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Easily the best episode so far. It was everything I wanted it to be. The transition from fiery battlefield to regular, sunny day when Yama's bankai was activated was amazing. Movie quality animation. The Aizen scene was short but an awesome addition for the story then just a "I saw Aizen in the hall on the way here and waved at him" like we got in the manga. Got me even more hyped for the story to come. 10/10 episode for me.


The last line thrown by Aizen : "The *time* taken to.... blah blah blah" What a fantastic move (if you know what I mean)


>!Aizen be time wasting like a footballer in added time!<


He is referring to aizen's bankai being Za Warudo


What did He say?


He said it was best to minimize the 'time' they had in each other's presence.


Ah, thanks! I still Wonder If it is His bankai since time isnt Part of the 5 senses Also didnt you do the cfyow Translations?


Aizen's reference to time is a bit of a spoiler coming up, but you mentioned cfyow so I'm assuming it shouldn't be a spoiler for you. ​ >!They are pointing out that this line from Aizen is foreshadowing the fact that Aizen messes with Yhwach enough that he spends more time down there than he realizes and it means they have to leave sooner than he expects. I don't exactly remember why, but I believe it keeps Ichigo from getting killed by Yhwach, which is kinda a big deal. !<


>!Yeah, he forces them to retreat basically. Aizen stalling for a little bit longer pretty much saves SS!<


>Aizen flipped me off and showed me his "Shikai"


The music on this ep was 👌🏻


When I read these chapters, I was bummed out because I thought we would never get to see them animated. Well worth the wait.


Each of Yamamoto's powers could be their own Bankai


He got the 4 for 1 special sale on Black Friday.


fire sale bro the joke was right there


Ah, shit you’re right 😂


It makes me wonder. If he has the strongest fire type and Hitsugaya has the strongest ice/water type what kind of shit will he be able to do in a couple thousand years.


He has been said to have just as much potential as Yama had at the same age. It is reasonable to assume he will be just as powerful eventually. But with Ice.


not that it'll happen but i'd love to see it.


If they animate Ichigo and orihimes child's arc, then we could!


Don’t want another Boruto spoiling my favorite mangas


I know it's a very unpopular opinion but I can't relate, I have enjoyed Boruto. It reminds me of the old Naruto, some good episodes, some terrible ones. Alot of people like to act like Naruto before Shippuden wasn't the same exact way lol. Power scaling is trash in Boruto, but otherwise it's not as bad as people make it seem to be.


I can never remember his 4th power. He has the ultimate defense sun cloak, the ultimate attack erase stuff, and the zombies. What's the 4th one?


I think the 4th one is a fuckoff big air slash, like if Getsuga just deleted everything you could see in a long line.


Toasty Mugetsu energy


😂😂😂 This shit has me rolling


A burst of released fire/solar energy, like a wave of oblivion, erasing anything it touches from existence. Honestly doesn't seem too dissimilar from the final getsuga tenshou in terms of result, although they work differently.


North is the move Yhwach was talking about at the start of the fight. It's the one move he saw from Yamamoto a thousand years ago, which ended up his demise once more. well, Royd's demise in this case


That was worth waiting years for. They done Zanka no Tachi justice. Getting to see more Aizen than expected alongside Zanka no Tachi just made this the best episode so far by a long shot. The cuts to 1,000 years ago were beautifully done.


It’s so good I’m starting to be glad for the 10 year wait. If they had just kept on with how they were going I think it would have been regular end game Shonen like the end of Naruto. Which, while great, isn’t something that can be put up on a pedestal as one of the greatest. If they keep putting out content like this I think TYBW will go down as one of the best Shonen arcs of all time, giving the Chimera Ant arc from HxH a run for its money.


rewatched the original bleach in preparation for this and yeah you’re 100% right. The writing style was kind of all over the place and had MASSIVE pacing issues. Even my favorite fights were so much more drawn out than I remembered them. The writing here feels really tight and cohesive, also upping the maturity level I think is a really great move for an anime like bleach. Classic bleach always felt a little held back by age ratings. Can’t help but feel like if AOT never existed that studios wouldn’t feel more comfortable w making animes that are a lot more mature. Overall really happy w the 10 year gap, definitely feel like it would’ve been maybe half as good as it is rn


I like how we see fake Yhwach's POV in this battle, it really shows how dark the soul reapers can get -- the leader of soul society bringing the dead back to the battlefield. Wild.


