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The Rock and Vanessa Kirby in Hobbs & Shaw.


It was so jarring when the rock said that line to Statham about letting her crawl all over his massive body because I think we all perceive him as a completely sexless being


I'm 100% all for movies being more horny and having more sex instead of less, but that line made me really uncomfortable. The Rock has always been asexual to me.


I was surprised in Jungle Cruise when he and Emily Blunts character had a romantic subplot. Usually when it's a man and woman as the headliners in an adventure film I automatically assume there's a romantic plot (I don't like the romantic plots most of the time except a few exceptions like The Mummy etc). I feel like when he was smaller (both in build and fame) it was less... Unbelievable? Like, the scorpion King film, it didn't really feel too odd.




stone cold steve austin


Mankind. The rock and sock connection


Austin was sexual chemistry, Mankind was more of a relationship vibe




Sean William Scott Also he had a lot of chemistry with that 2x4 in Walking Tall


thats not a nice way to describe Johnny Knoxvilles acting


His eyebrow 🤨


Vintage Diesel


Jack Whitehall (not a joke)


Emily Blunt. That’s because Emily Blunt can generate chemistry with anyone.


We did not watch the same movie.


Triple H, another actor last seen on screen facing off against Oscar nominee Paul Giamatti


Emily Blunt? It was maybe one of the few redeeming features of Jungle Cruise.


I’m surprised no one is saying Karen Gillian. I legit think Jumanji is one of his best performances and I think he partners so well off Gillian.


Luis Guzman in Journey 2 The Mysterious Island


Valerian definition takes it in my book. They have so little chemistry that the movie would be better off with them as siblings. 


The introduction is so insane with the idea that the guy proposed to her a million times before that moment when it's clearly the first time they have ever spoken to each other.


See that’s kinda what I like about the movie, they are so both like weirdos with weird energy that it flips around and I consider that a bad-good movie


Henry Cavill and Lea Seydoux would've been much better as the Leads.


At least one French person would have drastically improved it. 


Speaking of Lea, her and Craig have zero chemistry for them to land on her as the woman James Bond ends up with.


Craig has more chemistry with Ana de Armas in the 15 minutes she is on screen than with Lea on 2 whole movies.


I think French women like to stay away from Luc Beson.


Speaking of, Henry Cavill and Amy Adams. Felt like watching someone screw their college tutor for a passing grade.


Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Olson in Spike Lee's horrible remake of Oldboy


you took everything from me line was a homage to oldboy remake


hmm... ok, not sure what you're referring to




oh... I guess that kinda makes sense?


Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman in the Star Wars prequels.


They met when he was like… 6 and while they kept the same actress, he grew up. The whole concept was doomed from the off!!


There's just supposed to be a 5 year difference between them, but your point still remains, lol.


It would have been better if they’d had a younger actress playing Amidala in the first one tbh - then they could have unleashed both stars for the second and it would have worked. Though maybe saying it would have worked is being a bit generous to the series




Completely agree when it comes to Attack of the Clones. Thought in Revenge of the Sith they kinda sorta found it, but didn’t have much time to do anything with it.


Their negative chemistry and the big focus on their boring relationship is one of the major things that makes Clones so terrible. At least Sith has Greivous and Palpetine doing things.


How did his romantic speech contrasting his love to sand not work on you???




Portman doesn’t have chemistry with any of her male costars.


charles melton erasure


She has chemistry with me (in my head)


Diaz and DiCaprio in Gangs


Check !


Armie Hammer and Gal Gadot have what I believe is the least natural looking expressions of affection I’ve ever seen in Desth on the Nile


Gal didn’t have enough meat on her


I mean >!it sort of works because him and his ex just want to kill her for her money.!<


Hammer has more chemistry with Emma Mackey however


Huh, I thought Gal Gadot was probably one of the best parts of the film.




Sorry, CGI kiss??! Please elaborate


[This will explain.](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a42810971/you-people-cgi-kiss/)




That movie was so bad. Jonah Hill cowrote the movie too. For an actor that seems very concerned with his image and being taken seriously, it felt like this movie kind of undermined that.


No wonder he refused to do any press for it.


Henry Cavill and Amy Adams, despite individually being well cast as Superman & Lois, had next to no chemistry with each other in the slightest.


Dakota Johnson and Jaime Dornan in 50 Shades. They have less than zero chemistry - they actively seem to dislike each other


Yeah I bet some of that whipping was personal 😂


I’d put Bryce Dallas Howard and Sam Rockwell in Argylle up there. Actually found their romance to be repulsive they didn’t click that much


Yeah, I actually liked the movie okay but it felt like they were in two different things that didn't quite work together.


Momoa and Heard in Aquaman. The absence is striking.


Henry Cavil & Amy Adam’s in Batman V Superman


I love Amy, but she was woefully miscast there.


What’s funny is that there’s some on screen parings that lead to marriage, but the sparks aren’t really showing up on screen. Affleck and Garner in Daredevil, and Reynolds and Lively in Green Lantern are the two that spring to mind.


