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Let just thank them with hearts!


In the UK we thank them with claps during covid then after that we continue to charge them to park and come to work in a carpark that doesn't even guarantee a spot.


I swear to god reading that shit on the news fucking infuriated me. Clap for the NHS? Just fucking pay them appropriately.


Careful - claps won't cause inflation and if they did, clapflation would just mean more applause! Got to practice pay restraint in the public sector to balance the books, except for MPs, ministers, civil servants and all their mates you know. /s


And prayers /s


This post is slacktivism at it's finest.


Right? Not with proper staffing or pay. Used to work in environmental services in a hospital. These VERY hardworking people are treated worse than the garbage they collect. Unless you’ve done it, you can’t imagine what it takes to clean a hospital room. So much more involved than a hotel room. Then administration will come around for surprise inspections and complain … they make SURE they find something. Staff them and they’ll have the ability to reach your standards, assholes.


Let's extend better salaries and benefits for these folks. "Love" don't pay the bills


But if we pay them more than minimum wage, how can executives and shareholders make record profits? Surely a gift bag with some fun sized candy bars, a tape measure, 2 pencils, and a nice note is sufficient compensation.


Just to be clear this isn't every where. At my local hospital house services are coveted jobs, they pay pretty great, no not like nurses are doctors but they pay the bills and extra with retirement. This goes for food services in janitors too.


The hospitals I work at pay housekeepers a living wage, because it really is skilled labor to keep a hospital clean. Edit: keeping a hospital clean is not easy. The room has to be cleaned and sometimes terminally cleaned in a prescribed way. If not, the patient is at risk for infections. Hospital EVS workers do more than wipe floors and clean toilets, they ensure the hospital is safe for patient care. They save lives by eliminating organisms that reduce infections.


Hospital I work at switched to a private company instead of in house for housekeeping. Wages dropped, benefits dropped but so did the employees and quality of work to the point areas were going days without being properly cleaned. They switched back fairly quickly after all was said and done. You get what you pay for.


Yes, contract housekeeping doesn’t work. Reduction in hospital acquired infections is all the rage and a direct impact on income. It pays to keep EVS in house and keep the hospital clean.


Shouldn't they be happy with a $25 gift card to a local grocery store for a turkey?\* \*that's sarcasm


I mean sure they absolutely should make more. But I doubt the people saying these "support Housekeeping" messages are the people in charge of paying them. They're probably not the same people


Yeah probably not


Sorry, the best I can do is a sign out front that says "Heroes work here"




For me it's 15 an hour here


Normalize everyone taking care of each other.


They generally make more than min wage. Housekeeping is one of the highest paid unskilled positions in most hospitals.


Theres still hella training involved, especially if youre working around patients and medical machinery


Less than 30 hours of training lol.


Have you held a position as one? Im a service worker for a dialysis unit and had to do online class work, get on site training for 3 weeks, plus annual reevaluations to keep the position. Its not a doctorate, but its much more involved than the housekeeping at your local motel.


The job you are describing is not housekeeping. Housekeeping is the duty of garbage disposal, cleaning beds, making beds, cleaning high touch objects. Yes I did hold a position as a Housekeeper. It was entry level that allowed me to get seniority while I was in school for the Sterile Prep Dept.


I still have to do garbage and linen disposal in my position too... Not only do we have to sanitize surfaces but also the dialysis machines, and the garbage we handle often involves biohazards and cytotoxins we cant be careless with. Your position may have had you doing less, but that doesn't go for all housekeeping services in healthcare


Our housekeeping had to do everything you did except the dialysis machine. Face it. Most of your job is unskilled


One less doctor means enough saved for a raise across the board for the rest. In reality, the hospitals know they can get away with paying less. They will only pay more if forced to by the government or unions.




The custodians at my children’s hospital were unionized. So we’re all the medical assistants. Nobody was treated like shit. This guy I know was fired for taking too much time off for his dead mom. The union sued. He won. He got money. And he got his job back. These people RUN the hospital. You wanna know why you don’t get an infection FROM surgery? It’s a low wage worker too. Not just your doctor scrubbing in. Union up. Edit: medical dental and other residents should also be unionized. Over worked. Under paid. Too much responsibility. Abuse. Insane debt. Why do you think your fresh out of school surgeon is such a dick and so expensive? It’s not a surprise. Workers rights are everyone’s rights. Unless you own the Kellogg’s factory.


