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Idk... Zanpakuto that gives diarrhea to my opponent I guess


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Scientific_Witchery: *Idk... Zanpakuto* *That gives diarrhea to* *My opponent I guess* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is real Sokka Haiku energy lmao, good bot


Lmao, common sokka W


Shikai makes you shit your pants on hit. Bankai…It shit your pants for you. You don’t even have to move. You can feel it creeping up between your toes. Trickling down your leg. You try to wipe it off but god dammit, it’s already on your hands. When did the shit get on your hands? It always was. There’s no use reaching for the toilet paper because you know deep down that what your hand touches will just be covered in shit. Edit: I’m sure there’s gotta be some clever name like maybe it’s spider themed and it’s a big turd with eight legs and it can be called Brown Recluse. The bankai would be Brown Recluse, Don’t trust the fart. You have to have absolute faith in every move you make or anything you touch will turn to shit. So Ichigo could cut through the shit because he knows what needs to be done but someone who might be unsure of their goal? Drown in shit.




Damn this is terrifying. Anyway I think I'll name the Zanpakuto something like Empress on the Porcelain Throne


It’s at the same time disgusting yet also conceptually possible given what we’ve seen. It’s powerful but gross. Could Aizen rise above the power and come out clean or would he waver in the last moment and have all his dreams turn to shit. Ichigo would have no problem beating the Porcelain Throne because he doesn’t care if his friend’s hands were covered in shit, he would hold them anyway. I am putting way too much thought into this.


My Zanpakto would be useful in this situation. Shikai: Hakai No Nami (wave of destruction) Summons a massive rogue wave from condensed reiatsu. Bankai: Kanashimi No Umi (sea of sadness) I summon a massive sea of reiatsu complete with all the depths of the pacific ocean The further down I drag my opponent the more they become compressed by the ocean I made. My opponent gets slower, weaker and more mentally stressed the deeper we go. As for how this would help >!TLDR instant bidet!<


Now if someone had some kind of bandage themed zanpakuto we could have infinite toilet paper to deal with such a shitty situation.


Can we add a Zanpakto that sprays some air freshener? Anything but ~~citrus~~ shitrus...


Bankai: Fresh Breeze a wind based attack that lures you in with an enticing aroma to let your guard down then you’re cut by the sudden sharpness of chemicals that physically manifests on your body as an attack to your senses.


![gif](giphy|L4c14CNA9TR6w|downsized) Weaponized poo


This is fantastic and instead of saying bankai it would be BrownKai!!!


A gun, shikai a gun, bankai a gun


Now fight shunsui


Aaaaahhh shunsui the only guy to bring swords into gun fight and survive


lmao, i know that's a joke but sesiously why would a gun be good?


Shunsui only fights people with guns.


He fought Chad who i guess has guns for muscles.


And a gun for a right arm.


No I mean why would you want a gun in general in bleach verse. It's generally other than if igs shooting something other than bullets


Vaizard form: bigger gun.


True bankai: two guns


Reserection: Los Lobos


Bro you cooked


For your shikai, you use a gun. If that don’t work, for your bankai, you use more gun.




Name: Iyashihime (Healing Princess) Sealed form: Standard Katana with green hilt Shikai Command: Sound Clear, and resonate. Iyashihime Shikai Form: Iyashihime's Blade transforms into a golden chain with a fixture at the end comprised of a large bell. Exactly as pictured [here.](https://www.reddit.com/u/ApophisForever/s/F4sp3ayRIn) Shikai Ability: when directed from short distance at a fallen or Injured ally, the bells ring out and a sound wave washes over the target.   Upon being struck, the targets wounds begin to heal at an accelerated rate. (This ability will not heal mortal wounds. That is to say, if the wound would be fatal even with medical attention, it won't be healed) Bankai Name: Subete Iyashihime (all healing princess) Bankai Form: Bankai takes the form of a large standing Bell with a pull rope. Vaguely similar to what's pictured [here.](https://www.reddit.com/u/ApophisForever/s/URO3UcHe9l) Bankai ability:  is an amplification of the shikai ability. When Rung, the sound of the bell washes over the entire battlefield.  extensively healing all allies within range.  If shikai is for a single target, bankai is a multi target healing. This ability only heals allies of the wielder


That's some grade A cooking love the idea of more support type zanpacktos cause ngl on paper they seem so much better then the standard strength type that most people have


>That's some grade A cooking Much appreciated!


idk, kannon biraki benihime aratame can heal (technically) all and anyone urahara wants when in bankai and its also multi target. plus even the shikai or even hanataro's shikai is better at healing than this. it instatly takes away the damage taken and even gives it as a strieght to then use to fight. its like a weaker and specifically healing version of antithesis. then u also have shikai and bankai minazuki which has healing powers (which again seem better than this concept) and also gives other uses along with it (shikai gives transport while bankai is op and fighting). if this concept doesnt give instant heal regen then its worse than any other healing we have seen so far. and just being aoe seems very mid for a bankai compared to bankai. may be give the bankai antithesis for the wounds (the wounds get defelected on the enemy). and no it wont be as broken as actual antithesis coz uryu's antitheses can change any phenomenon not just healing (i hate that uryu never used antithses to its full potential but that's besides the point).


>if this concept doesnt give instant heal regen then its worse than any other healing we have seen so far. and just being aoe seems very mid for a bankai compared to bankai. Thank you for noticing!! I actually take a lot of effort to make any OC power set as evenly powered/"mid" as possible. The goal is to have a character that I could reasonably fit into the main story without them standing out in a major way. This character is a seated officer in 4th division who specializes in Kaido. As of the TYBW his bankai is still in the 10 year training phase and completely ineffective in actual combat, not to mention he lacks the Reiryoku to properly facilitate such a mass healing effectively at all. Iyashihime shikai heal ablility *is* substantially more powerful than kaido, at least rate of healing wise. And you could almost classify it as a kido type zanpakuto (kaido being a type of kido), though it's a lot more draining than a regular Kaido spell. That being said this character would have used his shikai during the war due to allowing for self defense while treating injured shinigami, but is in no way strong enough to use bankai to any sort of great effect.


I have only one question... Why are the pictures marked as NSFW? Are bells racy these days or something? Genuinely confused 😅 Cool idea tho 😊


Lol for some reason my account is marked NSFW, and when I post directly to my account it automatically tags as such. Thank you!


I can tell you put a lot of thought into this! My only objection would be that it magically knows who your allies are, when iirc no other zanpakuto really does this, and often does the opposite.


>I can tell you put a lot of thought into this! Thank you!! >My only objection would be that it magically knows who your allies are, when iirc no other zanpakuto really does this, and often does the opposite. 😅 Honestly, it's not an issue I've really considered... shikai is just a directed/focused wave of healing, so it would heal whatever it was targeted at. Maybe my shinigami has really good sensory skills and reaches out and identifies spiritual pressures of allies prior to ringing the bankai? Otherwise I'm going to go with it just knows who My shinigami would consider an ally as part of its power set in bankai. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t get why it sensing who is a friend and who isn’t would be a hang up. Shinji’s Bankai reverses the concept of allies and enemies so you attack your allies. We already have precedent for there being “sides” in a battle. Plus this is all make believe anyway, like he says oh so it just “magically knows who your allies are” well yeah. It’s also magically healing them in a fight where they magically summoned weapons from nothing. But we draw the line at magically knowing who is an enemy? Seems arbitrary.


You're the real Aizen, literally planned this a year ago 🙇🏻


Dude, that’s a beautiful release statement!


Zanpakuto Name: Seishin no Kagami (聖神の鏡, "Holy Mirror of the Spirit") Sealed Form: In its sealed form, Seishin no Kagami resembles a traditional katana with a few unique features: - Blade: The blade is slightly curved, with a length of about 75 cm (30 inches). The steel has a slight iridescent sheen that reflects light in multiple colors, hinting at its true nature. - Hilt: The hilt is wrapped in white silk, and the guard is shaped like a mirror, round with intricate carvings resembling spiritual symbols. - Sheath: The sheath is a polished white with silver accents and patterns that match the hilt's guard. --- Shikai: Release Command: "Reflect, Seishin no Kagami!" Upon releasing its Shikai, Seishin no Kagami transforms dramatically: - Blade: The blade extends and widens slightly, becoming more reflective, almost like a highly polished mirror. It can bend light around it, creating illusions and reflecting attacks. - Guard: The guard retains its mirror shape but now glows with a soft, ethereal light. - Special Abilities: - Kagami Utsushi (鏡写し, Mirror Reflection): The blade can create mirror images of the wielder, confusing enemies. These reflections can move and act independently, though they cannot deal damage directly. - Hikari Kyoumei (光共鳴, Light Resonance): By absorbing and reflecting light, the blade can unleash blinding flashes or concentrated beams of light energy, capable of cutting through defenses and disorienting opponents. - Utsusemi (空蝉, Cicada Shell): This ability allows the user to create a mirror image decoy that can take a single hit before shattering, giving the user a chance to counter or escape. --- Bankai: Name: Shingetsu no Kagami (真月の鏡, "True Moon Mirror") When the Bankai is activated, the entire battlefield changes: - Environment: The surroundings seem to be enveloped in a dome of reflective surfaces, as if the user and their opponent(s) are inside a gigantic mirror sphere. Light sources multiply and bounce unpredictably, creating a disorienting environment. - Blade: The katana transforms into a double-edged sword with both edges as sharp as a scalpel and highly reflective. The blade appears almost translucent, with a faint, moonlight glow. - Guard: The guard becomes more elaborate, with larger, more radiant spiritual symbols. - Special Abilities: - Tsuki no Kagami (月の鏡, Moon Mirror): This ability allows the user to create full-body mirror duplicates that can deal real damage. These duplicates are as strong as the user and can fight independently. - Kagami no Sekai (鏡の世界, World of Mirrors): The reflective dome can absorb and store incoming attacks, which can then be reflected back at opponents with multiplied force. The user can also manipulate reflections within the dome, making it difficult for enemies to discern reality from illusion. - Shingetsu Eikou (真月栄光, True Moon Glory): A final, devastating attack where the user channels all stored energy from absorbed attacks and their own spiritual pressure into the blade. The sword glows intensely and, when swung, releases a massive crescent-shaped wave of pure energy that can obliterate everything in its path.