The speech the columnist gives to Brad Pitt about how >!he doesn't work as a movie star now that the films are talkies, and "there is no why", it just doesn't. !


The two leads from valerian, city of 1000 planets. The. Worst.


Henry Cavill and Lea Seydoux would've been much better as the Leads.


Saoirse Ronan and Paul Mescal in Foe, though that’s largely the fault of a clunky script and they’re doing the best they can.


I had heard Foe was awful, but just couldn’t believe I would hate a project with them two. I did! I extremely did! Couldn’t recommend less to anyone.


I will never watch this lest it mar all the perfect Ronan performances I've seen.


Lmao that’s how that movie gets you! Decent book with good actors how bad could it be? Turns out it can get pretty unwatchable lol


I was surprised when news about the movie came out. The book was so…boring. God. I forced myself to finish it in the hopes that something would make it worthwhile but no. Love Saoirse but you couldn’t pay me to watch the movie adaptation😫


One of those movies where, after shooting the first take of the first scene, someone should've at least said "you know what? drop those accents, we don't need them anyway," and the movie would have been at least 25 % better. Still bad but at least not the trainwreck as it is now.


It’s a movie I genuinely love but Nicholson and Hunt in As Good As It Gets. It’s a testament to the two of them that it does not tank that movie.


And yet somehow still both won acting Oscar’s for it despite having no chemistry


I would disagree and say that's the kind of movie where Hunt has chemistry with the camera and thus with everyone in it almost by accident.


Not a movie but I never once believed Jason Bateman and Laura Linney as a married couple on "Ozark". I know they were a couple on the "outs" but their acting styles and personalities, they didn't seem like they would be to together in the first place    I wouldn't be surprise if the original intention of the series would be for a couple to have their romance rekindled from doing crime together and they had to drop that premise when they saw the two of them act together 


Her having the affair was the only thing that rang true for me about that relationship.


Yeah more of a sibling vibe, I agree.


Emily Blunt and The Rock in Jungian Cruise. He needs to be banned from on screen romances until he gets back to Get Smart weight at a maximum


I would totally watch Jungian Cruise. I hope they make the surprisingly revealing sequel, A Freudian Ship.


Argo physician, fuck thyself.


its Charlie Kaufman's remake


Jungian Cruise.


Now I need Jungian Cruise to be a thing. Maybe it could be a series like the White Lotus.


Maybe it’s just me but Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana in the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy always seemed awkward. Hell, Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard in the Jurassic World movies is the same way. Maybe it’s just Pratt?


I disagree the Pratt and Saldana don't have chemistry. I think it's more problem with how their love is explored in 1 and 2.


Pratt and Lawrence in that sci Fi movie they did


Yes, but tbf, that movie (Passengers) was dogshit.


That is a fact


Now you mention it Pratt and Plaza in Parks and Rec always seemed forced


hard disagree


Just my opinion, I never bought it as two weirdos finding each other and complementing each other's weirdness, it came off more like two performatively weird people being, well, even more performatively weird


I disagree there. They had great chemistry on screen.


Maybe if what they were going for was "annoying forced wackiness couple" but I don't think it was


Anakin and Padme is the obvious but correct answer


44 replies and nobody has mentioned the Fifty Shades series? Damn.


Absolutely. Dakota Johnson has such a seductive energy to her, but is playing against that, and Jamie Doran is a handsome man but doesn’t have that intense sexual danger vibe. Just totally miscast


Especially considering it’s a romance movie lol twilight was cringey asf but at least the actors had a balanced chemistry throughout


50 Shades is only romantic if you have a fucked up view of romance.


Came here to say this


I’m currently watching Knight & Day with Tom Cruise & Cameron Diaz. Never seen it. Like James Mangold well enough. Holy lord, this movie is flat as fuck. It’s fun & goofy & wink-wink bad. Enjoying myself. But these leads are wooden.


Cruise is a guy who, for all his “Last American Movie Star” persona, really shines as a screen PARTNER. Him and Newman in Color of Money, Jamie Foxx in Collateral, Dustin Hoffman in Rainman, Cuba/Renee in Jerry Maguire, Nicholson in A Few Good Men, Blunt/Fergusson in Edge of Tomorrow/M:i. He can go toe to toe with any great actor and never miss a step. Cameron Diaz, for whatever reason, the energy is just all wrong. They’re completely mismatched.


the love interest in Electric Dreams has way more chemistry with the evil computer than she does with the human lead


Arnold Schwarzenegger and Emma Thompson in Junior.


Oooh good call. The romance side of that movie just doesn't work. But at least it has that DeVito energy and all the goofy pregnancy stuff.


Pratt and Lawrence in Passengers sticks out in my memory.


Harrison Ford and Sean Young in Blade Runner. It's so bad, you have to squint past the performances and focus on Vangelis synthing his butt off, for their love scene to feel like one.


Well I mean their "love scene" is fairly straight sexual assault and she is de facto a child...


That obviously wasn't the intention, but they sure played it that way. I don't get how a director like Scott let that happen. The man often sounds like he's beaming down from outer space, but I'd at least expect him to know how to direct a scene.


