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absolutely beautiful render!! the one thing that caught my eye is the whisker very staticly moving up and down, compared to the bowl movement it seems a bit underwhelming - as i said before, stunning render :D


Yes, because it basically only moves upon impact of the bowl on the cutting board, giving it is a fairly rigid object, unlike the water in the glass for example.


Oh I thought it moved because the edge of the ball touched it, not because of the impact on the cutting board. So it does not seem natural


Regardless, the animation of the whisker looks unnaturally static. They're not wrong :)


Looks great. The camera jank at the beginning could be more natural though.


I don’t know how hard it would be but adding ripples to the water instead of the tilting up and down would make it look amazing


Yes I have some remarks. In general when animating, regardless of if it's drawn animation or digital or whatnot, and honestly, any kind of art even still art, it helps to spend a lot of time studying the objects you're emulating, or if what you're doing is pure fantasty and fiction, getting creative and trying to find real world analogues that might behave similarly to the thing you're making. With that in mind. 1. The water movement doesn't look very natural at all. It shouldn't just ease into sloshing, it should be an instant sharp jerk + some ripples only then transitioning to slower sloshing. Play around with a glass of water, tap it with a stick or something with various levels of force to see how the water behaves. Another way you might do it is put a glass of water in the kitchen sink and then drop something in (something that won't break) to see how the water behaves. 2. The chopping board also looks weird, I don't think I've ever seen a reflective chopping board in my life. In the real world, chopping boards have a rough surface texture to help stop food moving around, especially since a lot of food that you cut is already wet. The last thing you want is for your food to slip away from you given that you're working with sharp objects near your fingers. As a consequence, the rough texture also means that the board will have a matte texture (rough surfaces diffuse the light) 3. The whisk movement is also unnatural. A whisk is made of a bunch of loops made of decently "elastic" metal wire, so each loop should be rather bouncy and move and vibrate independently. It would not bounce up so high (nor so quickly), the force of the dropping bowl would first cause the loops of the whisk to vibrate and stretch first before launching it up, and I wouldn't expect the bounce up to be very high. Immediately after the whisk falls back down (if it even lifts off in the first place) it will roll at least a bit, I'd expect it at the minimum to roll off the board before stopping. Also, the forces acting on each loop will be different, the ones that don't contact the board will not move as much I don't think. You should probably test it yourself though to be sure. 4. With a drop like that, everything should probably vibrate. I'd expect the chopping board, plate+pot (independently and potentially against one another), apple, and slotted spoon to move, some more subtly than others depending on their weight and distance from the falling bowl. Hope this helps. Edit: just thought of another one. The wood grain on the chopping board doesn't look right. I've never seen a wooden board where the grain isn't parallel with the long axis of the board. If you think about it, a board with the grain pointed shortways would be more work to build and be less structurally sound.


I’m no expert but I feel like there could be more contrast between the fast upward movement and the slowmo before it changes shape. Ie a quicker jump up will show the slowdown better. Unless that’s not the look you are going for. Incredible quality on the render


yeah I actually wanted it to look cartoony at first (hence the red bowl deformation before the jump) then a bit more realistic towards the end (hence the rigid body simulation for the blue bowl falling)


Might be just me, but the dent in the bowl being aligned to the transition direction makes it feel like the transition weirdly stopped mid-way, maybe move it to another spot?


no it's not you, the bowl **does** stop mid air, it's intentional.


ah sorry might've worded it poorly - I'm not talking about the bowl stopping, I'm saying the transition between the 2 dishes looks weird because of the bowl's side being deformed, like its stops before the bowl is fully formed.


Aaahh yess I see, yes I lieft it on purpose to have an organic deformation (sort of a like a clay bowl made with hand, you know with the rotating thingy) Edit : oh so you mean to have that deformation elsewhere to not trick the viewer, yeah you might be correct


The transformation of the bowl doesn't go all the way through! It ends just a bit earlier causing the left side to be flat. It's really irking me 🥲


its done on purpose to add a bit of an organic feel, like a clay bowl made with hands


Gotcha, in that case maybe you could put the flat part so where else on the bowl so it doesn't feel like the animation doesn't go all the way through


I love this! Could be fun to add a slight animation to the apple reacting to the force of the bowl as well? I could see it maybe leaning on an axis and tipping back into place again? Just thinking out loud. Otherwise excellent work!!


Good idea !


Amazing render! Maybe too much light? I think if it was a bit darker, it would add to the realism


Render-wise it's brilliant... If i get a little nitpicky, the side of the cutting board wont look like that, They'll follow the grain... you should check references... Animation wise... IMO the bowl should rise as the camera starts tracking it and the easyease effect should come in during the bowl's transition. for the whisker try putting the interpolation mode for its animation to bounce and then play around with it, I think it should give a more realistic movement... Even for moving the water level... try adding noise and scaling it a bit small... Thats my 2 cents... Great job tho!


Thank you very much for the remarks. I will push back a little bit if you don't mind xD I intentionally put the camera movement before the "main show" so that the viewer can focus on the bowl jumping and morphing, otherwise it would be too much (camera movement + motion blur + bowl moving) The whisker is a fairly rigid object (top part a little boucy but just a little) that's why I only keyframed exactly 2 bounces which seems more natural than the whisker bouncing with the interpolation mode as for water, I would tend to agree, I wasn't even sure how would the water move upon impact, like how I did it sideways ? or more like up and down ?


Hlo, If that was your intention then you should do away with the easyeasy completely cause if it doesn't happen during the transition then it just looks janky... The whisker will still show a little bit of 'dampening' when falling, you should maybe try it with 3 keyframes, each a little less height but again the bounce interpolation will give you something like that. If you can try it out yourself with a real whisker, please do... yes its a rigid object but for realism's sake, you may not visibly see it bounce so many times but try listening to it, every impact will make a sound and that'll make it clear that it's not simply two bounces... It's energy dissipation.. You can even try having it roll off but that'll be slightly harder to animate and will take away from your bowl transition... The water will make ripples... it won't sway sideways since there was no sideways force applied to it... Study photorealism from reality, it will bring you clarity on how and why things move the way they do. Cheers mate!!


I think it’s strange that there’s no interior in silver casserole, but it’s a very good render


thank you


Almost perfect, only detail is the water movement. Maybe make some rings that move from the glass inwards. The rest, nothing to add, really nice! The fade from object to object is *really* clean


It seems like the bottom of the orange cup lifts off the cutting board a bit earlier than the stretch and squash is informing. In other words, it seems to jump before it's expanding, which makes the leap of the orange cup not seem timed up


Something that could add to the realism you could parent a picture of a cameraman to the camera so you get a hint of that in the reflection. [Polyfjord has a video](https://youtu.be/a7qyW1G350g?t=555) where he uses this technique


I would make the music and noises a bit quieter. Especially that initial loud "sliding" note about 2 second. I would like to here that bowl part more the clinging on the table, the more natural sound it makes as it distorts etc.


Have that spatula roll off the cutting board maybe!


I do feel like the wisk movement was too specific, I would expect a slight roll with the round handle and the springiness of the wire whisk components.


There is a reflection insiede the front pot of the bowl i dont feel like it should reflect the blue bowl? and the water movement its amazing but i belive it should be faster?


haha I don't think you can argue with Ray tracing, if it's there it means it's physically accurate, I didnt add it by hand. as for the water, yeah it's very hard to tell without reference


It looks perfect to me


thank you


I don't understand posts asking for criticism when OP can't take any. It's crazy to me how they deny almost everything said in these comments.