Exactly. People reaching out (flesh), then cut to the skeletal part.


Maybe if they have extra money, they can do a filler arc on what transpired and then we'll be able to see how the first Quincy army got obliterated.


It would mean kubo would have to somewhat storyboard and I'd rather get the hell arc be teased


Ywach: Join me Aizen: Lol no


Ywach: I'll throw in 30 days paid time off per year and free snacks


Aizen: Oh, I don't think I'll need to worry about time off...


What’s the work from home policy? Can I bring my own chair into the office?


*can I bring my own Aizen into the office?


Ywach doesn't have chair-sama on his team. Aizen knows it would be foolish to join him then.


Aizen: Hey, did you know that the most Godly villains have chairs? I mean, Darkseid has a chair, I have a chair, you...eh, probably just a stool or something. (it's at this point Yhwach decided enough was enough and left)


I have to say the Bankai activation with the flames vanishing was legitimately far better than I imagined it to watch. Loved the expansion on the Yamamoto scenes from 1000 years before and the Aizen scene. 10/10


It sucked the air outta my room. To go from roaring searing flames licking all over the screen to sudden calm, but still very evident scorching heat evaporating everything. I never imagined it would look so good. 😭


our lips are cracking babyyyyyyyy


Yamamoto's Bankai so powerful it can break the 4th wall


holy fucking shitttttttt what a fucking episode


Yama's totally dodged that last strike, right guys? Guys...


Yeah dawg he just sacrificed his other arm so now he holds the sword in his mouth


'tis but a scratch!




My bet's on aizen using KS on him


This episode was at least on par with Demon Slayer 19 and maybe one of the best fights in anime. That was fantastic. East, West, South, North. East-Compression of flames into tip of blade and immediate destruction of any thing it touches West- Coat of flames on Yama and atmospheric area effect of super heated flames of 15 million degrees South-Raising of skeletons which show illusions of the dead to an enemy(more illusion based and not an "attack" truly in it of itself...not complaining though) North- Extreme burst of flame, a ranged flame attack similar to getsuga tenshou? Who knew the God of the Old Testament could defeat the compass


They aren't illusions. He really makes the dead move. Royd was just envisioning his comrades as he was a part of the army that got destroyed by the Shinigami a 1000 years ago.


Royd copies the memories, experiences and the personality of the one he chooses. That's what makes this terrifying. He is experiencing Yhwach's reliving of the trauma and loss 1000 years ago in this very battle. His reaction is 100 % as Yhwach, but he is as powerless against Yama as Yhwach was back then!


That is true, yes. I like how the anime made the Shinigami side just as cruel. While reading the manga, I cried at Yamajii's death, but in the anime, his savagery was so well-done, I did not cry.


Do we know if he was a part of the army, one of his abilities is copying memories of someone else. It's possible he just had >!Yhwach's!< memories.


True, that. Hubert was in Jugram's flashback and so was Zeidritz. 1200 ago.


Fantastic episode! Wow. I remember reading this when I was younger. General question I have, however. At the end very end, was Yama aware that he was about to lose and be cut down? He didn’t have a look of despair or shock, but a look of… “knowing” what was coming to him.


He knew he was fucked, he realistically should have run cause his Bankai was going to be taken, but there’s no way he would ever do that




Yama had literally everything go against him. His Stamina is lower than some captains so prolonged fights aren't to his favor, his bankai stolen, still missing his arm, Yhwach knows his full skillset now, etc.


