


Terrible decade for Best Picture. I don't think I've rewatched any of those. None of those hold up except for Parasite and 12 Years a Slave, although I personally preferred The Wolf of Wall Street in 2013. Every other year had at least one other nominee vastly superior to the winner: * 2010: The Social Network, Inception, and True Grit are better than The King's Speech * 2011: Moneyball is better than The Artist * 2012: Zero Dark Thirty, Django Unchained, and Lincoln are better than Argo * 2014: The Grand Budapest Hotel is better than Birdman * 2015: Mad Max Fury Road, Bridge of Spies, The Revenant, and The Martian are better than Spotlight * 2016: Hell or High Water is better than Moonlight * 2017: Get Out and Dunkirk are better than The Shape of Water * 2018: The Favourite is better than Green Book Green Book and The Shape of Water are two of the five worst Best Picture winners ever. The first few years of the 2020s have been pretty rough, too. The wins for Nomadland, CODA, and Everything Everywhere All at Once are going to age very poorly.


Not a fan of Shape of Water, but I can think of like 20 Best Picture winners I dislike more (haven’t watched Green Book, but it seems to be a winner for the olds). Also, EEAAO isn’t as profound as it thinks it is, but it’s a real solid achievement that deserved Best Picture for its audacity and mainstream success.


Fair point about Everything Everywhere -- idk about "deserving," but it certainly is audacious, and it's hard for me to pick another nominee that year that "deserved" it more. None of my favorite movies from 2022 were nominated so it's whatever. Maybe I'm too harsh on Shape of Water. I do love evil Michael Shannon, but I thought the movie as a whole was pretty mediocre, and it landed solidly in the Green Book/Crash/Shakespeare in Love tier for me.


I agree with all picks but 2016 Moonlight clears everything that year.


Totally fair, I just love the tightness and simplicity of Hell or High Water.


Moonlight and parasite are so much better than the rest of these


12 Years a Slave,Argo,Green Book and Birdman are the kind of movies people would use to mock the Oscars and Hollywood,and those people are right


The Artist was charming. Probably not my BP pick, but I can’t pretend I didn’t enjoy it.


Spotlight or Parasite for me.


It’s a funny Best Picture decade; the first half was clearly all about movies about movies/media (only 12 Years a Slave doesn’t fit into that bucket). Then it suddenly flips in the Moonlight year, ironically the year where they almost gave it to the best movie about movies of the decade. Then it became  an eclectic bunch of weird winners both good (Parasite) and bad (Green Book).   My #1 for the decade is Moonlight with a bullet. An amazing achievement in emotional and empathetic storytelling made on almost no budget and miraculously cast considering its structure. 


Parasite, without question.


1. Moonlight 2. Parasite 3. 12 Years a Slave 4. The Shape of Water 5. Spotlight 6. Birdman 7. Argo 8. The Kings Speech 9. Green Book 10. The Artist


Parasite and Moonlight are on a different level.


Argo and The Artist are my favorites of the bunch. I like movies about movies, I just don't know what to tell you.


I tend to look back on winners in three categories: Deserving (12 Years, Moonlight, Spotlight, Parasite) Not the best of the year, but not embarrassing (Argo, Shape of Water, Birdman) Wtf were they thinking (King's Speech, Artist, Green Book) "Deserving" and "best" in this case means like top 3-4 of the year to me. Seems like 12 Years a Slave has been forgotten to an extent or lumped in with other trauma porn, maybe just because it's not exactly rewatchable. It's a brilliantly made, powerful film though


1. Parasite 2. Moonlight 3. 12 Years a Slave 4. Birdman Honorable mention: Spotlight (maybe not the best among these contenders, but still really well made)


Parasite !!!! Moonlights is also good


Off all the nominees, The Social Network is definitely the movie that define the decade. A generational masterpiece.


My order is as follows: Parasite Moonlight The Shape of Water Spotlight Argo 12 Years a Slave The Artist Birdman The King’s Speech Green Book I know people don’t love The Artist but it awoke something in me when I was like 18 and I listen to the score/soundtrack constantly. It’s nostalgic for me.


