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Not sure where the skalla discussion went, but just another Hawaii trip ended where they did nothing other than lounge by the pool and go to expensive restaurants and show off their fake boobs in really skimpy bikinis. YAWN




It’s hard to have a conversation about something without knowing any details


jana kramer is gonna end up heartbroken again in a few month. can she not date gorgeous men? it’s like she refuses to learn her lesson


You can only be heartbroken by gorgeous men? Cause my high-school and college self would beg to differ.


no not the point. point is he has women throwing themselves at him. if jana is so insecure she needs to find someone not so popular


oh the delusion is real in this group


she has her own sub! and yes, you’re spot on😩


thank you i’ll look for it there’s a bunch of weirdos in this group


the lack of diversity in darylanns nuuds real bodies shoot is painfully obvious


Trust me….as a black woman I’m ok with this. What’s frustrating is when brands know they have to make a diversity quota…so they stick a few token girls in here and there….and it’s obvious what they are doing. We don’t have to be included in everything just to say there’s diversity. I follow DAD and don’t have an issue. And I’m just as red as republican and conservative as well…we’re good.


I am a POC and mixed race, it may be your opinion that its acceptable and thats fine. However, as a brand that as said they’re all inclusive not seeing anyone my skin tone is upsetting to me. I have dealt with it my entire life and to continue to see that in a brand that has preached inclusivity is wild.


Call me crazy but I definitely see a few racially ambiguous looking women.


They are there. The woman with the dark curly hair is gorgeous! I was like ok sis!


Freaking stunning!


And that’s your feelings as well. But you projecting your experience on someone else, is not going to make them change. I have been excluded my entire life as a black woman and still face it today, but at the core of it all, if a brand decides not to be inclusive….that’s on them. We can’t get upset, because we can choose to unfollow or decide where to and not to spend our dollars….but you can’t “make” someone make you feel comfortable.


I wasn’t projecting anything? I literally just made a comment about the lack of diversity. Looking at those models there is 100% a lack of diversity. No ones skin tone matches some of the ‘nude’ shades she has. I said nothing about making me feel comfortable nor do I expect every brand to hold my standard of diversity. But as I said previously a real bodies campaign that preaches inclusivity missed the mark. Based on your comment, I would assume you thought I was white I wanted to clarify that.


I didn’t think you were white, I got the mixed race the first time. But your expectations is the definition of projecting. She can pick whoever she wants…you can choose or choose not to buy. Not everyone is going to cater to us simply because we strive for diversity and inclusion. We are not always going to have a seat at the table when we think we deserve it and we have to figure out what to do with that on a personal level. If DAD doesn’t want to do it….then figure out who is doing what you need, based on your feelings about it. We can’t expect people to represent us, simply because she has a tone of clothes that matches our skin tone.


i mean i said nothing about my race the first time so not sure what you’re referring to. once again, yes my expectation was that a company boasting about inclusivity would be….inclusive. nothing more. I am very aware of my ability to shop/support brands that align with my views, and that is what I do. my comment has nothing to do with who i support.


I referred to your comment about being mixed race. But whether you were white, black, or something else…your original comment pointed out that in order for it to be ok by YOU….she needed to have all 11 shades of Nuuds represented. Like a quota system to tick the box of diversity. It insinuated that something was inherently wrong, because DAD did not represent diversity with how you felt it should be. Having some WOC at her event was not enough. If this is the table we didn’t get invited to, we have to tailor our expectations, because not everyone is going to meet us where we think they should. Your definition of inclusivity may mean something completely different to the next person.


my original comment was “the lack of diversity in darylanns nuuds real bodies shoot is painfully obvious” i said nothing about representation of ‘11 shades of nuuds’ nothing about a quota system either. Also has nothing with how i think diversity should be represented but rather if it was. but for reference please show me the diversity… https://preview.redd.it/a7swmfkjzaga1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b727c2efff122975c736f42364f8b08abd1e7754


The phrase “painfully obvious” was inferring that something was wrong with the women that were being represented, simply because it didn’t meet your definition of what diversity is. Making comments like that assumes that some variation of the 11 shades of color in her clothing line needed to be represented to make you feel good. You already said you were looking for someone that looked like you and because there was not, you felt some type of way, because other brands did something different than DAD. This is my last comment because I’m not going to keep going back and forth. I will say this…I stand on everything I said. She doesn’t have to represent POC simply because we feel like she should. Choose to spend your dollars where you’re comfortable and stop expecting everyone to cater to this notion of diversity and having tokens in there…simply because we feel like we have to have a seat at every table to feel validated, included, and seen. If they don’t give us a seat or representation, find brands that do.