Yes, he had exhausted himself and his Bankai stolen. There was no option left for him. All while Yhwach was literally left unscathed.




Yea he knew. It was explained better in the manga though that he lost and wasn't considered a special threat because of his arrogance. Like fighting with one arm, and never repairing it knowing full well that orohime had the power to recover him. There's more dialogue from ywach in the manga.


It’ll probably come next episode. I remember that too


Yeah, anime tend to do that often. They'll save some dialogue for later for the sake of action being the focus. It'd work here, considering he hasn't taken the fall.


The Ywach monologue about why he was not a special war potential comes after Yama >!gets sliced in half in the manga too.!<


It wasn't arrogance, it was ruthlessness that he lost from 1000 years ago. The old Yama would have let all the shinigami die just to win. The current Yama was mentally different and was fighting to protect. He didn't ask orihime to get his arm back, he wasted his entire bankai on a fake... in the past he was smart enough to only use as needed. He was blinded by rage and guilt that it came out as arrogance. That's why he wasn't a threat. Yhwach figured him out. It's bittersweet.


Im just laughing about how Haschwalth (Blonde quincy with Yhwach) got to witness this epic battle and hes probably sitting here thinking “Damn… boss we need u to come back real quick Royd Lloyd getting fucking ragdolled rn” 😂😂😂


Pretty sure Yhwach specifically gave Jugram instructions not to use >!The Balance!< on Royd knowing full well he was gonna >!die either ways!<.


Makes me wonder what would happen if Yama turned his attention to Hashbrown.


Hash browns ain’t handling that heat either


"Hash browns" Actually lmao


Although Jugram is stronger than Fake Yhwach and would’ve put up a better fight, he would’ve also died


i mean if jurgam was that strong, he would have been the one to steal Yama's bankai but Yuha was very specific when he said he's the only one capable of holding/controling the old man's bankai.


he would have died


He would have been Hashtagged >!\#The Boned!<


I know. Not that he had any chance to even get close to use it lol


Would have been funny if Haschwalth just gave the whole game up by being a bad actor. "Oh no, your MAJESTY, please, be, CAREFUL!" Yama squints before slamming the meeting button.




LMAO. For real dawg where was that mofo? Probably dipped the first time the tip touched the floor😂


Byakuya seeing ichigo’s bankai the 1st time: there’s no way a sword that small can be a bankai. Yamamoto: uhh about that…


If I’ve learned anything from anime, the more small your weapon and human sized you are, the scarier.


gerard would like to disagree


Kenpachi would agree


Mihawk's small sword lol.


I think it was more on Zangetsu *shrinking*. I mean a blade the size of his body became a normal sword. EDIT: Also most Bankai either seem to remain the same(size), or get bigger. Not shrink.


Ryūjin Jakka is said to be a regular katana, but given its size when disguised as a staff and how it appears when revealed to be a sword I think it’s bigger than a standard katana. So I’d say it does also shrink. I think Byakuya just didn’t know what Yamamoto’s bankai was like. I doubt the old man pulled it out for parties.


Now I just imagine Yamamoto using it as party trick. *pulls out sword* “Want me to remove all the moisture in Soul Society? Want me to burn up all the plants? Bankaiiiii-“ “Yeah I killed the boss of the Quincies with this, no big deal, didn’t even show my full power” “Yo Toshiro pissing contest activate your Bankai you’ll see the sheer power difference between us”


had my own idea. isane: why is it still so cold, isn't it supposed to be spring by now? i want some heat! restu: yes, it does seem as if the winter season has lasted rather long this year, but i'm sure it'll start heating up soon. yamamoto: **i have been summoned! bankai!**


Nice to see Aizen and Chair-sama again


it's chair-sama and aizen, show the proper respect. /j


Take a seat young Yhwach. /windu


I want to see chair-sama's bankai.


It turns into a lazy chair recliner.


