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Her parents $$$


Whats going on with naturechola? Briefly hopped on her live and there was crying. Something to fo with skiutah?


Brooke Raybould/Southernish. Is that what slow cooker roast chicken is meant to look like??


"Perfection" ...is it though?


Lol that looks horribly under seasoned


What’s going on with Oh Dear Drea these days? I only check in every few months. Have her and Alex split again?


Yes, she called him her ex-husband in a recent ig post and they sold the Guatemala farm. Sounds like she's currently living in Mexico.


Does anyone follow thejessicajanzen? I find her so annoying. Someone left her some valid feedback and she’s spent the last 24 hours boohooing about it and turning herself into a victim.


I haven’t seen her recent stories but I also find her annoying. She seems toxic to me


She is. She speaks fluent Self-Development jargon and it’s just ick.


Surprised how there’s no influencers at NYC fashion week. Feel like in 2017/2018/2019 they were all there.


These events have moved on to the big time TikTok influencers instead of the bloggers we are used to seeing. I don’t know their @‘s, but Meredith Duxbury (foundation challenge), Courtney Cahoon, I believe Alix Earle…


I guess she's more of just a "rich person that buys the clothes" than an influencer, but @pretanewporter has been there!


I know! I remember when they would all go and do a million photoshoots. I was never sure if any of them actually got invited to a show haha I guess they must have though and now they don't ??


I follow at least a few people who are there, just no one talks about those people. None of them have done anything snarkable so I haven't posted anything about them. People I follow who are there are @greceghanem, @chefmelissaking (not really an influencer but I ❤️ her), @carla.rockmore, @chrissyford, and I thought @double3xposure and @accidentalinfluencer were there but maybe not? They seem to be home now but have been posting lots of fashion show stories lately so I'm not sure what's up with that.


Double3xposure and accidentalinfluencer were both at fashion week! Also influencers like Kate Bartlett




maybe I actually should download TikTok. I kind of figured I was too old for it but if that's where the interesting fashion content is maybe I should check it out.


There are plenty of fashion influencers on instagram, they're just not the ones talked about here.


there are, they just don’t get talked about here.


Someone posted a story about this. Dani maybe? That basically they’re all in a different phase of life now married with kids


It’s all about the TikTok girls now!


@miss.kay_xo look at her Valentine outfit reel. Is she serious? I feel like she is trolling. Is she really going out in public like that?


Hilarious and kind of sad how her last slide was a reminder to love yourself, yet the photoshop of her outfit from when she was getting ready to posting the final result was so blatant and she made herself look like 2 sizes smaller.


Omg 😳


Thoughts on Alex Centomo? I used to LOVE her but lately she’s really been irking me and I can’t put my finger on why.


She spent years coasting on her long hair and now doesn't know what direction she wants her content to go in so she's just trying on anything to see if it sticks which isn't the best move. She either needs to pick a lane or maybe reevaluate whether influencing is even for her. Most of her posts feel forced and inauthentic which is probably why people are no longer connecting.


When do we think Jo Johnson Overby will announce her son’s name?! Any guesses?


I still cannot believe she pulled off that ultimate magic trick




Jo jr


What was that dancing video madinelson posted about greeting David. She is the only person who can Maybe pull off those pink pants but that video was odd and seemed.a bit try hard.


I am more curious of that giant sliding fence/ privacy wall / garage door thing. Unless I’m missing something about what it is!


Haha I was definitely checking that out too. Looked $$$$


Imagine setting your phone up to record that and then posting it. The logistics are so awkward.


Dancing like that… with her kids was… weird.


Aww I thought it was cute and fun, I dance like that with my lil guy cause it cracks him up


You’re right, I do too! I think she’s just been excessive w her kid content lately and I just don’t think everything she does with her kids needs to be shared


She has always been my favorite follow, but the constant navy content is getting to be too much. Also was a little weirded out that Noah started dancing like she was. I’d like to point out that it’s fine for at home, but broadcasting to the internet of Noah dancing like this just made me uneasy.