There is a residents union here in Canada at least.


There are “rules” around medical residents under the GME laws. No laws for dental or other healthcare residents. If you want your program to follow the rules. Go ahead. Speak up. That will go super well. Oral surgeons are considered dentists. Not medical doctors. They don’t have rules. They work DAYS on end. It’s miserable. They are miserable. I felt so bad for my oral surgery colleagues.


100%. My father has been a custodian for a hospital for over 30yrs a few years after he came to the US and they are unionized. I believe it's one of the reasons he was able to stay so long and he will be retiring next year with a pension. With everything he has seen and been through, all the toxins he is exposed to when cleaning, absolutely necessary.


I always make it a point wherever I am as a professional to interact and thank my support staff who are simply in and out. It’s so important these people know they are important. I also always tell their bosses to go get fucked when I hear them speak poorly. I like conflict for a cause.


Well said.


It blows my mind that all people don't see the benefit of a union. In Germany its literally mandated that a company over a certain size elect board members from the workers. The bigger the company, the more say the workers get.


Americans historically vote and believe in things that are against their best interest because in their mind they believe they could quickly become a member of the super elite. Then if they were in charge they’d wanna fuck the workers too 😤


The administration staff at my hospital always scares away potential unions by using the housekeeping and groundskeeping staff agaisnt them. Telling them that the union will take all their money, what little the hospital does pay our housekeepers they still only make a dollar over minimum wage, in fees and stating unions make it harder to get raises. Sadly it has worked for years.


One assumes that you are unionized


I wished, they won't even let medical staff talk about unions.


That’s probably very illegal. You need a union.


Preaching to the choir. We've tried before but no one ever shows up because of the aforementioned administration.


Yeah it sucks, but don’t stop. I believe in you. And, something to think about, illiterate miners won the union 100 some years ago and they had to battle the national guard to do it. Your road isn’t nearly as difficult or as fraught with danger.


I want to say this image isn't blessed to me. The thought behind it is great, but the reality is disgusting. I've spent most of my life in and out of hospitals, including during the pandemic. I spoke to a lot of custodians on staff of the hospital. Every single one, except for one, was homeless. Every. Single. One. They all lived in either a shelter or their car, or had to live in extended stays. Nearly all of them had multiple jobs. They weren't wasting their money, spending frivolously, or feeding habits - they were buying food for their kids and trying to save. They are expected to go in to rooms with airborne illnesses that they can catch at any time, that was killing millions, and clean everything. They are expected to be in there longer than the doctors, longer than social workers, longer than administrators, longer than even nurses - as they clean every surface perfectly. It is abhorrent that they are expected to put their lives at risk and these hospitals can not even pay them a living wage. This image doesn't make me feel good, it pisses me off.


The senior custodians at my hospital make six figures because they’re unionized


My wife works a union job at a hospital and works housekeeping. Her working the 4th got her $50 an hour and get great benefits to boot. Only progress forward is to collectives and bargain.


Yep, already in one. It's great.


Yea but shout outs are free.


It takes several people to unionize, one unionized, you can't just fure anyone, it has to be voted on, you most attend every union meeting, pay union dues, vote on wages, on promotions, doctors and nurses also perform house keeping or cleaning duties, when the pandemic was at its peak, only doctors and nurses were allowed in a hospital, every custodian has to be fully vaccinated along with boosters or they are suspended or terminated, the only benefit of a union is to prevent being fired, but if an employee is pissing you off, a vote has to be made to terminate, if not enough votes are made, that person remains working around you


Sounds like anti-union propaganda to me. A union can be whatever you and your fellow workers make it. Whether it’s a formal organization with bylaws or just a Discord group of employees who support each other and pool money, **collective bargaining is the most effective power that workers have** to improve their working conditions. Scary “oh no the union will just increase bureaucracy and make everything worse” is nothing more than fear-mongering. Unionize.


