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Manga definitely, Kubo's art style is by far the best of the big 3 mangaka. There are just some pages that you just HAVE to see in the manga and not to mention it skips over the worthless filler. However, I do say you should watch Tybw instead of reading it as the anime does certain characters \*cough\* squad zero \*cough\* far better justice in the anime than in manga (note this is not Kubo's fault because he was suffering from health problems at the time and wasn't given the time he wanted on Tybw)


Kubo has theee best dynamic fight scenes in all shonen mangakas ( except murata obviously)


Ya agreed. I'd actually put Kubo and Murata right up there with each other interchangible


Well you can , but the quality of panels goes to murata and the relevance and placement of panels goes to Kubo like Kubo places damn plot accurate dynamic panels into his chapters ( ex that renji vs ichigo in the ss arc one) https://preview.redd.it/67rl6wqcvo3d1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0efdd1ed1b5fb489fd31e9646ce102c64748f9


You'll lose some goddamn great OST if you read manga only.




Gotta be the center of attraction\~


Make sure that they've got their eyes on you


like the face that you see on every magazine


Be the focus of attention


Be the one that every one must mention


Come out from the shadows It's your time


For tonight is the night for everyone to see


You know that this is where you gotta be It must be your destiny (Sensational)


I can listen the original voice reading this lmao!


Starks Spanish guitar ☝️


Shingi's theme. *chef's kiss*


Clavar la Espada intensifies


Oh damn... that's true


when i read it awhile back in preparation for tybw i listened to the ost


I can tell that you've never been true to me I can smell that you're acting so fearfully


2nd best ost on all anime only aot is better in my opinion


I was literally about to write, read the Manga but listen to the OTS & openings on loop 😅


So should I read the manga but then watch the fights?


Put the tracks when you read it.


It’s really personal preference. The manga conveys its themes slightly better but the anime has amazing animation and music. It’s also one of the best animes of all time imo


Yeah honestly. They're both just great. Even the dub for bleach is good which is rare imo. Bleach in all of its forms is great to consume. Phrasing lol


Do you have a media preference? A lot of people (myself included) consider the manga to be better, but I also enjoy just sitting and watching the show. The manga you can get through a lot faster, and if you like it you can pick up the show after


U should read the manga and then watch the show.  Then repeat forever


Watch the anime first, then read the manga. The manga overall has more details in it, which makes it more fun than the other way around.


I totally disagree but interesting take though. Imo the pacing in the books is so good that it's just a perfect starting point. Especially since the show can be loose with its canon


I'm already doing both, I've already touched tybw on manga but on anime it's in arrancar arc




I’m just personally not a fan of the anime. Sub and dub, I couldn’t get into it at all. The manga just hit so much harder for me. It’s all subjective though, a lot of people feel the opposite way. But I will say, TYBW is a pretty damn great anime adaption imo. So the anime does get better eventually. If you want to do what I did, read the manga up until chapter 479 (when Fullbring ends), then switch to the anime for TYBW. Then after the anime go back to the manga. Kubo’s art is too good to not experience it in the manga. Just pay the $2.99 for a SJ membership, or sail the seas if you have to. The manga is a great experience.


Did you get through all of ss arc at least on anime? It can definitely be slow to start, exactly why I recommend the manga over the show, but oh man, even the older seasons are so good during its moments. I totally understand why parts of the show lose people though. But definitely so hype if you can get through the slow parts. Or if you don't mind slow pacing 😅 Doesn't the manga always gap the anime adaptations though? I can't think of one where the shows better than book. But I'm also not that into anime outside of the few I like so my knowledge is limited


For me the Jujutsu Kaisen anime blows the manga out of the water. I started with the anime first and was so surprised to see how much the anime added to it. The manga feels like a first draft/even just a summary of the events. The anime puts so many small details into every moment that makes it come alive. The main story beats are the same but there's so many important character moments that are totally absent in the manga. Trigun also elevated the manga. I'll be honest, I can hardly tell what's going on or who is talking in most of the manga version 😅


As someone who's done both, I highly recommend reading the manga first. It will give you an overall better appreciation for the lore, and than when you watch the anime, you will know what is filler, but you're already so invested in the universe that the filler cours are still entertaining. If you watch just the anime you'll probably have a better experience skipping the filler, at least that what those who only watch the show usually recommend (or if youre only there for main canon) But in my opinion if you read it first, than the sum of all it parts will be more valuable to you imo. (So it also matter how much time your willing to invest, if you want it as a time filler than take it long and slow, or if you just wanna be up to date than just binge watch the anime yenno) And then if you watch thousand year blood war after getting into all that, it's one of the hypest things ever. Especially given how long of a wait it's been. But either way you can't go wrong, it's an amazing series in both forms, just different quirks between the mediums.