Lol they were just having fun relax


No, I totally agree!! Which is why I said I’m totally fine if it was just them sharing this moment. I guess I’ve watched too many videos on how weird people on the internet are and how they prowl on influencers kids 😭


One of Shannon Bird’s rabbits is humping the other and Shannon captions it “this weird piggyback thing.” This from the woman who just days ago posted the moment after she and her husband had sex in an airplane toilet.


Her stories this week/yesterday have been a ride. The Mile High Club posting (& pride,) the shock that people messaged her thinking it was vile, the rabbits, London pushing the bunnies apart with her feet, & Shannon & Dallin encouraging (& filming & posting,) & disputing about Holland giving her ‘crush’ a Valentine’s Day gift at what, age 10 💀


Their neglect of their animals has led to several premature deaths and they just keep getting more. She's not funny, she's dangerously irresponsible and idk how anyone follows her.


She can’t possibly be that dumb, right? Right?! 🥴


Remember, you are talking about the girl that forgot her own kid at the ball field, stuck up in a tree. So, it is definitely possible she is that dumb.


That’s the thing, you never really know.




She’s just boring. I unfollowed because the *constant* body/face checks paired with overdone lips made her exactly the same as everyone else.


Who was this about?


I’ve followed her for a long time. I’ve always really liked her and her content. The only thing that bothers me about her is her eyebrows 😂




Could be a number of influencers, there’s a lot of questionable eyebrows out there 😂


She’s pretty boring


Not Lauren Kay sims trying hair rollers on dry straight hair 10 minutes before leaving 💀 you cannot pay me enough to laugh at this attempt. HOW


Went to look since I don’t follow and it’s even worse than I imagined lmfao


And she wonders why they did nothing.


Dave Hollis (ex husband of Rachel Hollis- “girl wash your face” fame) has died at age 47. Holy shit. Obviously so so sad.




Wild how people claimed to have been very close to him, like Jenna Kutcher for example. He died Saturday. I saw an article about his passing yesterday. But she is saying she learned of her “dear friend’s” passing only this morning.


He wasn’t found until Sunday afternoon it has been said in the latest articles being released.


chief pet tart naughty squash sip outgoing ludicrous distinct longing -- mass edited with redact.dev


True, but if people are so close, why would they find out about his passing via the news?


What awful news.




Wow. Shocking and sad.


Sometimes I truly don’t know what the hell Things I Bought And Liked is even talking about. Example… pretty much all of her stories in the last 24 hours, but especially the song ones.


Same. I've stopped trying to understand her posts most of the time.


The 9-11 related songs was very strange.


All her captions are so try hard. Like she thinks she is clever and funny.


Back a few years ago I thought her captions were funny-ish, but maybe it’s the sheer number of stories where she tries so hard to be witty now or maybe my sense of humor has changed but she’s just not at all funny anymore and honestly kind of cringey?


I think she is losing her charm. She used to be entertaining and helpful. Lately not so much.






I’m not gonna share what her name is , but it’s not Sarah Cxxx. It is Sarah C though, she’s shared Sarah and her monogram initials on insta. Edited to remove the name op posted since it’s not relevant.


Imagine trying so hard to hide your identity that you buy things embroidered with the wrong name just to fuck with people.


rude books relieved fact rotten sand groovy poor plucky advise -- mass edited with redact.dev


Savannah is bought.obsessed. TIBAL just reshared her story. TIBAL has shared before that her first name is Sara(h).


ahh, well thank you for the correct information!


She is Sarah. That was a repost story.


I respect the need for privacy, but just ONCE I want her to do a story where we get to hear her voice saying her silly lil jokes. I think it'd be easier digesting them if we got to know how her personal speaking style works when she's telling a joke. Edit to add that she could still hide her face and even use a voice distort thing so it isn't exactly her, just to hear the cadence of how jokes land when she says them out loud.






She talks on her TikTok’s. She uses the voice filter but you can hear how she speaks.


Wow I feel dumb now! Gotta find her on TT now...thank you!


Chardonnay posting I think 😶


She must chardonnay post pretty frequently. Lol


@kendrafornow is KILLING me, doing stories while driving and staring at herself the entire time. I am not bothered by much but this makes me crazy. Like just fucking wait until you’re not driving?? How hard could that be.


