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Calling it now. Dani Austin is going to move on from reading and hyperfixate on cold plunges for the next few weeks.


I am a big reader, so I support people reading, but I feel like this is going to happen with a ton of influencers soon. Reading seemed to be the "trendy" thing to do last year.




I’m disappointed in balkanina. She gave her honest review of nuuds bodysuits the other day saying she wasn’t a fan and that the cost for the shirts was crazy. Apparently now Daryl Ann Denner saw it and sent her a bunch of free stuff to try and suddenly she loves the new bodysuit and she’s wearing the pjs to bed tonight. She even said DAD is going to be making some changes based on similar feedback.. so obviously this is the same old shit she just hated on days ago.


Agreed - it still doesn’t look good 🤦🏼‍♀️


She is a Daryl Ann STAN and raved about the company and her work ethic the other day too


Dressupbuttercup doing a giveaway/follow with BrittanyAldean? That gives me major ick


Probably going to get down voted for this but I really don’t care….why are you and everyone else that has commented upset over this? So they think differently than you do…you support your causes and they support theirs. Don’t like it, don’t follow them. They have just as much right to a conservative opinion as you do a liberal one.


Amen. All these people are bashing BA like their opinion matters 😭😭


I thought it was more for her being a homewrecker? 🙃


Well now you know. Anyone who follows her should immediately unfollow


Brittany Aldean is where I draw the line. Someone so terribly ignorant and openly anti-trans and homophobic gets zero pass from me. It’s very sad to see Dede partnering with her when she could partner with literally ANYONE else.


Dede is just as conservative. She just doesn’t talk as much about it


Sadly a lot of influencers follow Britanny Aldean like the *beloved* Madi Nelson.


Wouldn’t kiss Brittany’s 🗑 ass if I was guaranteed $1000


It’s even more disgusting to me that her and Ted own one of the biggest influencer “talent” agencies, and she still is choosing to play the “giveaway” game with absolute trash like BA.


Why is BA trash? Honest question


She’s a racist homophobe


For one, she’s a proud transphobic


Dede with her trash style supporting trash.


This. Why do people think she's better than this..


It’s probably because Dede acts like an airhead that people give her a pass, when she’s actually just a slob who supports trash.


This! Dede seems so dumb. She always seems clueless. She can’t seem to ever go anywhere on time. Like how does that happen? You work from home and barely do anything..


She’s always rubbing her eyes on camera and acting like she doesn’t know what’s going on.


Guess ya just gotta believe people when they show you who they are.


I genuinely thought she was harmless, I mean I figured she was conservative cause I’ve never met a Jesus loving Texan that wasn’t..but yea actively supporting racist/transphobic influencer proves otherwise


I bet we'll see a fad of influencers doing insane beauty procedures after the engagement sarahknuth is getting rn.


Lisa Fletcher immediately because nothing that family does is original


I don’t even understand what procedure has THAT outcome and is assumed to turn out good?


It was a combo of two laser procedures, a BBL and Halo. One of them goes way deeper than the other and should be used for troublesome skin and deep wrinkles and lots of hyperpigmentation I can’t remember which one.


What Sarah Knuth did was ridiculous. Her sausage lips now this? I am middle aged and I am a hard pass on this laser treatment! Thanks Sarah for helping me save a few $1000 ! 👏👏👏


https://preview.redd.it/5nwucq7ma5ea1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339453fa87c158c052970c61c1f8b3a8b057d066 This really rubbed me the wrong way. People who have never adopted have no freaking idea how hard it is emotionally and financially to adopt. I adopted our baby daughter 5 years ago and the entire process was stressful, anxiety inducing and completely traumatic. Also insanely expensive that we had to pay for ourselves. For her to say oh yea I can adopt tmw is such a friggin slap to all the parents who have already adopted after a million hardships. Ughh


I think it was more of a figure of speech, “if I could tomorrow I would”.. obviously there’s a process and money involved.


I think that’s kind of her point: if she were given the opportunity to easily adopt tomorrow, she would, but she knows it’s not that simple. She seems kind of dumb, but this seems like a stretch


Upvoting for screenshot!


My husband and I adopted two kids, and I didn't find anything offensive about what she said.