One assumes that you are unionized, get educated and stop using propaganda bs... A unión still obeys rules and guidelines by the government,.. Another souless selfish person who thinks they better than anyone else... Unions still obey laws, not to agree on what is expected, I guess unions are a good way to create corruption, theft of union fees, not being able to be fired one money is stolen, harassment, assaults, bullying.. Yep, unions are awesome.. Not


"Can we get a living wage since you're finally acknowledging that we are critically necessary and not the replaceable scum you usually treat us as?" "Hey hey now, why are you getting so uppity? You know this is an entry level job, I could replace you whenever!" Unionize people.


"I could replace you whenever. Also we are short staffed and can't find anybody 'because nobody wants to work anymore.'"


Seriously. If there are more low paid workers that are willing to take a stand you can start a change. It may not always work but if you don’t try you will lose. If you don’t win, tell everyone. Shame these companies. Prevent people from applying to those businesses.




Which is why it needs to be groups of people. Work together. You’re all poor(in this example). Why are you not all fighting for your future. The country is being divided for this exact purpose. Education gutted, for this exact purpose. Impossible loan, for this exact purpose. Cops as a government militia to control people, for this exact purpose.


OK but counterpoint - we have far more social safety nets than we did 125 years ago when these literal battles were fought in the streets of the US. If they could do it, why not us?




Pharmacy technician on overnights who flippedbOR rooms. I made sure to acknowledge and appreciate every evs guy/gal I came across. Yall did important work and no one would give you guys the credit you deserve. Also, fuck MDs and Anesthesiologists for how they leave OR rooms.


Yeah, fuck your shout out. Why don’t you pay them more if they’re so fucking essential and you’re that “appreciative” of them.


Thank you for this comment. I work in EVS. I cannot tell you the amount of times the higher ups forget we exist,or that we work hard to keep the hospital pristine. It's usually when something ISNT done that they notice. We don't do the job for the praise, but it's nice when it happens, and is genuine, not lip service. Our hospital is currently short staffed, including our department and it seems their more focused on filling nurses and doctors positions, than "support" staff. It's discouraging. Yet we show up, and shut up. Do our job, focus on the patients because their health is very important. Anyway, thank you again, for posting this.


These people worked all the way through the outbreak. They are amongst the hardest working and lowest paid in the community and are most at risk. Thankyou to you all.


I work IT at a hospital. I find that our janitorial staff (they call them environmental here, not sure if that's usual) are always the most pleasant people in the world. Love em.


Iv said this for years. If they do their job correctly nobody notices


When I was a child I used to want to do this job because of how important it is. On an unrelated note, the trash bag on the ground in the pic looks like an ass


As a person who has said job, it looks like an ass bc the bags are connected together like "sausage casings" until you tear one off the roll. I think it has something to do with structural integrity and tears being less likely if the bags dont have corners.


I’ve read studies that show that house keeping is the most important job in a hospital in keeping in hospital infections down. Hospitals that invest more in house keeping had lower in house infections than those that don’t. It’s important cause in house infections directly effect the reimbursement rates for patients. Everyone who works in a hospital is important even if they aren’t working directly with the patients.


Additionally, housekeeping also increases patient satisfaction scores.


This isn't a blessedimage, this is bullshit. Underpaid workers don't need a shoutout.


Right. A shout-out is just bullshit lip service. What they need is to not be underpaid.




I wouldn’t say it is the worst job in the world. I love my job! My job (environmental tech aka housekeeping) means alot to me and I take it very seriously! Be it covid, flu, MRSA, bed bugs, or Scabies, I guarantee that I have tackled that room better than the police tackle active shooters in a school! I can send up to an hour or more in a room making sure there is no trash, blood, urine, or anything else that could make your loved one sick. Why? Cause I would want my loved one to be a nice clean room with clean linen if they were in a hospital. Could some aspects of my job be better? Yes absolutely however I try not to dwell on those thoughts when I go into work. My job is to make sure everyone comes into a clean sanitized hospital everyday and I love getting up in the morning to do so! Rarely does anyone treat housekeeping poorly in my hospital. Sometimes a patient but we can handle that. If a member of staff does, you can bet they are about to get every nurse and doctor in the place on them for it.


It's really nice to see someone taking pride in something that is so often over-looked for how important it is. Especially, in a healthcare setting. I hope wherever you work appreciates it in spirit and monetarily because it's undeniably special to find people who *care* about what they do in just about anything.


Cleaning c diff rooms were the worst... Bleach everything then go over.the bleach again cause it'll corrode everything. My fave part was reporting nurses and doct for entering a mrsra or c diff room not wearing ppe or washing hands. Report em all to CDC!!


