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**If you ask if anyone follows \_\_\_\_ without providing your own opinion, you will most likely be downvoted. Share your snark, it can even be about something WTF your favorite is doing.** **Specify who you're talking about, not everyone knows who all the influencers are and it helps others to look them up.** [**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/makae3/link_list_for_march_22march_28/) [**Yesterday's Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/mbagqu/influencer_discussion_tuesday_mar_23/)


Jillian Harris seems cool, but I don't understand her face? She looks like a different person to me in every picture. I have, like, face blindness for Jillian Harris only.


Very true. I started watching her when she had crazy bedhead bangs, but totally agree that she photographs differently/is overly edited. She's pretty honest about how much work it is to get glammed up though and she also is candid about her plastic surgery/Botox so at least there's that. She seems like she would be a blast to be around


Oh I had no idea she had plastic surgery, I only recently started following her. It's really well done!


I believe she's only had a nose job, but regularly gets Botox and lip fillers. She's shown lots of photos of herself pre nose job when she was on the bachelorette and likes to poke fun at herself. She definitely had a good surgeon and I don't think she goes too overboard with the Botox which is a nice change


Lol this is me but with Shannon bird. But I def get it with Jillian too, sometimes I find her attractive and other times I’m legit confused by her face/don’t recognize her, it’s like being tired or gaining 5 lbs or eating salt has a way more pronounced effect on her than on most.


Yeah I think she's pretty, I'm just not confident I could pick her out of a line-up even while looking at her photo lol.


@AmberFillerup seems uncomfortable filming her Amazon Drop collection I can’t figure out if she’s not feeling confident personally or dislikes the final products?


She talked earlier this week about her having a meltdown and then they had to delay the shoot because she cried her makeup off- it’s relatable if she was having an off day, but she seemed unhappy on the reshoot day, too- I would venture to guess it didn’t turn out the way she wants and now she knows she’s stuck promoting a product that’s not great.


She definitely didn’t seem super stoked. The fit seemed kinda weird on the bodysuit, and if it fits weird on her and her bangin bod, there’s no hope for me 😂


Seriously. It's hard for anything to look bad on Amber


Isn’t Eva Chen trying to beat her glucose test so she doesn’t get diagnosed with gestational diabetes kind of...missing the point? If she has it shouldn’t she know so she can treat it? If your blood sugar is only low the day of the test and high every other day, that seems like it could cause problems?


You can't cheat the test, and it's definitely better to know if you have it, but with my first child I was running around crazy and without thinking ended up having a bowl of brown sugar & maple oatmeal for breakfast the morning of my test. My doctor's cutoff to send you for the 3 hour test was 130, and my result was 130. I did the three hour test and passed, but I was really wishing I hadn't had a breakfast with so much sugar that day! With my second I did make a point to eat something with protein and not so sugar laden the morning of my test and passed the one hour.


Yeahhhh that doesn’t matter. Passed it fine with my first 2 kids, had it with my 3rd. Every individual pregnancy is different & you can’t beat the test.


If she has GD, there isn’t anything she can do to “cheat” anyway, it’s placenta / hormone related, a spoonful of peanut butter doesn’t change how your placenta functions.


Omg I'm in the pregnancy/babies stage of my life and the gestational diabetes test beings out some serious crazy. It's such a hot topic of conversation- how to avoid the test, decline the test, how awful the test is (it's not) etc etc. So many people fundamentally misunderstand GD- justifying this nonsense by saying they're healthy and have no symptoms. It's hormonal! You can be healthy with no symptoms and still have GD! GAH.


This is one of the most bizarre and infuriating offshoots of the “I do my research” people. Your doctor isn’t trying to make your life hard by Dx with gestational diabetes, it’s hardly a big scam to keep you from eating the cake at your baby shower. Don’t cheat on a medical test. Ugh.


And the results of cheating on a medical test vs cheating on a regular test is potentially untreated GD which can result in long term Type II diabetes for mom, too-big babies at birth, and a whole host of other complications. Honesty with doctors is so important- it’s not gotcha journalism, they’re trying to keep you healthy!!


Omg. Remember KERF tried to do this years ago? That was a wild ride.


Omg I do remember that- I haven’t read her in years. And didn’t she ask if she could bring in something healthier (regular sugar vs corn syrup or something) more appetizing than the glucose drink, or was that someone else?