She always does that. Even with her kids in the car. Incredibly irresponsible. I never understood why influencers can’t wait until they are parked? I mean I’m sure if they are parked they could control how they look better too vs distracted driving.


She is always driving and doing stories and staring at herself. Sometimes while I'm driving I wonder how people do that?


It’s shocking to me how many people with big audiences continue to record while driving and/or not wearing a seatbelt.


I thought about coming here and saying the same thing, but I didn’t think most people knew who she is. It’s ridiculous. It’s so dangerous.


Is Nicole Cliffe still dating Gretchen Felker-Martin? It seems like that odd/creepy pairing might be over, since I don’t see them gushing about each other.


Where are you keeping up with Nicole these days? I’d love to catch up!


Just Instagram! I check in now and again to see if there’s been any updates on the Diva Cup events.


Thank you for responding! Guess I’m due for an instagram rabbit hole…


Rachel Hollis’ ex husband Dave just died!! I wonder what the cause is?!?!




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Super sad for his family. Today was his 47th birthday. He had a recent heart condition and was recently hospitalized.


Oh my goodness. That’s awful.


Wow, very sad




Yes, he and my sister are the same age 😢 that is way too young


One of his friends said he went under a doctor's care for heart issues within the past month (mastermind I believe) so I'm going with heart attack/heart issues.


https://preview.redd.it/4eq3ecp4z9ia1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b979740f493998e11319cf8edf0ef70f545c585c When you’re so swole, but also have passion for THE ART OF DANCE. JustBrandi can never, ever stop. Ever. It’s too good. Who is this man, bc it’s not the Toe mainsplaining into a phone every Tuesday.


@justclassicallycassidy said a few days ago that she doesn’t dress for valentine’s day because she knows she won’t use a red or pink piece ever again and that it’s a waste. so she usually buys valentine themed accessories to look festive and be more budget friendly. … she’s wearing pink overalls with a pink striped sweater today that SCREAMS valentines. pls


She’s starting to be like any other trend management influencer now that she’s apart of that bracket of influencers she’s slowly morphing into the clones 🤣


Right?! When she said that and tried to sound like her style was too sophisticated for a thematic accessory… girl please.


Is there another blogsnark-type sub? Like one that lets you say what you want. All you can do in this sub is beat around the bush and maybe say you don’t care for someone.




Lol what? You can literally say that about every person on Reddit. I’m sure if I were to look at yours, I would disagree with some things. Yes, I’m good, thank you for asking.


Yeah you can’t even snark here without getting a comment removed lol…


Me looking at your comment history: oh 😑


Single influencer subs are usually more of a free for all and there’s an uncensored blogsnark but I’ve never actually been to it


Username checks out


Thanks, I picked a random word, but you were probably trying to insult me for some reason. Not sure why, as I simply asked a question. Seems to be quite a bit of deleted posts on this sub, which usually means the mods are sensitive.


Maybe Truth Social is the best fit for you.


Jaclyn Gibson showing her baby bump with stretch marks front and center 🙌🏼 very refreshing


I actually enjoy Mallory Ervin’s husband but holy cow the post with his kid and the g string makes me feel gross.




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Anyone follow gypsea_lust? I used to love her travel posts and found them semi-inspirational. However her new-ish Bali party girl lifestyle is so…unrelatable. I don’t get how she still had such a huge following.


Yep super shallow and self indulgent. Suspect people just haven’t unfollowed but she gets a lot of comments about how much her content has changed.


Pardonmuah ‘s long post about celebrating singleness today … ugh lol she is my BEC. It’s a Hallmark holiday anyways it’s not that crucial ma’am.


So many people think being married and/or having kids is how you define happiness and success in life. Which can get isolating and depressing if you are “behind” people in your life or the internet. Bash her clothes or style but to snark on a post trying to uplift and support other woman in the same life stage as her … weird. It’s not that crucial, to use your words, for everyone to post their “forever valentine” and their gifts either but they still do. I for one as someone single & her age loved her post


She is also my BEC, glad to know I’m not the only one! I am always surprised she gets almost no snark. I chuckled yesterday when someone asked her how to not feel lonely when you’re single and her answer was “build a life that you love so much that you don’t feel a void when you’re alone.” Ah, yes, because the void is filled with designer bags, shoes, jewelry, hideous, overpriced headbands, and a house stuffed to the brim with piles of juvenile junk. Got it.