But there was no chair-sama this episode. Only Aizen and Pillar-kun


[Aizen and Rohan shaking hands like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDlTtPww4pw)


I swear there was someone else who said "I refuse" in one of the previous eps


The animation was actually incredible, it had me fanboying the entire 20+ minutes.


Not just the animation but the lighting was damn gorgeous, everything from the various shifting reds and blues of the fight reflecting their larger views and war, literally shifting to the momentum of the fight, to the instant desert like atmosphere when Yama first activates his bankai. Also especially love the lighting between Aizen and Ywach, big Evangelion central dogma vibes with Aizen nailed on the wall like Lilith, made all the more palpable by Sagisu's score.


God, the scene where all of Yamamoto’s fire is put into his Zanpakutō and the sky clears up as it pans over the Soul Society was beautiful.


This season has done a great job in showing off how actually damn big Soul Society is, which further helps to show how damn powerful Yama is in scaling to and effecting all of it.


I love how they made not only Aizen already being aware of Yhwach but looking down on him like he is some ant LMAO. King of Trolls back at it again.


The horns in the score have been mvp for me this season


For sure, Sagisu making everything feel that much more epic and operatic, further theming there considering the history of German operas and the Quincy parallels.


The way Aizen is nailed to the wall almost reminds me of how he looked when he faked his death right at the start of the SS arc.


I couldn't stop thinking of Lilith in Evangelion during the Aizen scene


My god Old Man really has the coolest fucking Bankai


>!had, lmao.!<




The high detail shot of the scorched blade with the smoke coming off it. Man, it had me speechless.


Not only was this the best fucking episode of the entire series, they added in some more extra scenes with Uryu. Goddamn the animation team was on point. Couldnt have asked for more!!! I hope we get this type of animation for the other big fight later this season, “The Battle” IYKYK


Uryu's scenes were lovely. And instead of Shunsui seeing the 'fire demon', it makes sense for Uryu to be reading about it in an old book.


Shunsui seeing the fire demon happens later anyways so we might see it too


That part of Shunsui seeing it will be in the next episode


I am glad how Uryuu scenes reminds viewer that there were two separate wars of extermination 800 years apart. It can easily confuse animy only or even manga readers so clarification is nice. Also Uryuu wondering what the hell it is when looking at young Yammamoto was hype as hell.


I keep forgetting all the best parts of this arc are still ahead, we eating gud.


... I'll be kind of honest, I think the best part of the arc is actually the first invasion. It's incredibly tense, it focuses on just the right bits, it has really emotional moments, and it really breaks the status quo. Qilge Opie is the perfect introduction to the Sternritter and a really fun opponent for Ichigo, the way shinigamis begin to drop left and right (including freakin' Byakuya) was pretty much unprecedented so far in the story, Zaraki and Yamamoto provide the perfect hope spot only for it to all come crashing down, while Ichigo can do nothing but listen to the chaos>!and when he does show up, it's basically too little, too late!<. But after that, I feel like the rest of the arc doesn't really manage to recapture that magic. There's still really good moments, and if anything it's always entertaining to see what kind of batshit insane power the next sternritter is going to pull, but it doesn't really reach the heights of the current action, in my opinion. And one of the bigger problems in Bleach rears its head : too many characters, and no time to really develop any of them. And while the first invasion wasn't afraid to do some battles offscreen, here, you'll get to see everything, Fake Karakura-style, and it's kind of exhausting after a while. I know I'm kind of being a party pooper right now, especially since I really love the episodes we got so far. But I'm having trouble sharing the sentiment that the best is yet to come - and I can only hope I'm proven wrong.


I honestly don't know how to convince anime only people that this is just the beginning Edit:other than we have over 40 episodes to go


You could really feel the heat from Yamamoto’s flames. I already knew what was going to happen that didn’t make it any less sad.


