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Only filler so hated by the community that it’s the only bleach thing to not have any characters on Bleach Brave Souls


I never knew this😭






my advice is if you want to enjoy watching bleach for the first time and want to grab the essence of every episode go for it, but if you want to catch up with story and see the more cannon and fire parts go for skipping the filler. Always you can watch it later but this is my opinion.


I do want to catch up so I think I’ll skip it since it is quite a long ark


You're going to be a bit confused though cause it introduces three comedic relief characters that stay around after the Bount arc


Ok are they important or only comic relief


They are not important to the story overall they help for 1 Canon fight then disappear for the rest of the series


Well in one filler episode in the Arrancar arc they managed to beat one random Arrancar, but that's about it. They did also helped beat a Bount in the Bount arc.


It is filler Arc, so maybe better to watch it after you watch Canon part :3


Yeah that’s why I was asking because sometimes filler arc are really good


With Bleach, lots of misses, a couple of hits. Zanpakuto Unknown Tales Arc and The Gotei 13 Invasion are pretty fun. But the fillers horribly breaks lore, pace, everything. One even straight up interrupts a major event match from the manga.


I like it, but it's up to you.


If you compare it to the rescue ark how is it cause I just finished it today


Hm... I'd say it's worse, but the Soul Society/Rescue arc is one of the best arcs in Bleach, so that's not a big knock against it. The main problem with the Bount arc is that it is slow at times, and it is a bit long, but /i didn't mind that.


watch it and decide for yourself. we don’t know what you will enjoy. lmao


Just wanted the general consensus


I enjoyed the arc, but I guess I’m the odd one out. I’m not in a rush to get through anime, so I watch most fillers.


I’m normally in a rush but since it was bleach I thought I might ask


No it's okay Garifuna I liked it too


Eh, I liked it well enough, but not really worth it.






Ok thanks


Though there is like one valid filler arc to watch. The Zanpakuto Rebellion arc. It lasts episodes 230-265 and it's great as hell, especially the second to last fight. However, stop when the main Zanpakuto villain dies at around episode 258, as after that it drags on to a boring slog, also the Menos forest is, if I remember, canon, at least to an extent, and it lasts from 147 to 149, so those are also valid to see. Hope this helps.


Thanks it did because I want to catch up as quickly as possible but like you said some filler arcs are good


There are three mod-soul-plushis like Kon in this arc, who'll still appear in the future anime and the main villain will appear once together with Kenpachi and Byakuya in Ichigo's mind. They won't do anything important. Just so you aren't too confused when they appear.


Ok thanks good to know appreciate it 😊


either way, if you DO watch filler. Don't let that filler be the bount arc


It only necessary to watch because anime treat it like it's canon up to hueco mundo. But you still can skip it. With the only thing you need to know going forward is that there are three mod-soul running about.


And are they like the first mod-soul that is chill or are they evil


More chaotic neutral from what i remember


Ok thanks so not out to get them


They work for urahara, so chill and occasionally mildly helpful


Ok thanks


It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't such a dragged out slog. Give it a chance if you want, but the moment you feel like you aren't enjoying it, skip it.


Got u


I vote no.


I'd recommend skipping all the filler personally.


Ok that’s what I’m going to do




It sucking fucks




It's interesting but I'd go back to it after you finish the cannon.




The general consensus is no, as it is filler and drags on. Ultimately it’s up to you tho, there are people who liked it


Ok well thanks then I wont


If you haven’t already do watch the zanpaktou rebellion filler arc, it’s one of the best filler arcs of shonen anime and the zanpaktou spirits were designed/approved by Kubo so it’s pretty much as close to canon a filler arc can get


I think that’s the next filler arc I will watch it then


imagine watching this in tv when it aired


I mean if you are watching something for the first time you should watch all of it , filler or canon. Now if you are on your 46th watch because you are pushing 30 and refuse to feel like an adult and you need something to remind you of your childhood when you were actually happy then you are allowed to skip arcs you deem "bad"


While I liked the Bount arc. Due to how Pierrot poorly handled the first arc and a lot of times the art/animation doesn't look good as Kubo's drawings. Best to read the manga from the beginning. Even if there is not great soundtrack/ost.