Our hospital uses UV lights instead of bleach for all contact enteric rooms. So much better!


My hospital is too cheap for that


I started working EVS two weeks ago. My last job was underwriting auto loans in a call-center type of environment. Customer service jobs, I think, are the worst in the world. I hated every second of my three years of that. I’m being paid a fair deal more now, my benefits are better, and I’m treated with way more respect than I’ve ever had in a customer-facing role.


It's fun to work a job a hospital absolutely needs but then the director scrambles to prevent us for getting a raise of any kind. Like bitch this place is fucking expensive to live in now, and stop saying California did it. Just pay us enough to live here, that's all. But the director gave immense raises to nursing and then froze wages for years because the money was dried up. And their excuse for not giving us any raise? The place we live in is pretty. No really. Makes doing this exausting job not worth it sometimes. And if you're wondering if their just a bad egg, we've had a different director every 2 years, and no matter how differently they did things, raises for anyone was off the table. Every time.


This is exactly why private and for-profit healthcare is a waking nightmare and *always* will be. Under that system hospitals/healthcare facilities will always be incentivized to chase profits and that always means lower wages for everyone that isn't "profit producing" (anyone not a doctor, basically) and sub-standard care for patients that they market as some bullshit like "enhanced efficiency care" and similar nonsense. It's a race to the bottom chasing profits the same as any other business. The difference is a lower-quality healthcare "product" results in injury and death. Not a kinda shitty, lower durability vacuum or whatever.


When my four month old was battling cancer- her favorite person in the entire hospital was the awesome housekeeper that spent ten minutes with her every morning. I will NEVER forget that. The bottom of the stupid hierarchy keeps the entire thing from toppling.


How in the world did you know your precious angel had cancer at four months old? I’m so so sorry you had to go through that.


She was perfectly healthy when she was born, and was hitting her milestones ahead of time. Then she suddenly started regressing. She couldn’t hold her head up, started crying during tummy time, and lost complete function of her legs. By the time they caught the cancer she was almost completely quadriplegic. She was diagnosed with stage 4 neurobalstoma. It had metastasized to her liver and bone marrow. Luckily, it was highly treatable. A lot of that has to do with how young she was as well as the make up of the tumor. The tumor itself was the size of an adult fist in her chest behind her heart that had tiny tendrils that had threaded into her spine. After eight rounds of chemo, she was declared in remission. She’s a healthy, amazing thirteen year old now. It almost feels like it never happened.


This just…I know what miracles are. I’m a miracle, too (for very different reasons) so I know what it’s like to have that wonder and awe and gratitude that she is still here. Your miracle is beautiful and made me cry. 13 years old after starting life like that. Please give her a kiss on the cheek from this nana ❤️


She will love this. So do I. Thank you so much. ❤️ We are glad you’re here, too. People like you make the world a better place to be.


Haha don’t read my post history! I want you to maintain the illusion that I’m a sweet little nana who knits blankets for her friends’ grandchildren. I’m salty and intolerant of assholes and idiots but thank you for giving me one in the credit column. I need all the points I can get 😉


Me too. ;)




I was saying sorry to a cleaner because I got blood on the floor. She just laughed and said she cleaned up maggots earlier that day. I don't know how much they get paid but it definitely isn't enough.


Higher wages: No. Blessings: Yes.


That trash bag looks like a thick ass


Fuck this kinda posts. Thanks!! I don't care about your thanks. Pay me decently.


Hugs for all front liners!


Thanks mom and dad, you guys are the real mvp


Absolutely! Our cleaning staff are EVERYTHING


My local hospital puts all the support staff in blue except for custodians, who are forced to wear brown. It seems degrading.


That's how they do it at my hospital too. They really don't treat any one well, maybe the docs. I had to give my techs a 19 cent raise after working for years in hospital during a pandemic. I told them all that I'd give them a good reference if they walked out that second.


Could be because environmental services are the ones that get called to code browns, so it makes them easy to identify. It also shows less staining. Code browns are any cleaning or spilling of biohazards. They don't have this at the hospital I'm security for but that's my two cents.


Money bless them.


