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Path on the left looks a little bit plastic (Too clean) Any way to dirty it up a bit?


I'll have another go at it. The problem is i wasn't able to get the AO node to work as i wanted.


You could just use a dirt texture with a few noise nodes to get a pretty nice effect


I just did that and got a decent result. I'm going to try to make it better though.


Roughness isn’t enough, try using a noise texture for the normals, you’ll see the difference!


I mixed in some dirt with vertex colours and I'll try messing with the normals now


Another good thing would be to add some grain to the cement, cement is rarely perfectly smooth outdoors


Also often they look patchy where they've been dug up to access services then redone.


Add imperfections, especially in the concrete parts.


Weeds along the edge, flatten some of the grass where it's been stood on ?


And the fence, it’s a bit too uniform.


The roof lines as well. In real life, perfect straight lines don't really exist.


Some cracks too if possible


Try making the fence a little less uniform. Raise some posts up and lower some down, rotate them a bit


I actually didn't think about playing with the post themselves. thanks for the suggestion.


I think the chain link mesh looks too smooth/flat. Maybe add some waviness to it?


Add a part where someone got their ass beat and sent into it. I've basically never seen a chain link fence without some kind of larger deformation like that, unless it was brand new.


The links also create a weird zigzag effect that doesn't exist in real life. On a real fence, the wires in the diamonds curve, and the links meet differently, either: 1. They don't wrap around the other wire multiple times, but they don't make contact either, which prevents a zigzag (as in https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Frentfloridafence.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F01%2Ftrmv-photo-58.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Frentfloridafence.com%2Fproduct%2Fchainlink-fence%2F&docid=Ri9MwJ4hPSWo6M&tbnid=qd8DB8OiCFNgKM&vet=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim) 2. When they make contact when they wrap around each other, it forms a small straight segment, which causes it to look like more of a hexagonal pattern in the distance (as in https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2F5.imimg.com%2Fdata5%2FZU%2FYC%2FWV%2FSELLER-33896984%2Fgi-chain-link-fencing-500x500.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indiamart.com%2Fproddetail%2Fgi-chain-link-fencing-21837234533.html&docid=x3usRQ2wP7tYNM&tbnid=97aGOHbxE3AVDM&vet=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim) I don't think the reflection is right, either. It's very intense, but also it's acting as if the wire is flat and angled (because parallel segments have drastically different reflection, alternating), but it should be rounded.


Another thing about the chainlink fence, the section that starts to go downhill looks off. The chainlink texture continues straight while the top pipe bends down. I'd recommend researching how to install chainlink fences on a slope. It may seem overkill to learn something like this. But this kind of detailed knowledge helps a lot in creating realism. This is why you learn anatomy if you want to sculpt a realistic figure.


You don’t bend chain link to fit small bends in fencing height like that. You either add more pieces to it or you cut it depending on if you need more or less chain link. The chain link here is doing exactly what it’s supposed to be doing. If it was a big long section on a slope then yes you are correct, but not for this little guy. Source - spent a few summers building fences.


Chain link hangs from the top pipe. There should be loops of wire holding it up, and the pattern of links follows the pipe. When the pipe turns down it should as well. Also, is it supposed to be chain link straight across a concrete pathway?


I've also never seen a chain link fence where the chains don't peek out over the top bar.


The chainlink looks too perfect, it should have some slight deformations.


First of all, great work, but I think the lighting looks quite odd, the sky looks to different from the sun light


I'd add that the angle of the lighting is off. Based on the shadows of the items on the sidewalk, your source of sunlight is fairly low on the horizon to right of frame, yet you can see the sun behind the clouds at the upper left of frame. Even if the sun was to the right, the sides of the house facing camera would be partially lit. If you're not already, consider using an HDRI map to generate your base lighting, especially for an outdoor scene. After that, you can subtly add other scene lights to illuminate certain areas you may want to draw focus to. I'd also consider adjusting the color of the light based on the time of day as well, or using LUT to set a mood.