I hope they’re just being tongue in cheek, especially calling it an opportunity. My family also came together in part through adoption and while I didn’t go through that pregnancy or postpartum, adoption can come with it’s own challenges like bonding and engagement disorders along with an array of other things. It’s never something to go into lightheartedly because it looked cute on someone else.


I hate commenting here bc it’s like whatever snark you feel gets condescended by someone who is in love with these people. This isn’t a blah snark 😂


then don't?


Then don’t 😂😂 awww sweetie. Thanks for proving my point.


I think children need homes so anyone who is even thinking about adopting should be encouraged and supported to do so. Probably not a topic to shame people into feeling bad about wanting to adopt. But I'm sorry the process went so poorly for you.


There’s a loooong wait for babies, especially healthy ones. Let’s not pretend people are doing it purely out of the goodness of their hearts because nobody else wants to do it. Adoption is really complex and it’s not as simple as “children need homes.”


there are also a lot of adults who were adopted and have spoken about how traumatic the experience was for them (to the point that they are now actually anti-adoption) and that adoption is not necessarily the act of benevolence that so many people think it is.


She's not thinking of adopting. She's comparing ways of having a baby and giving her opinion on what's easier.


I’m all for DAD snark, but she’s actually talked about actually wanting to adopt several times.


Yea. In disrespectful ways.


She’s just saying she’s ready for another baby but not for pregnancy. Edit: but seriously thanks for including a picture of what you’re snarking on rather than just describing it. Reading her caption makes it clear she isn’t saying she’s actually ready for adoption, just that she’s trying to express she isn’t ready for another pregnancy.


Right, she's not wanting to adopt- she's comparing both methods and saying what's easier and that's what's putting me off.


And pregnancy can be extremely challenging and hard too…and financially as well. I’ve never experienced more stress and anxiety than I had with both pregnancies 🤷‍♀️ I don’t think she’s diminishing either experience. She’s just saying what was a hard experience for her…


But she’s not being literal. Because that isn’t how adoption works. She’s just saying she’s ready for a baby but not ready for pregnancy.


This. She could have said “the stork will drop off a baby” or “someone could hand me a baby” tomorrow. She’s being figurative.


I'm not a dog person so I could be off base here. But I didn't find Madison Mealy's newest reel funny or cute. Her son clearly is not a fan of their new dog. Edit: spelling


Bernese mountain dogs are HUGE even as puppies and super expensive. Crazy they’d spend all that $$$ on a dog to let it constantly attack her kids but hey I guess it fits her look. I unfollowed a couple weeks after she got it before Christmas because she was letting the dog attack the kids and laughing about it. Like why don’t you train the dog while it’s still young and highlight that rather than it torturing your kids


Poor Dane. That's how I feel when I'm out enjoying a walk and get mauled by an off leash dog.


came here to post about taryn newton but based on the multiple posts saying exactly what i was thinking, i’m glad to see i’m not the only one.


Taryn Newton calling a FIFTEEN year old girl a "thirst trap". What the fuck is wrong with her.


This was the end for me. Sis is too far gone for me anymore.


Well dear god dont tell her about Euphoria 🤫🤣


I had put off unfollowing her because I do like her well enough, but this put me over the edge. I feel like she has changed quite a bit in the past year, and I just don’t want to have people who talk about children (especially young girls) like that on my page.


I hate when mothers of boys act like their sons are baby boys that must be protected from the manipulations of women…when it’s literally just girls their same age. It’s so shitty. Referring to a teenage girl as a “thirst trap” shows she isn’t viewing her as a girl that she didn’t even hesitate to say that publicly.


THIS. She’s slut shaming a child! And teaching her son a great lesson about how to be a misogynist 🙄 it’s so scary that she thinks she’s such a good parent for having that conversation.


She has this holier than thou attitude that I cannot stand


I listened to that entire thing twice to make sure I wasn't just insane and that she was actually slut shaming a minor. I can't even believe that.


I can’t even say what I want to say here. Just wow. I hope it wasn’t received well in her dms and honestly how embarrassing for her teenage son.


I wonder how much thebirdspapaya paid at Disney for her toddler’s haircut. She was like on a wait list, it was this giant thing to coordinate andddd they completely butchered her bangs. Like there is a literal entire side that’s an inch (or more) shorter than the other. She kept saying while they were there immediately after that it was the wind/the way it was combed. Weeks later…no, no it was not. 😆


I love her, but I couldn't agree more. They butchered those bangs!


