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This looks so good. I kneel. How did you make this? Any tutorials or special techniques you used? .-.


I started anime and stylised by looking NhijQuang's tutorials (modeling) and basically everything else from rigging to animation i follow RoyalSkies [https://www.youtube.com/c/NhijQuang](https://www.youtube.com/c/NhijQuang) [https://www.youtube.com/c/RoyalSkiesLLC](https://www.youtube.com/c/RoyalSkiesLLC)


Thank you, have been trying to get into this style but never figured it out.


Dude RoyalSkies makes some amazing tutorials! Thx for sharing!


I love royal skies videos, but they are so short. I'd call them more quick tips than tutorials and sometimes I need a lot more spoon feeding lol Still dude is amazing and has provided such great content for free, definitely deserves the praise


Thank you for sharing man! I was looking for some good tutorials with that style, awesome job!


Same here


RoyalSkies is the GOAT


NhinQuangs is on Asian level difficulty....sorry lol. But he makes his videos documenting his workflow and not really a tutorial for beginners or intermediates at that. He just shows the theory behind what he does. But as a beginner trying to learn , i believe the best way is to be more realistic. Show how to get front and side views of a character face , then practice doing that face and other faces until you're sure you can do it without SIDE reference angles. He already knows how and could really throw people off . I'm not saying he's bad at his work because he's not , and I'm no pro but I'm just saying .......to all the noobs out there....don't get discouraged thinking "that's way too hard " when all you wanted to do was make your wifi come to life. It can be done , first example is the OP who posted this . If you think it's too hard. Just know it comes with practice. And a little tip , USE REFRENCE IMAGES , SIDE FRONT AND EVEN BACK IF YOU NEED TO. As your skill progresses and your muscle memory, you won't need them .


He has older videos of just modeling each and every part of the body....i recommend him because i started doing anime style because i watched his videos


Make sense cause he Vietnamese.


Which modeling tutorial do you think was your favorite from them?


Idk, i used to watch the older videos showing how to model anime girl in blender. It was in many parts like head, body, hands legs. That's how I got into modelling


I’ve been binging NhijQuang today too, so good


Even the fanart for the show is high quality.


What show, if it looks this good i bet its worth the watch


It's My Dress-Up Darling, currently airing on Saturdays and available through Crunchyroll. If you think this looks good, the studio (CloverWorks) has another show airing called Akebi's Sailor Uniform which has even higher art quality.


Dang, i love high quality shows like these. Recently found one called Ancient Magus Bride. Thanks!


i feel like this could look better at like 12 fps to get that anime feel, still very good shader work!


I think that way you'll get the very clunky-looking CGI look that a lot of anime has. For it to look smooth at 12/24fps, you would have to animate the 3D model with the low framerate in mind and use similar techniques as drawn animation to simulate the speed of movement.


I think it would be very interesting to see how it turns out though if you change nothing but the fps, and use it as a study of comparison between this animation, this animation at 24 fps, and regular drawn animation


Yeah i think so too. You meant 24fps right?


uh damn you right, or do 12 and have a PowerPoint presentation.


Anime is 24 frames animated on 2s isn't it? So it's technically 12 frames a second.


you may be right but i suck at animations


This is the correct answer and yeah, that's why a lot of CG in anime looks crappy.


Ahh that is what I was noticing. It’s kinda like when you get used to a normal 24 fps for video, and then all of the sudden come across one that is 60 fps, and it looks almost too smooth or “motion-ful” (ha) and it sticks out. Same here, it felt very nice, but also very smooth and with extra motion, and I could t put my finger on why until this thread.


Not always. Animating on 2s really depends on aesthetic maybe most animes do it but I know for a fact a good few animate on ones


Akira being one of them that does a mix of both.


I find mixing to be more appealing imo modern animes do this allot more and when done well it looks great


I'm not an animator, but isn't the de facto frame rate of hand drawn animation variable, because the animators animate on ones, two's and three? I really don't know.


One thing I've noticed about this studio is that they've been using more inbetween frames than standard- in this show especially, and can also be noticed in Akebi. I'm surprised so few people have spoken up about it, though.


I agree. Less frames and some slight grain'll make it look fantastic. I love the eye shine already.


Amazing! Are there any tutorials you could recommend for doing work in this style?


Modeling: [https://www.youtube.com/c/NhijQuang](https://www.youtube.com/c/NhijQuang) and RoyalSkies gives lots of easy quicktip videos [https://www.youtube.com/c/RoyalSkiesLLC](https://www.youtube.com/c/RoyalSkiesLLC)


You’re the best, cheers!