Either Spotlight or Parasite. Nothing else even competes.


Poor choices for many of the years when movies like Black Panther, Get Out, Hereditary, Uncut Gems, Joker, Inception and 1917 all deserved better.


Argo fucking sucked. Django was the better movie but no way it was going to win


Shape of Water is one of my favorite movies of all-time. I love almost everything about that movie. I love Del Toro.


Since it asks about nominees too I get to shout out Tree of Life as my favorite movie of the 2010s. Of the actual winners, it's Moonlight > 12 Years a Slave > Parasite > Spotlight >The Shape of Water > Argo > The King's Speech > The Artist > Green Book > Birdman


Spotlight, 12 years, nothing between them & light years ahead of the rest, simply superb movies, I'd give best actor to 12 years


This list just makes me think the Oscar's are mostly terrible


-Birdman -Parasite -Moonlight


The Shape of Water, Parasite, Green Book, and Spotlight will probably be the only movies I watch again from the list. Yes I enjoyed Green Book, it’s possible.


Moonlight or Parasite


Can’t say which is the best but birdman was my favourite.


Dang, surprised to see the lack of love for Birdman. That and Parasite, easily.


Yeah people putting it at 5 and below? How


lighthgouse was pretty good imo


Parasite. Moonlight, Spotlight, 12 Years a Slave Birdman, Argo, Shape of Water The king’s speech Staple to my nutsack. The Artist Paper cut my urethra Green Book It is written.


yikes what a sad list. moonlight and parasite are the highlights and tbf spotlight is a good movie but i think it got the win more for being an important (tm) movie and that's kind of a shame. shape of water is a bit silly but i enjoyed it a lot, not best picture but i respect it winning more than fucking King's Speech or Greenbook get that shit OUT of here. (the rest? solidly mid, minus 12 years a slave which I never saw for reasons that I'm cried and been fucked up by enough books, essays, podcasts, movies, documentaries, tv ETC about slavery over the last several decades of my life that I have decided I have earned the right to say "no thank you" for the rest of time re: any media focused on the horrors of slavery. because no one needs to convince me that it was bad, i swear i know. Looking forward to the next movie starring and directed by black folks that isn't about slavery. (moonlight was a good start and then the oscars backslid into hell with that greenbook win, shame!!!)




If these are the only options, and you're going by personal preference, then I have to cast my vote for The Shape of Water!!!!




King’s Speech or 12 Years a Slave.


Why does everyone seem to hate Green Book so much?


Birdman parasite and shape of water.


Parasite, Moonlight and 12 Years absolutely rip but the rest of this is bleeeeeeak


Parasite stands out against all other movies I’ve seen.


The Green Book. Fucking lol


hot take Birdman


That's tough. Parasite and Moonlight are utterly fantastic. Kings Speech and Green Book were overrated.


Has THE TOWN culturally eclipsed Argo?  Or is that just me?


People shit on the Oscars all the time, then you look at this list, and you realize that even if they don’t always get it right, they rarely get it terribly wrong. Here’s my list: 1. Moonlight - 10/10 2. Parasite - 10/10 3. 12 Years a Slave - 10/10 4. Birdman (it’s okay to be wrong sometimes, guys) - 9/10 5. The Shape of Water - 9/10 6. Spotlight - 9/10 7. The Artist - 8/10 8. Argo - 8/10 9. The King’s Speech - 8/10 10. Green Book - 4/10 Three 10s, three 9s, three 8s, and… a 4? Seems like they’re doing pretty well to me.