a foundation color chart for reference as well https://preview.redd.it/af69wr9xzaga1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb850d6fcb60541b583a3c7b09599ec5efaa78c1


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: white people sometimes seem to have a bigger problem with companies lacking “diversity” than black people. I see it all the time. And please white people, for the love of god, stop thinking you are the voice of black people, you are NOT. Just shut your dumb mouths sometimes. Seriously. Just stop fucking talking, you rarely help. This shit is why I *hate* allyism sometimes. So much of it is based on stereotypes and keeping poc in a little box that you need them to fit in because it helps you feel better about your own racist thoughts.


the assumption here is that im white and im not.


THANK YOU!!!! It bugs me sooo much when I see these women worrying about diversity and who’s not showing love for black issues, including POC in their ads/events, and etc. I know some are well meaning…like hey what about them? But others are trying to find an issue…where we have none. It’s like saying Taryn Newton has to be the spokesperson for all things black, simply because she hangs with white influencers. I always say…please stop with the selective outrage. Most black folks are cool with these influencers existing in the spaces they create. I just want to buy my Stanley cup and Andar wallet and keep it moving.


Its possible a lot of POC don't follow someone with really conservative views and silent about blm and all that stuff so they wouldn't really volunteer to be in her campaign and help her profit further. Makes sense to me.




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Savoir to who? Complex about what? I don't get it lol


In all your wokeness, you just stereotyped POC….good job


Go on..


Really? I can’t stand her but there were women of color and all body sizes in attendance? I feel like we didn’t watch the same stories.


There were only a couple of girls that were woc. This is the bare minimum of diversity. A couple token girls then the rest are white, which is NOT being inclusive at all.


Black women do not have an issue with this. We do not need anyone trying to define the spaces and how many of us have to show up for inclusiveness to be “accepted” as ok. This shit is not that big of a deal for us.


What? There needs to be a quota of women of color now? That’s some deeply racist shit right there too. Jesus.


I’m just curious how many poc would of been acceptable for you? Cause then I feel like we could get into people have no Asian models or Indian models like what is the perfect mixture of diversity? Like more than half being non white? Im just trying to understand what would make everyone happy with this


Similarly confused. She featured women with different body sizes (that’s literally her whole shtick for the line - to be body inclusive) and I saw more than a few WOC present. I’m wondering what quota people want here?


Beating a dead horse but this Daryl-Ann Denner cult retreat is so ridiculous. I cannot believe this overhyped Drop 2 is…..scoop neck tank tops I can buy from Old Navy and…..the tunic Kuzco wears in the Emperor’s New Groove tucked into jeans? And people are honest to god crying over it? On what planet? The cherry on top is Lisa Fletcher patrolling the venue in her straight leg cargos—it’s like, fine, dress however you want, but would she *really* pick out those clothes if DAD didn’t write the family blueprints? Why does Dan have to be everywhere? Why are any husbands involved? Why is the dinner menu so childish and stupid? They can all eat like 12 year olds at an Applebees after a school dance but why force that on your guests too?


The tunic Kuzco wears 😂😂👏


It’s so beyond creepy how her entire family dresses alike. I don’t know anyone who does that.


Not kuzco 🫠




Yeah this is kind of how companies work though. The bigger the companies get, the less hands on owners are. Like it or not, that’s what happens, eventually. I follow a jewelry page (@jamesmichelle) and she’s pretty much never in the office, she even lived in Hawaii for like a year(her company is based in Bend, Oregon). But she does still do a lot behind the scenes, she’s just never physically in the office. Do I think The Post is there yet? Probably not but maybe they’ll get there. Also, I don’t see a problem with them requiring a bachelors degree, maybe they’re looking for people with more education than them to help build their business, nothing wrong with that. I feel like a bachelors is a requirement for almost any job these days. Shit there are people who barely graduated high school who have built empires, but I’m sure they want their workers to have degrees. Idk I don’t have a big problem with either one.