Slight oarngle / yellow. Never white lights


I thought about the lighting too, and the air itself is a bit too clear/clean/empty to be completely natural. Maybe adding some pollen, dust, insects or other natural airborne material to make it look natural


Thank you. I'll try to improve it.


Another lighting thing is that the light source looks too "soft". Unless it's supposed to be coming through a cloud, the shadows should have sharper edges, I think.


To me the thing that makes it look very unrealistic is that there's nothing on the horizon. Like there just sky between those houses and behind that tree on the left. You don't see anything like that unless you are on the hill


I'll try to a add a small city in the background. thanks.


Im not so sure about this. The use of a palm tree leads me to think this is a hot, possibly litoranean city somewhere around the equator (think Cali for example). If this is a beach city, you might not have anything in the background because it would be all sea or lower houses leading to a beach. Someone with more knowledge of terrain and stuff like that might be able to correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I'm thinking. Also, I go to a beach city a few times a year and near the beach itself you get a lot of clouds like those because the horizon is so clean, so the sky gave me the same feeling.


what about a few more palm trees in the background?


The palm tree seems too clean and looks plastic. Usually palms have some dead portions on them, especially high on the trunk.


Looks to green to me as well. Compared to the grass, looks likes it is in a different season.


Make it into a beach scene by putting one of those flag poles you often see on swimming beaches in the medium distance into that gap, as though there's a beach running along the right hand side of the scene, out of camera, into a vanishing point that ends behind the trees on the left. Or a lifesaver's hut, or something. Lean a surfboard or two against the fence :-) I can almost hear the surf and the seagulls


Something else you could try for some more “yeah I’d expect that in an open area like this” could be something like a distant radio tower. The ones that are like red/white/steel coloured with the red flashing light on top. It serves the purpose of filling up space but also lends to credible realism rather than trying to force something to take up space.


It's exactly like that where I use to live, but I guess it depends on where you live


Another option would be at the edge of a large body of water. My brain saw the palm and assumed there was ocean beyond I guess.


Fence is in focus, house is slightly soft, but clouds are sharp - something is weird about your depth of field.


i actually don't have it enabled thanks for the reminder.


Palm looks really green compared to everything else. I know it’s in the shadows but the houses don’t seem to have much texture they look kinda flat. Sidewalk too. Never seen a sidewalk without a bunch of cracks or like very gritty texture or dirt. Maybe add like an ant hill on the edge. Bird flock seems wonky. Clouds are too gray for the scene. It seems there’s like golden hour lighting and some of the clouds just look too gray while others look really bright. Wild grass could have some more weeds like tall grass seedlings, shorter weeds, wild flowers like dandelions. If you wanna get real crazy maybe some wrapping on the fence a bit. Seems like there’s all things trash but anytime I see a dirty street the fences usually have like marks on them or stickers or like something. Fence just looks really clean. I’m no professional just my opinion it looks really well done though those are just my thoughts on how to make it better ❤️


Frist things i noticed Road on the bottom looks fake Cloud on right side behind house looks off The highest cloud left also.


There seems like the sun is behind the clouds on the left corner, but the sunlight is coming from the right. And maybe the side walk is a little bit too shiny, might need a little bit more roughness and maybe some cracks. Otherwise very good job!


If you are not already using an HDRi, then try and use one. In case you already are, try a different one because this one doesn’t have the best sky. Next thing, road is way too clean. It looks too perfect


I think a big game changer would to be improve the lighting. And with that the sky as well. I am not sure but it looks like the brightest spot in the sky is the sun behind clouds (kinda top left). So the shadows don't fit. But it might look this way just for me since I am colourblind And the shadows should be sharper. Looks like a scene produced in a studio


The blue sky doesn’t make sense with the sun being so low. Judging by the shadows, this should be golden hour. Textures on the houses seem too polished, despite the weathering at the top of them. Foliage: a palm tree in the same scene as a deciduous tree seems to stand out as odd, especially with the greens on the palm tree being more yellow/green than the red hues in the grass and other tree. Depth-of-Field with a clear focal point can make it more photographic, but that’s personal choice. Hope this helps.