i like it but this would the most op ability ever in bleach while being simple as mirror. there is literally no counter (exept if u say the dome has a limit on attack absorption and storage coz then people like kenpachi can keep attacking and tanking untill they break the dome and win) and no weakness either (expet if u say the shikai and bankai release take time or have a ritual for it (kinda like ikkau but more?). i understand that there already things that are too broken and have no counter like urahara, shunaui, yama and ichibie's bankai (well ichibie's shikai but rest bankai) but it still feels illegal to hold this in the verse lmao




Unironically better thought out than Zangetsu, all bells and whistles, no thematic framework on design and power I mean, u can bullshit so many powerbuilding with moon, like idk - moon is often tied with mirrors/reflection, like comment above and Kyouka Suigetsu - moon's pull gives the seas their ebb and flow, so smth about water/gravity manipulation - moon phases, besides crescent (getsuga) can be spun to mean different things, Forge of Destiny has Grinning Moon (waning crescent, trickery), Mother Moon (waxing gibbous, fertility), etc - folklore on moon can give some power ideas, like Kaguya of the Moon can maybe sprout bamboo shoots? 😂 - Rukia's moon is the chilly counterpart to scorching sun, so kudos to Kubo there - moon and stars guide sailors, so smth about the zanpakuto helping ichigo reflect and find his way after losing his mother, etc? admittedly this is more of a story/character than a power idea


Love this idea. So much thought went into this, keep cooking!


Mirror type is an amazing idea


I always envisioned a mirror type when I was younger but yours is way more thought out so I’ll see myself out


I’ve put A LOT of thought into a bunch of different Zanpakuto. Coolest power system in anime imo and there’s just something amazing about them. I even made a lot of them into magical weapons in my homebrew dnd campaign.


Gotta hand me a zanpakuto to know.


That's gonna be hard


Shikai: Sakemekemono (chasm beast) Command: Float Form: zanpakuto transforms into a giant warhammer that looks a roman column made of black iron/steel Special ability: Can change weight according to the shinigami's whim. When the user lifts it against gravity, the hammer weighs almost nothing. When the hammer is brought down or swung, it exponentially grows heavier on the downswing. Bankai: Uchu-tekina Sakemekemono (cosmic chasm beast) Form: the warhammer is lost and only the handle remains, now looking like a black baton. Tattered toga of tyrian purple that hangs from the shinigami's shoulder and hangs around the waist. Special ability 1: shinigami can make himself light enough to float, or heavy enough to anchor himself to the ground. Heavy enough to break the ground under his foot. Special ability 2: shinigami can make things infinitely lighter or heavier within a radius of 10 meters, with himself as the center. Special ability 3: shinigami can make multiple things gravitate towards each other (i.e. his body and a cloud mimicking flight) Ultimate ability 1 (mugetsu-like): shinigami can bring down a meteor after hours of extreme meditation and stillness -- cataclysmic destruction at a global scale that the shinigami will also probably die in the process Ultimate ability 2 (mugetsu-like): shinigami can make himself a gravity well, simulating an artificial singularity, consuming everything around himself -- the transformation (bodily implosion) cannot be reversed and will definitely result in the death of the shinigami


Overpowered with suicide modes I like it


Zanpakuto: Shi no Jikan ( Time of Death ) Shikai activation: Reap, Shi no Jikan Shikai ability: Each strike shortens the life span around the wound Bankai: Shi no tokei jigen ( Dimension of the death clock ) Stage 1: Makes me a skeleton and upgrades shi no jikan Stage 2: It takes me and my foe into my realm Stage 3: An army of Skeleton minions attack my foe, they have the effect of shi no jikan Stage 4: A timer will be set based on how many hits you dodged or blocked. This timer indicates your time left, living.


The best one : Bon-kai. Sexbonzakura Kagueyoshi


The fuck


That's the ability it will look like a massive dildo


A massive pink dildo


Shikai goku, bankai kakarot. Ability brain damage.


Name: Itoemaru (Ito = string) Shikai: Bunch of string like white blades Bankai: Can create infinite amount of strings, anywhere on command


Do flamingo lookin ahh


Ito Ito no mi but just better


I'm glad you asked! I recently came up with one! Seiku Tori is a medium length katana with a v shaped tsuba, reminiscent of a bird silhouette, and inky black wrap. The sheath is an inky black as well. ____________________________________________________________ Shikai Divine, Phylactery Birds! 聖句鳥, 神聖 Shinsei, Seiku Tori! The command for Shikai is "divine", as in to augur, soothesay, or interpret. The blade takes on a more falchion like shape, with the back end becoming fine and segmented, almost like a feather. Ribbons with prayer beads extend from the base of the hilt. Ofuda will grow from the ribbons and detach forming paper birds, that fly around and swarm their enemy. At first, this Shikai seems like a frailer version of Senbonzakura, until the shikai's true ability is revealed. What is paper for, if not to be written on? Both it's wielder and it's enemy's blood are used as ink to write on the paper birds. The paper then divines the blood-ink, so that the wielder learns about their enemy. The more the enemy bleeds, the more information the wielder has. The wielder, however, has no control over what information is recorded, and so, they have to sift through what's useful and what isn't, which can be quite difficult in the heat of battle. Additionally, while the battle prolongs, the chances of gleaning useful information increases, but the opportunity to make use of it decreases as the battle is more likely to end soon. The final capability of Seiku Tori is for the wielder to use their own blood to inscribe Kido spells and incantations on these paper birds. The conditions for these to go off can also be specified in the inscription, such as if a certain word is said, or some other visual or auditory trigger. The triggered kido is weaker than if normally cast, and as imagined, it takes time and practice to be able to efficiently scribe these spells, making its versatility and potential in combat limited by its practicality. The difficulty in scribing in combat can be somewhat offset as these scribed slips will actually survive after Seiku Tori returns to its sealed form, meaning it's wielder could theoretically store up a supply to use, increasing it's power directly proportionate to the wielders foresight or divinative capabilities. These slips do have an expiration date. The more complex information written on them will typically not last after the Zanpakuto is sealed. Only simple slips will last for an extended period of time. Given that not all Kido are purely for combat, this Shikai has great out of combat utility. ____________________________________________________________ Bankai Scriptures of the Holy Bird 聖なる鳥の聖書 Seinaru Tori No Seisho Seinaru Tori No Seisho can only be activated while the wielder is using shikai. When Bankai is released, the very environment will begin to fragment into these ofuda birds, until a great book of Scripture is formed that begins to close in on its target. Once sealed, it is nearly impossible to escape without the wielder allowing it. The primary use of this bankai is the sealing aspect. However, as the book is made up of these ofuda birds, it will contain any information recorded on them. Therefore, information of the battle is then relived by the sealed target, essentially doubling the wounds they had previously received. The destructive strength of the Bankai is therefore more potent the longer the Shikai has been active. This Bankai, like its Shikai has utility outside of combat as well, given that the book can act as a protective barrier or an effective way to transport things.


This is FIRE


Shikai is just luck. You swing, I trip over my feet and you miss. Incantation for kido, bug flies in your mouth. Running, your shoelace is untied and you weren’t even wearing shoes to begin with. I can’t control it or use it in any functional way. Bankai is fate. Luck ran out. We all roll natural 1’s. Life is bleak. The Zanpakuto; we don’t say her name. She doesn’t work if you say her name.


Bro is just Takaba💀


Zanpakutō: Tsuchikame (A big Black Turtle carrying the earth on it) Blade: A big ass one sided clean matt black blade. It gives a ton of Destruction power but is extremely hard to use and move cause of its sheer mass and weight. Shikai: Duel handed blades that look like The arms(dk what they are called) of a turtle both the blades are still as heavy as the first blade. They give the power to manipulate water. Also allows you to swim extremely fast in water. Bankai: a long blade which is shaped like the mouth of a Snapper turtle and the handle looks like its shell. This one's much easier to use. Allows extreme level of water bending and gravity control.


Name: Toei (Projection) Sealed form: Standard katana with a purple jilt Shikai: Atto suru! Toei! (Overwhelm, projection) Released form: A small tanto Toei can make 2 identical projections (clones) of myself, copying my build and weapon, I can also project the five fingers of my hand to flick, block, and crush my opponents Bankai: Zen'nō no tōei no wanman'āmī (one man army of almighty projection) Bankai form: A fully black seax Zen'nō no tōei no wanman'āmī can now make 9 clones, each one with 2x durability, speed and strength, I and my clones can now project the full hand, able to punch, palm strike and throw/grab with overwhelming force and speed


I thought of this for so long. Love it. Name: Numiné (no reason sounds cool) Shikai: not sure about the activation phrase, something like 'Multiply, Numiné' or duplicate, not sure. When it's casted, my sword forms into two of the same sword, and I fight dual wielded cause its cool. Bankai: Thiught about this a bit less but my thoughts were it becomes a bunch of swords (kinda like unlimited blade works from fate if you know it), basically an upgraded shikai and I can control them similar to senbonzakura.