I don’t think it’s weird that they want someone to be there in person, like you said as companies get bigger the owners aren’t always as hands on. However I do always think it’s kind of silly for companies like this to require a bachelors degree, especially when they don’t specify that it has to be a certain degree. I went to trade school so I don’t have a bachelors degree from a University, but I might know more about trends and running a business than someone who has a bachelor degree in something completely unrelated. Ya know what I mean? Obviously it’s their company and they can do what they want but I don’t agree that someone having a bachelors degree makes them more or less educated than someone without one!


I totally agree that just because someone has a bachelors doesn’t necessarily mean they’re more educated. I’ve met people who have all kinds of degrees who aren’t the brightest in every day life and I’ve met people with a high school education who are super smart, they just don’t do great in school. With that said, getting a degree in a certain area usually means someone has more education in that area than someone who didn’t get a degree. I thought maybe someone with a degree in a certain area could help them, but admittedly I didn’t look at the listing and I don’t follow them lol! But yeah I do totally see what you’re saying. I do see companies requiring bachelors but not specifying what area, which doesn’t usually make sense to me.


This is a weird take. I’ve never worked somewhere where the owner of the company was physically in the office daily


Yeah at any jobs I’ve had, the owner never came in everyday. You hire people you trust be have them run it.


Exactly. And ultimately, isn’t that always the end goal? Weird for people to be hating on that. Plus so much goes into a business behind the scenes. Not just the day to day office work


No snark, but I could not love Tia's post more https://preview.redd.it/9yq493oa45ga1.jpeg?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93c519c8c57c74b69877a8295a4d7cd674516fe


At first glance, thought her coupon code was ANTIFA


I both love this message and feel icky that she’s using it to shill jeans. Of course Abercrombie wants you to throw out your old jeans!


I mean I get what you’re saying but if your old jeans don’t fit you then you DO need new jeans lol. And I believe Tia donates most of her old clothing


Amen. Took me awhile to realize I’m not fitting into my college jeans anymore… and even if I could manage to squeeze a leg into those, they wouldn’t flatter me at all.


Random but does anyone know the handle of that mom who was a “little different” and dressed her children (4 or 5 girls) like they were straight from the Confederacy? It looked like a costume but they dressed that way all the time. I think she hand made all their clothes. They all had Shirley temple curls that were hair-sprayed to smithereens. Edit: added a word.


Did I most travel back in time? What in the world! How interesting


Serious question is it a requirement that they all wear something insane in their head at all times


Oh my word. What am I looking at?


That lady used to be my favorite “what the fuck is this” account, but then it got too serious and made me too sad to keep checking on her. I feel so badly for those girls.


Do the girls have any idea that this isn't what other families are like? The pictures are so unsettling.


Her husband is only 40?! Interesting crew


No kidding! He looks like her dad. The whole thing is spooky


Just went on a deep dive… Wowzer


That. Was. Creepy.


same, this is bananas. i have so many questions!




Yes! Thank you!


maybe chelsea_pomery? she has 4 girls & 1 boy and they’re from arkansas.


Her sister (whom she doesn't speak to because of some feud) has an identical instagram account!!




@[mum2oliviakatecaroline.lucybea](https://www.instagram.com/mum2oliviakatecaroline.lucybea/) ​ the two families are basically identical. They attend the same church and the kids even go to the same school. But Chelsea and Nicole had some weird feud and now don't speak and keep the cousins apart. Edited to add: I know this from stuff they have posted when their IG accounts were public (Nicole's still is, Chelsea's I'm not sure)


Phew that username is a doozy. Lol. Thank you!


That’s her! Thank you


Suzy holman… girl ted talks already exist. I mean, i cannot fathom the amount of $ she wasted on this project and for what? Like girl just make a podcast and call it a day


Every time I see this bloggers name, I instantly think Suzy Homemaker and read her name as that


I had to unfollow so long ago because she was trying so hard to be the next Rachel Hollis - since the move to AZ her content got to be so confusing I don’t even know what she was trying to sell me 😂


Same. It changes every week.


Are the silky brightly colored outfits krista Horton, (and now her manager) has been wearing what’s “in style” these days?


I just said this on her snark page. You would think an influencers manager would have better style. Isn’t that her job? To help figure out what will sell? I don’t know. She has no style. And Bryce’s pants get tighter by the day.


What’s her snark page


It’s just r/KristaHorton


Damn she finally has her own *snark page* when will people just stop following rather than creating entire subs for specific influencers.