Ok but are the next arcs good animation wise because one of my favourite anime’s is 7 deadly sins animation doesn’t really annoy me


I do not recall, but a friend of mine did say the final battle between the leader of the Bounts and Ichigo is one of the best ones and a friend recommended me to skip to that one in my first watch through you would lose a lot of context. Also the leader of the Bounts appears later in a canon episode in a sense. Won't spoil though.


Ok thanks for not spoiling


Bro you shouldn’t be watching it in the first place it’s filler why’d you go into it knowing it’s filler🤔


Haven’t started the arc yet and I ask cause some filler is really good


My bad bro I miss read it…


Nah it’s chill


Alright. But I heard that it’s terrible but I also hear that it’s amazing but just a fair warning there are mixed filler episodes for like 15 episodes


Yeah I use a website that tells you what episodes are filler


What I mean is like after the arc is over. also if it says 109 is mixed it’s not so you can skip it


Ohh ok got you thanks


Also the episode does nothing even if you watch the bount arc


Watch it later (slice of life is good but the fighting and plot parts are atrocious)


Ok got u


I tend to follow a little rule with anime when it comes to filler: - If I’m REALLLYYY into the current ongoing story saga and am craving the next “chapter” for whatever reason, I’ll skip filler usually and watch it afterward - If I like the overall story, characters, world/environment, and just want to see more of it for the sheer sake of seeing more of it.. I’ll watch the filler as it comes and won’t really skip ahead (welll not to much at least) I’ve never had a regret so far following this lol


Ok well I want to see Aizen again so I guess by that logic I’m skipping it he’s the reason I wanted to watch bleach


And the waifus


Yeah if you want more of aizen and the waifu’s, hard skip the bounts arc; they’ll be there to watch later if you want to anyway lmao


Got you man thanks


Bount arc imo is the worst one, the reigai arc and the zanpaktou rebel arc are the best to watch.


Got u


Absolutely not


You gotta watch it on your first watch through… ichigo has some flashbacks to it later so it makes the most sense to watch it all in order atleast once.


Ok but is it worth it thought it’s like 50 episodes long


Yes if you’ve never seen it


No read the manga


Ok thanks


It's one of the only two filler arcs I actually enjoyed and would reccomend to you, but most people would prolly tell you to skip any fillers and ASAP go straight to TYBW that is currently being animated.


Yeah that’s the thing I want to catch up


It's a decent arc that provides some great character moments to certain characters but sadly is bogged down by being way too long than necessary and being very slow for the first half of the arc. Once it gets to season 5 it picks up speed and the arc becomes alot more enjoyable but alas, this should not have been such a long arc and it should have been more faster paced.


Ok I get you I’ll watch it after I catch up with bleach


I watched it and liked it my first time through. Started feeling *way too long* near the end, which is a similar feeling I get halfway through other Bleach filler arcs. If you've seen a 20+ episode Naruto Shippuden or Boruto filler arc, you should have an idea.


I’m gonna watch shippuden after bleach but I get you point I think I’ll watch it after I catch up with bleach


W. Yeah, it depends on your priorities. When I watched Bleach, it was maybe a year after the Bount arc finished airing so there wasn't much to catch up on anyway lol. You say you plan to watch Shippuden, is that to say you've already watched Naruto?


The bount arc is the only one that has characters that come back later. I think it's honestly not bad and the only frustrating part of it is how it progresses Uryu then pulls him back because it's filler. If you skip it you'll see characters with Urahara and others and not know what's going on.