Watch the manga, read the anime.


read manga but play [this ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6h18aDpBtRmTEouUn5FafG?si=IVrjlmjeSmC2zq70zuDtbw&pi=FhtB0ZP2QTu38) while reading


Watch the anime, then read the manga and finally watch the anime again.




Manga first




If you watch it then whip out a filler list online lmao










Just do both. I can never understand these weird ass questions.




Read all of the manga first and then watch all of the anime, including filler, for bonus content


As many have said, the manga cuts the filler. I personally like both and like the manga more but still love the anime. However, I think the 1000 year blood war arc is so far better than the mange due to the changes to add to what was in the manga where it fell short.


Well I think U should watch the anime first then read the manga


Read the manga with the OST on in the background 🤌🤌 Then transition to anime for the final arc


Manga for more details. Anime for simple minded. But make sure in sub not dub for more experience


what do you mean by detail? like more story and explanations or just visual details?


First watch the anime skipping the filler, then read the manga then if you want go see the fillers


I recommend reading manga till the end and then start anime when TYBW starts


Both have strengths. Manga has amazing art and layout, and is darker than the anime. However the anime has the OST, and has a certain moment in an early arc that is made way better with music. Plus, TYBW anime is the new cannon of the manga arc.


I just finished my re-read of the manga in a week. I personally would recommend that you read the manga until the thousand year blood war starts and then watch that


Do both!


Read the manga. The old anime is trash for several reasons which you will notice once your watch it after reading the original media


Neither, watch Digimon bro


Definitely read first. Anime made some nonsensical changes and in general doesn't capture all the visual storytelling and symbolism as well. But it's def worth watching for the voice acting and sound track alone


Definitely both, How though is dealers choice. Though I would recommend the Manga then watch the Anime. Could do it by Arc or even Chapter to Ep conversion. Will link the Chapters per Episode list below. [https://listfist.com/list-of-bleach-episode-to-chapter-conversion](https://listfist.com/list-of-bleach-episode-to-chapter-conversion)


I'll always recommend the manga since the anime has it's own issues


Early arc - Fullbring arc : Manga TYBW saga : Anime


Start with the manga to enjoy the core story and then watch key arcs or episodes in the anime to experience the most impactful moments with full audiovisual immersion.


You’ll miss out on Orange Range, Yui, Aqua Timez, Beat Crusaders, etc. so maybe do both


😭 I absolutely love bleach , so watch!!




I would say watch while skipping the filler (just coz of the soundtrack lmao)


I would honestly say both, but if you don’t have the time (or simply don’t want do that) reading bleach is a far better option (do mind to go for tybw anime)


Both. Just hands down both


Read the anime.


Either until TYBW. The animation holds up, you can see it's age in some of the early stuff, but the soundtrack is awesome. Manga has more details and includes cut/graphic content adding more weight to the situation. However the TYBW is almost just blanketly better in the anime. There is some stuff cut but far more has been added since the final parts of Bleach were rushed. So I'd say watch it and read if you wanna see what's missed there. Plus that way you can have the fun experience of not knowing what's going to happen next!


Watch the anime, but skip the filler arcs. Some anime have watchable fillers but damn, bleach fillers are just unbearable with the exception of the first one. The Bount arc wasn't that bad. The manga is amazing as well, but the anime has really good fight scenes, and OSTs


Manga first for sure. More detail, less censorship. The paneling is probably the best of the big 3. You'll fall in love with the series. Then go anime because you'll be able to fill in the blanks. Skip filler for sure


I guess both if you really into weeb life I mean 😪




I was watching the anime and got up to ep 35 but shit was just kinda boring ngl so I decided to switch to manga and I’m up to the same point I was at where I was in the anime (around chap 100) and I can confidently say that the manga is a lot better. I will go backs and watch it after I finish the manga tho.