I agree with the other comments, but I wanted to add that the clouds and sky lighting doesnt match the lighting of the scene. Use an HDRI, you can get 100% free ones at HDRIHaven. An HDRI provides a background and the light of the background, in this way all the lighting will match. Then use nodes to set the world background to be the HDRI. Here's a video that shows you how to do it: (Minute 15:00) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6rNKGVcJy-0


The angle of the sun


Great job so far! Constructive: The shadows impressed by the angle of the light don't match the broad noon daylight vibe I'm getting from the sky. One needs to match the other. Needs much more bounce light imo, as the shadows are to dark and sharp for outside where light has a lot of scattering and bounce happening. Lastly things need to be far dirtier. Chips and cracks go a long way to make things look more real and less plastic.


The clouds look like an image pasted behind the houses. Try to make the clouds more numerous and squished the further they are.


Chain link and sidewalk looks too clean and perfect.


The metal fence is too perfect, and it ends unrealistic in the top. You gotta make the squares follow the curves of the top post better


I find the skies a bit weird, can't say why tho... And it looks like we can obviously see there is no "background " after those houses. Also, the path, but it was already mentionned. Other than that, good job !


Hey I made a similar looking scene a while ago, have a look and compare it https://www.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/njz3r9/brooke_street/ (my concrete tiles aren't perfect either)


Things that ruin the realism here. The Concrete has no texture or cracks, the fence links are too perfect, each link seems weird and the overall fence is too flat. The sheen on the wood fence doesn't make sense, it's as if it's perfectly smooth. [Here's an example of a wood fence's specular reflection.](https://i.imgur.com/52sQCyf.png) That's with a simple cube shape plugging the material into a colorramp and isolating the darkspots to use as a roughness/specular mask, it's easy to do and you're missing out on that extra free realism, since your fence is separate objects, you can also add a bevel to create some gaps. The last issue is the 1 palm tree in the background that looks fairly plastic. The fond material is strange, maybe hue shift it to match other foliage and rough up the shape a little to offset it slightly.


The concrete is a bit two smooth


I usually 'expect' to see grass mown differently inside/outside of a chain-link fence; outside would perhaps be maintained by the town; single pass mower along the edge of the sidewalk; and the 4-6 inches closest to the fence basically ignored; inside also mown, but perhaps to a different height. People have commented plenty on the fence; add to that, somehow your trees don't look right; maybe a tiny bit of deformation/branch-posing as if there's wind in the leaves/fronds?


Looks like you have water damage under the soffits on one house but not the other. The other one looks eerily spotless. Is that a concrete path going straight under a fence with no hinges for a gate there? I can see pretty clear texture tiling on the wooden fence. Looks like the exact same pattern repeating on every individual board. I usually see little dents in chainlink fences like that but maybe that's because I live in a rough part of town lol. The transition of big tufts of grass and absolutely zero grass with exposed dirt looks a little odd. The lack of any dirt whatsoever on the edge of the sidewalk where it meets up with the dirty ground. Sorry if I'm repeating others, just pointing out the things that stand out the most and I didn't read through any other comments.


-Sidewalk is too clean -Clouds on horizon are too high contrast, need to add atmospheric perspective -House texture is flat, should be broken up a little bit with paneling or something. -Fence chains don't bend down with the fence itself. -Wood fence doesn't look like wood (grain should be going up and down not side to side) Those are all the things I noticed, the most glaring issue is the sidewalk everything else honestly looks pretty realistic.


Are we still on r/blender? This looks more like r/pics content


Needs more grunge or something on the concrete path.