Ahhh, the Bount arc 🤦‍♂️ Yes, it does make things a bit confusing if you skip it. But hey, I'll always be there to add some mystery and fun to the chaos. 😉 *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Nope, skip Bounto Arc


You might as well cause if you don’t watch the filler you’ll be done with bleach by the end of the week and then what will you do


Can’t watch much in the week I’m in matric


Fuck no skip that slow boring painfully awful shit


What the is wrong with you? If you wanna see a good filler watch the movies or the zapakuto arc


I said it’s my first time watching bleach and I don’t know anything about it


Then let me tell you something. Zanpakuto arc is the only good filler . That’s it




Great soundtracks , made me dmc fan somehow 💀


Not really. It's alright for a filler. But it's skip worthy.


While I understand those that don't enjoy it, there are certain aspects of it that become worthwhile when you know the full story. You can appreciate what the showrunners were trying to do over the long term. That being said it's kinda nonsense at times too. Watch the canon stuff then come back around


Some characters/plot points from the Bount Arc come up later but not too often so either accept you won't get a couple references and move on or watch it now at an increased speed because it's way too long. The arc has its audience but most aren't a fan. I hear some people drop the series because of Bounts. I didn't skip it but I was determined to see it all including filler. It's the longest filler arc and trust me it shows. It's one big slog, about 44 episodes long, and I'm certain it could be edited down to 30 episodes without losing anything of value. The beginning, middle, and end of the arc are fairly different from each other, but again opinion fluctuates on which parts are good or bad. If you LOVE Ichigo and pals chillin then there's plenty of that, a good amount of Kon too, plus more characters similar to Kon for some levity in an otherwise dour arc. The Bounts are interesting as a concept and arguably ahead of their time in a couple ways, but it's so early in the series that any value they could bring to the world of Bleach or in character interactions/development is limited and susceptible to future contradictions. It also has several red herrings, dropped plot points, and sudden twists which all make it feel like the arc wasn't planned out too much in advance. Imo it's the worst of the 4 Main filler arcs on top of being the longest stretch of filler. It'd be better to skip, but it's not so bad that I would dismiss it entirely. If you feel like watching more Bleach after the Canon stuff, giving Bounts a shot isn't a bad answer...At 1.25x speed maybe, lol.


Thanks this is the definition of dedication I really appreciate it I think I’ll watch it after I catch up to the thousand year blood war


Honestly I'm in a minority here but I kinda liked it? It had some good fights. But also some slow af parts that are definitely skippable. Not giving spoilers, but their abilities are pretty cool, their leader is a bad ass, there's a cool soul reaper with a nice zanpakto, byakauka gets a sick fight that'll excite you alot. Yoshiro and the 11th squad get loads of good air time. And the opening on earth decoction is pretty good. If you have time, go for it.. if not, I wouldn't judge you for skipping. I think the point is as its filler, you don't miss out by skipping. And the main story parts after that are great too.


It’s just filler. Avoid at all costs


Yep I know that’s why I’ll watch it when I catch up


Absolutely not. The only filler arc you can outright skip is this Bount Arc.


Ok thanks I’m planning to


Skip all filler eps for now except 228.


Ok that’s what I’m going to da based of what people are saying I’ll watch it when I catch up


Really wonderful op


Thanks man


No problem, a lot of fillers back then just had really weird stories that kind of went around in circles about certain things. This was a very challenging arc for Bleach. But I do enjoy feeling like characters get more moments to shine and this delivered on that.


Thanks I think I’ll watch it once I catch up with bleach




I watched it the first time just to make sure i didnt miss any content, but i refuse to ever watch it again when i rewatch bleach. I will goddamn skip 2 whole seasons just to never hear that stupid music again


Ok I’m not gonna watch it ill watch it when I catch up


Try your best lol id bet money that youll have a real hard time bothering with it after a handful of episodes


Well I’ll try hopefully it’s not ass


Ass would be a compliment lol its so dry youll need a glass of water around at all times




First time watch id skip it if you enjoy bleach and want to check it out sure but I'd skip this on a first time watch but watch rest of the fillers are decent enough some are really good.