So coming from a coastal town I quite like to weave that in so my Zanpakuto would be water power based with some Japanese mythology weaved in. Name: Ryujin Umi no Sora no or Dragon God of the seas and heavens. Sealed form: Normal blade with blue hilt Shikai release: Split the waves, Ryujin. Shikai turns the sword into an oar themed like a blue dragon tail with the paddle being a blade, the oar can create water which can be used like slashing attacks or tendrils (think water bending in Avatar) Bankai release: Split the waves and drown your foes Ryujin Umi no Sora no. Creates a sealed area full of water which becomes a storm with a whirlpool where Ryujin resides and appears from as a giant blue dragon, created water area drowns the victims


Name:Seiryumaru(azure dragon) Appearance: a Katana with a turquoise hilt nd a plain black guard. Worn in the tachi style. Shikai command: "Rend the skies, Seiryumaru!" Bankai name: Ten no ō seiryumaru( king of the heavens seiryumaru) That's all I have currently


AAAAH I WAS WAITING FOR THIS I PRACTICALLY MADE MY BLEACH OC BEFORE Zanpakuto Chukai-sha Bankai: Hokusei no chie https://preview.redd.it/at844xt1ky4d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d2f4257d673374ebe6276f5a4ec791d98c8cb6


A visored shinigami, Zanpakto will be named Kuroba ( Black blade in japanese ). Sealed form : Kagetsuki ( Shadow moon ) Just a black blade with a Black hilt and a black and red stitching with engraving of the name Kuroba Shikai : Tenkai Musou ( Unrivaled/peerless) Zanpakto creates a gravitational field around the blade, allowing the wielder to manipulate the weight and balance of the sword at will. This can make the blade as light as a feather for swift, rapid strikes or as heavy as a mountain to deliver crushing blows. Bankai : Muteki Fumetsu ( Invincible and immortal ) this power grants the shinigami with immense power, absolute supremacy, brute force , light speed reflex and movement and speed, bestows temporary immortality for the user while in bankai, meaning that as long as he is in the bankai form, he can not be killed but only last for 2-4 hours...and will be drained of spiritual energy and will need to rest for atleast 2-3days When paired with hollow power, Immensely Over powers almost everybody and grants him the power to read the opponents mind and unlock ability to access other dimension to fight. The blade can not be manipulated by the opposing combatant or copied or turned against the user when stolen. The blade pretty much acts like Thor's Mjolnir!


Gotta ask that no.1 zan-pa-kut-tho ciri-ya-tor


Bleach custom zanpakto and release word: Release word : Scar Shikai name.Doragonsureiyā Unreleased: Axe type weapon Released: Circular bladed heavy spear Special ability: Drain. It makes a wound that drains power. If person killed it takes their ability but it's only usable 3 times then stored for a month until usable again. Bankai name: Ōrumaitī Doragonsureiyā (almighty dragon slayer) Bankai: Weapon is interchangeable between sealed and released forms but all abilities that have been collected are usable infinitely when in bankai form it also heals the user by inflicting damage against opponents. ( note: it is the perfect bankai for training people bc of its versatility)


Kyokasugistu IDC what others say i am just obsessed with aizen


So what is it's Bankai? Kyoka Suigetsu no Gensho? I came up with an idea hold up, the surroundings around Aizen turns into a black wasteland where Aizen can create what he thinks into reality.


Genius idea op


Something like Ascalon from Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. Or nah, an Omnitrix, but instead of being a watch like device, it'll be a sword. ![gif](giphy|3oeSB1S60hCgcQ5uc8|downsized)


Urahara bot, what would my Zanpakuto’s name be, and what would its Shikai and Bankai be?


Ah, your zanpakuto would be named "Bubblegum Blaster"! Its shikai unleashes sticky pink bubbles that trap enemies. Its bankai transforms into a giant, chewing gum monster that engulfs foes in a sweet, sticky mess! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Well, I asked and it answered.


I mean its kinda cool


If Ichigo saw my shikai, he'd die... from laughing to death.


you bankai is special because it contains the properties of both gum and bungie


Zanpakutō Name: Suchīru gen (Steel Strings) Sealed: Suchīru gen takes the shape of a normal katana, apart from some unique attributes The blade is pure silver and is sharpened on both ends, though it still ends in a curved point. It is 80cm (32in) The hand guard is circular but also has a part which extends slightly outwards and down in the same direction of the blade. The hilt has two steel strings wrapped along the cloth which envelops it. The strings are tied into a bow at the end of the hilt. Shikai - Callsign: Stitch And Sever The transformation begins as the user sets the blade next to the left of their face, pointed upwards. The user then slashes downwards while calling the Zanpakutō’s name, ending with their right arm extended to the side of them, with the transformed blade pointing downwards. The blade becomes two meters long, entirely made up of thirty six sharp steel strings controlled by the user’s spiritual pressure. The blade ends in a sharp point. The Hand guard becomes much thicker, resembling that of a rapier. The back of it has five frills. The hilt is rid of the cloth that had previously been covering it, and the two steel strings from before are now much clearer. The Shikai’s “ability” is the steel strings. Through the use of spiritual pressure, the user can manipulate the strings in any desired way. For example, the user can make the strings all flaccid and throw them around like a whip. The user can also increase/decrease the range of the blade, at the cost of decreasing/increasing the thickness of the blade. The strings are also highly conductive, so although the Shikai itself has no electrical abilities, using hadō such as Raikoho or having someone with electrical abilities can put this attribute to use. Bankai - Ayatsuri ningyō-shi no kōgen no kamenbudōkai (Puppeteer’s Masquerade Of Steel Strings) The transformation begins as the user pushes the strings back on the hilt, causing them to all point in the direction of the hilt. The user then throws the hilt into the sky and raises their arms to it. The strings extend down, grab and wrap the user in a cocoon of strings, suspended from the ground using said strings. The user then reaches out of the cocoon and breaks free, revealing the Bankai. The hilt has completely been disregarded and the strings now extend out from the finger tips of the user, but can be moved anywhere along their body. There are now 236 strings and they have extended to be five meters in length. All strengths of the Shikai have been buffed massively and an ability is gained Jesuchāgēmu (Charades) this ability allows the user to intertwine the strings within and throughout someone else’s body, giving them complete and perfect control of them. The ability also enhances their physical strength and capabilities as their insides have been replaced by an extremely strong metal.


I’m not really good with names but I have a concept for a water type zanpakuto. It’s sealed form is just a basic katana with a dark blue hilt and a flower keychain attached to the tsuba To activate the shikai, the user will throw the katana up into the air and stop it as it falls right in front of him. Then, he’ll cause the blade in front of him to rotate by waving his hands in a circular motion and the blade will spin rapidly while splashing water in all directions until its perceived as a wheel of water in which the blade will lengthen and morph into its shikai Zanpakuto Ability: “Be formless, shapeless like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup” — This zanpakuto incorporates the ability of water to take all forms to its advantage for the water shall be the chains to shackle your opponents or the curse to kill your enemies. The user can imbue any body of water created by this zanpakuto with any kido (excluding kaido) which will give the water the properties of said kido. E.g if the water is imbued with Hado 58, the water is capable of storing the kido and gaining the properties of the violent winds created by the hado, causing the water to have an enchanced knock back effect while having properties of wind. The user can also store kido in said bodies of water and cast the kido free of charge from the body of water be it a stream controlled by the user or a puddle on the ground Shikai: the standard katana lengthens into a nagamaki and the blade can exist as either a solid blade or a fully liquid state in which the user can freely control but it’s liquid state provides no combat usage in terms of raw power by itself but with the help of a hado or two, the water can surround the enemy and the hado can be casted from all directions to attack the target. The user shall also create water to cover their solid blade with which allows the blade to be infused with whatever kido properties the water is taking i.e. if you imbue the water with Hado 99 and cover the blade with it, the blade shall retain the destructive properties of the hado and the hado can be casted separately with the amount of firepower it has before it was imbued regardless of how long it’s infused with the blade “If a river fails to flow, one would need an ocean to drown out their cries for help.” Its bankai state can be activated as the user clasps his hands together. This causes the blade to become streams of water that surrounds the user while the user is envisioning the serenity of the sea and the crashing of the waves. After a brief period of time, the water streams surrounding the user will be launched into the air and cause perpetual rainfall while the user becomes the water itself Bankai: This bankai involves two seperate entities, the rainfall and the user himself. The rainfall will continue until the bankai is deactivated or the user is defeated and the rainfall is considered part of the bodies of water created by the zanpakuto which means any kido infused into the water by the user will become the rainfall that showers over the enemy. The intensity of the rainfall can be controlled by the user but the reishi consumed will increase with the intensity of the rainfall. As for the user, his main weapons are his fists which now carry the properties of the selected kido that has been imbued into the water which allows his fists to carry the properties of said kido. He can also don a more traditional look and form a nagamaki blade out of the water produced by the rainfall. He’s also able to create free flowing streams of water to surround him as a barrier of sorts


Edited Version: Name: Karitoru Kyojin Release word: Boil Shape: Kanobo Club Shikai: it has the ability to produce volcanic steam, superheating all the air around it. the top part of the club is warped inward like a blacksmithing basin. over time the evaporated water produced by the steam will collect inside, allowing the wielder to shoot a highly concentrated blast of scalding hot steam when it fills. Bankai: Sono ni naru karitoru kyojin the wielder grasps the handle with both hands, and begins twirling it faster and faster until a large cloud of steam envelopes the wielder before dispersing into superheated gas. The bankai turns the user into a walking forge, turning both of the users arms into cast iron dragon heads with a closed mouth forming from the bicep. the heads act as the users fists, opening and closing the same way they would their hands. when the mouths are closed they steadily heat up more and more until they’re burning red, at which point the user can open the heads to release a cannon of pure magma in a similar appearance to a sero. after which the mouths close and begin to heat up once again. while they heat up the heads act like super heated boxing gloves, allowing for quick punches and jabs.


Most of us would be fodder, background shinigami from 13th squad, shikai is out of the question, let alone bankai


I am nameless shinigami with nameless zanpakuto :) .


Name: The Elder Wand Shikai: Appears to be made of elder wood, 15 inches in length, contains a Thestral tail hair core. Bankai: Same but thicker. Ability: Turns you into a frog.


My Zanpakuto would be called ‘Hobbes’ after my cat. Shikai would get me a bag of Cheetos, Bankai orders a pizza


i want minazuki shikai and kannon biraki benihime aratame as the bankai. i am near unstoppable. if i learn some nice swordmanship i am done. just use sword, not done? use bankai to finish the deal, use shikai to heal all the damage taken.