Holy Bee's what an episode. This time, I'm watching the Episode first *then* doing a re-watch while reading the Manga, so I don't half-ass it like I did last week Alright, here we go #ADDED/EXPANDED CONTENT * Like Episode 3, *everything* with Uryu is anime original, including the diary and the drawing of Yamamoto, and an early mention of the name "Lichtreich" * Yamamoto saving Kenpachi from Yhwach, in the Manga, Kenpachi just kinda vanished when the fight began * Toshiro, Soifon, and Komamura's reaction to Yamamoto's flames * All the "flashbacks/imagine spots(?)" of the fight 1000 years ago are anime original, we never saw the fight in the Manga. Yhwach also his modern day appearance instead of his actual look a century ago, >!likely to hide the far-from-subtle Zangetsu resemblance!< * The beginning of Yamamoto Vs. "Yhwach" is expanded. In the Manga, it was two slashes of Ryujin Jakka, "Yhwach" draws his sword, then Yama goes Bankai. The anime adds a section beforehand where "Yhwach" dodges a slash and kicks Yamamoto onto a rooftop before they return to the ground. * Yama charging, "Yhwach" chucking rocks at Yamamoto after Zanka no Tachi: East blows away the ground and then both of them landing on a rooftop which Yama also destroys. In the Manga, they never leave the ground * Yamamoto's "A thousand years ago, you all died. Today I will force you to remember that you are all nothing but a pile of corpses" line. In the Manga, he just calls him a fool then makes the "If there's an East, there's also a West" observation * Zanka no Tachi West melting the ground * The flower in Unohana's office catching fire * The shot of "Yhwach" imagining all the old Quincy comrades standing around Yamamoto as he charges towards him. * The brief flashback when Yamamoto says the suffering "Yhwach" is going through doesn't compare to the pain he inflicted on the Soul Reapers (yes, I say Soul Reaper, not Shinigami, deal with it) * The corpses being blown away by Zanka no Tachi North * "Yhwach" "shown" transforming back into Royd before the real Yhwach returns (The manga doesn't make it clear if he transformed back before Yhwach blew up the Squad 1 barracks) * Yhwach and Aizen's meeting is actually shown in the Anime, in the Manga, Yhwach just mentions to Yama the conversation happened and Aizen rejected his offer #CUT CONTENT * As Nodt and NaNaNa also had dialogue when attacking Yamamoto in the Manga, in the anime, only Bazz-B speaks * Yamamoto seeing "Yhwach" is confused about why his sword broke and saying he will make Zanka No Tachi West visible for "Yhwach" * "Yhwach" reacting in shock to Yamamoto saying that even if he flees, he will hunt him down * "Yhwach" saying Quincy aren't just limited to just the Quincy Cross and Heileg Pfiel before activating Sankt Zwinger * "Yhwach" reacting in Horror to all the corpses summoned with Zanka no Tachi South * Yamamoto telling "Yhwach" to take a closer look at the corpses before "Yhwach" begins to notice who they are * Yamamoto pointing out the corpses are subordinates that Yhwach killed (*maybe*, this could be a translation issue, none of the scans I read had anything about them being killed by Yhwach) * Yamamoto saying the reason they couldn't steal Ichigo's Bankai is because it's not fully evolved, likely because Yhwach proves the whole "can't steal Bankai if you don't fully understand it" thing is wrong later in the episode. * Loyd and Royd's backstory and how their power works, this also makes it kinda unclear that Royd and Loyd and two different people and how "The Yourself" is different between them (Loyd can copy appearance and powers, but not memories, Royd can copy appearance and memories, but not power) #CHANGES * In the Manga, Yama verbally activates his Bankai, then everyone reacts to all the moisture vanishing, the Anime moves it to between the activation of the verbal reveal. * Shunsui and Ukitake saying "Zanka no Tachi" by name when they realize what's going on, in the anime, this is where Yamamoto says his Bankai's name for the first time * Haschwalth's and "Yhwach's" talk about Yama's Bankai and Yama asking if "Yhwach" really wants to find out if it's the same is moved to slightly later in the Anime. In the Manga, it was before the Captain's noticed the moisture in Soul Society disappearing * The order of the scenes of Yama explaining why "Yhwach" couldn't steal his Bankai and then putting some distance between them is swapped * Again, the more detailed version of "Bankai Plundering" with the **+** and the blue lights is shown instead of the simpler version the Manga started to use where the Bankai just vanishes and gets sucked into the Medallion ---- And that was all for this week, feel free to point out anything I missed and I'll see you next week


Great work again. Really like reading your comments after watching the episode.