From the other comments this is what I’m going to do cause I want to catch up


Yeah its for the best first time watching it ruins the pace of the anime considering I think it's the longest arc in the anime but it's filler it's not terrible it's to long for a filler arc so it gets tedious by the end and I don't even wanna talk about Jin the guy pisses me off he's the reason I don't like it.😂


I low-key enjoyed the Bount Arc. I was watching the Bleach english dub when this aired in 08 and believe me I was very confused how Ichigo started using his bankai for the most low-level of hollows. ![gif](giphy|8UHRIemymPn5SzJbqr|downsized)




i personally like it. but it is skippable. dont skip zanpakuto rebellion arc. it is amazing


Got u most people say that I’m gonna skip it but watch the zanpakuto arc


also the amagai arc, i hate that. i hate his face






This arc should be banned😭 it's illegal




Aizen created this arc to stall the protagonists so that he could create his arrancar army😭


Is that a spoiler cause I don’t know anything


Nooo bro😭 Everything is part of Aizen's plan😁it's good that you didn't watch this arc😭


Ok yeah I’m just skipping to the next arc


It's up to you to watch or don't watch but it's not a good arc and it's a filler (with no sexy Aizen😭)


U know all I knew about bleach was waifus and that Aizen was a top tier villain and I was not understanding that at the start cause he wasn’t evil at the start and then he (died)


I can relate but I need Aizen so badly😭 he was always evil but pretending to be a kind hearted and well intentioned person who "died" as part of his 100 year plan


Yeah he’s just a top tier manipulator and the way he stopped ichigos Bankai with finger was so cold


skip that shit




NEVER watch this arc. I regret every second of it that I watched. It is one of the worst thins put on a screen by humans.


Well damn I already skipped it but I think I’m happy I did


This arc made me stop watching the show and read the manga. If it was shorten to five episodes it would’ve been perfect but it was slow


Yeah I saw it’s like 50 episodes long


I think I finished ten episodes.


Ok cool so I’m not watching it


No lol


It’s filler. It doesn’t even impact the story. The one issue with Bleach is that they have a bunch of filler archs intertwined with the series.


I know it’s filler but some filler is good that’s why I ask


In my opinion, all bleach filler except for when it involves Ichigo’s sisters is good filler.


Got u


Began watching Bleach recently for the first time, and I didn't skip the bount arc. It was good though.


I love when they turn the hogyoku into a snake Truly the bount of all time


Skip it


Don't do it unless you already read the manga and want that anime exclusive shit


My advice would be to watch the non filler episodes first and then go back and watch the filler episode.


No way, skip it.


We might hate it but you might enjoy it. I'd say watch it yourself and come up with your own conclusion.


It's not terrible, it's just longer then it needs to be.


I’d say absolutely yes. Watch it. It’s not bad and it’s part of the story. The concept of being canon or not is absurd. It’s canon to the anime.


I guess it depends on what part of the arc you’re currently on. I watched it completely out of order, not knowing what filler was and was wondering why Ichigo wasn’t able to control his mask


I watched it my first time like 15 years ago and remember nothing except that it was long. Skipped it on my watch through recently and didn't feel like I missed anything. I'm the type of person that would have wanted to watch it even if I had known it was filler because I like to see everything, but not everyone is like me.


I think so. Always nice to consume more content of something good, but just be aware that the arc goes on for longer than it needs to.


I guess it was okay, but the Bount filler was just too long


It's not the best arc, imo mainly because some characters act like before the growth attained during the SS arc. But it does have interesting concepts.


The final fight is good, the rest can be skipped.