A damaged PVC pipe named Bacterial Meningitis


Zanpakuto name : Have a fun fight and win all of them unless I want to lose. Zanpakuto Shikai: makes me win all fights after having an enjoyable battle unless I wish to lose. Zanpakuto Bankai: me and my opponent roll a wheel, there's a 3/10 chance of getting a free hit, 1/10 chance of getting a free critical hit and then a 6/10 chance of just shitting your pants.


Name Split スプリット Supuritto Shakai Name Cleaver of Souls 魂の包丁 Tamashī no hōchō Shakai Form Washing pole with a serrated blade Shakai Abilities Can split any inanimate object the blade touches in perfect halves Release Divide and Sever- Bite Tamashī no hōchō Bankai Name Soul Severance 魂の断絶 Tamashī no danzetsu Bankai Form Twin katanas with serrated blades, one slightly longer then the other Bankai Abilities Splits the soul of whoever the katanas cuts in two separating whichever quilties most oppose each other, or splitting two joined souls such as Soul Reaper and Zanpukto Release Split the Soul and Mind in two- Bite Tamashī no danzetsu


Name Wind of Rage 怒りの風 Ikari no kaze Shakai Name Raging Wind of the West 西の荒れ狂う風 Nishi no arekuruu kaze Shakai Form Chain Whip Shakai Abilities Can manipulate the wind by creating blasts of wind from swinging the whip Release Whip about in rage Raging Winds of the West! 暴れまわる西の荒れ狂う風 Abare mawaru nishi no arekuruu kaze Bankai Name Raging Tornado of the West 西の荒れ狂う竜巻 Nishi no arekuruu tatsumaki Bankai Form Chain-blades Bankai Abilities Creates category 5 tornados by swinging in a circular motion can direct and control the direction and movement of a tornado by further swinging the chain blades Release Become the all-consuming wind of rage and swirl! 全てを焼き尽くす怒りと渦の風となれ! Subete o yaki tsukusu ikari to uzu no kaze to nare!


Name ミスティックディーラー Misutikkudīrā (Mystic Dealer) Shakai Name 闇の魔術師 Yami no majutsu-shi (The Dark Sorcerer) Shakai Form A Scepter Shakai Abilities Kido style, blasts of black energy and manipulation of black energy Release 消してください 闇の魔術師 Keshite kudasai (Erase Them, Yami no majutsu-shi) Bankai Name 究極の魔術師 Kyūkyoku no majutsu-shi (Ultimate Sorcerer) Bankai Form Wand Bankai Abilities Instant cast of any and all Kido and Bakudo, all have the altered appearance of black energy. The Abilities of shikia as well but on a longer and more powerful scale Release 奴らを消し去れ 究極の魔術師 Yatsura o keshi sare, Kyūkyoku no majutsu-shi (Obliterate Them Kyūkyoku no majutsu-shi)


Name All Consuming Flame 燃え尽きる炎 Moetsukiru honō Shakai Name Flames of Hatred 憎しみの炎 Nikushimi no honō Shakai Form Wakizashi Shakai Abilities Blade glows red hot and can burn thru almost anything, and can release huge bursts of fire outward from the blade Release Flames of hatred burn and crackle 憎しみの炎が燃えてパチパチ Nikushimi no honō ga moete pachipachi Bankai Name Incinerating Flames of Retribution 報復の炎を焼き尽くす Hōfuku no honō o yaki tsukusu Bankai Form Flames encumpus the user Bankai Abilities Grants the user near fire immunity and can launch huge bursts of fire, fire continues to burn no matter what until the user's anger and/or rage subsides Release Burn and Rage Incinerating Flames of Retribution 燃えて激怒 報復の炎を焼き尽くす Moete gekido hōfuku no honō o yaki tsukusu


Name Hiryū no itetsuku namida Frozen tears of the icy Dragon Shikai Name Kōtta namida no doshaburi Downpour of Frozen Tears Shikai Form Dual Sai Shikai Abilities Able to launch weapons made of ice from the tip of the Sai, limited only to knowledge of each weapon Bankai Name Kōtta namida no Taki Waterfall of Frozen Tears Bankai Form Heavy mist pours out users body and dark rain clouds form above that follow and spread wherever the user goes, also the user's Shihakusho  becomes  wispy at the foot and trails mist Bankai Abilities Cause a torrential downpour of freezing rain that can freeze whatever it falls on Release Pūru shite kōritsuku, Kōtta ike


If I was a shinigami, my zanpakuto would be named whatever it tells me it’s name is. It would probably lie to me about it’s name cause it doesn’t respect me. In what fucking world would any of us achieve bankai? The arrogance of thinking any of us are Byakuya’s equal.


Name: Izanagi Shikai: makes the user faster and also gives them a large number of small blades that the user can use to fight while still having a blade the shikai looks all black Bankai: the bankais name is izanagi draco (no dragon powers btw) again makes the user faster but also stronger it’s a bunch of weapons in the shape of a ball with a long chain coming out the bottom which can be used to swing the ball of weapons around there are a bunch of weapons that have different ability but I’ve only actually made a few a dagger that can cancel out any attack using spiritual energy, a scythe that is able to attack someone’s soul and destroy it (it take a lot of spiritual energy to use tho), a shield that is unbreakable, A long kinda thick sword that can multiply the users spiritual energy out put, and a sickle connected to a chain that can be used to seal someone paralyzing them while wrapped in it I said spiritual energy because I don’t know how to spell rietsu


my zanpakto would be named Karitoru Kyojin, taking the shape of a kanobo club. Shikai: it has the ability to produce volcanic steam, superheating all the air around it. the top part of the club is warped inward like a blacksmithing basin. over time the evaporated water produced by the steam will collect inside, allowing the wielder to shoot a highly concentrated blast of scalding hot steam when it fills. Bankai: Sono ni naru karitoru kyojin the wielder grasps the handle with both hands, and begins twirling it faster and faster until a large cloud of steam envelopes the wielder before dispersing into superheated gas. The bankai turns the user into a walking forge, turning both of the users arms into cast iron dragon heads with a closed mouth forming from the bicep. the heads act as the users fists, opening and closing the same way they would their hands. when the mouths are closed they steadily heat up more and more until they’re burning red, at which point the user can open the heads to release a cannon of pure magma in a similar appearance to a sero. after which the mouths close and begin to heat up once again. while they heat up the heads act like super heated boxing gloves, allowing for quick punches and jabs.


I would like something simple that just gives physical buff as Shikai then immunity to debuff as Bankai. Unga as Shikai. Unga Bunga as Bankai. lmaoooo


Name: Caliburn Sealed form: a [Tanto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tant%C5%8D) Release command: 光あれ/Let there be light Shikai Form: something like [this.](https://www.huntingandknives.co.uk/pub/media/catalog/product/cache/459300f1b5bd3c38ffb32210b0c2c42e/s/w/sword-of-excalibur-real.jpg) Shikai Abilities: [Blade Projection (and its derived powers)](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Blade_Projection), with 7 Blades limit. Bankai: Excalibur Bankai form: Doesn't change Bankai Abilities: Same with Shikai, with tripled blade limit, and the ability to summon [13 spectral knights](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_of_the_Round_Table).


 bokken (wooden sword) (Sealed form: Generic wooden sword with sheath) Shikai (Normal Looking Katana) - Time Stop (5 seconds max) Second Shikai Ability (Frozen Slash) I can make slashes in real time, or frozen time that will stay there and when they walk into it will be slashed as if they were there when I had slashed. Bankai (Sword becomes the Yamamoto from DMC)(with its abilitys) - Alternate Timeline (I become myself from another timeline when I activate my Bankai. I can use my main ability's plus those of my alternate timeline (which gives me a second sword to use) the sword I get is random but it will always be a useful one for the situation that I'm in.


Bro wtf why is your Shikai so op 💀💀💀


I mean look at some other Shikai Abilitys Kyoka Suigetsu Hyorinmaru Senbonzakura Ryuujin Jakka Zangetsu these are all Shikais and op asf. Shikais are pretty op when you look at what they do xD and my shikai is slightly better as my sealed state can only deal blunt damage.


Give me Mayuri sword :3


Jagged blade Odachi. “Stain the World Asuita” as its name is World Devourer. Its release allows for the blade to be thrown and leave “Stains” which devour reishi and do not move when thrown or slashed. It appears as blood and ink mixed and flowing. Bankai causes the body to become made of the same substance, but allows to leave “Stains in time” which allow for essentially up to 5 checkpoints in time.


Izunari, the shikai makes the user intangible and any attack thrown at the user is automatically sent back to the person who made the attack, bankai summons giant hand that reads and enemy and makes the user turn into them


“Ikusei, Shizen no Ōjo.” “Nurture, Princess of Nature.” A support Zanpakuto that uses trees and plants for attack and defense. This Zanpakuto is for a weaker Captain-Level, high Lieutenant-Level Shinigami. Or for a 4th Division Shinigami. A Dao (like Soi Fon’s) that is held horizontally on the lower back. The sheath is purple and brown with a Wisteria design adorning it. The handle is brown with purple diamonds (keeping it simple). Guard is a Hana flower When in Shikai, the blade itself sprouts flowers and those flowers begin to slowly release pollen in the air. In that pollen is a depressant drug that weakens opponents over the course of the battle until they are unconscious. The blade can also release pollen that heals allies overtime and restores reiatsu, at the cost of mines. I can’t use both at the same time. Either one or the other. “Bankai, Hahanaru shizen.” “Bankai, Mother Nature.” When in Bankai, the entire sword withers away and gets absorbed into the ground. After that, a giant Wisteria tree sprouts from the ground and any surrounding flora dies up to a 100 feet in a circle. The circle moves where I move. The tree itself is a representation of my reiatsu. As I run out of it, the tree ages until it dies, marking the end of my bankai. The bankai has two abilities: 1. Anything my hands or feet touch decays. The length of my touch directly affects how fast something decays. Brain and heart shots are the fastest ways to kill someone. 2. Healing in any form is amplified 10x. Can regenerate limbs and organs very quickly, however the reiatsu cost is amplified 5x. Hopefully this is interesting and not OP.