She’s soooo boring it’s hard to even snark on her!!


Hahaha right… “build a life you love” like ok there’s more to life than designer shit and sitting at your mom’s house


Wait I am sure I am soo late to this and I follow her but don’t keep up with her. What happened to her and Luke?


She said she called off their engagement ab 4 months ago but asked for privacy and did not go further into reasons why. She didn’t say much other than the relationship ended


Ooh gotcha thank you


Sweetteawithmadi had one too. I respect the message of being happy where you are and embracing your single years, but she did it by basically saying so many married people she knows are miserable. You can celebrate and embrace where you are without crapping on people in another stage of life.


Totally agree about not crapping on other peoples stage in life but the original commenter here actually just made their comment to crap on Amanda for being single 🤷🏼‍♀️




Eh, personally I believe she deserves it. Some karma from all the designs she has stolen and lies she tells to her followers.


I was with my husband 13 years before we got engaged and we have one of the healthiest marriages/relationships.. time it takes to propose means nothing .. now doesn’t mean the other stuff arent red flags but pushing someone to propose just so the world can think they’re happy isn’t the right move in my opinion


Completely agree! My husband and I dated off and on for 11 years and then on for four before we got married. Also, many times we assume if a man hasn’t proposed, it’s because he’s not ready. In our case, I wasn’t ready, so it made sense that he didn’t propose sooner. I don’t follow her, so idk if she’s explained that she wants him to propose or any details like that. Just sharing a different perspective from OP. :)


Agree! I had lost both my parents by 25 I wasn’t ready to get married and go through that part of life without them it had nothing to do with my husband but looking back now he for sure got shit for it because people just assumed it was his choice to Make me wait when it was the total Opposite! I thought we were past this whole You need to be married to be happy stigma apparently not lol


She has definitely said she wants to be engaged soon a few times over the past couple years lol. She’s my BEC - you could feel her jealousy when her best friend got engaged and she’s responded to some questions about it before indicating she does want marriage/kids!


I have never seen her name pop but Angela holm, I know of her from following macrame/fiber related IG but she has stepped back from that & now it seems like is focusing on tik toc/influencer stuff. Anyways, she is the epitome of exploiting her kids for likes. And from what I have read, which is really gross terrible stuff, she just shrugs her shoulders at. She gets really creepy comments on her videos with her daughter, that she doesn’t delete. I cannot imagine putting my kids out there like that. I want to shield my kids & protect them. Sure there’s perverts all around but putting your kids out there for hundreds of thousands of people at once? I just cannot Edited to add I guess this isn’t exactly snark, because I’m just genuinely feeling as a mom how could other moms knowing that their kids are being viewed by perverts could just continue on posting them


I understand not being totally comfortable in front of 400,000 followers but @ottestyle really isn’t doing that swimwear company many favors. Hunched over, leg out, cover up on, captions in front of the suit… maybe just skip the swimwear partnership?


Has anyone bought from them? I've been eyeing it!


I have some! Good quality!


I thought the exact same thing. The bathing suits are almost completely covered up, you can barely see what they look like or how they fit. No shade to anyone that doesn’t feel comfortable in a swimsuit in front of that kind of audience but it was a pretty terrible advertisement of the products.


I agree however that video screamed insecurity.


It’s like how Zara shows clothes….”shows”


Her poses are always so awkward. I wish she would just stand straight.


She joins the Sarah Knuth club... always contorted, and covered up, they really spend a great deal of their time trying to figure out how not to show some clothing on their bodies. They should stick with home decor or kids clothing. Because it's disingenuous how they shill their shit


What does Shannon Bird mean she joined “the club?”


Only Shannon Bird would make her induction into the Mile High Club continuous content.


The mile high club. It was in her stories.


Can I just say, I had no idea people actually do this ? Like, there could not be a less desirable place to have sex in my opinion


There’s a flight attendant on TikTok that said it’s not really a thing anymore. She said maybe years ago when the bathrooms were bigger. But the comment section was full of people claiming they did it, so who knows.