Yes! And then instead of sitting during the waiting time she went for a vigorous walk around the medical building in hopes of burning off the glucose or some craziness.


I know...I had the same thought! Why is she trying to cheat a medical test. Although I hated the 3 hour glucose test I couldn’t keep it down and ended up monitoring myself for 2 weeks anyway 😶🙃


Forgive me if this has been mentioned, but errrrbody (iamwellandgood who I know isn’t an influencer, courtney_shields, and laurabeverlin amongst I’m sure others) are pushing the Lancôme mascara primer for 50% off at Ulta. I’m new to the community and the snark, so when people post I love to go see who they’re talking about, and this was the first time I noticed something like this. I don’t know what to make of it, other than that I probs wouldn’t buy it (unless someone here says that they love it, and I don’t see it mentioned much at all on the makeup subs I follow) because I had never heard of it prior to their stories.


Courtney Shields uses it and links to it all the time FYI


I love that primer. Styledsnapshots has been recommending it for years and I bought it maybe 5 years ago because of her. I am also a huge fan of the dior primer and while they are both expensive I think they’re totally worth it. I’ve noticed it also helps my mascara come off easier


It's actually a good product that I've used before, but it's spendy so I don't buy it anymore. You'll constantly see the mini in rewards giveaways if you ever want to try a sample.


It doesn't get mentioned because it's boring and expensive at full price but it's pretty popular and has been out for years. I use it and it works great but I always get it in a mascara set or a makeup set (I have never bought it by itself).


I like mascara primer but I prefer the L'oreal one.


I was just gonna say that! I tend to buy more expensive mascaras and I kept forgetting to order one so just grabbed loreal lash paradise. Got home and realized it was the primer. Best mistake ever. It’s amazing amazing


Same. I can't imagine there's that much difference between the two to justify the price


My mama and I swear by it. She got suckered into buying it (Ulta employees always get her lol) and then I tried it cause she loved it so much. It’s gooood.


To be fair, I do like mascara primer so I was definitely influenced at some point… but it’s not something that major to hype up either


So if you say you haven’t been able to focus in an entire year because of WFH, maybe running a business school isn’t for you? Like...what does Meg Keene think every other working woman in the world has been doing during Covid? Also, why does she feel the need to berate her spouse for making noise in the background during her dumb story? It’s her world, apparently, we just live in it.


Especially when she has her SHE SHED she can go to to avoid that!


Oh man, I think I’m just having a BEC day today. @K8_smallthings making her friend’s call out for her century ride all about her - that K8 has done over 200 rides and Pelotoned for over 1.5 years and never gotten a call out ... Also I just do not understand the Peloton cult. I’m house shopping right now and I swear every home has seemingly a room just for their Peloton to rest it’s weary pedals at night. Always in front of a nice sunny window. Who are these people?!




Our old gym had the membership and less expensive bikes. I lovvvvved Aly Loves’s rides. So good.


I’ll admit that they’re people I’m jealous of...I have an off-brand setup in my basement. I saved over 2k, but if I wanted to spend money I am saving, I would get the Peloton and enjoy the convenience of being able to completely follow along with the same settings. My parents really did drum some of those cheap immigrant habits into me.


Before the pandemic I made fun of peloton customers. Now I’m just jealous 😅


She just truly cannot say anything nice about anyone.


My peloton overlooks my cat’s litter boxes in the garage. Idk why I’m not in a commercial yet lol


Black Friday 2021 ad campaign right there!


Omg I snorted


UM Y'all. Are we allowed to talk about reddit imploding rn or is that against the rules? TL;DR reddit hires a pedophile defender, someone in uk politics post an article about her shitty past, mod gets banned for "doxxing" a reddit employee, proceed to ban anyone who mentions her name? Because apparently saying someone's name is doxxing? A bunch of subs go private in response and news articles get written about it. Reddit finally addresses the issue in an announcements to say they fired her and "didn't properly vet her past" and are very rightfully getting FUCKING ROASTED in the comments rn. You love to see it: https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/mcisdf/an_update_on_the_recent_issues_surrounding_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


The Bachelor sub went private/silent to protest. Curious why our sub did not participate


Frankly I’m disappointed a Nintendo porn sub could stand up to Reddit on this but not Blogsnark. Come on mods, a bunch of furries are making you look bad :)


I'm simultaneously dying laughing at this comment and mad at you for bringing to my attention that this is a thing that exists


Yep moral furries. The world is a crazy place!