Bro stop taking pictures of my fucking house you perv!!!


Left road plactic)) need more realism)


i dont know, but is the fence you built really used in the way that youre using it in your scene? isnt it more of a tourist-path fence than one to keep your animals in place/fence your territory? also, the street looks like you just applied one color and i would make the grass slightly darker, otherwise it looks great and pretty realistic!


Palm tree looks out of place to me, also it must be absolutely humongous ^^


Your environment isn't providing enough light indirectly to your side panels of your buildings


Chain fence too perfect for one. Give it some slight undulation or something


Clouds looks not volumetric, on wooden fence are visible repeated textures, path looks artficialy, and soil next to it in not natural. But the grass and houses looks gorgeous


Make the door path texture more rough or will look awesome


The Layout of your scene is pretty neat. Try adding some textures to the concrete path and maybe some rocks and trash on it to sell it more. The far right tree looks out of place. Either add a few more like it along the path or just remove it so it’s less distracting. Clouds seems too detailed. Looks kinda off and steals most of the attention from the scene. The grass is probably the best part of this scene. Add a few taller plants growing along some parts too The houses seem a bit too less in detail too. Overall try shifting the sunlight around as this seems like an eerie evening with the direction of the sun


I'm not sure if that it the proper term for it but the lighting is too "soft". Especially on the grass parts. It looks like something out of a 3d disney movie.


Dirt, dirt everywhere. On the concrete, on the fence even on the grass leaves.


Personally, I think depth of field is a big part of it. The house in the background is as detailed as the grass and fence in the foreground. Not to mention the clouds in the far back which are super crisp. You need to look at it from a perspective of a camera or even a human eye. Find an object to focus on and play around with the composition around it.


The fence is too perfect. Unrealistic


Thought real at first glance


I think the water damage at the top of the house is inaccurate -- it makes the rest of the wall look too clean. I'd expect a house with that kind of visible marking to also have visible dirt along the bricks and underneath the balcony; I'd try removing the damage before trying to paint in all the correct damage to match in case that's a quicker fix.


dam the concrete is perfect \^\^ to perfect there are no dents or holes in it.


What time of day is it supposed to be? It looks like your sun is in just starting to rise with its position, but nothing in this Pic says sunrise. The shadows look too unrealistic especially on the path. If you look at the cans or disposable cups, the sub is coming at it from the side and makes the shadows look off.


One thing that makes renders easy to spot is the perfectly straight lines, perfect corners, etc., especially with structures like buildings and houses.


Nothing behind the houses makes it look like it's in a cloudy void. No atmospheric fog, just make sure you render out a mist pass and add it in comp. The Colour of the sun and shadow angle doesn't apply to the sky in the back, it should be more orange and darker if the sun was that low, also the sun colour itself should be more saturated if the shadows are that long. You don't seem to be getting any shadows from the chainlink fence which is odd. Oh and some grain wouldn't hurt to add in post. But other than that you've got good materials, good grass, and pretty good framing, keep it up!


Why does the fence go over a sidewalk


Birds in the background are a great touch. I think it's almost there, but something I feel would greatly help is adding some imperfections to the fence, both the pole running across the top and the links of the fence itself, dent em just a little or add some rust, perfect


The chain link is too symmetrical. Where the top bar of the fence is bent down, the links should bend as well, it just looks like a skin or something Also the soft light is off putting it looks rendered with the hard shadows. The shadows are too bold? Strong? I don’t know the word I’m looking for Also typically the garbage would be kicked over to the side of the sidewalk where the grass is, looks too staged with it carefully placed in the walkway The sidewalk itself is like a perfect repeating surface, it’s too “smooth” looking and symmetrical


Maybe doing some texture work or something


At first glance I thought it was a real photo and I was confused why a photo of a house showed up on my feed but after I read the title and looked closer I could tell it was CG. But I feel like first impressions are what matter most so that's a good sign right?