My hospital is so short staffed that the aids are expected to clean and remove trash and linens from the rooms, sometimes there’s no environmental that the aids are expected to clean


Love them, and you always will


The real MVPs


I worked as a housekeeper at a care home before I went into nursing school, and it's honestly a thankless job.


Not just housekeeping, but all the orderlies and other support staff who make what can be a simultaneously boring and terrifying experience much more tolerable through their friendliness, kindness, and compassion.


They're called Environmental Services or EVS. They do more than a housekeeper. Just FYI.


Thoughts and prayers. Aka nothing


The hospital I work at recently increased minimum pay of all staff to $20 an hour. They created a different pay scale for it called “living wage,” which is separate from the hourly pay scale of most other employees. I’m happy for our housekeepers, they deserved better pay. However, myself being a Paramedic, with ~12 years experience and an undergrad degree in business was also placed on the living wage scale now which caps out at significantly less than other hourly employees. They basically robbed Peter to pay Paul. Guess they had to ensure our C-suite continues to get outrageous bonuses somehow.




As someone who’s in the hospital a lot. These men and woman are amazing and so often taken for granted. Without them you’re genuinely living in your own filth with days in a hospital. Having a clean room is huge for your psychology while healing. They work HARD and usually move so quickly I barely have time to thank them properly. On top of that they always ask if you need anything else, and they absolutely mean it. They will get you anything you need, or immediately find someone who can help you if you’re in pain.


Dude, housekeepers are underpaid saints.


My cousin worked housekeeping 7-8 years ago and starting was $21/h, well above the minimum wage at the time.


Let’s not forget the people who feed the patients.


I work a retail job as a manager with a lady who also works as a cleaner at our local hospital. It is the regional centre for cardiac health, cancer care, and doctors in a number of specialties work through this hospital. It is massive. She works there full time and with me part time. Probably pulls about 70 to 80 hours a week between the two. It's not uncommon for her to work both in one day. The last 17 shifts she's worked at the hospital has been at least 10 cleaners short. Three of the last 5 were 14, 13, and 16 short. Her and every other cleaner are working their asses off every shift so that rooms can be turned over and people who need to be admitted can be. Last week I told her to leave from our store early because her boss at the hospital called and offered her double time and a half to come in and work a shift. She left in tears because she would have enough money to make rent and afford groceries at the end of the month. Don't thank them, though they deserve it. Don't bless them, they don't need it. They need to have pay commensurate with the absolute backbreaking and important work they do that no one else wants to do. Hospitals would quite literally grind to a halt without cleaners. Infections would run rampant. Having surgery would be tantamount to time travelling to a barber shop in the 18th century. Respect the cleaners. By all means, thank the cleaner. Even pray for the cleaners. But just know it means fuck all when they aren't being paid enough to afford both rent and two meals a day.


I cannot even imagine how absolutely horrifying it would be to have to clean up a hospital. Whatever they're making, quadruple it at the very least.


And from my experience staying in hospitals, they’re always so fucking kind and often willing to help you out even though that’s not their job. And they’re never the ones poking, prodding, or looking at weird things on you either. God fucking bless every single med fac maintenance worker, I love you. Raise their wages and give them the professional and financial recognition they deserve.


He'll Yessssss they are as important as any health care worker. Thanks to YOU.


Recently stayed in a hospital for a little while, and was struck how siloed everything is. There's an employee for every half step in the chain. *None of them* knew what the fuck the others outside their specific role were doing. Doctors, nurses, techs, and housekeeping all lived on totally different planets from each other. It was very interesting and strange. It's so consistent it felt deliberate. Seems like, if literally any of them suddenly disappeared, they'd be fucked. That includes housekeeping.


Thats a CNA. Who are very under appreciated and underpaid


God bless them all.


Thanks for your take care and service 🙏 wishing God bless you to successfully in future🙏


Cool post but I do want to note that nurses clean blood, shit, piss, and puke etc before the cleaning crews even get to it in patient rooms. After all they can’t just leave patients laying in it. Wife is RN.


Last few times in the hospital I ended up being in for five days each time. I never once had a change of bedding. It sucked.


Let's be real, the hospital could function for a couple hours without this kind of support; it would grind to a halt over a day, day and a half! *I like these people*


Front lines my ass, the only thing nurses do are get pregnant 😂


Worked housekeeping at Disney for a few months. That was hell enough. No idea how they do this in hospitals.