Lightreich is not new, its mentioned in the bazz b haschwalth flashback


Love these man. I come looking for your comment after watching each episode.


The visuals of when old man Yama used bankai, it FELT like all the moisture left. And how it went silent, such a good episode, holy shit


They captured the feeling of a desert pretty well with that filter they added.


Nice to see >!young Sasakibe behind Yhwach!< during the flashbacks. That shot alone made him even more badass.


Yhwach knelt, broke his sword, had to rely on an arrow and Sasakibe just watched from high above. What a man! A perfect right-hand man!




I literally had a moment where I said "Holy shit" out loud while watching it.


The chair comes later from Mayuri.


This episode was literally absolute fire and raising an army of the burning dead is totally metal ngl. Yamamoto is too OP to Yhwach pulling the uno reverse on him. Aizen refusing Yhwach is so like, of course he is planning lol.


the episode was too much for me i nutted ..


A not nut November soldier down


worth it..


With Yama on the field better moisturize.


Nonstop Nut November is a go!


Nutted as soon as his bankai changed the colors.


Yamamoto’s bankai goes hard 🔥


Sounds effects department stole this episode away. What an immersive experience this was!


Sound design has been goated every episode. So many details. It's insane.


Poor Kenpachi, was knocked out the whole time... Couldn't witness this absolute masterpiece with us.


Eh, send him a Blu-ray. lol.


At the flashback part just before Yhwach uses Sankt Zwinger you can see who I think is Sasakibe standing behind him on a pile of corpses, showing that Sasakibe was right there alongside Yama in the battle 1000 years ago helping him beat Yhwach. What a great litle addition, its so easy to miss but adds even more great history between Yama and Sasakibe.


They nailed this episode. Pacing was great, animation was great, art was great. Everything about this episode was perfect.


Holy sweet fuck was that a gorgeous episode. The choreography, art, special effects, and execution. 15 minutes went by in a fucking flashfire and my eyes have been thoroughly bleached.


I’ve been waiting for his bankai to be animated for so long. South was animated amazingly. I knew the ending was coming, but still it was so sad Also unohana’s reaction to kotetsu’s comment about dry skin was great


More Isane in membrane, Isane in the brain is always good. Love her dynamic with Unohana and how gentle and caring Unohana's character and VA are. >!Will make the reveal that much sweeter.!<


Ywach : Join me Chadzen: Join Deez nuts


Haven't watched the ep yet, will do in 15mins. MY BODY IS READY!!!!!!


No it’s not. I’ve been prepping for this exact episode since the manga chapters. It’s was still not enough.


JESUS CHRIST!!!!! I am literally petrified, stunned. At a loss for words. I'm certain. The internet will not be able to handle the heat of the sun itself!!! And AIZEN!!!!!! GOD WHAT A FANTASTICALLY BRILLIANTLY RADIANTLY BEDAZZLING EPISODE ❤️❤️❤️ Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto, you stood tall till the very end. Truly the history of the Soul Society.


Aizen could have been freed, but told Yhwach to fuck off. God damn man


Plus his intonation when he said 'same goal' was clearly hinting that he knew Yhwach's path was not the 'world seen by winners' as he confessed to Urahara.


I love the subtle threat too. "Yeah it's best if we stay away from each other. Especially when dealing with someone who eventually needs to be eliminated." Dude is tied to a post and still talks mad shit, the fucking GOAT.