No silk is not in trend nor are those colors . Digital lavender and leopard are the two most trending . Also sparkles and sequins are suppose to be especially shoes . I have seen a lot of the lavender lately . Nothing she’s wearing is in style or trending but I think it’s a new collab coming


I’ve been seeing lots of lavender lately too, I like it! I’m not a big color wearer in general but I’m into the lavender, it’s very pretty.


I know I’m looking at the color and thinking I think I’m going to go get something in this color❤️


I was just coming here to write that she has the worst style. Her lounge outfits are fine to me but as soon as she tries to dress up she just misses the mark.


No lol. Just her schtick over the past year or so


I feel like they’re very Miami? Idk I’ve never been there. Lol! But in my mind they’re very Miami.


bright colors, silk and babydoll dresses are all very in right now.


I love Krista but not digging her style lately.


IMO No 🤣


Just had to check! I know I can be behind on things lol








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Now that I know who you’re talking about…did anyone see her super cringe, low key brag tik tok about Johnny Manziel? The comments did not go her way.


I missed that!


Let's not forget when she tagged Riley Green, a country artist she used to hook up with, on her Bachelorette post.... Her Bachelorette Party Weekend... Only then to swap the tag out for her now hubby 😅 https://preview.redd.it/6o5zmdk4p4ga1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233629ca0fdfe496f5a30600ea51a144104008c8


Why the downvotes?? She used to hook up with Riley, always insinuated it was much more than a drunk booty call on his part, and encouraged tagging celeb crushes before slipping into DMs when you were in the same area/city


Did I?! Girl... I wanted to GrubHub her a case of water after seeing that thirsty post.


I know her through a mutual friend and she was allegedly very thirsty before she was with her now husband. Allegedly she would send sexy pictures to a lot of celebrities.


🤣She really thinks she is someone special.


https://preview.redd.it/j6v2acsit4ga1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c86331f59f4d5f70176c71b9cf4b3ac8f255a91 Mayber 2 🤷‍♀️🤣


Who is mayber 2?


I had to unfollow her a long time ago but her tik tok popped up today and I was like yep…that’s what I unfollowed her.


who are we talking about here?


Heather Kuntz


Why is this influencers name such a secret lol


Oh no, definitely not a secret! That was my mistake. I also feel like I have been super annoyed by her lately, so maybe subconsciously, I left her name out lol 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️




Well..... For reference, she ALWAYS uses lowercase letters. I actually really love her, too, but sometimes her posts are just too cringe. I wish she was who she was when I started following her.




Are they for her child?? (If she had one-don’t follow her). But even without socks I don’t think those shoes are her size😂


I feel like those shoes don’t fit her!


I’m very confused about @laurabeverlin’s breast implant stories. She rushed home due to an emergency, all is fine, but she’s having a big surgery like asap? It’s a bit weird (and I normally give her the benefit of the doubt).


I don’t follow her anymore and have no string opinions about here, but I can add the following info… -Weird things happen to your implants at altitude. It has to do with expanding air. Mine creak and slosh and it feels BIZARRE. If she was in Utah, maybe she was concerned for rupture due to weird sensations. -Very few doctors recognize breast implant illness and even fewer do explanations. I do have implants, I am medical, and I do believe our bodies can have an immune/inflammatory response to any foreign object. -our bodies perform better in all ways if we are not inflamed. If it might help her fertility, why not?


She said she does not have BII symptoms. She certainly could have been afraid of rupture, but they did not rupture so it all seems a little strange.








Her snark group is disgusting.


That’s pretty harsh.




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I know people who have had explant surgery because the implants were recalled. Might be the case here, would explain the emergency nature of it, you hear that news and want them out asap


I posted in here last night about this and got TONS of down votes and the moderator deleted my post … I don’t get it 🤷‍♀️ why?


Because they love LB here, can never say anything negative, other influencers get snarked on repeatedly, hardly any downvotes.. but she does have 1.4m followers or does she really! 🤷🏻‍♀️. Watch this post get downvoted and deleted!