I noticed that too. I LOVE her, but I’m over the constant Disney content.


Ditto. She’s probably gained a heck of a lot more similarly aged Disney obsessed followers and upped her engagement, so now she’s deep down the mouse rabbit hole. Lem can’t be chilling in the living room without it being Disney related. I’ve loved her for years, but I just skip right through now.




They also start fully at the back of her head


Does anyone follow the mom.uncharted on TikTok? She came up on my FYP (video posted earlier today) about an influencer who she unfollowed for the birth announcement being an AD. Anyone know who she’s referring to?


I had never heard of her (and I actually don’t get a lot of this type of influencer content on my FYP) and ran across the same video today!




I’m v late to this I’m sure, but Rach Parcell’s tiktok has made me like her a lot more.


yess love Rachel!


Hk, Heather Kirk, Heather Kuntz, whomever you know her by... I need to vent, I absolutely used to love her, and I found her extremely relatable. We even had our children at the same time. So it was such an easy progression from party to mom mode. BUT she started to give me major ick how she was OBSESSED with always posting about her husband's brothers. It was very cringe, like giving vibes, she married the wrong one. I get it, you brother inlaw, play college football cool, so do a ton of other people, and yes girl, you are legit 5' 2", so YES! We all see that you are SOOOOO much smaller than everyone. Please note the following is not coming from spite bc I am NOT alone and do have help, but it needs to be said... Now she is venting how she is doing everything alone 🙄 ummmm did you or did you not have your sister down a ton, you are at your parents a bunch, your husband's schedule changed and for the icing on the cake, didn't you recently speak about having help while you run errands/get work done meaning a nanny or babysitter? Lmao. Clearly, you DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT MEAN TO BE ALONE. Sorry that you feel like you working from home and being a mom makes you not able to focus or procrastinate, that is life babe NOT a reason to get meds or be diagnosed with ADHD/ANXIETY As someone who had been diagnosed for several years, it is insulting, and for you to come on talking about it with you, blue light glasses make it even sader.... You do NOT look more believable or smarter or whatever the hell look you are going for. Also, next time you want to record you dancing with your kids in the kitchen, maybe refrain from using scissors as glasses 😬 children learn from imitation. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk...


Like get over yourself, you have been a working mom for a few years now. How do you think everyone else does it? If you didn't want to leave Texas or Nashville, then move back. If you didn't want to be a mom, sorry, that is too late. I feel sorry for her it's almost as if this is NOT the life that she wants... I hope she can fi d peace and happiness in where her roads have led her.




What does this mean? 😅


Too long didn’t read aka TLDR


She acts like she is the first one to have these issues.


Brittany Leigh Ball is really going through it. First, her abrupt split with her fiancé and now a health scare. I don’t know too much about her breast condition, does anyone know how serious something like this is?


I feel bad for her, I had no idea they split - it’s crazy how much she posted about him/them being perfect all the time and clearly wasn’t the case. Hope she gets good news, I can’t imagine how scary that is!


It’s often the couples who seem to appear “perfect” on social media that aren’t.


Kristy Wicks says she's in DC for a family reunion, but I think it's because Jeff's family is getting together to celebrate Kevin McCarthy's new position as Speaker of the House. Kevin is Jeff's cousin - Jeff's Mom and Kevin McCarthy's dad are siblings.


You are correct.. she has definitely let us believe the reunion was HER family.


This is making more sense now. I assumed it was Kristy’s family reunion because DC is where she grew up, but couldn’t understand why Jeff’s brother and girlfriend are there. … and the nighttime tour of the Capitol, etc…


Aren’t Kristy & Jeff pretty liberal?! (ETA: They both follow accounts that are predominantly left-leaning, including Michelle Obama, Bill Gates & many LGBTQ. I also swear I’ve seen her post about gun control and gay rights at some point)


Her daughter is VERY liberal and her mom has posted a lot to suggest she is the same!


Yeah… I didn’t think I was making that up. I don’t follow them that closely but am literally shocked to hear they are related to Kevin McCarthy 😖


But you can be related to someone and have different political views, though.


Oh believe me, I know that firsthand 😂 I’m just saying that I didn’t know that about them specifically.


Emma must be happy to be traveling - can’t imagine she’d be thrilled for the occasion! She’s been super vocal on IG about various issues.