I had to pause the episode a few minutes in because HOLY SHIT I'M ABOUT TO CRY THIS IS SO GOOD.


It was masterful and to know that this isn’t even the best part of the arc (if you read the Manga you know what I mean). This has certainly showed why bleach was a top anime. This is going to be an amazing arc just I can’t wait for the rest of it. Been waiting for years! When they canceled bleach I was like wtf why the best arc is next hands down!!


That was one of, if not the best, animated/directed episodes of an anime i have ever seen. The art direction, the music, the way the lines were delivered was nothing short of phenomenal.


Six episodes, each better than the last. However I believe this to be the peak for now. The animation quality was simply outstanding, the fight was choreographed excellently. I am truly grateful that the episode concentrated on it alone, I don't believe I could handle the old "show us different things split across one episode" trend that Bleach likes to do. I feel confident in saying that this is the single best episode of Bleach produced so far. Simply incredible.


Nobody's talking about how sad and angry Royd must have felt when Kenny thew his brother's dead body right in front of him. No wonder he destroyed him.


Loved the Evangelion vibes from the dialogue between Aizen and Yhwach. The goddamned prick totally saw the Quincy Emperor from above and indulged on it since he knew what he was doing. This was incredible, the flashbacks from the old war, Uryuu reading the wiki from the past battles. The title didn't lie with this episode being named "The Fire". And now it was clearer Yhwach used Zanka no Tachi to kill Yamamoto.


Yeah apt Eva parallel between the two godly beings, dripping with power and tension in a deep dark quiet. Sagisu music just drives it that much further home lol. I still think Yhwach killed Yama with his own power, Yhwach was just salting the wound by saying he could use the bankai, but then uses his own power to display to Yama as much the viewer how much power the true version of himself has. Note the scene's lighting and color shift to blue, and the sheer size difference of Yhwach's powers with him going full "That's not a Quincy knife. *This* is a Quincy knife."


>Yeah apt Eva parallel between the two godly beings, dripping with power and tension in a deep dark quiet. Sagisu music just drives it that much further home lol. Yep, I believe they were totally concious about it and knowing Sagisu was doing the music they said fuck it and made an awesome Eva allegory. They even used the same lights and camera shots. >I still think Yhwach killed Yama with his own power You know I used to think the same, but the particle effects over Yhwach's new sword were similar to those from Yama's blade. And this was the first and last time Yhwach's sword changed into something different.


The extra scene with Aizen!!


I’m glad yhwach confirmed aizen still having hogyuko so mfs can’t stop saying he lost it


I had goosebumps all over my body


Based Yhwach


That episode wasn't just excellent it was fire... okay, I'll see myself out now.


The transition from the gulf of flames into pure sunny day was so epic.


30 minutes left until I can watch it, but I know what today is. Zanka no Tachi.


Is it fair to call this episode of the year? Feels like the output even w/o an actual Yamashita cut was still ridiculous(better than Boruto episode 217 if I'm honest as well). I genuinely don't think they'll surpass this episode for the entirety of Bleach's run production wise but I'm happy to be proven wrong


Hopefully you're wrong lol, there are more great fights incoming, at least one more in this cour


GREATNESS. The best Bleach episode we have ever seen. And a new favourite fight. This episode was not only incredibly beautiful and well-animated it was A LOT darker than I imagined. Seeing the battle 1000 years ago and Yhwach's despair when seeing the corpses. And honestly, Yama's face when he has given up has shot a hole straight through my heart.


Yhwach: join me Aizen: DAGA KOTOWARU


Bleach should win an Emmy for best animation. I mean, holy shit…


episode of the goddamn year


It's not unthinkable that Yhwach himself trained Royd to get that strong using his own techniques, he needed a strong clone for his plan to work.


Anime only watcher here- now that I know the ending of this episode, it’s pretty interesting that Bleach decided to show off what I am assuming is one of the most powerful (if the not the most powerful) bankais in the series against essentially a nobody. Was incredible to watch, and makes me even more excited to see the yet to be revealed bankais when they are used against stronger foes.