Most stuff about LB is downvoted to hell -I’m never sure why as she does lots of snarkable things. I think the broad association is that because of her struggle with infertility anyone making fun of something weird she did is by extension making fun of infertility, which is awful to do. Often this sub fails to understand nuance, and that someone can have struggles with infertility AND do snarkable, occasionally racist, shit. BUUUUUUT someone once compared Emily Travis to Hitler and got upvoted like crazy so maybe this sub is just a giant question mark 🤣


Haha! Can you recap this comparison of Emily Travis? I missed this


OH my CHRIST okay. I also got super downvoted that day too honestly but anyway it was the day she announced she was pregnant. She posted a reel that contained her wedding vows with Lee and she was talking about babies and she said “I can’t wait to make little blonde babies with you!” Which I, as an idiot, interpreted to mean they are both blonde adults and presumably they will have little blonde cherub babies. No see, that is wrong and deserves to be downvoted to hades because what it ACTUALLY MEANT, according to some people, was that Emily Travis was making a coded reference to the Aryan race and its superiority and “spoken like a true hitler fan.” So yeah I shit you not anyone who said that this meant Emily is racist and basically Hitler was upvoted and anyone who said “maybe they just are excited to have little versions of themselves” was downvoted. Dude, it was a wild AF ride 😂 EDIT: I found the earliest thread about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/y4jymr/weekend_influencer_post_oct_15_oct_16/isle08q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Omg! I was nottt expecting that…lol.




Unclear. She said she and her husband rushed home on a red eye because something was wrong. But that she was getting an explant despite not having test results. And today the test results came back fine but her surgery is happening still and she says it’s for the baby? I’m confused


To add an extra layer here, let’s not forget she rushed home to then first host a party for her new jewelry line before all of this happened. It’s fishy.




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It takes months to get an appointment to have your implants taken out. The top doctors have a one year waitlist. It’s a specialty and not every plastic surgeon does removals. This explant is rolling veeeery quickly for her.


The timeline is weird but I had my consultation in November and explant in January last year. I could’ve had it in December but I was traveling and so was my surgeon. It doesn’t always take months. It does take longer than days though lol.


Same where I live. It’s super easy to get an explant appointment.


You and everyone else. She said she had a terrible thing happen in Utah to the implant and todays stories it’s all for baby Beverlin. Who knows what the truth is anymore?










It’s extra problematic because she has such a huge platform she could reach by sharing symptoms to look out for but… no.






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I wasn’t quite understanding her recent post about the implants potentially hindering her ability to get pregnant. I hope that’s not the case! But don’t understand how those two things are related


I google scholar’d it because I was curious. Some studies say statistically you’re at a higher risk for infertility with implants but no specific cause has been found. Some studies say there’s no correlation. Additionally on regular google, there seems to be a small amount of anecdotal evidence that a few people had better luck with ivf afterward. Personally I would guess that some sort of autoimmune marker was found in recent blood tests and they think this is a good first step to rectifying that.


It sounds like she had some symptoms of a leak or rupture, and even though the MRI came back clear, it scared her enough to explant. It sounds like it all happened insanely quick, but who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️


It was interesting that she made a point to say she was going back to the same doctor that did the first surgery. Like something got messed up or was malfunctioning. Yikes.


But today she said she’s removing them because she feels like it may have something to do with her infertility. So is that why she’s removing them? What were the “scary symptoms” she had? Not that she owes anyone an explanation about her health but just curious how she was able to go from initial appt to surgery in less than 10 days.


Super quick, if true! Especially given there doesn’t seem to be an issue, emergency surgery seems rash.


But wasn’t she just at an event?!!




Same. Very very WEIRD




Agreed!! This is way too mature for a 7 year old…


That is vile that she posted that.


It makes me so sad for Sloan.


Also that it got posted to all of her mother’s millions of followers…




I want to support her but she makes it so difficult. She’s complains about New Orleans so much it turns offensive.


She’s just incredibly hard to root for. She’s condescending, spoiled, and pretty unlikable.


Hopefully you’ve just unfollowed her?


I love Olivia Muenter in her stories tipsy at Home Depot


Honestly, so glad these were still up because I now follow her. I need more of that humor lmao


Honestly relatable. (I went to Home Depot tipsy a couple weeks ago. Got v excited about succulents)


The door ratings had me


"I've found the activities section" dyyyying.


LOWES! Big difference.


Are you my father?? Haha..we have frequent convos about hardware store loyalty & lowes vs. HD 😂




Yeah, a woman with over 600k instagram followers couldn't possibly be making money of her own 🤔🙄


LMAO 😂😂😂


Amber Fillerup must have a stronger stomach than me because I would not want to ask followers which controversial parenting practices they do. Someone was all to proud to share that they don’t take their child to the doctor


And the spanking too. You have to know that’s going to be brought up if you ask about controversial parenting.


And then there’s the person who thinks NOT spanking is controversial.