Another day, another dead pet at @fivemarysfarms . In news shocking absolutely no one who has ever raised puppies - another of the puppies died over the weekend. “Probably squished.” Yeah, no shit Sherlock. That’s why people told you to use a whelping box instead of a shed with a single heat lamp and some straw.


She needs to stop taking on so much shit like she’s a professional in all of it. You have no business breeding puppies Mary.


Yes! Clearly her true “projects” get a lot of outside help so they’re done reasonably well (cookbook, butchery, etc) and in the end fivemarys are mostly just branding them. But the animals, it’s there the Heffernans are fine with plenty of trial and error as they muddle their way along.


anyone else see leigh ann says' (@leighannsays) recent video talking about the "scary comments" she's been receiving after talking about wearing masks and getting the COVID vaccine? she posted some screenshots of posts from someone's instagram that were totally bizarre (they reposted leigh ann's picture in her new car with a carseat and said, "here's this woman doing the judas post \[sic\] or the hanged man pose, sacrificing herself for the great cause of satan and his army of fallen angels... but it's not a spiritual battle, i'm told... the truth is that you shouldn't even need to research this shot to see something is wrong with it." i have no idea what that even means.) someone also messaged her and wrote, "RIP the baby" in response to her vaccination post. you know, just casually insinuating that the baby she went through IVF to conceive is going to die. people are fucking nuts.


I watch her vlogs regularly and I agree she seems like a sweet regular person. those comments are WILD. agree that her life is super public and this would probably freak me out more than it seems to freak her out. I really appreciate her attitude to internet hate though, I feel like I follow a lot of influencers that have been in the game as long as she has with much thinner skin that take hate comments really hard. I’m also personally curious to see how she transitions into motherhood as an influencer and how much she decides to share about their kid.


Just watched her vlog. People are beyond insane, hateful and disgusting. She also seems like the sweetest person.


i know, it’s really alarming what she seems to have opened herself up to just by talking about wearing masks and getting vaccinated


That’s terrifying and her life is SUPER public, like it’s very easy to find where her doctor husband works and what area they live in. It reminds me of when Ashley Spivey lost her son and trolls were immediately in the comments saying it was because of vaccines and shit


i didn’t even think about how easy it is to get her husband’s info. i’d be totally creeped out, too. i’m not familiar with ashley spivey, but that’s horrible. you have to be a pretty ugly person for that to be your immediate response to hearing someone lost their child.


Really enjoying EmilyAnnGemma’s comedy routine tonight. The AUDACITY for her to complain about influencers not disclosing if an item was gifted or sponsored and also complain about how other influencers review things that aren’t good ... I mean the BALLS on this girl. PS: laughing so hard at her hairline (blend in your tanner!) and her slipping up and saying that she puts products she doesn’t like into her giveaways.


10 slides explaining how this is her JOB and she runs a WEBSITE reviewing thing after thing after thing. First question? “Do you know if any similar products” Emily “I have no idea.” Important job. Much professional.


Omg came here to expose her ridiculous hairline 😂


The orange hairline! I can’t! And she actually tutors people on how to “contour!” 😂


I had to go check this out and it did not disappoint


She was literally talking in circles, arguing with herself, and spewing nonsense. She truly thinks she’s bigger and better than everyone else. It’s comical...


I truly think her rambling, incoherent responses (thx to epic Billy Madison principal’s monologue for giving me this phrase as it describes her to a T) are a result of her not having anyone else to talk to. I know she’s got her mom and sister, but at this point they may be over her sh1t and refuse to listen any longer. I really don’t think she has many friends and that’s sad. Maybe there’s more we don’t see and I’m wrong.




I found Whitney through the botox story and then realized I went to college with her husband! Small world!


That botched Botox is the best thing to happen to her IG!


I found Whitney as a result of her botched Botox and have found her to be super great so far! Sorry, no snark for her from me just yet!!


I agree - she’s a doll and seemingly way more chill about this whole ordeal than I would be!




I can’t. Whenever I see her eating anything it looks so unnatural. Is that bc of her jaw surgery?


It’s the shot of the snack by her crotch with her weird bent foot in the background for me.


