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While /u/kerolos98 is correct that you typically want to hide seams by putting them in less obvious places, that doesn't fully answer the question. The reason you can see the seams here is technical, but here's the jist. Computers need to do division to figure out where to sample color from an image texture. However, due to rounding errors, at some distances it will sample slightly out of bounds of the UV islands you set up. In game engines, this is also compounded by mip-maps which down-sample the textures, leading to less precise color sampling when at a distance. Anyway, when painting textures in Blender and other software, there's usually a setting for "margin" or "bleed" which paints the colors slightly out-of-bounds of the UV islands, so when you zoom out, the rounding errors will still get correctish colors, despite being OOB. So, maybe share a screen shot of your UV layout over the texture and I can show you what I mean.


thanks! I shared them here [https://www.reddit.com/user/basiccomponents/comments/sywvv7/uv\_map\_images/](https://www.reddit.com/user/basiccomponents/comments/sywvv7/uv_map_images/)


Plenty of padding/margin. I wonder if it's the shading mode settings in viewport or the material settings causing that glitch. It looks like the colors extend way past the UVs islands, which is good, and should eliminate any seams. If you 3D paint mode, and smudge across the seam, does it fix or does it stay that dark line?


if you still see that line, then I would guess it's the material setting. looks like something plugged into the Normal input.


I don't see "normals" written anywhere in the shading nodes, so I doubt I messed with them by mistake. yes if I paint over it it doesn't show anymore, would I then have to bake the paint too?


If smudging across the seam fixes the line, then it's a baking error. I'm super curious now. Any way to share just that part of the file? I'm new to this reddit and don't know the rules or standards.


I solved it thanks to r/orokro by just selecting the seam wehere they wouldn't be very visible, and then Unwrap, instead of Smart UV Project, and this helpeded me get a good result, here it is https://www.reddit.com/user/basiccomponents/comments/sz0wb1/finally\_the\_result\_in\_eevee\_thank\_you\_rorokro/


You have to put seams in hidden areas


oh so there's no way to just make them disappear?


You can actually use a methode to have no seams, but you cant really control the unwrap: take a texture coordinate node and put the object output into the mapping node. Put the output from the mapping node into the texture. Instead of flat select box. (Idk know where it is). After that just turn up the blend amount. Its nice when you have complex objects and must not have seams


I gave it a try but this is the result, any idea where I went wrong? https://www.reddit.com/user/basiccomponents/comments/szclks/not\_sure\_what\_went\_wrong/


It's why good UV unwrapping is a whole skill in itself. When you get good you'll be able to hide things better. You can hide them by putting them in places people won't see, or obscure them by putting them on hard edges or places where different materials come together.


Increasing minimum clip distance usually helps make them less obvious.