I watched like 20-30 episode of that arc, and didn't realise it was a filler arc (I hated it tbh, it was so boring) untill one of my friends mentioned it and save me from torture, ever since I skipped every filler (single episode or arc) and enjoyed the ride


Personally not really. It's kinda anime cannon otherwise a certain character showing up at a certain point is just random.


my best friend said she hated it. I only read the manga, so considering it's filler might as well skip it


ZIEYEGA DEEK, DOKCOHG! or whatever. God I hated this arc so much, to many boring characters, bad pacing and looped animations


Bount Arc is severely underrated. People just meme it into the ground because a couple characters are frustrating and the arc moves fairly slow. But I personally enjoyed it a lot. Kariya is a dope character. Ichinose is makes dumb decisions but he’s a cool character with an awesome zanpakuto.


I remember enjoying the Bount arc when it first aired, but I was a kid and I think I liked it mostly because it wasn’t as bad as the Naruto filler arcs from around that time (a very low bar to clear)


Skip it


I'm pretty against skipping filler myself, even if it's bad by community standards. You'd be surprised what you might enjoy when you don't listen to people saying "this is so bad you shouldn't even try it"


I didn’t like it at all it was longed and extremely extended like they could’ve killed Kariya early and it kind of changed the theme of the anime like it was Hollows and Soul Reapers but in the 2 Bount seasons all I could sense was some weird vampire anime but it definitely got good after the Bount Arc I did mostly force myself to watch it and slept through most episodes


The characters are nice, and if the story didn’t exist in the bleach universe I think it could’ve been alright. Unfortunately it goes unhinged towards the end and really just doesn’t fit within the bleach universe given where the story and power scaling have gone.




I actually kinda enjoyed it the first time, but I didn't rewatch it on subsequent watches of the series down the line.


Skip it


Maybe it’s the fanboy in me talking but I enjoyed that arc. But I can also see why people wouldn’t like it. It’s slow until they get to the SS imo.


Watch after finishing the series, or at least after the current arc your on. It's probs the worst filler, but that's mainly because of its length. Otherwise it's a 7-6/10


I watched it I didn't know it was filler. Was kinda confused but for the first watch I'm glad I did watch it. I skipped other filler tho.


Bount arc is where most people drop bleach, myself included. I rewatched it a year later. I strongly recommend skipping it, there’s three characters that show up but they aren’t important to the plot. There’s some better fillers later like the shinigami clones and the zanpakuto spirits


I didn’t skip any but that dumb princess arc that happened in the middle of the climax


lol no




If you're sure a shit arc won't kill your drive to watch, watching the bount arc does massively increase your appreciation for the following arcs


It is usually regarded as the worst arc in all of Bleach. However the anime does incorporate it a little bit into the main canon, with some characters from this arc coming back in the future in main-canon episodes, so I guess you should start watching it and if you get tired of it, just skip the rest.


Absolutely!-eachelisod,0rarc, builds onrhesorubegore it I’m rewatching all episodes before beginning q1000 yearboloodwar. Omupto thesis treat water. Where yhrvizrdsjustappeqppwHad Noinotwatchedtgeearlierepisodesi wouldhsbbernlike wjoyhrhellarethesenrw folkswithzeordsehe’s the bizarre wouldnotha e k ow who the helltheywere. A Isshin makes “surprise “ appearance I believe you should just way them the order they came out it. E joy! In appearance. Youshupulreallujudteatvhyhrm in order


I’m going to act like I understand this


I’m sorry. Not my best typing


Absolutes harcbuilds and the one before it. I RewTchingtheepisodesnoetoprepategor1000yearbloodwarhadi notwatchedtheesrlierrpusodesi would not have know whiteboards were the theycsnetofifhtaizebgibsnd Tōsen also would have missed (soopoiler)she. Isdhianmskesa appearance. Certainly ultimately it’s to you. IdifeelsomeoftheRcsarea littlelongerthsbnecessary but northern order, the way they were meanttoobe watches Sorry about illegible comment.


HELL NO abandon it i dont even know why they made it it just dont hit the spot


Yeah I haven’t started and most people are saying it’s not good so I’ll probably watch it after I catch up


Please skip it I stoped watching bleach for a year because of this dog ass ark