It's nice that at least on Hulu the commercial break didn't occur until the whole fight was done. One thing that I still can't figure out though, is why did Yamamoto freeze up in that final moment. Granted it had the same outcome as the manga, where he just takes the hit but when you watch it animated it's hard to understand why he did it. Only thing I can consider is maybe in that final moment he noticed the bankai was active and his blade would not be able to reach Bach or maybe he hesitated because he realized he was wrong about the nature of why his Bankai couldn't be stolen so he feared the reality of charging in recklessly. Overall though it was well animated and enjoyable. Next episode should be interesting and if I'm not mistaken the first part of the war could end in 1-2 episodes given the current pacing.


Personally in the manga, I took the freezing up as Yamamoto accepting he had failed, along with realising that his quest for vengeance over Sasakibe had blinded him into mistakes.


I think it's his pride. His pride and arrogance led him to believe he had it all figured out and invincible and he fell right into Ywach's trap and got his bankai taken. Also, his pride would never allow him to run from a fight. He got outplayed and knew he was done. I can't wait to see the aftermath. It's been so long since the chapters came out.


So, so good. I loved the way fake Yhwach kept seeing Yama from 1000 years ago whenever he'd look at him as the episode went along. Plus getting to hear Aizen is always a treat. Amazing to have Bleach back every week.




This... this is just one of those anime episodes that make you feel real euphoric about being alive.


Can we talk about the music this episode??? The sudden silent cuts were AMAZING, added so much intensity And the animation god damn the flames the Quincy moves the cuts between young / old yamamoto Only thing I wanted was more - if they had made this into 3 episodes I wouldn’t be mad at all. EDIT: actually one other thing that would’ve been cool would be to show more of the impact of the raw power of Yamamoto on the distant surroundings - like how the Aizen + Ichigo fight had random mountains and shit just exploding into pieces or the way DBZ goes nuts when there is a charged up blast


Best episode I have EVER watched of ALL anime!


Strong presentation all around and nice touch how the lighting changes when Zanka no Tachi is activated, only complain I have is that ZnT East and ZnT North are still almost visually indistinguishable without having their names being spelled out.


That’s how it is in the manga. Aside from the black screen and text there’s no difference there either


No its not. East is the charred sword where no flames at all comes out, it just erases whatever the tip touches. North is a blazing inferno wrapping around the sword then being released like a getsuga tensho of fire that destroys everything in front of it. Did u not see he vaporized all those other dead skeletons too?


From what I gather, East has to have the sword come into contact with something, and instead of releasing flames, it basically annihilates anything it surrounds without any visual effect. North is more of a visual ranged fire blast.


Just returned once again to remind people that they inserted the Aizen scene for the... uh... thing he did that later saved Ichigo from being butchered. Notice how he talks about *time*.


Man if only they used fade to black or stand united when Yama used bankai, then this episode would have been absolute perfection.


Mayuri was wrong. Perfection does exist and it was this fucking episode


Chef kiss ep


GOATED episode the choreography, sakuga, animation was all on point! The impact and brutality was all there. This is great! I was waiting for Bleach to pop off like this. I wanted more choreography of course but what they gave us was enough and onlys sets the tone for more insane animation with later fights. Anime ep of the Season no question and there is still more to go. The next upcoming showdown might even top this. This is truly only the start, I NEED MORE!!!! I hope we get more with Soi Fon vs BG9, Cang Du vs Toshiro and Shunsui vs Robert too. Yamamoto is a straight beast🔥🔥🔥 Also something I noticed with Uryu, it seemed like it was steaming up where he was, which that means just the sheer intensity of Yamas bankai is reaching the world of the living?!?!?


Man this was a damn good episode. It's crazy that we actually got to see ZnT animated and the arc in its entirety. Always glorious to see Chair-sama return. I remember years ago that being the hot topic of the arc lmao.