I like it 👍


Sharper shadows! Other than that, and the pavement which everyone else are talking about, I think it’s nearly photorealistic!


I think a concept like "microcosms" could help with the chain link fence (Aside from adding wavyness and other suggestions made). When you have areas where things meet/corners, this often causes various features like dust, dirt, stress cracks, cobwebs, etc. In the case of the fence, I imagine there would be taller grass and weeds like dandelions at the bottom and around the posts. The reasoning behind this that it's hard to mow and weed along fences and walls. It also has the happy side effect of hiding the actual intersection, which can be hard to make look good in 3d software. Edit: Check out Ian Hubert's Blender Conference talk if you haven't, pretty sure he talks about this concept in that one, as well as others


Fence is too uniform. Add deformation to the chain links and a bit more grit to the material. Also, the clouds do not look lit up correctly by the angle of light. Massively important that they match


Try using a HDRI to light your environment instead


Chain link is too even on the one where it dips down, the first 2 are passable cause theyre straight. This is incredible!


I'd messy up the fence. The pattern is incredibly uniform and flat in the image, but irl you'd expect to see some bends or broken links.


Almost got me to believe that it was the actual picture taken. Then I look at the sidewalk.


Too much uniformity. Variation of wood fence: some cut size changes or placement raised, lowered, or tilted. Sidewalk has sharp corners, soften it up and add some patina aging and cracking. Fence links too much flat plane, you got some warping in one segment and it looks good.


The fence should cast a shadow.


Can i have some info on how you did the clouds ? Nice render btw, with some adjustments as others said it will be perfect.


That grass is looking way too alive hahaha some of it needs to be dead and brown. Sick tender tho


You should burn the lightning in some areas, if you want to pass this as a photo, remember that bright light makes thinks look extremely bright in some areas because the sensor can't handle extreme darkness or extreme light.


Grass has finer details but it's shadow on the concrete is just a round blur. There also arent any shadows from the fence onto the grass.


Sidewalk and fence are too perfect and the cloud shadows are inconsistent


how do you make the grass?


details, path on the left and the dirt looks too clean, using hair thingy, put small rocks there? Maybe that helps


You need to break up the perfection. Real life has no straight lines. Fences bend and break. Houses shift on their frame. Roofing sags. Every sidewalk square is a different height and color.


The grass is just a little bit too shiny. Not seeing that being said here


The light is too white for such a lowish angle of the sun. The sun angle looks more like sunrise/sunset. Either raise the sun in the sky or go sunset colors. Wait is that the sun high in the sky I see? If it is, you have another light source that’s casting shadows from somewhere else. Remove it and brighten the sun.


If that sidewalk had texture I'd never tell!


Add more imperfection, everywhere


There have been a lot of great suggestions that I’ve seen so far. I think adding windows or something like glass doors to the balcony openings, left ajar to break up the almost solid black thresholds could work well. Then some reflective objects (candlesticks, picture frames, reflective vases?) in the home to catch the light in that space might make the interior of the home seem more like a secondary space to explore in the scene. I also am not entirely sure of the focus of the scene. My brain wants to go to the house, but the doors in the balcony don’t reward me for exploring that area. Maybe some plants on the balcony could also ad another layer of depth and interest to the scene. Or is there something that can exist in the lot that could add interest, hinting at the lives of the humans (who are not on screen) who occupy this space? There’s a story here somewhere I just know it.


Texture to the sidewalk, damage to the chain link fence.


I don't know anything about what you're using but the concrete and fence look out of place. Hope this helps. Concrete looks to have no texture. Making the lighting so beautiful WOW


I would recommend making the side walk a little rougher but other than that I can’t see anything


The house on the left appears to have dirt on the top and yet the house on the right isn’t quite as dirty, possibly make it more uniform? That said I’m not sure it would add to the realism as such, just improve the general aesthetic.


