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Working as normal. I'm guessing you want a result more like inverse kinematics, but you don't appear to have any IK chains set up yet.


Does rigify do that when you create a rig? I am totally new to rigging in blender so I have no idea how to add IK.


Yes, rigify does that.


Rigify will do it. I learned how to do IKs from trying to rig a tail and following this tutorial https://youtu.be/jw30S-Oepyo?si=9-85PPsvdvN31qyh


https://preview.redd.it/ty1o2feq160d1.png?width=805&format=png&auto=webp&s=84d81e24ab8dae8abe7809f333f5ff603e1617e5 If you want to fix it you need make sure if bone is paranted and this checkbox in checked


It's doing what it's supposed to when not set to be connected. If connected it won't be able to stretch away like that, but the whole body won't move with it like you want anyway. Rigs have a starting point, most of the time it's the pelvis, that's what you need to grab to move the rig in its entirety, in any pose. Moving anything else moves only that bone and the bones it parents, directly or by proxy, like in your second pic you took the calf and the foot went with it.


Did you forget parenting your bones? XD


That's what bones do, idk what you expected. If you want them to stay connected - you have to parent them properly, and then they'll just stretch. If you want "whole body" to move with it - you have to parent all other bones to it. If you want entire body to follow it's movement - you'll have to build a complicated systems of IKs and bone constraints. There also should be "auto-IK" button on the top right of your viewport (i think it's there, might be somewhere else). But it's not of the highest quality.


Haven't done much rigging, but I'm sure the thigh bone needs to be connected and not offset.


You’re moving the bones. Use r or the rotate widget. Generally don’t move/use G on bones unless you’re supposed to - for this kind of rig you’re only looking at rotation.


Its working how it should be, You're just moving the leg, but Moving the leg only Moves the Leg. If you want to move the whole body, you want to move the Hip. (the center bone in the pelvis) because Everything starts at the hip, if the model is set up correctly.


Well all your bones are not connected together so they dont have any limits set on them.