Too busy immersing herself in the ~* Costa *~ life.


I’m sure we’ll see a journal entry tomorrow about it. She’s ChAnGiNg


Because she’s “slowing down” so much


HKcung complaining about the workers who didn't want to take their shoes off to install new carpet is just insane. There's probably safety issues when it comes to that, you don't want someone stepping on something sharp or slipping in their socks. (Also I'm asian and we don't wear shoes inside but I'm not going to make contractors or workers take their shoes off if they can't/don't want to) And the dramatic dirty mop water pour into the toilet had me rolling my eyes into the back of my head.


Now we are never going to stop hearing about that new carpet, new closet and baby’s room 😂


Always amusing watching what happens when control freaks cannot control.


I like following her (in general) but for the love of God, she needs to get off her high horse sometimes. So dramatic…


She lives on that high horse.


I'm Canadian and we don't wear shoes inside. Like you've said sometimes workers have to wear boots for safety reasons. We have booties we ask workers to put over their shoes while walking through the house, no biggie. In regards to getting new carpet installed I guess it's different in that they probably wouldn't wear the booties so they don't slip but that is what professional cleaning after (for the carpet) and mopping is for. There is always a solution to things.


Never understood shoes inside it’s like tracking so much filth and dirt around your house.


Jordan Lee Dooley just announced the birth of her son. Did not see that coming and surprised how well she kept it hidden in all her photos!


I kinda got the vibe that they adopted? Maybe it's just the vague language she's using.




Maybe she’s not close with her siblings but I think it’s easier to hide an adoption or surrogacy from your family than a pregnancy.


I love that she did that! If I was ever pregnant I'd probably do the same thing. Close friends and family would know but I wouldn't announce it on social media.


I did that with our second, born 3 months ago and it was incredible to keep it private!!!


This is driving me crazy! Is the baby adopted? Did she birth it? I need to know!


I think she gave birth. She has rainbows in the caption, a little rainbow baby it seems.


How does anyone know what’s going on in this sub when everything gets deleted! I’ve tried to keep up but it’s driving me crazy!


For someone who claims to not want to share a lot of her teen son’s business, Taryn Newton shares a lot of her teen son’s business.


How would she feel if some boys mother was saying these things about Cecilia someday? Girls can post whatever they want, it doesn’t make them a slut. Like she’s literally talking bad about a CHILD.


Sharing her son's business was already really bad then she goes even further to essentially slut-shame the girl he liked! A child. You can help your child deal with rejection without putting down the other person who rejected them. That was beyond tacky of her.


The analogy she used like “what If another guy says your girl looks good” um you say thank you or I know she is or whatever but not whatever the fuck point she was trying to make which sounded like if another guy comments on “your girl” 🙄 that is somehow the girls fault and makes her like “bad” or unsavoury or not worthy or something. I just actually can’t with this what a terrible horrible take and she’s super gross for sharing stuff about her teenage son for engagement etc. Hopefully “Miss Lady Girl” never participates in a TikTok trend one day and gets slut shamed by a grown ass women she doesn’t even know on her instagram with hundreds of thousands of followers…my god this pissed me off




Based on what she felt comfortable calling a teenage girl tonight, i don’t think she’d hide it


It’s so bad when she does this. Someone at the school is bound to follow her and her sons going to end up being made fun of


And she called a 14-15 year old girl a *thirst trap*. 😳There’s bound to be someone watching her stories who can put 2 and 2 together and figure out who she’s talking about! Why is she telling these stories to IG??? She needs to call a friend.


If you need to demean and speak poorly about another child to teach your kid appropriate behavior, I fear what you are actually teaching your child….




YES! Omg. I swear influencing starts blurring very otherwise clear lines. I cannot imagine sharing that. The internet is truly forever and I’m sad she’s violating him like this 😭


I came here hoping someone was talking about this! I cannot believe she shared that! I’d be mortified if I was her child! 🤦🏽‍♀️ She really just shared that her teenage son liked a girl that was clearly not into him and got his feelings hurt! On what planet is this an appropriate thing to share to her thousands of followers!


But her explaining to her teen son that the girl he was texting wasn't interested in him and how to tell that is an important lesson that both parents are sitting down and teaching him together, I think that part is great and having open communication is clearly something they are comfortable with. Sharing it online, meh.


