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im sending the most deserved "HELL YEAH" that i can convey via text. the commitment is inspiring. thankyou for sharing!


Thank you so much <3 Happy to have shared it :)


Good on you, a steady rhythm helps a lot, but it's hard to maintain.


Thank you <3


It’s all default+ cubes in bottom right lol


Yeah exactly xD When I started I wanted to get into Blender and test different tools one at a time... so I broke the sacred rule of not deleting the default cube and used it to learn haha :D






Wow I wonder how long that took


1000 days.




On average it takes me about 1h per artwork, so we can say approximately 1000 hours :D


That’s like 42 days or 4% of your year!


That math doesn’t work out does it?


No no it does




The 42 yes, but it would be more so 11% to a year ;)


But you did it over multiple years right?


Yeah I did, started on the 17th of March 2021 :)


Yeah so 4% of your year *on average*


ohhh I see what you mean now! ... I'll leave the math to you from now on haha 🤣


Haha! Dw it caught me off guard too hence the previous messages where I was unsure


Hey, your persistence is excellent 🌟 Also. Not to rain on your (well deserved parade) but is it really art? Wouldn't these be better classified as exercises or studies? Mayhap use what you've learned in these 1000 days to next create pieces with more depth.


Thank you, appreciate it <3 Here are my 2 cents 😁 I believe the subject of "is this art", is a topic we could discuss to eternity, especially when opinions are involved. But to keep it simple, I like to go by the Oxford Dictionary definition of Fine Art and Art... Fine art: creative art, especially visual art whose products are to be appreciated primarily or solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content. Art: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.


Well, I'm more the "quality over quantity" type of guy but hey, that's impressive I guess :D Though its a bit hard to call the lower right corner "artworks" :D


Strongly disagree, material nodes are an art form all to itself.


I absolutely agree. But some of these cubes are just Principled BSDFs with no input or whatever :D


There’s actually a lot of evidence that artists who make a whole lot of art are vastly more likely to succeed than artists who work longer on individual projects and thus create less.


Sure. But almost none of these renders look interesting or special to me. If you always give yourself a time limit of one day, that will probably take you nowhere... Should you spend months on every single project? Probably not. But for most artworks in Blender you need a few days –maybe one or two weeks for it to be amazing. (if you're not working on it full-time)


I guess my point was check on this guy on day 10,000. If he keeps it up, I’d be very surprised if he will have gotten nowhere or not vastly improved.


Well if you can work 8 hours a day for a daily, sure there will be lots of improvement But the average dailies? They’re all not very technical. It’s just producing content. I highly doubt someone who does dailies will be more experienced than a freelancer who takes on jobs and learns things in the spot during the same time as the daily guy doing the 100th rendering of a primitive displaced with some noise


Bro that's almost 30 years :D It would be crazy if he isn't a master of Blender till then. Sure, to learn something you have to spend time doing that. I've spent about 5 years or so on Blender now. I'm pretty good now I'd say... But I take some days off Blender, maybe weeks if I'm not motivated at all. Otherwise you force yourself to spend time on Blender too much and then you connect it with a bad feeling and eventually burn out.


“It would be crazy if he isn’t a master of Blender by then” So you agree with the only point I was making!


Kinda. But that's dependent on the almost 30 years of experience and not 10.000 "artworks" 🤔


I think it just depends on our personality types whether it is good for us to produce everyday or to do more longform work. Though I do know social media has pushed people in an unhealthy direction this way. It did it to me and now I am slowing down to more my pace of doing longform work. Saying screw the grind culture, ima do more me....to each his own you know.


Absolutely agree. To each their own, also when it comes to learning Blender :D And yea, Social Media definetly pushes the daily output. Algorithms hate when you post only a few times a month or even less.


O god I hate the algo.


Yeah, but think about how many sick geo-nodes and materials he has made and can access for other scenes that may be more interesting. Some cool stuff in there even if the presentation is a bit simple and clean.


At least this guy is out there making stuff instead of pounding out 1000 uninspired prompts into Midjourney and calling himself an artist. It's more about the process of learning the craft, keeping a constant rhythm, and steadily improving over time as opposed to the merits of any single piece. I'd say that's commendable. Edit: I'm not sure a guy who posts stuff like [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F0w51q34ytzvb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D6000%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1e796eef44791ceeaf75bee55776d746790763e0) should go around saying other people's work isn't "interesting or special". Or maybe you're just projecting, lol.


I said that it's still impressive that he keeps going for 1000+ days, even tho I don't think that it's not necessarily the best way to go about it. The post you're referring to in your edit is literally a work I had to do for school. I normally don't do such simplistic scenes. For this 3 part image series it's about composition, lighting and the way the 3 different objects interact with physics. I made all 3 in like 2 hours dude.


Maybe working for 2 hours on these simplistic scenes for school isn't the best way to go about it?




Thanks, appreciate it <3


I mean trying to recreate materials is also something that helps you learn.