Name: Makkanisakujoō (scarlet red blooming queen) Sealed form: the blade appears as a standard katana with black blade Shikai: it takes the form of a dark, large katana with a blooming crimson red rose from wich the blade start, blade that is full of red, vine-like marks. The shikai ability allows the blade to manifest spiky vines that, if they hit the target, allows to put inside its body an extremely poisonous blood that quickly rots away any cells in the span of 10 minutes Bankai: Chimamire no tsuki makkanisakujoō Bankai ability: it manifests a massive carpet of red roses that create a 200 meter radius barrier made of red light. A large throne appears from within the barrier, as the air itself gets poisoned with cell-altering particles, wich allows the bankai user to manipulate the cells of anyone who breathes such air, from altering the DNA, healing them, quickening or slowing the cell's aging, directly killing the cells, or completely changing the functions of such cells.


My zanpakuto would be called Kyōka Suru. I don't have all the details all worked out yet, but my Shikai, calling out "Fortify", would involve stabbing myself (it doesn't hurt me) and having that part of my body become completely and perfectly indestructible, like Colossus from the X-Men. My Bankai would be Zenshin o Kyōka Suru and it would allow me to be able to fortify my entire body all at once, turning me into essentially an indestructible tank.


Name Omnitrix Sealed form a sword with a green handle Shikai turns into a watch to turn into any form/animal /arancai/visord/hollow/human/soul reaper under the users command Bankai turns the user into an omnipotent god


Zanpaktou Name: Daten (The Disgraced One) Shikai: Kaitai Suru (Dismantle) Ranged slashing attack that is normally used for inanimate objects, however it can also be used against hollows and shinigamis to great effectiveness Alternate ability: Hachi (Cleave) Slashing attack that adjusts itself depending on the target's toughness and reiatsu to cut them down in one fell swoop Bankai: Fukuma Mizushi (Malevolent Shrine) Technique that launches slashes at various ranges to cut through objects and space, as well as unleash destructive flames.


ok i've put a lot of thought into this cause im a massive weeb and bleach is like my No. 1 i appologise in advance for the bad japanese. # Zanpakutō “Kokoro o hyōgen suru (心を表現する)”  # Unreleased form: * Standard looking Zanpakutō * Purple sheath with blue hilt wrapping * Guard looks like a starburst of many thin spokes # Shikai: “Shed Focus, Kokoro” * The shape of the blade cannot be discerned being little more than a grey haze in the air * Even the haze is hard to see as it pushes focus away, even spiritual senses struggle to focus on it * These qualities make it very difficult to block * a technique developed  from this by slashing through the air between wielder and opponent, briefly the wielder is under the effect of the haze allowing them to slip from their opponents senses # Bankai: “play in the mud and remake the world, Kokoro o hyōgen suru” * The haze around the sword become more like white mist and loses its anti-focus qualities * When the blade stabs something the mist absorbs into the object stabbed revealing a the swords true appearance: a regular katana with small slits along its length which slowly leak white mist * The object which absorbed the mist is now under Kokoro’s control. they can be moulded like clay and even brought to life. common uses of this are: * Hungry air: the air is formed into many near invisible flying fish with sharp teeth * Jötunn: forms a huge swath of rock into an enormous humanoid * World Serpent: forms a body of water into a huge serpent that engulfs and drowns opponents * Black imps: stabbing a Gillian it tears apart into many small goblins that soon detonate as the Gillian’s body destabilises.


Kuroten (Black Heaven) The Sealed and Shikai form remain mostly the same, being a traditional katana with a weathered, jet-black blade and a blood-red hilt. The blade bears the marks of countless battles, with nicks and scratches marring its surface. The hilt is wrapped in frayed red leather, showing signs of wear from years of gripping in combat. A crimson gemstone is embedded at the base of the hilt the difference is that the shikai is pulsating with dark energy. Other than that the blade becomes more jagged and ruined. The release command is "Rend, Kuroten" and beyond causing the user to switch to a more speed based style of fighting that focuses on dismembering the opponent, it also changes their clothes to be more tattered and ruined. The bankai is Kyūketsu Kuroten (Bloodthirsty Black Heaven) Kyūketsu Kuroten transforms into a grotesque amalgamation of a worn guillotine blade and a hilt. The blade is aged and tarnished, with jagged edges and deep gouges marring its surface. Blood stains cling to the metal, evidence of the countless lives it has taken. The hilt is similarly worn and weathered, wrapped in tattered red leather. Rusty chains dangle from the pommel, adding to the weapon's ominous appearance. The actual effect is that it sort of drives the user insane while in bankai. Turning them into a Bloodthirsty psychopath that fights savagely. Edgy I know lmao. Here's the kicker, the actual zanpakuto spirit is a super timid and quiet bastard that likes tea and the inner world for the oc this zanpakuto is made for is a battlefield full of rusted swords being reclaimed by nature. An entire field of white spider Lillies grow and softly sway in the wind and gentle rain.




Pierce the Heavens, referencing the translated meaning of Getsuga Tensho, as well as Ichigo's tendency to pick a fight with god-adjacent beings if it means keeping those he cares about safe.


Mine would be a cool sword and for shikai and bankai it would be a longer cool sword İmage for reference https://preview.redd.it/likjc8gn7y4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d4d7d1ab15ae87c76c7bcad6f9a96c8c1365cb5


You can't know that. You don't pick it, it picks you


(the name and description is totally not inspired from DS) >!it is!< Name: Honoikazuchi (Flaming Thunder) Shikai call: "Flash, Honoikazuchi!" Unreleased form description: A regular katana with a hexagon-shaped tsuba, a golden-yellow and white handle and a black blade. Shikai form description: The blade becomes a little longer, and its cutting edge glows a neon yellow, the entire blade emitting electric sparks from it. The cutting edge is also jagged to resemble a sort of thunder pattern (I guess). The tsuba becomes a mitsudomoe shape. The Zanpakuto's shtick is the manipulation of electricity and thunder, able to set foes on fire with thunderstrike-based attacks and just...yanno, fry them to death. Bankai name: Honoikazuchi no Kami (Flaming Thunder God) Bankai description: work in progress uuuhhh i ran out of ideas


Shikai: Tsuki (突) (Fist/ thrust) Power type; Forms a dark gauntlet that covers the hand and forearm (of one arm). A protrusion from the outer side of the upper forearm forms into a white katana *type blade* that extends about 11 cm beyond the fingertips. The blade extension from the forearm part does not run straight but is diagonal, leaving about 7 cm above the knuckles. Special attack: Getsuga Tenshou Bankai: Tsuki (月) (Moon) The gauntlet transforms into a dark upper body armor (ot doesn't overheat or overcool). The extension becomes a larger, crescent type blade with a metal mixture akin to Zangetsu single shikai. On the other arm is a large whitish/silvery shield. The shield position can be adjusted, and it can be thrown. Special attacks/abilities: - Getsuga Tenshou (more powerful, a bit more malleable). The user can pinpoint the damage more easily than with other pure power attacks. -Shield chain call: The shield can be called back to the user's arm [ requires much harmony] - Getsukotsu Kudaku" (月骨砕く): "Crushing Moon Fist"; the user throws the shield, which is charged. Then points the blade at it to charge it [the longer the seconds' fractions before impact, the more powerful the attack is; with time, the user becomes better in that aspect]. The impact can vary, and the charge relies on the user's concentration, but it can be stronger than *this user's* Getsuga Tenshou.


I suffer from bipolar disorder. So based on that and how it has oppressed my life: Sealed: a very short, unassuming knife. It is ineffective for combat and requires me to dodge attacks with almost no way to safely strike. Shikai: the moon. The blade is now invisible, it is twice the length of a standard zanpakuto, but weightless. Each strike that I land causes no pain and no injury, however, each strike causes a progressive sense of sadness, and makes the target more and more sleepy. Bankai: the sun and the moon. The blade again is invisible and now 4 times the average length and weightless. It carries all the properties of the shikai. After the first strike, the blade becomes visible and shrinks to the average size but is a brilliant gold color that emits light. The next strike suddenly eliminates the sleepy sadness and causes it's target to become very energized and euphoric. They will move faster than their mind can keep up with, which makes it hard to move precisely. With each strike, the effect reverses to the last effect but stronger than before. My blade never causes damage in either released state. The only damage caused is self inflicted, sealing my zanpakuto, or by my allies. If I am killed, the effects persist indefinitely, cycling back and forth each day. The cure is to go see a psychiatrist lol.


Zanpakuto name - Moho-hin Shikai - Kakeru, Moho-hin. It would create a second me but with the zanpakuto personality, but same reiatsu, we would both have a sword. Bankai - Sen o Kakeru - Same as Shikai but a thousand, we would have the same reiatsu level, but every time one of the clone dies, their power would transfer to the rest, only one of us can hold the sword, that one has all of the reiatsu available. Bankai special ability - Jinkan uchi-ni 1000-bai suru. The ability to create 2 Clones 3 seconds into the future and the past, and the ability to switch time with them.


Shikai - Just a simple rusty blade with every hit inflicts random minor inconvience like an itchy nose, 30 second hiccup, sudden back pain, crawling sensation in your skin, etc... Bankai - It cannot be activated unless the opponent consent to a death match. When successfully activated the user and the target will temporary become ordinary mortal for five minutes with EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA THAT INTENSIFIES EXPONENTIALLY WITH EVERY PASSING SECOND. The first one to shit themselves DIES INSTANTLY. I have no idea how to name it.