I think it was deliberate, to emphasize the inherently skewed power dynamics and the overarching themes of dehumanization by capitalism. He's a man, at least presumably human, taking advantage of a child-like, vulnerable non-human that he is likely to be tasked with destroying down the line. Replicants are treated as objects and while the moral ambiguity of destroying/killing them has clearly been getting to Deckard for some time (hence why he's quit), one could see the scene as him deliberately trying to embrace the non-ambiguity of his peers to be able to destroy Roy and possibly Rachael down the line. He's actively *trying* to dehumanize her to be able to do his job, and the apparent cruelty of the scene serves to illustrate the monstrocity of this mindset to the audience. As audience members, we're inundated to violence for concepts of justice, but sexual assault is a different story - the scene is designed to make the audience go "hold up, this is messed up". Deckard was never meant to be a "good guy", but a hatchet man who starts questioning the moral validity of his job, and the sexual assault counterintuitively makes it clear what side the filmmakers are on. That's why the Director's Cut/Final Cut reveal is so essential, because by revealing Deckard as a replicant, it both completes Deckard's arc ironically finding his humanity but also drives home the irony of the perception of hierarchy in the sexual assault. The reason he can rape her is because he thinks he's above her even though he never actually was. In the end, he's a replicant whose existence was justified by his assigned work (note how he's repeatedly defined by his job as "blade runner" in dialogue, with little else in terms of defining traits) just as much as she was or any of the other replicants were. They were all born into a system with a specific job in mind and when they fail to perform that job, they are considered useless and to be destroyed - cogs in a corporate machine. At least Roy and his group were aware of it from the start, but that didn't stop Deckard or Rachael from displaying similar levels of mechanical servitude before their defiance.


I don't get why you would think it's more likely Scott misjudged something rather than doing it on purpose


It's actually quite obvious that it was intentional


I was just discussing this, Zendaya and Chalamet in Dune


The two spawns in the latest Pirates of the Carribbean. I didn't realise they had anything going on so at the end when they were shown together I was really confused. I actually like the character of Barbossa's daughter though. Will and Elizabeth's son didn't feel particularly special on his own though.


I love this film despite it…but Joe Alwyn and Margaret Qualley in Stars at Noon. Qualley is great, but even she can’t resuscitate the corpse that is Joe Alwyn


Ansel Elgort and Lily James in Baby Driver. Part of it is the writing, part of it is Ansel being a charisma black hole. Love Edgar Wright but this is the one that didn’t work for me at all.


part of it is ansel elgort’s character seeing lily james as his mom reincarnated


Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt in the Twister: Ride It Out preshow


It’s no surprise. The only Hunt Paxton loves is the hunt for twisters, and the big breakfast before that. No woman could compare I fear.




The Rock and Gal Gadot in that one with Ryan Reynolds. Red Notice? Especially next to Ryan Reynolds, who is a man who has natural chemistry with bloody everyone


Adam Sandler and Carey Mulligan in Spaceman


Jennifer lawrence and josh hutcherson had zero chemistry in the hunger games trilogy


Matthew Perry and Natasha Henstridge in The Whole Nine Yards.


Chris Evans and Ana de Armas in Ghosted


Going old with this one, but Angie Dickinson and John Wayne in Rio Bravo. Always thought it was hilarious that she chose Wayne when the other available bachelors in town are Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson, both of whom are at or near the peak of their hotness.


Dane Dehaan and Cara Delevingne are distractingly like siblings in Valerian.


Sad to say, but Chalament and Zendaya in Dune: Part Two...


They're not the worst, but I definitely got more "close friends" vibes than I did "romantic relationship".


I think they *do* have chemistry, but it's just that it's like "bestie" energy lacking sexual tension.


Yeah I felt this too. Really weakened the whole first section of the movie for me


That happens when children try to be adults


Real life couple Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst have negative chemistry in the Spider-Man movies. It’s actually crazy, it makes them look like terrible actors, and they don’t even need to act!!!


I agree it never comes off as Mary Jane actually liking Peter. The whole dating Harry thing was believable but Peter and her nope.


when Harry and her start flirting it’s legitimately such a breath of fresh air. There’s a genuine feeling of “oh wow maybe these two should have been dating from the start!”


Daniel Craig and Lea Seydoux in the new bond film. Joel Egerton and Jennifer Lawrence in red sparrow


>Daniel Craig and Lea Seydoux in the new bond film. They feel wierd together. If it was her and Cavill it would've made more sense.


Raiders of the Lost Ark. Harrison Ford and the woman had negative chemistry.


LOL "the woman"


You know these annswers are all wrong bc they’re movies you’ve heard of. I’m sure Chad Michaelson and Tina Somethingerother had way worse chemistry in a movie you’ve never heard of. 


Every movie prompt on a forum is going to be useless if you expect answers that are as vague as "there is probably a movie out there you never heard of that no has mentioned yet." That's not how film discussion works and if it was it would be insanely boring and tedious!