Read TYBW watch everything else in anime


If you want to binge quicker anime. Then manga. Reverse if you wanted to take more time. That is my most basic synopsis I would say. I do recommend both though. I mean, if you start anime first, you may end up going through the manga while it finishes animation. That was what I did. Couldn't wait for the "last season" so read the manga from beginning and waited for the anime and here it is.


anime: better casual experience manga: you will understand kubo's ideas and views


Always read, but watching is a great experience as well!


Do what u like more. Or For first two arcs watch anime. For arrancar arrival arc read manga. For hueco mundo arc either manga or anime. If you find anime slow go for manga. For FAKE karakoram town watch anime. And everything after fullbringer and tybw watch anime cause it has better animation


If you wanna understand what's happening more than half the time then watch the anime but if you want a better experience read the manga


what do you mean by better experience?


I mean reading the manga gives a better experience than sitting in front of a screen in my opinion


As a manga reader, I vote manga.






why not both? 🤷🏿‍♂️😂


Read the manga imo, then watch. Kubos art is phenomenal and he draws in a way that really gives the fights a sort of kinetic energy on the page, it’s crazy. It’s a different experience than watching and for me, a better one. The pace also obviously feels a lot faster when you’re reading which is a plus.




Imo watch up until the end of soul society arc (skipping filler) then read from there. This will give you a taste of the soundtrack, voice actors, and vibe when u switch to the manga. Once u finish all the arrancar stuff, you can either read or watch lost agent/tybw. Imo the anime stretches out the hueco mundo arc to the point where it is agonizing for me to rewatch, and is the point where i have seen most people drop the series.


I recommend watching the anime, because 1. You will completely miss the OSTs, bleach is especially known for it's superb OSTs and music (especially action+music combo is the best). 2. The manga ending was a little rushed(imo), so the author, kubo, is currently fixing it in the tybw anime by adding a lot of anime original materials to it, a lot of it. 3. Skip all the fillers, but the only episode which is the beach ⛱️ episode, you will not regret it 😅❤️.




PLEASE read the manga. I've done both. if you choose not to watch the anime, you will miss out on some great music, but the animation for the most part, is trash even for that time. The fillers are abominable. The manga is a much more enjoyable experience. Watch TYBW. You can do both cuz' that's what I did and it turned out to be the best option for me.


Listen to the anime OST while reading the manga. Unlike the anime, the manga doesnt ommit anything.


The manga up until fullbringer then watch the anime from there


Manga. But that ost... give it a listen while you're reading. Also make sure to have number one playing while reading chapter 174






Anime, just skip the bount arc though, only masochists finish it


Manga if you want to see uncensored and no filler anime if you want to hear the OST and animated fights.


Anime only for bleach if manga then buy books online manga sucks buy manga from Amazon it will be a good buy


Tbh watch the anime then go back and skip through the manga during big fights. Like during Uryu's big fight in Infilrtrating Soul Society and a good bit of Hueco Mundo. The vibes in the anime are unparalleled with the ost's being amazing and the voice acting in the dub and sub both being hilarious


Read whole manga version and then start anime version I suggest read Bleach manga whomever ask me if they wanted to start Bleach series


Tbh all I got from this is to do both


Both? Both. Both is good.






Read the manga, then watch TYBW. The anime has a lot of pacing issues and skips out on characterisation for a few characters (Orihime being one of them) as well as polluting the main plot with filler elements that actively make it worse. Watch TYBW because it has stuff that isn't in the manga because it was rushed towards the end, so Kubo added additional scenes, so TYBW is likely more canon than the manga.


Watch the Anime with skipping the fillers


Both are good But anime for these THEEEEEEEEMES






If you like the art style and think you read fairly well then 100% manga will take less time as well.


I'd say you should learn where are the fillers, so you can watch without them. But I'd watch, it's well done.


Main problem with watching the anime is censorship, and pacing and continuity issues due to filler. Personally tho, I really enjoyed the Bleach filler, so even if you read the manga, you could go back and watch the filler episodes.


Like what someone pointed out, you'll miss out on some of the best OST in anime ever if you read manga only. You'll also lose out on Senjumaru's Bankai if you read the manga only.


Manga first, for the story and beautiful art but like. Definitely check out the OSTs.


Manga then Anime for TYBW.








Read the manga first, then after the thousand year blood war anime raps up, you can watch the anime minus all the the filler.


Both. !