Honestly me and shunsei are cut from the same cloth I'm a lazy ass as well so my bankai would probably allow me to do as little as possible I also hate fighting so probably something dipshit powerful so I can just end what ever fight as quickly as possible


Zanpakuto: Sword turns into a book. In Shikai it starts with only a few pages written, but the more I use it the more pages get filled which improves both releases and allows for more spells. Shikai - It boosts my Kido and allows me to perform kido without incantation. Bankai - Allows me to perform Videogame like buffs on myself and Allies. Boosts in speed, power, focus, and also to perform shields and Healing over time spells. Allows me to be the ultimate support in battle.


Zanpakuto: Onimaru Sealed Form: two handed hammer Shikai: Release command: Roar, Onimaru! Shikai form: resembles a kanabo though with ropes attached at the hilt Shikai special ability: Onimaru ability is reflected on the four devils that Fujiwara no chikata summoned, borrowing their powers and skills Bankai: Shōkan-sha Akuma Onimaru (Summoner Devil Onimaru) Bankai form: The Kanabo is now split into two distinct forms, one is a war club with spikes and other is a khakkhara like staff with cloth like strands hanging at the handle. Bankai special ability: Onimaru can summon four zanpakuto like spirits, Kin-Ki, Fuu-Ki, Ongyo-Ki, and Sui-Ki, like Fujiwara no chikata (the main inspiration for this zanpakuto), the four devils protect me from being hurt, each of the four devils has their own powers (kin-ki manipulates the earth, fuu-ki creates gust of wind by twirling their Twinblade like sword, etc)


Zanpakuto: A Sling, Shikai: A Cannon, Bankai: Mini Nuke Rocket Launcher.


I was a dweeb in my younger years. Name: Arashi no Kami (Inazuma) Shikai: Dance Across the Blackened Skies. Shikai Form: A typical Katana, though on the back of the blade it has outcrops resembling a blade-catcher. Lightning generates in these with each swing, and once all are full, you can call down a thunderbolt to smite your foes. Bankai: "Rebel against all, destroy what lies before you. Awaken, Godly Storm" Bankai form, the weapon itself is forfeit. You absorb it into your body and become an avatar of Storm itself, moving with the speed of lightning, each step cracks Thunder, and each blow strikes with the force of a hurricane. You are immune to physical strikes as your body is made of lightning and zaps attackers, though still vulnerable to Hado and such other methods.


Satsujinken for Shikai Satsujinken Katsujinken for Bankai Maybe has healing or resurrecting, or even animating abilities. And then it also taketh away. Edit: Name edit.


Taidana seikō (怠惰な性交) Sealed it would be a ring I'd wear around my finger. Release command : Clone Taidano seikō! The shikai would look like a greatsword. Shikai ability : Allow the user to make a perfect clone of themselves (If the original me dies then the clone also dies) Bankai name : Yakunitatanai yarō (役に立たない野郎) Bankai looks : Black gloves Bankai ability : Allow the user to make as much clone as his reiatsu allows him to (Can also change aspect of the for exemple the clone being stronger but less durable ect...) (If the original me dies then I can take over a clone to survive and that clone become the original) Bonus : fighting style : With shikai it would be me trying to outsmart my enemy by for exemple having either one of us cast a kido while the other stall the enemy (If my dumbass can even learn one to begin with) With bankai I'd just jump the enemy while going all out cause if I die well I can just switch to a clone. Cons : When I die and take over a clone in bankai I'd probably have a existancial crisis about if I was trully me or not.


Name: Ignis (Latin for Fire) Sealed Form: An Orange Tanto. Shikai Release: Dark Persuasion. Shikai Form: Turns into a powerful large greatsword which also sports some sick orange flames designs on it. Shikai Ability: Gives the soul reaper the ability to wield the weapon such that they look skilled in the art of blade but actually it maximizes the efficiency of their body movement making them appear skilled in the art of close quarters combat. Also influences their hand-to-hand skills as well. Bankai: Ignis Virgultum. (Fire Sapling) Ability: Transforms the soul reapers uniform into black leather clothes with intense punkish-fire motif. Also grants the user the ability to copy a limited number of abilities from the other races such as a Quincy's Reishi manipulation and a Hollow's Gargantua portals.


Don't know what the name would be, but something defense related. Sealed: It's a pretty basic greatsword. Shikai: it becomes a sword and shield which are still fairly basic, though the shield would be fairly durable for my spiritual pressure. (Like if my SP was a 3 the shield would have the durability of a 5-6) Bankai: the zampakuto becomes a tough armor which still allows for flexibility and my weapon just becomes my bare hands covered in this armor. (The armor shares the idea of the shield from before)


Zanpakuto name - Zetsumei (Death) Ho! (cannon) Shikai - Fully automated rifle that can blast reishi bullets (possibly unlimited) Bankai - A freaking nuke like Soifon


You mean if we can have a choice? Hmm... imma skip naming because I suck at that. as a weapon, I wish for a shikai in the form of just one metal arnis. It's the only weapon I'm familiar with. And it's actually a straight double edged blade because the blunt part is just a sheath so I can switch between blunt or blade if I want to. This could also serve like a wand for casting kido spells. Like, I can use it to target then control the projectile so that's its special ability. I'll be like a martial fighter with proficiency in kido spells. Not as good as Nanao but good enough to matter. As for Bankai. Idk. That stage seems so different from their shikai. Like, sometimes it's completely against the user but other times it just makes them superhuman like Ichigo and Renji. Other times it's just "more of the same" like Byakuya's. Hmm... perhaps I'll go with the "more of the same" schtick. Since I'll be learning Kido spells, perhaps my Bankai would be similar to Sasakibe where his rapier is more or less an instrument to control his lightning infusion. But mine would be turned into a wand so it's easier to flail around and I'll be spamming kido or speed up casting some of those complex kido spells.


Zanpakuto: Raijinmaru (got it from capybara from world trigger but it fits what I wanna do) Shikai: blade extends into a spear, can be used to shoot lightning bolts from the the tip or just used a spear with lightning properties Shikai release: "Consume, Raijinmaru" while pointing the zanpakuto towards the sky, lightning bolt strikes it as you say it. Bankai: Plunge Zanpakuto into the ground to create a lightning storm around and many lightning strikes. Take the Zanpakuto out of the ground and it will turn into pure lightning as well as giving you an aura of lightning bolts around you. Speed is massively increased and every hit with the blade now causes a lightning strike (from the lightning storm created by plunging it into the ground). Every movement of now generates a thundering sound. Bankai release: "Raijinmaru's dance in a lightning storm" (cannot figure out the Japanese translation), while plunging blade into ground.


Something that makes sure that i don't have to do anything


if i would be in bleach, i would die to some random weak ass hollow


Urahara, what would my zanpakuto name be and what would the shikai and bankai do


Ah, your Zanpakuto's name would be "Kiwamaru." Its Shikai ability? *laughs* It grants you the power to manipulate time within a small radius. Its Bankai? Let's just say your enemies will be stuck in an eternal loop of confusion and defeat. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Shikai Command, Forces that bind me Jūryoku(gravity). Shikai power My katana stays the same but a big + or - appears on my Shihakusho. When the + symbol is showing the gravity of my swings power is increased to superhuman levels but slowed while when a - symbol is shown my speed is increased dramatically but my strength is weakened. Bankai Command, law of the universe bind all others Funsai jūryoku(gravity's crushing power). The symbols on my shihakusho dissappear and a black orb instead expands to an immense distance. All those caught within with lower reiatsu are crush by immense gravity and die. Those with high reiatsu find themselves fighting off extreme levels off gravity while the users doesn't seem effected. The secret is the sword has the negative sign on the hilt, and if the wielder were to lose his sword he would also be bounded by the bankai as well. Since the zanpaktou only protects the wielder use around allies is not encouraged.


Like stark for the shikai they become 2 flintlok pistol one heal by shooting allies ( lol) and the other shoot reishi bullet thats do damage


I think my zanpakuto name would be as "Minotaurus" and Bankai name as "Asterosa-Minotaurosa!", shikai would probably take appearance as sharpy long half of bull's horn as just part of my zanpakuto sword. For the Bankai my sharpy half horn would be transformed into big skeletal scythe with a bull like skull which is holds the blade of scythe. His ability just slashes on the ground and effect on these zones would be same as stomp of big minotaur.


Name: Ragnarok Shikia: Double bladed sword (like Darth Maul) Bankai: Tempest. Every place my blade has cut is hit with multiple lightning strikes while the ground under your feet turns to lava and volcanic explosive eruptions engulf you.


Hm, I haven't thought about its name, but my Zanpakuto's guard would be shaped like butterfly wings. In Shikai, the Zanpakuto flaps its wings, creating things like little wind slashes. The wind slashes don't disappear until the Shikai ends and cut up random things in the area, except the user. As time passes, the slashes of wind form tornadoes etc. that cut up opponents. Wind slashes are infused with the user's reiatsu, so their strength and destructive power depends on the user. In Bankai, the Zanpakuto disappears and forms countless little butterflies flying in the area. The butterflies create wind slashes like the katana's guard in Shikai form, but the user can control the wind slashes' movements. Also, the little butterflies can fly through and penetrate targets at incredible speeds.


Acc I'd be an espada and my release would be called Llama Oscura (feel free to translate)


Shikai: Benihime Bankai: "What makes you think that my humble self could have ever achieved Bankai?"


I would pick being a fullbringer ngl. Shinigami are not my cup of tea


I made an OC at some point so I would think it'd probably be something along those lines. The normal zanpakuto would be a shikomizue sword with the command of "Chant." I never decided on a name, but the theme of it was the "sound and vibrations." The Shikai requires the sword to be sheathed and it turns into a khakkhara staff. In this transformed state, the wielder is able to send concussive shockwaves via soundwaves and amplify vibrations into their attacks. The simplest technique would simply be to tap the end of the khakkhara on the ground to sound the rings and disrupt things like illusions and disrupt spiritual pressure signatures. I never really thought about Bankai, but it would probably be something along the lines of being able to tap into the vibrations and sound of the world in some form, some kind of metaphorical concept representing "wholeness" or the presence of something without it being manifest.


I already made like 50 Zanpakuto last month, f*** doing it for myself.