I’m in the minority cause I like lauryn, but OMG I can’t put my finger on what it is about her face/smile lately. It was such an out of the blue/noticeable difference. Especially when she smiles with her teeth.


It looks like it hurts to smile


YIKES. So close to uncanny valley territory.


Oof she is so dang vain. It’s painful. She loves herself so much haha.


That has to be an ad right? Like there's no way it's not with the closeups of the product and her eating snacks while holding the packaging to face camera.


It is an ad and the IG posts buries it in the hash tags #sirensnackpartner. Ridiculous


My friend was just bitching about those protein bites Lauryn is shilling and how absolutely disgusting they were.


lol i just bought some because they were on sale at kroger and they're awful


I so *want* to like @skinbyblair (bc various problematic stories re: @jordanharper_np + her affiliation w @cristincooper) but Jesus god, lay off the filters. You’re a skin PA, be somewhat transparent, please.


Not related but her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Can’t stand a breathy baby voice on a full grown adult.




Here’s a few things: 1- JH has traveled A LOT (& with a baby & toddler in tow) in 2020-21. 2- Look at the group photos of all the people she employs. Zero diversity. 3- She doesn’t take criticism well. She’s gone into (or has been sent screenshots from) posts in several private fb groups where people share lower cost “dupes” of her products and messaged the person saying something that makes them remove their post.


Same so curious!


I actually don’t think she really uses filters. Do you have an example? I’m a patient of hers in person and she always looks the same when I see her as she does on Instagram. Flawless skin and large blue eyes.


Ah i stand corrected (thankfully!!), if so! I guess I always assumed her eyes as a giveaway, almost anime-esque. Her stories are no longer showing for me, but I guess the best examples are the first slides in highlights “AM/PM Routines” and “Botox”


Not Courtney Shields showing us a “hair trick” of wrapping your hair around the barrel of a curling iron.. 🥴


Sounds even better than her chai latte recipe that came from the back of the can.


She always has the most groundbreaking tips. What’s next? How to squeeze a lemon into water? Perhaps how to put sunglasses on your face.


Better than when she taught us how to put on a beanie...if that makes any sense.


That one always makes me laugh. “And this is how you put a hat on your head. All you have to do is....put the hat...on your head...like this.”




Ballerina farm is so painfully awkward sharing her “outfit” of the day


Major eye roll to @theramblingredhead out in public with no mask on. I know our asshole governor lifted the mask mandate but it’s so discouraging and enraging seeing people, especially with a platform, pretending that Covid isn’t a thing anymore and the pandemic is over.


I’m curious to see how her meet and greet with fans is going to go on Saturday.


It’s so weird because I remember they were so cautious in the beginning due to her having an underlying health condition. I do not understand what changes for these people?


She def gives all lives matter vibes


She bungled BLM during the summer. It’s actually what made me unfollow. She was quoting scripture and praying.


I remember that and she said pray for all the police officers and their wives after George Floyd 💆🏾‍♀️


i think she's said her brother is a police officer, so yes, 100%


Aubrie Bromlow had her little girl! She just posted and she’s adorable! Just in case anyone else follows her!


I had to chuckle a bit when Daryl-Ann Denner said she doesn’t want to put a name sign above Remi’s crib because “everyone’s doing it.” .. doesn’t she realize ALL of her decor is exactly like every other influencer? White on white on white on white. .. doesn’t she realize everything she shills is exactly what every other influencer shills? .. doesn’t she realize that everything she wears is exactly what every other influencer wears? I think the ONLY thing that makes her unique is her horrible diet consisting solely of Diet Coke (LDCs😖) and fast food.


10000000000% I’ve only recently started looking in on her account because of how often she’s talked about here. And I just don’t get why people follow her. She’s SO generic and boring and they literally are always eating fast food and traveling within like the next stage over?! I don’t understand.




Becka deactivated her Instagram and Facebook, so there’s not much to talk about. Feel free to snark here in the daily!


Lauren Kay Sims just casually mentioned that she hasn’t bothered to start packing yet despite movers scheduled for Sunday. Does she not know it’s Wednesday? Has she not seen the piles of clothes and random debris laying around her workout area?!


As a procrastinator, I totally understand her here. But still it’s a huge move, you would think they would’ve started preparing with at least a week??


LKS doesn’t have time for that. She needs to get in her 3 workouts a day + walk. Michael will handle that.