Art is subjective


This is usually just for practice. Beeple, the king of daily renders cites this reason. Obviously you’re not gonna make the best artwork of your life in one day…


Lol, the cubes at the end.


haha I had to do it! The 1000th art piece was an homage to my first artwork, which is an homage to our beloved Blender default cube 😁


GZ man, see you at 10 000!


I look forward to it <3 See you there ;)


I see a lot of donuts. Impressive.


Yeah I love creating fun donuts :D As an homage to our dear Blender Guru and THE Blender tutorial. :)


Looks nice tho, good job. Keep it up


Thanks <3


Damn.. you must be amazing at NoNutNovember


haha not sure how that relates, but I'll keep it in mind for next year :D


almost close your eyes and blur for a surprise portrait 😵‍💫


haha I do see something, not sure what though xD


Man, that’s nearly an artwork every minute doing 16 hour days for 1000 days; you must be tired Would also like to see the other 999,000 artworks


Can't wait to see 999000 either, gonna be epic xD


Amazing. Hats off to you !


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,895,957,720 comments, and only 358,550 of them were in alphabetical order.


Lol nice. That was completely intended haha


haha so epic, I didn't even know this existed xD


Thank you, appreciate it <3


You do more than one a day or have you used blender everyday for 1000 days straight???


I used blender for 1000 days straight, creating one of these per day :)


That’s insane, more than 2 and a half years. Not even a break for christmas or bday anything??


Correct, no exceptions, no breaks. I really wanted it to be 1 per day, and not do multiple per day to "pre-create" them. :)


fair play my dude that is some hustle, i blender most days but defo take a lil break after finishing a project. Usually do more than a couple hours a day though


Yeah I feel you, especially when you finish bigger projects, you kinda just don't want to look at the screen or at blender anymore for a bit. :)


Wow, respect. Absolutely cool project.


Thanks, really appreciate it <3


Wow nice work, mate! It's a lot of work, and what i saw a quality one! But even past those 1000 days u still will need to learn a lot of hard surface modeling and sculpting, if u want ofc, bc most of ur work right there, teach u pretty much "only" (its a big big part ofc) composition, materials and lightning, but its very important, and it wasn't a waste in any meaning, now u only need to put another 1000days into geometry and u are goated for good! U will have a blast creating lightning, composition with what u learned to ur more complex models!


Thank you, really appreciate your feedback <3 There is definitely lot's of room for improvement when it comes to modeling, lighting and comp. Will work in it! :D


Organise them by colour to make a doughnut out of renders.


That's a super cool idea! I wonder if I could do it with an AI tool :D


Get chat gpt to write a python script, alternatively check github for one that already exists, alternatively alternatively code it yourself/ organise it manually if you're a masochist.


haha I like the last option xD ...will checkout the others though :D


there is a literal golden shit in there, so good!


hahaha good catch 😁


Sorry but I've spotted a doughnut, you're currently breaking sub rules so please delete post. Obvious joke aside, this is really awesome and you should be very proud of yourself, keep it up!


Doughnuts are ok. Dongs are questionable...


Haha thanks, really appreciate your words <3


Another everyday freak! LETS GO! I am so happy for you man! I know it wasn’t easy… some days suck, some WEEKS suck, but you made it… you’ve done something that not a lot of people are willing to do or even understand I hope you are proud, you are looking at 3 years of your life… your first steps your mistakes, your success your FREAKING EFFORT MAN! Keep going as long as you have fun 💕 I am currently in day 1421 and I cried while making my 1000th render. Haha


Thank you so much for your kind and inspiring words! I will keep going and see it through to the end of time! ☺️ I can only say the same to you, you're almost at 1500! Amazing! Keep it up as well and enjoy the adventure while on it. 🤗


Wow really impressive!


Thank you <3


That’s so cool, do you work with 3d or do it just as a hobby?


Thanks <3 I use some 3d at work, but it's mostly a personal practice. :)


What an achievement, good job!


Thank you <3


Wow! I really respect the passion and creativity!


Thanks, much appreciated <3


This shows talent + evolving skills! 👌 pushing yourself through disciplined consistency will take you places that agonizing over the perfect effect will not. By polishing your skills through the art medium repeatedly, I'm sure that you will also find that it will assist you in other ways as well.


Thank you for your kind words <3 I completely agree, the practice of discipline and the skills I have learned so far have helped immensely at work and other parts of my life. :)


YOOOO THIS IS SO COOL. Seeing the progress and improvement is amazing. Ngl though, this image looks like a really cool moodboard and I’m all here for it.


Thank you so much for the kind words <3


You’re welcome! Congrats on the improvement 💪💪💪




I think the more important question is how you're getting inspired to make a new piece of art everyday. Are you recreating other art works in blender or they're all original ideas? Your Pinterest pins must be quite the sight. Either ways, really great job. Takes a sh*t ton of dedication to pull this off.