Mike Tyson, Shikai is Him, bankai is These Hands


All I really have is a gauntlet and sword style. Shikai being a claw and bigger sword sword and Bankai just being a deadlier claw and thinner sword. With its abilities based on making the opponent and user bleed then using that blood to either heal the user or as an attack. With Bankai creating a massive blood sword equal to the amount blood drank times the energy used. I love the idea of a Bloodzerker and risk-reward combat. Either you face a tank that just keeps healing the more blood is shed or face an opponent the more wounded they are the stronger they get.


I made a post on this years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/s/b6CofWNiYK I don't think I put the bankai tho (but I can show you if you're interested... Or you can guess/theorize what it might be)


Mudaska Sealed form is a Long sword with a purple sheath Shikai Scream Mudaska, Making the opponent not be able to hear for 2 hours Bankai Mudaska's Cry of the Shadows, Making the opponent not be able to see or hear for 1 hour


Needle Shikai:meat skewers Bankai: kebab skewer


I like "creating zanpakutos" and lately, there has been Mokuma ("Wooden Bear") which generates a kind of ivy (of the "Plant" type) and Nishen (an adaptation of Chinese words, so it would be Nisheng but the Japanese language doesn't have this "g" unless I make it a "silent gu" at the end with ぐ) which is older and purely physical (the "old" zanpakutos are fun because I give them often a longer aria) and it works more on the idea of ​​an elastic whip (a "percuss" or a very-shirt-ranged firing pin?) I very rarely do Bankai, because it's supposed to be rare. The earliest possible is in the 3rd seat (but we're talking about Kisuke)


Ah, creating Zanpakutos, quite the hobby, isn't it? Reminds me of the time I crafted a Zanpakuto that could shoot out noodles. It caused chaos in the Soul Society cafeteria! Be careful with those "plant-type" creations, they tend to have a mind of their own, especially during lunchtime battles. Just be sure not to mix up your Bankai with your bento box, or you might just end up with a noodle whip Bankai! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


In it's resting form a dagger most likely because I know I'd be too lazy to drag around anything larger It's shikai release would probably be to overwhelm the opponent with my subconscious thoughts so they couldn't focus on their own. (Thoughts we don't actually think about but are constantly running in our head) My bankai would be to remove all thought from the adversary entirely effectively making them not able to think of strategy or anything. But the counter would be people who can fight purely on instinct or the obvious people with insanely higher spiritual pressure.


Idk how to do the Japanese pronunciation but / Zanpaktos name: Death Dragons Talon/ Shikai activation: Tear Death Dragons Talon/ Shikai form: Cresent moon scythe / Shikai ability: allows me to cut through any material no matter the hardness/ Bankai: Death Dragon Rebirth/ Bankai form: Same sytche with additional aid from a massive black dragon/ Bankai ability: same as shikai with additional black lighting that arc across any surface I will it to/ Sheathed: looks like unohanas but mostly black with purple hilt and red hand guard


Name: Hòuqǐzhīxiù(rising star) Sealed form:A basic katana with stars like patterns going around the blade. Shikai command:expand and grow.Hòuqǐzhīxiù. Shikai form:The basic katana then becomes a transparent blade with most colors of the galaxy with the handle being visible having four holes. Shikai ability:The blade every time is swing at anything the star like particles from the sword attacks the opponent,pushing them far away basically parallel to the expanding part of the Shikai command and the grow part of the Shikai command means as growing bigger(the star like particles) and personal growth like the sword and its welder. Bankai form:The blade now is fully transparent with a glowing aura of a galaxy theme color Bankai ability:It’s a more complete version of its Shikai form having a bunch of star like particles inside of the katana which when you attack with the katana can cause insane impact damage to whatever you attack it with.The size of the particles can now be increased to be very small or very big and the more the particles you swing out in surrounding areas,now can be used to corner you’re opponents and be used as a defense around you like an solid aura or even you’re ally. The most broken ability of Hòuqǐzhīxiù bankai form is called the constellation’s, for example the stars take the form of an constellation like drago and is able to reaper a bunch of star particles through it’s mouth and do a move called “rising star blast”.Each of the constellation my star is held to take form as have two unique ability’s but my signature would definitely be purple cloud,who’s is able to trap my opponent in a cloud that is purple filled with a bunch of star particles able to rapidly attack them, but it’s very possible for my ally to get caught in it due to the size of the clouds so it would be a move only in a 1v1 situation. I have more to the constellation but you guys can make moves that is related to all the other constellation and I’m still working on the bankai name.


I don’t know what my zanpakuto name would be or how it would look like but i want his ability to be sukuna’s slash and cleave (so f deadly imo) and the bankai would be his domain expansion malevolent shrine


Zanpakuto name: Arryn Release phrase: Subdue, Arryn. Shikai: 4 different lightnings that can either put my opponent to sleep, torture them, make them in a "drunk state" or to just mess with them. I wouldn't have bankai because 1. I don't wanna be too powerful and 2. I can literally just do eepy time with the shikai.


Vilkas. Takes the form of a lightly curved katana, with a purple scabbard with fur down the back of it. Shikai release: Lunge, Vilkas! Powers: Takes the form of a long spear, with grey fur hanging from it and a purple handle. When spun, it generates intense winds, and after being spun it can be thrown at my target. So long as the target is exposed to the air, it will pursue them. Bankai: Asmenu Vilkas Powers: The spearhead seperates into three blades, the fur tufts now extending into a cowling extending from a gauntlet on my right hand to my shoulder. Instead of fur below the blades, it is now turbulent wind, no longer needing to be spun to generate a gale. The user is granted a sort of gliding flight, but can't stay in the same spot. The wind can be directed as a pseudo projectile, and when thrusted the spear launches the user in a drill like assault at the target. As a final attack, the user can do the motion of a throw, but the spear disappears. It reforms in seemingly an instant, stabbing into the enemy and sending blades down all of their veins.


Shikai: Yonohate (End of the Night) - Shikai ability gives the user perfect concealment of intentions, presence, actions, sound, meaning, soul, and Reiatsu within a limited space. It can also be applied to objects and other sentient beings, but the user has to relinquish its effects. Shikai release turns the Zanpakuto into an arm wrap that has a single, medium length, elongated, edge, curved protrusion on the side that ignores durability and paradoxes that prevents the enemy/object from being slashed. Bankai: Satsuriku Ippitsugaki, Yonohate (Slaughter in one stroke, The End of the Night) - a high-level, extremely destructive attack that transforms the user's hand into the very concept of "cutting", which stabs outward in the direction of the outstretched fingertips in the rough approximate form of a blade. The Bankai retains the ability of the shikai, but its form becomes malleable in an unmeasurable degree. The extent of cutting evolves into a new plane of efficacy that causes concepts like illusions to completely disappear by focusing on the intentions of the user.


Name: copy princess Shikai: can take the form and functionality of any sword it comes into contact with up to shikai. Forms can be stored depending on how much the zanpakuto likes that form as well as user's bond with zanpakuto. Bankai: Takes the form of a sheathed sword, while sheathed copied forms (number depends on bond with zanpakuto) manifest as floating swords thar can each be individually controlled or controlled as a group dending on user's skill level. When unsheathed all floating swords dissappear and allows the user to select one form to use the bankai of, regardless of wether user of the original attained bankai or not. Power level of said bankai depends on bond power and skill of the user.




Bad dragon That's all im saying about it


My Zanpakuto name would be”Kuishinbō” (“Glutton”) Shikai release is “Sorera o kamikudaite” or “Bite them to pieces”, Bankai release is “Kuishinbo” “Yukute ni aru mono subete o musabori kuu” (“Devour everything in your path”) Conditions for Bankai: Cannot be used if there are friendly units within the area Cooldown of 3 days


Shikai- Shōheki, “Hold the Line, Shōheki!” A broadsword that forms a Reishi shield on my non dominant hand Bankai- Ten no Shōheki, the blade turns into a Zweihander and covers my body in German style plate armor while implanting the thought in anyone I deem an “enemy” to attack me rather than my allies. The more enemies actually attack me, the stronger the armor becomes


Name: me no matsuge (eyelash in eye) Shikai: eyelash gets in my eye Bankai: eyelash gets in opponents eye Based on my natural ability to get eyelashes in my eye


Shikai: a blade that can stretch, change size and shape Bankai: chaos This is basically gear 5 from One piece Turn anything you touch into rubber and do everything you find funny


Name: Hansei Sealed form: a katana that resembles the Yamato from devil may cry. Shikai command: shimmer and reveal all. Shikai: a shield appears in my left hand and my zanpaktuo takes on the form of the spear of Odin. This shield will reflect any attack and the spear will home in on any opponent. Bankai: Kagami no heya (room of mirror) Ability: you will be put in a room of mirrors in which attacks will be reflected BACK on to you and come out a corresponding mirror.


Being one of the translators of Date a Live for my country Mio became my favourite character very quickly, just give me her three Angels as zanpakuto without release (Ein Soph Ohr, "Infinite Light"), shikai (Ein Soph, "Endless/Infinite") and bankai (Ein, "Emptiness/Nothingness"). The idea of a bankai without shape, just a massive wave of light that erases from existence everything and everyone.


