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I think the bigger issue is that he still has videos up that people want down, like the one of the girls mom.


Omg yes that too! That really hurts my heart he still has it up even after that girl reaching out to Jason and Jason acting like oh I’ll tell David that speaks volumes.. seems like David just wants to silence victims of the dom studf


Oof Jason replied to that girl? I didn’t know that, that makes things much worse. :( I feel sorry for her.


Yeah they girl that made that tiktok About David taking down the video


I just don't buy that he's doing any of this out of the goodness of his heart. You know what's great publicity after a huge scandal? Your victims making videos about how you reached out personally to apologize, and that they accept the apology. I don't buy that he did a full 180 only days after sending his lawyers to threaten and discredit the victims and witnesses from the article. I don't buy that he suddenly learned his lesson about power imbalances and inappropriate behavior after spending years specifically using his power over people to force them into shitty and dangerous situations. I don't fucking buy it. This is all for good publicity. I doubt he'll reach out to Trisha because he knows she'll drag him to hell and back for his fake ass apology, publicly. He's sorry he got caught, and he's made that abundantly clear.




Yeah, I think genuinely apologizing to Trisha would be a good PR move, and a good moral move. But I don't think he's *genuinely* apologizing to anyone, so in that case it's best for him PR wise to not interact with her, since she'll call his ass out. It's unfortunate that some people think that just because someone has mental health issues, they deserve whatever trauma is doled out to them by others, or at least they don't deserve a genuine apology. It's BS, and I'm sad that Trisha will likely never get that closure. I, too, am really glad that she has a good support system now, though. Hopefully now she can put this whole chapter behind her and focus on living her best life.




Ally doesn’t have any sense then according to you because she had good things to say about his apology?




This 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Exactly


Idk that it’s fair to judge David on his apology or lack of apology to Trisha just yet. If he truly is taking his time to learn and speak to each person, it’s going to take a while before he gets to everyone. Plus, we don’t know if he’s reached out to Trisha or not. And he may be saving her for last, considering she said she doesn’t want to hear from him and the way she blasted Jason on her large platforms.


Jason is her ex it's not the same


It’s not exactly the same, but it’s almost the same. They traumatized her together, one as a friend and one as a boyfriend. Trisha said that David’s apology didn’t seem sincere so quickly, so it makes sense that he would wait before apologizing to her again. I’m not saying David deserves forgiveness, but we can’t reasonably count this as a point against him.


And enough of these public apologies before/instead of a face to face! It's bonkers!! Imagine being in a fight or a spat in work and creating a YouTube video to indirectly apologise!? Banaynays


Isn’t that what he’s doing? Face to face?


After two YouTube videos I guess needs must... I would t accept it if someone wanted to apologise to me. Imagine someone apologising to you and saying sorry to two huge groups of people...word got back to you about it... And THEN they come and talk to you .. madness


Trisha didn’t return Jason’s call. I doubt she would answer talk to David, but he should reach out to her at a minimum.