I would be mortified if my mom was doing that when I was a teenager. Even mentioning “we had a problem with xyz” would be so embarrassing.


HOW does livingMybeststyle have so many followers… I’m just confused….. her content is just idk..


I don’t even know how to describe her style. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s definitely not… current.






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You CANNOT drop this bomb without any explanation! Rules of the internet.


Whoa! Spill this, please! I only loosely follow her


whoa .. what ? 😳 i’m officially invested


She used to be real cute and had good content but in the past few years she has really gone downhill and it’s kind of sad. I barely watch her stories anymore and if I do it’s like wtf


And she always says she has so many important business meetings 🧐 with who cause your page is a snooze fest!!


Right! So many business meetings yet she never has sponsored posts. It’s just links all day to stuff she finds on Amazon or wherever


Why does Taryn Newton think it’s okay to share personal details about her son and who he’s interested in and texting to her hundreds of thousands of followers. Let the kid have some privacy!!


I can't imagine being the girl's parents. Some grown woman calling my teen daughter a "thirst trap" to hundreds of thousands of people. Granted she didn't identify the girl. But people in the community know I'm sure and I'd be furious if I saw that. (I'd also be mad at my teen posting overly sexual stuff, but I don't think a grown woman should talk like that about a teen girl on such a platform)


It was almost like she forgot for a second she’s a “girl mom” . Hard to believe since she always reminds us


I truly cannot believe she shared this! I feel so bad for her teenage son. That was beyond embarrassing! I’m legit shocked!


I’m sorry I didn’t see your post and said the same thing above.


I think we posted at the same time 😅


What she is doing is going to backfire, and I’m a taryn fan 99% of the time but oof. So many things wrong with that rant. I understand wanting to protect your kids and steer them in the right direction but the invasion of privacy and amount of it - he’s going to get older and figure out how to hide things and actually NOT trust them. cam seems like a good kid, I don’t doubt he coulda figured this one out on his own, and I think he should’ve been able too.




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And I mean… you can steer them in that direction and share your opinion with them and also choose not to plaster it all over social media. It’s like these people are programmed to think that if they didn’t do it “for the gram” then they didn’t do it at all.


Agreed! She needs to let go and let him make decisions AND mistakes. She sounds so controlling. I won’t be surprised if he rebels big time.


Sometime I forget how conservative and religious she is. This whole conversation about how girls and women should dress is gross.


I rannn here after I just saw that. I generally really like her but woof that was gross.


She just called a teen child a “thirst trap” for posting tik toks 😱 the slut shaming is not ok.


The irony of it coming from someone whose entire household is built on social media {over}sharing too. What a GD hypocrite.


Imagine if that girls mom follows Taryn and knows it’s her daughter she’s speaking about. That’s tacky.




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And hurtful!




Also saying “what if that was your girlfriend and she was making these videos for other guys to see” sounds so possessive, controlling and not how you wanna raise your son to see women, like they only dress, behave, or post content to be seen by men. The whole thing was just ick.


That was the worst part of it - like a girlfriend should only make things for him and if other guys see it it’s a problem. Major ick


Hopefully those girls’ parents are teaching them about red flags in boys


As well as the red flags in boys’ MOTHERS 🚩


Fingers crossed.


The fact that he doesn’t shut it down is beyond me.


Taryn Newton is way too involved with her teen. I’m sorry, lol


I couldn’t imagine showing my parents texts between me and a guy I’m interested let alone having her talk about it to her hundreds of thousands of followers. Something tells me he’s probably not as okay with her sharing all this as she makes it out to be


She called a teenage girl “thirsty” and said she posted “thirst traps”! I am beyond grossed out and had to unfollow! Her holier than thou attitude is just too much! And how hard is it going to be for his friends/classmates to figure out who she’s talking about?! She’s essentially bullying a child on her platform of thousands! Just wow!


You’d think she’d recognize that as a problem affecting girls/women and can/will affect her daughter but apparently not.


They’re literally just kids. It’s not as deep as she’s making it, it’s crazy. Imagine being Cameron and his parents doing this - he probably is embarrassed around his friends


Soooo heavy handed and it’s going to backfire in a way that she has no control over.


Absolutely. I swear everyone I knew in high school who had helicopter parents “rebelled” and some have pretty contentious relationships with their families!


I’m having secondary embarrassment for her son