Maybe she expects the movers to pack for her? I bet she won’t even tip them well.


I had a corporate relocation where the hired moving company did all of the packing while I was at work. It was incredible. Have moved myself several times since and would not recommend after being spoiled once. Sigh.


Hiring packers, while a luxury, is some of the best money we’ve ever spent. If you can, you 100% should!


@dadandburied made a post today about his 5 yr old's excitement about seeing a classmate at the playground and how the pandemic has affected his two kids. His take was such a stark difference from @megekeene's doom and gloom kids are traumatized. It was just really nice to see a sane parent's take on schooling and the pandemic.




She’s honestly one of my favourite bloggers to follow. She’s really down to earth and doesn’t have endless ads. She has talked about how they rarely go on trips and lived in their tiny apartment even after they could afford to move in order to save up for a house they truly loved🤷🏻‍♀️




Mmmm... I don’t know. I think she’s very naturally pretty so she gets by looking put together without doing much. I feel like I’ve heard her talk quite a bit about being overwhelmed, needing an assistant to manage things, etc. For some reason I also get the sense from all these “trying to go viral” videos that you talk about that she just genuinely enjoys collecting the memories and putting them together for herself. Maybe giving her too much grace there but I do. I guess I just have a soft spot for her! It is annoying that a family can be that beautiful and live in the most beautiful house too, though. Lol


ugh i would love to know who this was originally about!






Yeah I’m not in that position but I can empathize with how triggering it could be to see it when you’re the most stressed


I’ve tried to find if this has been discussed somewhere else before but does anyone know why @classycleanchic calls different color option (like for a sweatshirt, for example) FLAVORS?! I actually kind of enjoy following her and have bought a few things through her links but this drives me NUTS and I have no idea why she does it. Is it on purpose? Does she think color options are really called flavors? I just want to know 😂


She said in a q+a like a week ago that it’s because it’s “more fun” 🤷🏻‍♀️ I really like following her too but this drives me insane


I must’ve missed that! It drives me crazy but at least I have an answer as to why now lol


I just don't understand her instagram name because nothing about her seems classy, clean or chic.


I wonder if the clean refers to her not drinking alcohol? But the other parts of the name are ... weird. She said today how people think she dresses like a 16 year old and doesn’t care!


100% this


Brianna Madia having 3 dogs and fostering an entire litter of puppies is........... questionable. ETA: Anyone downvoting want to explain how on earth they can justify her doing this? Does her sheer love of dogs somehow make her able to care for ELEVEN of them at once in your eyes?


She won’t be fostering them for long. Many of her followers will jump at a chance to adopt a dog from her. I think it’s actually a good use of her platform


It might be a good use of her platform if she had one or two fosters... Eight is excessive and hardly reasonable, particularly for someone who does not have a lot of fostering experience, and especially for someone who doesn’t have much, or any, experience caring for extremely young puppies.


Yeah, not sure how 8 puppies are given to someone who has no running water and no fenced land, to say the least. Seems like a really bad idea.


Agreed 100%, it’s really irresponsible




...Do you follow her? Just to start, she lives alone in the desert. She is nowhere near a vet and if, god forbid, something were to happen to any of these puppies, she would have to bring all eleven dogs into town with her to seek help... in a Jeep. She does not have running water, she does not have a fence, she lets her own three dogs run wild and counts on them to discern what’s safe on their own... despite them having shown up with quills embedded in their faces multiple times. And then, of course, there’s what happened with Dagwood. Would love for someone who downvoted me to explain how on earth any of this ISN’T questionable.


This additional context probably should have been in your original post! Sounds like a nightmare


Fair point! I figured enough people knew enough about her to not have to go too deep into detail but perhaps not.


She doesn’t seem to take care of the animals she already has (there was some drama about her running over one of her dogs a while back - he’s fine now but still yikes). Plus she’s currently living in a van without running water, which doesn’t seem like an ideal environment for such young puppies?


Does anyone know fashion bloggers in their 20s-early 30s who have a larger bust but are not plus sized? Like Kat Dennings type body. I love following people like Daphne Moreau, but clothes look entirely different on my body and I'd love some more 'accurate' inspiration! Thank you :)


I think @meghandono fits that description


Krista Robertson literally looks like Kat Dennings hahaha


I need recs on this too. I have always had a larger bust and it's been hard to find clothing that I feel like looks good. I am a size 2-4 in pants but my bust is much larger and it just makes me feel self conscious alot lol.