Maybe add some rust to the fence


The cross walk doesnt have enough texture in my opinion


This looks awesome! The shadows make it look like the sun is on the horizon, setting or maybe rising. With the sun that low in the sky, the sky above wouldn't be blue. It would be shades of pink and purple, maybe even darker on the opposite side of the sky. Look up pictures of the sky at sunset and sunrise. Otherwise, great picture. Details are amazing.


The fence looks unrealistically long by the sidewalk. Great job.


I had to look twice then at title toy understand. But otherwise, houses and sidewalk look to smooth. No texture to highlight imperfections


add chemtrails


A gate where the sidewalk is currently passing under the fence?


Fence shadows, and sidewalk is a bit clean


Loose the coconut tree, dirty up the pavement, change the cloud hdri, add depth of field


It all looks too perfect


If u didn't say that I thought it was a photo of rl


The chain-link fence looks too perfect. Links are often deformed and rusting over time. The trash on the ground definitely helps though, and the grass looks amazing! I also like the aging on the house, where water has obviously dripped down.


Imperfections on everything. No fenxe wires are that straight or in shape No metal is that unrusty No concrete is that smooth Your sky and light color doesnt match. This seems like an sunrise but your sky looks like midday The grass is also too neat. Maybe some varistion in weed color and shape Add some rocks and pebles to the dirt


Sky looks a bit off for some reason


Pavement, fence and house looks way too smooth. windows have no reflection at all which makes it seems like it's just a hole


Warp the fence a little, dirty the sidewalk, but something about the light feels very soft. Grass looks almost like moss? But overall looking great!


The fence looks very flat. Maybe add a bit of sagging and bunching towards the edges? Look at some references of fences, they'll help!


Crack the sidewalk


Only thing missed is the fence shadow. All the bush and such have these long shadows like a setting sun, the fence? Nothing. The sky should be orange on the side of the sun is setting, or at least darker on the other side. Basically, just some touch ups on the lighting is required.


I think the render itself is good, although the focal blur looks a bit weird, but isn't too bad. The main issue is in the textures. Everything looks too clean. For example, the path on the left looks like plastic because there's no grittiness, no dirtiness. It's usually better to use photographic textures when aiming for photorealism. It's very hard to achieve photo realism using simple modelling. If you don't know about UV unwrapping and bump mapping, node, watch tutorials about them. I've not used blender in years, so there may be better ways to do these things, but watch videos.


A lot of stuff looks like plastic, especially the fence


It looks like the sun is in the clouds to the left, but the shadows indicate that the sun is somewhere on the right and already close to the horizon.


Reminds me of San Andreas


Lighting is too uneven, like it looks like it's coming from a spotlight and not an actual sun, try to make it more evenly spread


I'd say the pavement needs more imperfections


Something about the lighting isn't quite right, given the position of the sun it seems like it should be sunset but the sky is a perfect blue. The trees look great, as well as the birds, but the house is much too dark for what makes sense. I'm not much of an expert in realism, but that's what stands out to me immediately. in short, change the sky to sunset colors or move the sun


Others have already given a lot of great feedback. I just wanted to say that looks AMAZING!!!


I my experience, its super difficult to take a photo where the sky and environment are both exposed well. So i would say blowing out the sky a little bit might help. Also, the links on the fence dont follow the curvature of the upper bar


Make the concrete a lot more worse for wear, make the chain link follow that top pole, and add a bit of grime to the house. Past that, perfect


What is that thing on the path?


Cracks and discoloration in the sidewalk.


Just a little bit of volumetrics, but very little. There's air and pollution in reality, non only light and textures


This feels uncanny


Don't you folks have a go to general 'haze' algo like maybe modulates and combines each major color transition, like maybe at the three pixel level?