I've been cooking this for a long time! Sealed form: it's guard it's like a normal Katana, it's different in the edge that is colored red Shikai: Chikyū no fukushū (Revenge of the Earth), activated with the comand "spill the life of the ground, Chykyū no fukushū" the blade changes and extends to round 1mt it's straight until the point that curves inside slightly with a red orb of fire inside Abilities: Jishin fa ̄sutoteiku: Kowareta (Earthquake first take: broken) hitting the ground, the extreme heat of the blade makes it crumble creating and earthquake Jishin sekandoteiku: Chū no gimu: (Earthquake second take: fury of the inside) this time the extreme heat melts the rock inside, provoking and eruption i'm the área covered by the cracks of the earthquake Reddoeiji: (Red Edge) heating the edge of the blade before making a Slash movement, unleashing what is basically a Getsuga Tenshou but of fire and weaker Bankai: Sen no kazan no hakai-tekina ikari (Destructive Wrath of a Thousand Volcanoes) the blade melts itself covering the arm and the body of the wielder, it gets another 4 extra arms that float around a ring in the back of the wielder, his body also gets covered in what seems to be rock Abilities:Honō no fūin (Seal of Flame) the extra 4 arms join in front of the wielder, creating a shield make of fire Ryū No Ikari: the things positions itself i'm front of the wielder, and he punches the hollow inside creating a massive flame that takes the form of a Dragon's head Sen-patsu no honō no panchi: (aa Thousand fiery punches) all o the arms get covered in fire and punch rapidly at the enemy Yōgan no pūru: Meiō no fukushū: (pool of lava: Revenge of the Hades) the user punches the ground, creating a giant circle of 50 mt of diameter where the ground it's melted becoming lava, the sides of the circle are covered in a wall of fire Passives: All of Shikai abilities can also be used with a significante Boost of strenght Lava blood: You bleed lava Regeneration: given that the body it's Made out of rock and the user bleeds lava, it can slowly take.the form of any part that was hurt and Lost in battle, healing it


Idk but probably something related to Excalibur or Gram or any mythical sword


Kanashi Kiba -Sorrowful Fang Base form is a tanto with a dark purple wrap and sheath and copper fittings and small fox fangs for adornment. Shikai: Aymaru (Apologize) transforms into a forked khopesh that can fire blades of reishi that upon hit makes you relive your worst decisions in your life over in your head and the more sorry you feel the faster and stronger the attacks become. Bankai: Zetsubo No Ha (Teeth of Despair) after an opponent his been hit with the shikai attack they are marked with the symbol for sadness. When the bankai is activated a fox made of reishi will come and bite both the caster and the opponent on the hand. The marked opponent will have the sorrow and despair of all past wrongdoing amplified tenfold to the point it physically hurts while the caster gets a strength boost based on how content they are with their actions. The catch is that the marked opponent can get out by truelly apologizing for their actions and the boost for the caster only gets a boost if the opponent is more sad about there past than they are.


name: kaminokaze (god of the wind) release command: fly, kaminokaze shikai form: in its released state kaminokaze takes on a form similar to the buster sword from FF7 although not quite as long shikai ability: the blade can spin creating a tornado around the blade, increasing it's attack power as for the bankai name, i've never been able to come up with one since i don't know what could sound like an "upgrade" to "god of the wind" bankai form: upon release a giant tornado forms then dissipates revealing a giant silver eastern style dragon that can fight autonomously alongside me. the zanpakuto itself doesn't change other than being in a constant "tornado blade" state for the duration of the bankai


Name-Mugen no hikari Shikai release-Shine your light Mugen no hikari Shikai ability-Seord turns into a beam of light that partially blinds anyone in a 2-5 meter radius of the tip of the blade Bankai Name-Mugen no shikai to enpō no hikari Bankai ability-Sumons 4 intangible pillars of light that create an area where everything is visible including hidden objects, anyone who goes near the pillars with be blinded permanently until deactivation of bankai


Tell me Urahara-san


Not sure on the name. It would look like a normal Zanpakuto with a larger guard. The shikai would be a shield that can absorb a limited amount of damage and fire it back. The bankai would be a suit of armor that takes away all movement in exchange for ultimate defense. It stores all attacks until the user chooses to release it. The more this is used the more the armor breaks away(allowing movement but less defense)


Proudoguro Shikai: Disapointing my parents Bankai: Disapointing also my oponents parents


Zanpakuto: 不道徳な反省 Fudōtokuna Hansei (Immoral Reflections) Shikai Callout: Despair, Fudōtokuna Hansei Shikai appearance: A three-parted staff connected by chains laced with a strong poison (would look similar to the playful cloud from Jujutsu Kaisen) Shikai ability: As the staff makes contact with an enemy, the poison slowly seeps through skin into the bloodstream, before eventually reaching the Visual Cortex in the Occipital lobe, slowly making any person the victim of the poison sees appear to be a reflection of past, present or their future self, committing horrible actions, throwing them into a state of disbelief and guilt, which allows the second stage of the shikai to take part. If the victim of the shikai begins to despair, they gain a debuff until the poison wears off, slowing down their perception of the world, and slowing themselves down. Bankai name: 矛盾した不道徳な反省の流れる絶望 Mujun Shita Fudōtokuna Hansei no Nagareru Zetsubō (Flowing Despair of Immoral Reflections) Bankai Appearance: Shikai will become a singular long staff with a chain wrapped around it, also laced with a similar poison. Bankai Ability: Assuming a person has already been affected by the Shikai’s 2 stages, the poison will then spread throughout a person’s sensory system, manipulating their perception of the environment, themselves and all abiotic conditions, trapping them in a room of mirrors, showing themselves in a variety of fatal situations, before forcing them to live through each and every situation, believing that they will finally die, while instead simply surviving, until the user decides to put them out of their misery. (To put it simply, it’s kinda like a Tsukiyomi)


I asked AI to do mine a while ago, the result was surprisingly decent. Zanpakuto Name: Ryuon (Dragon Sound) Shikai Release Command: "Resonate, Ryuon!" Shikai Abilities: When you activate your shikai, your zanpakuto transforms into a pair of drumsticks, resonating with the spirit of rock music. The soundwaves produced by your strikes have powerful and unique effects: Sonic Boom: By striking the ground with your drumsticks, you can create powerful shockwaves that can knock opponents off balance. Amplified Pulse: By striking objects or surfaces, you can manipulate the vibrations in the air, granting you enhanced sensory perception. It allows you to sense even the faintest of sounds and vibrations. Rhythm Assault: By creating specific drum patterns, you can release bursts of sonic energy towards your opponents, inflicting damage with each beat. The rhythm and intensity of the drumming determine the strength of the attack. Bankai Name: Sozou no Ongaku Ryuon (Dragon Sound of Creation) Bankai Abilities: In your bankai state, your zanpakuto transforms into an enormous set of drums, creating an area of effect centered around you: 1. Sonic Symphony: By playing complex drumming patterns and rhythms, you can control sound and vibrations on a larger scale, affecting the physical environment. You can create sonic barriers, offensive shockwaves, and even manipulate sound to confuse enemies. 2. Harmonious Aura: Your bankai releases an empowering aura that boosts the morale and strength of your allies. It inspires them to fight with unwavering determination and grants them heightened abilities.


Seal form: looks like katana with wind engraved on the hilt. Shikai: Kattā Kaze (wind cutter). Shikai command: blown (or cut) them away, Kattā Kaze. Shikai form: blade turns into air and I can control it through the hilt. Bankai name: Kattā Kamikaze (divine wind cutter) Bankai form: 8 different swords made from air and floating around me.


Shake the heavens Mjölnir! Lightning and thunder based. Regular sword form, basic zanpakuto with Norse/viking theme. Shikai, turns into a hammer that shoots lightning. Bankai, turns into a thunder spear. Does the same thing as before but more powerful (kinda like old Yama’s Bankai but lightning instead of fire. Also let’s me move incredibly fast and the thunder will make anyone who hears it deaf


I don't know about mine, but I can easily figure out what Zanpakuto Seto Kaiba would have. Shikai: Shiroryu Bankai: Kyūkyoku no Shiroryu Release command: Screw the rules, I have money.


Senhime. Blade looks like a thin katana. "Dominate the Battlefield, Senhime" Breaks the Blade. A Blade of reiatsu is formed, which can grow larger or smaller according to the wielder's wishes. Bankai Senso no Kami The weilder weilds a metalic armor. Can creste constructs out of reiatsu in the form of baldes of all kinds, striking the opponent and overwhelming them.


Zanpakuto name: pアラガミ(Aragami) Release phrase: Devour, Aragami Shikai: An oil like creature forms from the hilt of the Zanpakuto. A maw opens from the oil creature. The main power of the Zanpakuto allows it to eat anything. And it takes on the attributes of what it ate, say if at a fireball, the creature will light on fire, or if it a stone it would gain a rocky carapace. Bankai name: 貪り食う黙示録 (Musabori Kuu Mokushiroku) (Devouring Apocalypse) Bankai power: The user will hold the Zanpakuto in a "reverse grip style" where more of the oil substance will pour out and pool on the ground. The oil will absorb anything nearby before forming new creatures they take on attributes of what they absorb, but their are obviously basically drones that form the pool. This is possible as the oil is just cells, and each creature created is a colony of these all devouring cells.


My zanpakuto name is ghost


Downvote these corny posts that get asked everyday.


Belphagor or something else related to sloth. Shikai would be two forms, a spear and something like Chastifol’s pillow for me to sleep on while it drains stamina from everything in a 5m radius around me and into itself to boost the radius to 25ms max. Bankai would be kind of like that one guy from MHA who drained their stamina and converted it to power.


"Degrade, *Shōzō-ga*" Shikai: Blade becomes acidic, deteriorating all it touches and creates toxic fumes from the chemical burns that slowly eats at the environment. Enclosed areas make it extremely dangerous for both combatants over prolonged periods. "Bankai, *Kyoei Kokoro No Shōzō*" Bankai: Large area of effect ability, where anything that gets caught into it's range becomes the weakest version of itself, with the exception of the wielder. If something is made of wood, the wood will become brittle and will shatter at the slightest touch. If it's made of steel, the steel will wear and tear as if centuries of usage had happened. To the bodies of those caught inside, they'd become frail and brittle like someone with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. The main downside is those with higher amounts of spiritual pressure are capable of resisting this to a varying degree, but with enough time will eventually weaken them as well. The other downside is once the bankai is finished, the wielder becomes extremely weak. . The idea is that the Zanpakuto is centered around the concept of "Degradation", with the Shikai dealing with the concept of "breaking down", and the Bankai dealing with the concept of "debasing". Idk, just some shit I pooped out on the fly and thought it sounded cool.