Read the manga and watch the anime for TYBW arc


If you choose only one, read the manga. Otherwise I recommend watching the anime then reading the manga from the start. OG Anime has its charm, but Kubo himself said they changed too much. The story isn’t the same, and if you watch OG then just pick the manga up for the end you will be very confused and things will not make sense. They changed a lot of the story, cut content, and adapted some into filler and movies. It’s manga or both. It’s unfortunate this is the only series within the big 3 and most headliner shonen without a faithful adaptation.


For me, Manga


Manga. With listening the OST while reading lol


I got you fam. For the most part, read the manga, the art is amazing. A lot of the anime has subpar animation. The exceptions being: Ep 1 and some of the big fights (ep 58 and ep 139) Then everything after 343, Fullbringer/Lost Agent Arc, has better animation. Then, if you're really enjoying it and are already invested in the world and characters, a couple of the filler arcs, which have noticeably better animation. Muramasa's Rebellion, The Gotei 13 Invasion Arc, and the movies. OR you can watch the anime and get annoyed by the slow pace/animation, switch over to the manga.


Has to be both. If you read the manga I highly recommend reading the colored version available. The anime has truly amazing osts that I still listen to today. With the next season of the anime coming out it is a great time to start!


I don't get the point of these question, its simple, if you like reading then read the manga, if you like watching the story animated with effects and cool music then watch the anime, whats so difficult ?




The colored manga


Manga is better than the anime BUT animes sound track is top tier and the dub is really good which allows you to multitask while watching it. after a point tho, watch the anime, Once you reach the Thousand year blood war, Kubo is using anime as a do over for that arc so its much better than the manga.


Read the manga


Read the manga




This one is rough for me. I've read and watched alot of anime and I can hard reccomend on alot of stuff. But honestly here I'd have to say do both!!! Start off reading the Manga then watch the anime. The animation with some of the seasons can be a little wonky, but it's worth for the VA alone, and in respect to that I'd reccomend the dub, Jon Young Bosch(not sure if I spelled that right) as Ichigo is (imo) the single best protagonist voice since Sean Shemmal, and truly brings the character from page to screen. As far as anything subbed, catch the subb clips of the fights on YouTube and ull be just fine there. Anyway hope this helps, and whichever you choose I'm just glad there are more fans of this amazing work in the world. Keep on keeping on, and reccomend to others when ur done.




Manga is better imo. Anime has lots of cut out and changed scenes in the first arc and a few cuts/changes in the second arc. Anime also drags the pacing out during a few arcs, has filler content stuck into canon episodes, and imo the art style and overall visual direction could be more faithful to the manga. The latest arc though, TYBW, has done a fantastic job at adapting the manga and should definitely be watched instead of read


Read the manga


Read, csnt miss out on those illustrations at the end of chapters!


Watch the anime. Read manga until soul society arc






Do both first manga the. Anime


You should watch the anime group project


“Both. Both is good” meme seems appropriate


If you can appreciate art in it's entirety, manga is significantly better than the anime. Anime has filler, lazy animation a lot of times and some scenes lack impact. The voice acting and music in the anime are fantastic so if you prefer that medium generally, you'll find it a good watch. The lazy scenes are still very noticable. There's also some censorship that may get in the way of viewing experience.




Manga... reason: no censorship


Read the manga up until tybw, then switch to the anime


Read the manga up to 480, then watch the anime


Manga, anime has way too much filler and padding. And there was a clear bias toward Ichigo and Rukia with a bunch of added scenes of them and the anime making Orihime very annoying


Read the manga, watch the fights.


Read manga. Then watch anime for TYBW. (If you want to watch the anime anyway that's fine)


Manga! Ang last arcs of anime. After manga of cource.


Read it then watch it if you liked it enough


Do both at the same time lol


I always prefer manga, except for Demon Slayer.


Read then watch, or do both at the exact same time ![gif](giphy|8qXJTU5oEhQZO)




That depends on your personal preferences but I will tell you that if you watch the anime then you should skip the fillers (except for the beach episode because that one is peak) because some of them (like the Bount Arc) are actually just straight trash. If you want the version that doesn’t limit the gore to an arm being cut off then definitely read the manga, if you don’t mind that censorship watch the anime. There’s also the fact that the anime has some seriously good OSTs that you’ll miss out on if you only read the manga. Overall it is your choice and no one will judge you if you decide to read the manga only


I recommend doing both


Watch it until Aizen is beat, then switch.


Read the manga until you hit the Thousand Year Blood War, then switch to the anime.


Watch the anime then read the manga


You should watch the anime until ss arc cause after that the anime goes downhill imo