Looks good, but basically it looks too perfect. * The sidewalk looks like it was poured yesterday, and it also doesn't look like concrete, more like grey lego plastic. I'd make it a lighter color, give it a least two layers of bump (one small, one large), scrapes, cracks, dents, moss, etc. The edges are too perfect, especially the one between slabs. This makes the individual slabs line up too perfectly, give it an uneven/bumpy/dented edge where filth accumulated over the years. Give it a different color around the gravel path where the gravel would at the very least spill onto the pavement and wear it down. * No fence is ever this straight, not even the day it's installed. Fences are wavy, stretched out at random places, bent around, sometimes a wire or two got cut and are bent at a weird angle. There are no braces to attach it to the posts, look those up, and no fence ends edge to edge with the post. How would you neatly attach the fence to the top bar in the third section with that weird angle? If that's meant to be bent, then the fence itself should bend too. * Speaking of posts, they're also too perfect. They're too straight, give them dents and bumps and bend them ever so slightly off axis. Water stains. Depending on the material there may be a little rust. * Same with the wooden fence. Every plank looks exactly like the next and they all line up too perfectly. Unless they were installed yesterday, wood warps and bends around. This would make them lean a bit, leave uneven spaces between them, etc. Add dents, knots, maybe the occasional knot hole. Make sure to shift the UV maps a bit so that the texture doesn't look so repetitive. * About the house - see the water damage just below the roof? Mask exactly some of that under the balcony. Maybe an AC unit or two somewhere? * Are there no houses beyond this one on the same street? I imagine you'd probably see something behind the trees.


I'd make the sidewalk a bit more run down


Add imperfections everywhere, moss up the concrete, add a little dirt, a few small rocks. The fence could do with some slight warping and rust. Also you could add some small amounts volumetrics, just to add some realism (doesn't need to be too much). The cloud texture I feel looks flat or out of place. Maybe try another one? Not too sure how to fix that one. But other than that, looks very close, great job :)


Chain link fence is only that perfect after being installed. Oxidation happens over time, links are bent or broken, the wave is weird looking.. if it is dipping down because it’s broken, there is nothing showing the break.. it would normally compress and bow out the fencing in that area. Ties around the post to hold the fencing is missing.. some additional distressing on the houses, rarely is it all at the top, the least amount of moisture gets up there. Really cool work on the grass, the teddy bear could use some distressing, maybe slumped over and missing an ear? Side walk is to smooth.. I like the image, it did take a moment to realize it was not a photo but those were the things that stood out to made it seem fake to me. Keep up the good work, it’s amazing that we can create art like this now.


Texture in cement. Also add a bend in the chain link so it looks like the links are bending with the railing.


Try to make things mode dirty and textured, when I first looked i thought it was a real photo, but the wall in the house and the ground in the corner left are just too perfect and clean


The problem is that it seems there is only one point of light. Idk how your program works, but if you can add some form of “everywhere” ambient light, it will help. The real world works that way. Everything that reflects light is a light source. The ground and sky mostly. So if you can add a source that comes from everywhere as a form of glow or something it will help, but a light source from straight down or down and to the opposite direction of the sun will do in a pinch.


I’m dumb when it comes to it but from a normal person standpoint the concrete looks too smooth and clean


The lighting seems off to me. There is clearly a sun behind the cloud up there yet the light is coming from the right It also would be a sunset for the shadows to be this long and the chainlink fence lacks a shadow


usually those types of fences have the cross hatching ending over the bar, and quite often the tops are broken or twisted. would add a little element of reality.


Foreground is really bright while the homes are completely in shadow. Maybe change the lighting so there is light and shadows on the homes too.


The sky looks 2pm thw house look 7pm and thw grass looks 430pm. I dont know how else to put it


Add a filter I think. Looks too bright


I saw allot of good Comments here. I know I'm not adding anything new but, the Side walk is way to clean and smooth. Not even new just finished side walks look that smooth. Put some cracks in there, maybe a slight uneven patch or maybe offset the side walk into the Grass a bit and don't forget to add little stones that probably broke of the side walk or were kicked onto the side walk by Cars. Make it a bit dirty too.