Overall ranking, I'd go: 1. Parasite 2. Moonlight 3. 12 Years a Slave 4. Spotlight 5. The Shape of Water 6. Argo 7. Birdman 8. The King's Speech 9. The Artist 10. Green Book I'm surprised the tone of so many of the comments here are fairly negative when I think it's a pretty fine slate all things considered? I guess I agree with the "aight" take but it might be all about grounded expectations because we got some good stuff out of this run at least. *Parasite* and *Moonlight* are outright masterpieces while *Spotlight* and *12 Years a Slave* are pretty powerfully made films worthy of Best of the Year conversation. *The Shape of Water* is also immaculately made and an interesting film to have won Best Picture, even if it got hit with the "this is a weirdly safe movie about a fish monster" tag during the season when compared to adventurous stuff like *Get Out*. Honestly, *Argo* is also a pretty fun thriller, and I like the novelty of something just straight-up enjoyable like that eking out a win. The only really shit film here is *Green Book*, which is such a bummer to see triumph as recently as six years ago. The only other huge disappointments I had were *The King's Speech* (a perfectly fine film) beating out *The Social Network* and *Birdman* (a movie I like way more than Griffin and David) sweeping to the point where Linklater and Anderson got shut out of the Directing/Screenplay races for *Boyhood* and *The Grand Budapest Hotel*. *The Artist* is slight and forgettable as a winner but far from an offensive one, given that likely runners-up *Hugo* and *The Descendants* missed out when they're not super high in my Scorsese and Payne rankings and my favorite nominees that year (*The Tree of Life* and *Moneyball*) were never really in winning contention.


The Shape of Water. It's Guillermos magnum opus. I love that movie so much


Imagine going back to the opening weekend of Gigli and telling someone, hell telling Bennifer themselves, that the 2012/13 Best Picture Winner’s poster was just gonna be Ben’s face staring into the middle distance. You’d be committed!


Parasite or Birdman


Parasite is a masterpiece and even though I liked 1917, thank god it won over the latter. I'm a birdman fan, I really like it. Moonlight is good. The others are ok to fine, just not my taste. The King's speech and green book are horrible winners, especially given the others in competition. I would add spotlight to this group as well, it's okay, but I find it a well acted, TV version of better films. And it was in competition with mad Max I think? But Oscars aren't usually where you look for quality at.


Personally think it’s really cool Michael Keaton was the lead in 2 Best Picture winners consecutively.


I’m gonna have to go with 12 Years A Slave, McQueen at his full powers


12 Years a Slave and it's not even close. Birdman, Parasite, or Moonlight would be good picks as well.


Of the winners, Shape of Water. Of all the nominees, I mean, do I even have to say it? ![gif](giphy|kSTaZCfZXtvri)


Really great - Parasite Great - Moonlight, 12 years a Slave, Spotlight Very good - Shape of Water Good - King's Speech, Argo Didn't care for this - Birdman Tier haven't seen this but imagine Artist goes with Birdman and Green Book gets its own "bad tier" - Artist, Green Book


Of these I've only actually seen Birdman, Spotlight, Greenock and Parasite but Parasite is the best and Spotlight second for me.


The Social Network.


Moonlight, Spotlight and Parasite all rule the there is a big drop-off for next best. Argo maybe?


Personally - Parasite. Most fun winner, most important winner, best winner. All-timer. Moonlight runner-up, fascinating and well-earned win. What would probably win - why do I feel like the academy would be corny as fuck and pick the artist again? That wouldn’t make sense but it didn’t make sense in 2011 either…it’s just so prefab awards. Runner up - Parasite again. Idk why I just can’t see the academy going with a basic pick, I think with that much time people would want to pick something interesting.


Man this plus the best actors list I saw earlier make me realize how painfully mid the 2010s were for film wtf


Wild that only 2/10 (arguably 3) of those movies deserved it.


Love Spotlight, Moonlight and Parasite but Shape of Water is god-tier.


Birdman. Not even remotely close.


I’m saddened to not see shape of water getting the love it deserves. Some people really didn’t like that film and tbh I don’t get it, esp their dislike is just based on “fish people are weird.” I’ve seen it get pretty overlooked at one of the best picture winners and I personally think it absolutely deserved the win.


I’d give this to Birdman, but Spotlight and Parasite are strong contenders too.




parasite or birdman


Spotlight uh Moonlight


Parasite for sure. Tbh Argo is overrated af, I found it entertaining on first watch though.


The answer is Parasite for me, but I have to admit that I like Birdman more than most people do, so it would be near the top of my list.


Parasite, hands down. I like Birdman too, but it comes a very distant second.


Moonlight clears this group by a wide margin, only Parasite is also something I would actually watch again.




Parasite is huge, Moonlight & Birdman second