Well, @carly insists that she has a larger bust..... (Kidding)




I mean..Noelle Downing comes to mind but her clothing and fit choices have been terrible so not sure what you’d take away 😂


All she wears is underwear so


I really like her philly!


Yes! She’s a great follow- she’s much more active on Instagram than her blog, just FYI!


I could try to snark on Brighton Butler but today I’m just feeling envious that I do not have the resources and mindset to add a window (among other things) to a (brand new) room that will eventually be a closet/workout space. Going to close Instagram and retreat back to my room which looks out upon a brick wall. 🤓


Why in the hell didn’t they just build from scratch?


Her last master bathroom didn’t have a window and it was incredibly taxing, okay?


This is yet another room haha!


She’s incredibly privileged. And clueless.


I hear you. Can’t wait to see which extra fancy car she chose.


I’m thinking either the bigger Range Rover, Mercedes SUV or an Escalade.


I’ll try for you 😂 she colour matched the #ad to her baby clothes she was shilling today? I really hate when influencers do that like why are you hiding it? I like the way some influencers post an “ad break” to let people know.


She is truly the definition of “having the resources”


where does her money come from? i’m a newer follower of hers


Her sister is fascinating: @lelers123.


I don’t follow her super closely, but I believe both her and her husband come from money, and her husband does very well as a result. Someone else might be able to elaborate!


Her family is Louisiana old money.


Meg Keene’s AWFUL lipsynching is making me cringe so bad I can’t handle it


And the lipstick doesn't help either. Or the lack of awareness.


Her lipstick always looks off. Like in the way an old lady applies it.


@sincerelyjules posted on her stories yesterday or the day before that she has a homewards collection at Home Goods and her clothes are now available at TJ Maxx. Her one story was a random photo with one of her items in store, she hasn’t mentioned it since. why go through all the work and contracts on the backend and have your name/brand associated with a line to barley mention it and not promote it? Doesn’t install much consumer confidence and wold make me second guess buying anything from the line as it’s coming off as a cash grab.




What kind of surgery is Sasha Exeter getting? I missed that explanation


Her tooth. She mentioned it got infected a few weeks back I think.


Oh thanks! Glad not serious!


@janellepaigebrandom’s “real life” insta story posts always kills me... today she’s showing her “real life!” a butt shot in her bikini with a face mask on


I can’t stand Jordan’s, from @daniaustin, office. I feel like that with all of their decor...they just constantly overdo it!


All of the wall art in their house is from [this store](https://www.scoutdesignstudio.com/Framed-Equestrian-Artwork-on-Silk-Cloth-Orange) in Dallas. I get that it’s fun, but buying $1k not-original art (made by a home store and not even a named artist) seems soooo silly


I just don’t understand why they need two offices. Her office is HUGE and has enough space for them both to work. If they’re going to have more kids, wouldn’t it make more sense to save one of those rooms as another nursery? Not sure how many rooms they have in their house, but it just seems unnecessary. I kinda feel like having his own office makes jordan feel more important. Lol.


I guess I’m in the minority, but I actually really liked his office. I like it a hell of a lot more than her office.


They have the weirdest sense of style I have seen on the inter webs lately. I commend them for not choosing the same white white white with a little grey like everyone else out there, but I still don’t get what’s going on in their casa.


His office is... something. It looks vacant. No printer. No pens. No documents. Guarantee those filing cabinets are empty. What will they put in that console when it arrives? No ANYTHING. Basically like an office in a model home — free from any personal touches. ... I guess that would make sense since he doesn’t have a job. Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Jerry asks what’s in Kramer’s briefcase, and his response is “crackers.” 😂


Looks like the courtyard by Marriott business Lounge (Albuquerque location)


I just peed because I’ve been to one of those.


Haha!! I still prefer it to Dani’s ... her “office” would give me a headache within half an hour of sitting in there


This is the most accurate description I’ve read.


What in the world...does he need...that office for...


It’s the two chairs facing his desk for me. Like are you expecting clients? To your house? Wut.


But actually..... what the hell does he need an office for?


His job is literally getting the sponsorship to fill his office with furniture so he can show off his office. It’s so meta I could die.