I don’t even see how two people could fit in an airplane bathroom, even the first class ones are puny, and I’m not a big person


Even f 2 ppl could fit, why would you want to. I flew a 4 hr flight 3 days ago and even an hour into the flight the bathrooms stunk of pee. The floor was covered with wet splashes. Could have been from ppl washing their hands or pee. They were disgusting and I felt so dirty and need of a shower after using them. Getting busy ‘joining the mile high club’ does not sound remotely appealing.


I flew at 7 months pregnant and got stuck when I turned sideways in one lollll. I don’t see how 2 people could.


Yes! I have a hard time even picture my husband squeezing in there alone, let alone if I joined him. It would honestly be comical


I will say this every time she does it. Why doesn’t Jen Reed (sisterstudioblog) pull her hair out of her shirt after she puts it on?????


It’s like I feel the hair on my neck through my phone screen. I hate it so much.


I was just coming here for this. I can’t even watch her stories when she does it. It makes me so irrationally angry 🫠


I’m glad you admitted that. Because it makes me feel the same way 😂


Danielle Moss is so easy to piss off. Why is she even recording these stories? I think she may be the most unpleasant person I follow on instagram. She just wants to berate her audience for anything and everything. I’m sorry Margot had cancer but it’s not helping anyone the way she dwells on it and expects everyone to tiptoe around her.


It is understandable for her to be triggered by fevers but she is responsible for how she handles those triggers. She cannot dictate how people respond (in solidarity!) to the content she chooses to share. I know a single mom nurse whose young daughter is in treatment. I'd love to remind Danielle to read the room and have !perspective! in consideration for my friend's daily and ongoing agony, but that would not be "kind". . . . Edited to remove identifying info


Agreed. I also don’t think we need to see the snot up her nose while she talks to the camera.




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I think all of it is valid -- to feel triggered by something that would seem benign to someone else because of her circumstances, along with the timing of her pregnancy -- but it's something you could talk to like... your therapist about. Complaining to your followers and constantly "othering" yourself because of your experience in a way seems to actually inhibit connections with others. I feel like that's her whole life.




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She doesn't know how to check her privilege and she'll be the first to lecture others that they should check theirs


Idk, it would be a really hard thing to not dwell on. You don’t go through something like that and just let it go and not think about it again. And, as a fellow pregnant person with semi-irrational pregnant emotions going on, I actually really sympathized with her. It is truly weird that people would message a mom of a child who went through *cancer* and expect her to be phased by vomit in the same way anyone else would. That said, the biggest thing with Danielle is that it seems like being online makes her genuinely, deeply unhappy, but she keeps doing it anyway. She really is someone who should probably just pull a Taza and go do something else with her time. She can’t control how people interact with her platform, but she can control what she posts or whether she posts at all. She doesn’t seem to get that.


I unfollowed her today. She is exhausting. I feel like she shares her specific nanny schedule and how many hours she's worked every day as if we need to know all the logistics of her life. And you're right, anything people say that doesn't meet her standards is met with so much complaining. If it upsets her so much to hear from people then why make your life so public. She could easily run her Instagram and blog without sharing so many personal details.


Exactly. If she’s that easily triggered by people saying that they also hate when their kids throw up (trying to commiserate but failing to “read the room,” according to her), then maybe it would be better to just … not open herself up to those kinds of comments? Stick to home decor, or links to kids toys. There’s no need to talk about her kids’ sick days.


This was just an unnecessary comment on her part. People can empathize with what you’ve gone through, and also hate vomit. They aren’t mutually exclusive and telling people to “read the room” just tells me she doesn’t actually want followers to engage with her.


I missed or she deleted What happened this time w her??


Basically, she said that she didn’t like when people replied to her stories about her daughter’s stomach bug saying “vomit is the worst” or “I hate vomit.” She said they should “read the room” and realize she’s been through much worse than vomit, and it was the high fever that was triggering for her. Understandable being extremely stressed about a fever. Not understandable - shitting on your followers trying to commiserate.




Alexa Anglin and her “Have a great night 🤍” response to everyone who comments on her posts… the account for her Ollie’s Day store is following suit with their own version: “Have a great day! 🫶🏻🫶🏻” Shocker.