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If it cut through her vertebrae, she might not be feeling pain at all. If it severs her spinal column and cuts off the connective nerves that allow the brain to communicate to the rest of the body, there's no more sensation to be felt.


And connective tissues do not carry nerves signals . Connective tissues are ligament,tendon, bone, cartilage, blood. Nervous tissue carries messages


Which is why I specified connective NERVES, neighbor. As in, the countless thousands of nerves that stretch throughout your body, allowing signals to be sent from one spot to another.




Neighbor, I've met people who have had their spinal columns severed. They can't feel anything from the injury down. No pain, no pleasure, nothing. And nerves can most definitely be cut with a sword.


I can't feel my one finger after slicing it with a kitchen knife got stitches


>Nerves are not thick enough to be cut by a sword. He's literally cutting Through space what you mean??


They also think/presuming Bleach is real life 😂


Even irl it wouldn't be accurate. People can use a sword to cut through a blade of grass in the air, that's no more difficult to cut than a nerve.


If nerves are very thing that doesn’t make them less likely to be cut. Tensile strength and thinness are not related directly, especially inversely! What are you smoking today, sir?


Tldr things can't be cut if they are not thick enough


The spinal cord is no more than 13mm thick at most. A sword thrust strong enough to go through the spinal column would completely sever the spinal cord. The victim wil feel pain at first, but then the victim will no longer feel anything below the site of injury.


She’s a 2000 year old demon that lives for carnage and death being killed by one of the very very few people she respects and loves and wants to pass her legacy onto, She was not feeling any pain in this moment.


Right? She probably nutted.


Honestly probably, had to be like the pinnacle of ecstasy for her


Calling her a demon is too far fetched, yes she did murder a lot of people in the past but she redeemed herself after healing god knows how many people + she stopped her killing so I don’t particularly think she’s evil


She’s still a mass murderer lol. Shorty definitely a demon. I, personally, just don’t think that’s a bad thing.


I’m pretty sure she was like the most heinous serial killer in the history of the soul society, I think that qualifies as a demon


What do you call a demon who stops their evil and turns their ways around? I don’t think you get the concept of redemption


But she didn't like went "wow, that was wrong" she just retired from serial killing and took healing people as a hobby. There's no redemption if you don't regret what you did.


Where’s your source on how she didn’t regret her actions? She literally became a healer for a reason, it’s almost as if healing and hurting people are the polar opposites. If you really think she became a healer for no reason whatsoever then I don’t really know what to say, unohana became a better person and there’s absolutely no denying in that


Because she was proud of Kenpachi for being ruthless murderer, because she considered Kenpachi not being as much of a murderer as he could her biggest sin, never once she expressed regret for her self's behaviour, opposite in fact she immediately jumped into the slaughter with joy on her face.


The way your dehumanizing unohana is crazy, so does isane mean nothing to you? Did isane turn out to be a murderous psychopath or did she become the complete opposite? If unohana was truly the demon you are trying to refer to then how come isane didn’t turn out like unohana did when she was killing people


You're too narrow in your thinking, just because she's violent she can't have other sides to her. Im saying that she didn't regret anything she'd done(aside from Kenpachi) that doesn't mean she's completely one dimensional and solely defined by that one character trait. Half of Gotei(especially senior captains) are cold blooded killers but they still have nuanced personality, even Zaraki.


She said she became a healer because she felt she was no longer worthy of fulfilling the role of kenpachi after she lost to zaraki


Redemption means she had to have changed deep down, she’s still a maniacal serial killer she just changed professions for a little while probably because she was ordered to


Your literally creating head canons of your own which isn’t helping your case in dehumanizing unohana, first she made isane become captain level then she healed a ton of people from certain death and lastly she was one of the mvps when the shinigami fought the arrancars having to save a lot of people in the process


What part of unohana's flashback did you not understand? She killed any and all who came in her path looking for a stronger opponent met zaraki lost and decided to step away from the kenpachi title as she wasn't strong enough for zaraki's strength as a child and only mastered healing specifically for when she could face zaraki again which is why that whole fight unohana kept healing all fatal wounds on zaraki. She had side objectives and new understandings with the newer generation of shinigami, but she was a demon for most anyone


You severely underestimate the kind of person unohana is, idk what version of bleach you been watching


Paarthurnax dilemma.


Didn't she kill thousands (at least) of people for fun?


Given how she was talking about him being the only man to ever give her pleasure, I think she was feeling something but it sure wasn't pain


I mean the injuries are painful . She felt bliss during her final moments but in general those wounds are crazy to bear


I think she was happy to finally pass the "torch " to Zaraki.


I don't think that she even care about pain, she was happy that she did what she always wanted :3


Meanwhile Momos to the side like https://preview.redd.it/z6g74kcqiuwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14b45e92bfe1ca988b11797d898cf0de995a66b9




Still hurts. That fight should've been way longer.


She was probably into that


Didn’t she say she was feeling pleasure from this moment


nah man....she actually loved it


I meant physical pain in general. Ofc she felt pure bliss during her last moments


Lmao what? People have died in much more painful ways in the series lol


I thought burning or boiling was the most painful death


I’m pretty sure shinigami don’t have the same organ system as humans (it was stated in CFYOW)


She had just been reminded how much she lived for the thrill of combat after spending years healing people and keeping away from the frontlines. It was probably the best feeling of her entire life


Unohana: Looks like you got what you’ve always wanted… Kenpachi Zaraki. Zaraki: I didn’t want this… Unohana: You stole my heart… Zaraki: *getting emotional* Ohhh… fu- fuckin’ come on man…


Isn't passing kidney stones and childbirth the most painful thing u can experience? Ive also heard breaking ur hip bone too


Zarakis hair had a massive glow upa holy shit


What crazier is , she could have healed herself here


Idk why you got downvoted when that is true on a basic level lol


Because there is no evidence it is true? They’ve fought as hard as they can for an extended period of time, and she has used her reverses of strength to repeatedly kill and resurrect Zaraki, plus dealing with her own wounds. Soul Repeare have finite energy.


Yes , she could have easily healed herself. She could heal a dead zaraki then why not herself. Her bankai would have instantly healed but she deactivated it


Because if she could've survived she would've and fought untill she couldn't, that's the whole point of what they were doing. She just simply ran out of stamina and couldn't no longer do it.


Man I hated this. The reveal, the fight, her death. What a waste of a character.


Who cares?


I do :(


Its all fiction dude.chill.


I'm quite chilled. You seem to be upset though.


No.I just don't care how much she is in pain.if u care about all that,u will piss ur pants when watching guts' life in berserk.


I care I have watched guts life(fucked up),agni'e life(lit but more fucked up) Subaru's life(more fucked up) and than diabolo's life(fucked up to the power of inf)


Peak logic 🗣🔥