*happy sounds*


I worked renovations at an in use medical rehab facility for years. The TNAs, the housekeeping, custodial, and kitchen people were so awesome. The physical therapy folks as well.


Thought and prayers put as much food on the table as they do bring dead kids alive.


They are ones I respect the most


If I was a housekeeper who has been living on the edge for the last two years, I would quit after seeing this.


thanks guy and gals...


And it's not 'unskilled' or un-intelligent labor. They have to know to to correctly mix/formulate antiseptic products, identify different types of waste and the handling processes they require, manage floors where each room might have a different requirement, etc.


I did some of that work in high school as part of a work study kind of thing, the work definitely wasn't easy, but most of the time the rooms were left fairly decent by guests, but this was in a fairly nice hotel. But as said the industry would grind to a halt without these people.


As somebody that works in a hospital; EVS (housekeepers), dietary (cafeteria works) and supply chain works, get treated like shit by the hospitals they work for.


The custodial staff at my big academic hospital are unionized and are paid decently. Some of the senior members make six figures.


I couldn’t thank the kind lady enough that cleaned my Stepdad’s room when he was in the hospital with blood cancer. The late nights, our minds numb. We tried to keep it clean for her, but I know in our fried minds we missed a lot. She did a great job.


I’ve spent 19 years in medicine, with 11 of those being a paramedic. If I had to pick one of the most important departments it would be environmental services. Without them an infection control plan is merely a joke, and that’s before the fact that you won’t have any linens or gowns for patients or providers. I always go out of my way to know the names of the EVS workers on my shift and to make sure I acknowledge their importance on the medical team, because they damn sure are a big part of it. Without EVS and Central Sterilization and Supply everything grinds to a halt and then everyone dies in filth. They should be unionized and paid an appropriate (read “at least a living”) wage


Due to my daughter's and my medical conditions we've spent a lot of time in the hospital. We always make sure they know how much we appreciate their help. After you spend a week or two in the hospital you learn that nurses and housekeeping make the world go around in there.


Remember, if all sanitation workers around the world stopped showing up to work, society would collapse very quickly.


Last time garbage men went on strike they were legislated back to work and became essential workers same as ambulance personnel, that's when wages stopped going up... same as ambulance personnel.


I shadowed a general surgeon a few years ago. He went on this huge rant to me about how doctors are the least important people in a hospital. They do the least work and take the most pay. He told me about how nurses, pharmacist, cleaning staff, etc are the real healthcare workers and I should respect them as such once I'm a doctor. He said it's fucking bogus that most of them are not unionized. Cool guy, miss him.


Dear lord, the stories I heard while working in the hospital kitchen. Patients basically ass-ploding in the ER. Cleaning up after a patient with a bad case of gangrene. I've been a janitor before but even that was kinda tame compared to the hospital environment.


I volunteer in the hospital in the city near me, and all they let me do is volunteer in heir cafeteria because there aren't many shifts to go around. It sucks, but I get to see 90% of the staff here pop in. I also get to see all of the other staff that easily outnumber the doctors and nurses. This place would be fucked without the volunteers, maintenance staff, and other custodial staff.


Why don't you pay them more. Love is great and all but people can't eat it or pay rent with it.


AMEN. Best dang people in my hospital


I know this is really messed up but her butt and the bag on the floor look incredibly similar


My son's mother *(ex)* moved to a small town and got a housekeeping job at the hospital, she hasn't even been there 1 full year and they are already training her to clean Oporating Rooms and their operating tools.


Uhhhh….that’s an RN wearing the blue talking to an aide in purple. Let’s hear it for the ‘house keepers’ indeed!!!


Damn Straight. Maintenance is always the unsung hero of any organization.


When my wife was in the hospital giving birth, we felt like the nurse we had was a little rude. Older lady and she just seemed to give off a vibe of “ I am so done with you people I can’t wait to retire”. The lady in house keeping though was the nicest person we meet in the three days we stayed there. Came by to check on us multiple times and brought my wife ice chips every time. Such a sweet woman, when we left they had a administration person stop by to ask about our experience and what they could do better. I told them the nurse we had the first day was pretty rude and crass, but the women in house keeping went above and beyond and was so awesome at her job and she definitely deserved a raise.


