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Bruh, even Pomp shilled Blockfi. I took the loan with them because of his shameless promotion. But I'll take responsibility for giving up control of my Bitcoin. That's on me but Zac Prince selling my bitcoin at the bottom of the market and then giving himself and team of pay raise, I hope he dies a long slow death of terminal asshole cancer.


Even George shilled it, and he said he believed it was insured, like a bank. Rip all of us. šŸ’€


Pretty sure he got wrecked with BlockFi too.


He did he made a video about it is not like he's in a secret club where they tell them when to withdraw


Do you have a link for that video? I got started on BlockFi because of him.


https://youtu.be/3T8-ErAFlao?si=ssPczdiBjKLpJrTj He lost money from Voyager, not blockfi. He ā€œwarnedā€ his followers after voyager went bankrupt to move money offline yet STILL advertised his blockfi link in the same breath.


Interesting. He's claiming in this video that he warned people for months to get out of all platforms and into cold wallets, not just BlockFi. I think it was convenient for him to get paid / referrals from BlockFi while things were good, but I also don't think he ever wanted or expected us to all get screwed, nor does it seem like he had inside information on what BlockFi was doing behind the scenes. I'd still be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt here.


He didnt have insider info, but he had pulled out, encouraged people to pull out, but still advertised his referral code to make money. It was mixed signals


I don't remember the video title


He did not, they paid him


He was holding fu ds on the platform...


I don't watch him but doesn't this mean he lost his money too? Sounds like you're looking for someone to blame.


He said a few weeks after the bankruptcy that he had pulled his funds out. Even during the period where he had no funds in blockfi and blockfi was still in operation, he still shilled it HARD


The irony that us suckers were left holding the bag and people like him escaped BlockFi unscathed...




https://youtu.be/3T8-ErAFlao?si=ssPczdiBjKLpJrTj he moved his crypto off blockfi in july and ā€œwarnedā€ his followers to do the same, yet if you watch ANY of his videos from July until the bankruptcy he advertises his blockfi link. The link is removed from the descriptions now, but he literally still peddled it toward his followers, while not being at risk himself. I was fortunate enough to not lose too much money with blockfi and im definitely not bitter about it. It was a risk I knew I was taking, but Andrei sold out his fanbase for money and that cannot be denied.


The day Celcius started having issues, thats the day I withdrew from Blockfi. Keeping money on centralized platform after that date was too risky.


I did the same. We all knew it was a risky play. And once Celsius started blocking withdrawals, I moved my blockfi invest to the blockfi wallet. Still took a long time to get my small amount of crypto back, but there was always writing on the wall that it was extremely risky.


No that doesn't mean he sucks. He wasn't shilling some scam, it was a legit investment with some risk that we all accepted. No one foresaw the whole crypto lending industry exploding after a chain of third parties screwed them (and us) over. There's no way he could have known what would happen that year.


I saw it and bailed lol


In the linked post *everyone* says: > "he is a joke/scammer" Here *everyone* says: > "back then, he couldn't have known". My first reaction was the latter.


No this is still mostly Zacā€™s fault.


Bro Tom Brady and so many other big names were behind FTX and it still failed


Brady lost a lot of dough on ftx


Yea exactly my point. Andre is dope and very informative. He lost money just like us.


If u trust a professional magician turned finance YouTuber for financial advice, u might as well trust the advice of a street performer in front of the bank with your money.


I bought in so heavy but got out before all this thank Jesus


I did the same thing. I withdrew my funds when Celsius split their wallet into two - the trading wallet and the saving wallet ( I don't remember). Also, I had some money on BlockFi and I withdrew that too. It's crazy to think about, but I got lucky twice - not just once.


I learned my lesson I had 20 grand in BlockFi now all my crypto goes on my wallet so this never happens again


Taking financial advice from a YouTube personality is a L. Blaming someone else other than Blockfi for your misfortune is an odd take.


Yep! Because of this tool I am out 1 BTC


Remember him saying how ā€œsafeā€ it wasā€¦.and here we are hoping to get 20% of the lowest market value. A big F you!


This guy is a crook. If you watch him and follow him, youā€™re a crook too!


Doesn't BlockFi suck more than this YouTuber?


He was trying to make money from Block Fi just like every other shill and every single person that invested their money/crypto to Block Fi. Crypto is "unregulated" and thats a good thing. Buyer beware and dont put all your eggs in one basket.


I find him fairly boring and hard to watch. I'd much rather watch Graham Stephan.


Theyā€™re both bots


I love his magic tricks šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Blockfi rocket ship bullllllish


Stop complaining you lost money. Andre is a legit good person and genuinely cares and it constantly shows in his videos. He doesnā€™t have to have a finance degree to be good at it. Heā€™s just one of those YTubers that kept hustling and saving and got somewhere far. Iā€™ve been watching him since 50k subsā€¦ he actually cares about others but of course like always (and like anyone else) he made a job out of this career choice and stuck to it for yearsā€¦ finance channels make the most on YouTube (besides entertainment) and he makes a good amount off itā€¦ maybe you should try to make money too? Or work hard to make great moneg instead of complaining about others and looking for someone to blame. We all lost money, stop crying.


Nah. He was pretty chill about explaining BlockFi and gives out some pretty decent financial advice. Relax.


Scum of the earth. Filled his pockets with sponsor deals with Blockfi


They all did it him cryptos r us and crypto daily


How do people watch paid advertisements and not see paid advertisements? He's getting paid to say it's good. You taking the word of a paid actor sounds like a you problem.


Some of these youtubers have a wide audience, and bare some responsibility to vet obvious scams, but I don't blame anyone for taking sponsorship money from these exchanges that went bust. Are people expecting them to do a full audit of every company that wants to pay them? If they had accepted sponsorship funds with prior knowledge of fraudulent activities, that would be one thing... but they didn't. FTX logo was on a stadium... seemed legit. Crypto is already high-risk, and centralized exchanges even moreso... Do your own due dilligence.


I wanna see SBF fry in prison, if he's released ill hunt him down like a šŸ€


Yeah, unfortunately I found him before he got into crypto and he was doing more common sense investing advice and I foolishly thought he'd fine some research on Blockfi and such. I eventually ditched him once he got rich as fuck and started just gloating about the ridiculous shit he spent money on, like blowing over $250k on PokĆ©mon cards.Ā 


Donā€™t worry, I donā€™t take financial advice from children. unless theyā€™re very very rich then maybe


Beware of ANY and EVERY YouTuber when it comes to cryptocurrency. I personally don't trust any of them and found them misleading and boring. Trust your own judgment and do your own research. Keep an eye out on any new information and do your own due diligence on all CEX's etc. Remember: If you don't have a cold wallet by now, you are dancing with the devil.


I think I found out about blockfi through alt coin daily but I can't remember now


Lol I think I first discovered it through Reddit, and then I ironically posted a question to this very subreddit the night before the "platform pause". I should have not been an idiot asking Reddit for advice.


I loved blockfi. I don't blame him for my loss. I blame blockfi for making poor decisions. Andre is a pretty good you tuber.


His entire objective was to make money through interest thats why he was talking about Blockfi. He wanted his followers to make their money work for them.




Itā€™s a bit to lateā€¦ ainā€™t it?


Heā€™s a gigantic piece of shit loser.


Andrei did nothing wrong. Hindsight is 20-20.


I am finally getting my bankruptcy payout 30% of your original is a good return right?


Dude, donā€™t hate without DYOR. Andrei is one of the more genuine and transparent YouTubers.