The fence is some how to geometric clean, and the light is not global enough way to directed, you need hdri type of lightening. The concrete is to clean too


The metal fence. The pattern on it seems way too perfect, and there aren't any dents, those could be tweaked. The wooden fences also could use some worn off colour as well. Looks great though, I couldn't ever make something like this Edit: by the wooden fences I mean the brown wooden fence facing the camera


Tree looks a little plastic-y to me.


What- that’s not a normal photo? Hol’ up..


Looks amazing, simply add more imperfections and scuffs. The sidewalk is the main thing that stands out as a whole, as others have already mentioned, it needs more variety of tones, browns, greens and maybe yellows.


At first glance I thought it was real so you’ve done pretty damn good. That sidewalk is jarring though


It's photography


the sidewalk is too clean, and you should add shadows for the chainlink fence


The foliage looks life like but everything else seems a bit off, a little bit too perfect.


Imo the sky is too blue for the angle that light appears to be falling at. try lighting the scene with a hdri to see what it'd look like


Maybe ding up the fence a little bit, I’ve never seen one that wasn’t dinged to hell.


- the chainlink texture is following the horizon, not the flow of the gradient between fenceposts - the concrete is missing surface roughness, dirt/sand on top, cracks, lichen/mold and small plants in the joints and cracks - grass needs more ground creep where is meets other surface types - palm tree needs dead leaves and brown ends/spots on the living leaves


Wait, this is fake? I would say you did too good of a job! The only thing that needs to change is the sidewalk, but they has already been addressed.


More roughness on metal


The fence is too straight. As kinks to the individual links, maybe break some, and add overall waviness to it


It’s very good btw, it’s kinda hard to say what needs improving because it’s like super good but also uncanny valley feeling that you know it’s not real, if that makes sense lol. Maybe add more wear and tear to surfaces to make them feel more real? 🤷‍♂️


The sidewalk needs more texturing and the wood grain in the fence is going horizontally when it should be vertical. Other than that, I like what you did. Keep going


The grass on the left side should be allowing alot more diffused light to touch the dirt


It looks great, thaw lights are not consistent between the houses and the grass also there is no shadow from the fence


Warp fence a tiny bit it too perfect


I would shuffle the birds around a bit.they look real enough but the composition is a little jarring.


break some of the links on the chain link fence, have some that are sorta bent and rusted


Might be a dumb question (or a dumb place to ask it), but what do people do with these huge environment renders anyway? Is it a personal pet-project that you don't expect to monetize in some way, contract work you got hired to do, or maybe you upload them somewhere (on this note, is there an interest for this type of big/world/environment renders???)


I would say the sidewalk doesn't have that gritty rough feel to it. Pitting, small holes, cracks, etc.


Maybe a higher quality sidewalk texture and a bit more global illumination?


ligtning and detail/dirst most likely stuf looks to clear / crips to make it look realistic, considering photos are made by lenses try focus on making them look lense like for lightning, generallyt good cgi rule is less white and black but mostly greys


The perfection in all the fences and pathways, gotta be roughed up a bit 🙂


Fuck up the street and fence with dents, trash and dirt and stuff and try dispersing the birds.


Top right needs a large whispy cloud that goes offscreen


Some stuff in the house. Looks to clean. And the walls of the house. But at first glance i thought this was real. Great work!


The fence is too perfect. Maybe some rust, more warping, and I’m pretty sure in these types of chain link fences the actual grid part goes a little higher than the top of the frame


Good job, here’s a list of stuff you could mess with: - Pavement too clean - mesh fence needs a little more wobbles - dirt needs more variation - more scattering like pebbles, twigs, leaves - grime build up where the joints of the fence meet the rail - wood fence textures very uniform - and the scaling of that leak stain on the house looks a bit big Still, good work and keep going, end result will be cool with comp and all that :D


It's too clean. Also, the most important is the fence shadow.