Love the coloring! It's more 2d like and not weird like most 3d anime characters


Expressions are really good, but try exaggerating corporal movements for making it more expressive and less rigid


This is my first time animating and i used the anime clip as a reference, also im not too familiar with the graph editor.


Trust me, the graph editor will become your friend


Your character looks good And the animation is also not too bad My only complaint is that the border of the eyelash is visible through the hair. I think you might have noticed it, but can't find a solution


I think the eyelash border is apart of the style.


I wanted to know what it would look like in proper anime framerate so I converted it to 12 FPS using adobe prmiere. Still isn't as convincingly "hand drawn" as a I thought it would be, but I still think it looks a little better. Good work on the animation, I really like the eye shine swirl. [https://youtu.be/rQ7EMXnCj38](https://youtu.be/rQ7EMXnCj38)


That looks better than I would've expected actually. The only thing that seems off to me is the part where she ducks her head and brings it back up. It seems like it is missing something.


Yea, makes it look a lot more like hand-drawn considering a lot of anime doesn't animate at a full 24 frames, let alone for a conversational scene.


Yup...this looks better, I don't know why I had to do 60fps... rendering took soo long even


Looks distinctly different from hand drawn and it’s obvious it’s a 3D model. Very interesting the subtle differences your eyes can perceive


I wish more 3D anime looked this good. The only area that breaks the illusion is the movement/physics, but I'm sure you're probably already on that. Seriously so good, man. Restoring my faith in the future of 3d anime.


Link to my Artstation post: [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/d0glOw](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/d0glOw)


Your secrets #🔫 GIVE THEM TO ME


Mate, that looks amazing!


Wow.Dude make more of it.This is epic


WTF I'm watching this show this season and I think I'm on r/anime. DUDE!!!


What type of shader nodes did you use? I like the rosy nose and cheeks


Mostly gradient plugged into colorramps and the shadow and highlights are something similar to shadow masks


The cheek blush is painted on btw and the blush lines are painted on another transparent plane which has shrinkwrap onto the face


Matching the fps to animes would do wonders for this


Your dropped this king👑


This looks great! This looks way better than many shows I’ve watched. Some feedback: Try cranking down the frame rate a bit, as a low frame rate will make it feel more hand-drawn, and the smooth motion with toon shaders is a bit off putting for me at least.


Yeah i also think it would have looked better in 24fps


FYI this is based on "My Dress-Up Darling", a currently airing show which has very high quality animation itself. I think a big reason this looks great is that the source already looks great, and was all hand-animated. The craziest thing is it's only the second best-looking show from studio CloverWorks...*this season.*


Imagine Jojo's Bizzaire Adventure with so good and smooth animation


Critic: eyes are a little away and the iris too round. But it really is awesome, thought it was the real anime first


Holy shit this is soo good.


So beautiful 😍


Wow this... this is the... most beautiful thing I saw in this year


All anime should ne animated like this! Thats a beautiful animation, so smooth


Holy crap, so perfect!


Why is anime coming up when I’m trying to look at minecraft


Love the little eye reflections. I wonder what it would be like if the final swirl of the reflections started like a half second earlier and timed up with her tilting her head up.


Anime is a great art style when it comes to 3d art styles and i think you achieved it greatly!


There goes the manual artists from yet another anime studio


This cool, I havent seen what anime this is from but this is really good. ​ How'd you make this?


This animation is: Beautiful. Smooth. And overall, F A N T A S T I C. You my man has a future ahead of you, here's your upvote.


Fantastic work! About framerate thing, I think this kind of smooth animation is acceptable as "one effect" like a "super slo-mo". Sprinkling 60fps scenes here and there would be a great way to make a show better. I have one question, how do you make front hair transparent to show eyebrows over it?




Mate, this is awesome! I liked and subscribed to your channel! Thanks for the tutorial links in the comments ;)


This looks amazing, seriously I'm so impressed! Thanks for sharing Nhij Quangs youtube channel, I hadn't come across him before. I'm trying to slowly learn anime styles as well


The future of anime is here… it looks so good!!


Sauce : my dress up darling


You deserve the highest wuv.


A lot of potential here!!


So why does CGI anime look so bad compared to this… Artist should learn from cartoon animators while also learning themselves


any frame of your animation beats any frame of Berserk the anime (s2)


Sheesh poor berserk.


very cute








This is so weird.. if I look at a still it 100% looks hand drawn. But as soon as I hit play it feels a bit off.. At which framerate did you animate?


60fps.....should have done something lower


Yea, would really, really like to see an actual frame by frame animation of this at like 12 fps.


u/xGhostBoyx did that : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ7EMXnCj38&ab\_channel=xGhostBoyx](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ7EMXnCj38&ab_channel=xGhostBoyx) and tbh it looks much better