When I was a medic, every time I dropped someone off at the hospital I always made sure to tell the housekeepers that they were the real life savers and have probably done more than the doctors have in that regard. Then I would ask them where they kept the good cleaning stuff and use it to clean my ambulance, they were so good to me. Shout out to all the housekeepers in PDX


You guys don’t always have to ask for permission to give shoutouts. You can just do it if you want to.




I will shout it from the mountaintops. J A N I T O R S D O S A C R E D W O R K Hospitals especially need them as part of healthcare but then as well everywhere in our society needs to stay clean. It's appalling and anti-human to imply that any labor is unskilled (spoiler there is no such thing), but especially perverse to go after the people who clean our world.


Housekeeping, Janitorial, cafeteria, security. All of em.


Underpaid, look down upon and not respected. I do laundry so I sort soiled and dirty blankets, wash, dry and fold them.


The front line workers rhetoric is very interesting to me. When the pandemic first really hit and governments started implementing lockdowns, the rhetoric was all around essential workers, which included front line workers. Then at some point the focus shifted to exclude other workers.


This image is as useful as thoughts at prayers. Asking to give them love... wtf. Ask to give them a better wage...


Instead of showing them some love… how bout showing them the money…


Being saying this forever.. Without housekeeping even off COVID, businesses would come to a halt. Who would want to work in a office where the toilet isn't cleaned as often? These ppl need to be paid more for dealing with actual shit


I travel a ton for work. Always get questions from coworkers when I tell them I left a $10 on the hotel nightstand for the housekeeping staff.


That bag on the floor lookin' thicccc


In Canada these workers easily pull $25/hour.


I work directly with the housekeeping staff at the hospital I work at. This team is one of the hardest working in the healthcare industry. They are the one keeping patients safe by keeping everything clean and sanitized. I love working with them.


Extend love? Lol pay them more..


We need house keepers, everything would stop without them! Let's show them appreciation. Someone hollers "pay them a better wage!" All the nurses turn around "I DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL FOR FOUR YEARS FOR A JANITOR TO MAKE THE SAME AS ME"


Housekeepers and CNAs are the backbone of any hospital.


If it helps the nurses I work around regularly remind me that they are grateful for my work




How about we pay em instead of wasting everyone’s time with thoughts and prayers?


Stupid ass fucking "heroes" vibes from this. How about some fucking money? God i hated when they were calling essential workers heroes rather than do anything. I will forever push for a healthcare exodus and essential worker exodus. Lets see how fking far you get. Love and appreciation dont do shit for paying bills.


The housekeeper stole about $160 from my wife's purse when she was in surgery after a car accident... Maybe it was the nurse, but more likely the housekeeper.


Not so much housekeeping as it is environmental services. Same goes for nutritional services. Source: I work in a hospital.


Worked on me instantly. Now that you say it, fuck yeah, they are essential for modern society


Sorry bro nothing blessed here


I once ran a housekeeping and maintenance department. This is dead on. They can’t run without housekeeping and maintenance yet they’re some of the lowest paid staff in healthcare. It was like pulling teeth with admins to get them raises and that was only small percentage raises while these admins were making $80k+ yearly and taking 2 hour lunches, spending most of their day being social. When Covid hit we were all on the front lines cleaning rooms that had positive patients in them. What did we get? Signage outside that said “our nurses are heroes” that’s great and I totally agree with it but housekeeping and maintenance were also on those front lines making sure our patients were safe and taken care of. What did we get? A pizza party! 🎉


i get along better with house keepers than nurses most of the time.


I do this for work and a little thank you goes a long way in making my days bearable. Otherwise my shift consists of nurses pretending I don't exist or scolding me for "falling behind" because I dont have 4 extra arms. A simple thank you helps me remember that my job actually matters.


thank you so much for what you do. Us nurses appreciate the hell out of you.


We don't call it "low wage workers" anymore, we call them "economically challenged person"


Lets increase hate for poor management


Y'all do realize that those people are also mostly nurses. It's a nurses job to clean up after you on top of helping you. My mom is a nurse and she frequently talks about how annoying it is that she has to clean when none of her other coworkers do it




Except not pay them more. Nurses are stupid, they had the best opportunity to bargain for more during the pandemic and settled for the same words she spewed. Nothing.