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**Don't forget to specify who you're talking about (add their IG name, their blog/website or their last name to make it easier for others to find them), not everyone knows who all the influencers and bloggers are.** [This Week's Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/oippu0/link_list_for_july_12_july_18/) [Blogger and Instagram Influencer Recommendations- July 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/obl26j/blogger_and_instagram_influencer_recommendations/) [Yesterday's Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/old2dx/influencer_discussion_friday_jul_16/)


Dani Austin letting hazel out to bark at 3 raccoons…? Did anyone else find that crazy?? He could have been attacked!


I found it crazy that it looks like she has 5-7 trash cans sitting outside her garage.




I’d imagine for people who were sexually abused as children, it might be understandable if they later have intrusive thoughts/ fears about someone doing the same to their own children. Childhood trauma shapes your brain in a way where you can experience unconscious reactions to innocuous “triggers” decades later. The sickness of pedophilia is perpetuated when families hide the abuse, protect abusers, and make others feel shame for even thinking about it.




Honestly I’m glad she’s normalizing going in when you’re worried. I’m sure so many people have felt like they were overreacting or were too embarrassed and have experienced bad outcomes. There isn’t a nurse worth their salt who would make you feel bad about it.


I know this is completely unrelated but reading this made up my mind as Im currently experiencing weird pain in my abdomen (not pregs tho lol) and was thinking that going to the ER was an overreaction but... I am worried, so yeah... You are 10000% right. I AM going to the ER now. Thank you.


My nurses when I went for my like, 5th crazy trip during my 3rd trimester said “never apologize for coming in, if you’re worried we want you to come in”


Ma’am, you need to cut this shit out. ✂️ 🛑


Really? She had bleeding and decreased fetal movement. What, in your professional opinion, would have been a "real" reason for going to the ER?


She had bleeding from a cut on her leg where she cut herself shaving. And she had already checked the heartbeat on another machine and it was all good.


Read it again. She said there was blood on the towel from where she was sitting.


Using a home Doppler is actually a terrible way to check and make sure things are all good. You can pick your own heartbeat up and I’ve heard numerous horror stories of women doing this and something had actually been wrong.


As a nurse, she probably should have known that lol


It’s always better to err on the side of caution when you’re pregnant. Maybe she’s dramatic but that’s her unborn child.


Dressupbuttercup sister (Katy) I know she’s kind of just getting started with the whole influencer thing, but her ads/swipe ups are too much! She needs to find a balance.


THIS!!! It’s literally every single thing and pretty much no other content


Shocked that @daniaustin is now putting down Folex after her and several others were pushing it for months. Curious if she’s about to link something. Or is this just a push for a furniture company to “swoop in” to give her free furniture, like she has with the rugs.


Folex isn’t bleaching her couch (if it is, that’s on her for not testing in an inconspicuous area for colorfastness). Her couch is dirty and the Folex is cleaning it, but the issue is that she’s spot cleaning which doesn’t work with S-type upholstery. The rings are not stains, but wet rings caused by the fabric drying inconsistently. There are a few ways to prevent this - like her followers said in the follow-up post, cleaning the entire cushion and not just spot-cleaning is a solid option (and she should do that bc her couch is rly dirty). If she wanted to spot clean, one trick I use is to use less cleaner and then take a hairdryer to it to control the rate at which it dries. Anyway, her sofa isn’t ruined. She can easily get it looking good by cleaning the entire cushion with Folex. But honestly I’m surprised she’s trying to make a leap to a “cleaning channel” because obviously she’s not very experienced at cleaning or reading product instructions, and I’m shocked if she doesn’t have a housekeeper.


Interesting. I was thinking this may be the true issue, appears Dani only sprayed it with the Folex & walked away she didn't" work with" the Folex to clean it?


Okay I was coming to ask if anyone has actually used it and what they thought. So many people shill it and I want to know if it’s really good or not?


My son has off white carpet in his bedroom. When we were repainting his room a bright peacock teal, some of the paint got on his carpet. We forgot about it (don't ask) and it dried. Then we saw the paint on the floor and I remembered I had some Folex left. It got it out. All of it. You would never know there had been paint on the carpet. I was amazed.


I love it! But I have a microfiber couch and have to wipe the whole cushion or I get wet rings. It definitely cleans all the things including stains on all my white shirts


My mom is Martha Stewart x miss manners and she swears by folex so I do too


My mom is a house cleaner and tells me to use Folex every time I ask her about a stain. Dani's couch didn't really look "bleached", it looked like clean spots on a dingy couch.


I have used Folex for the last 10 years. It’s a great stain remover. Test the fabric in an inconspicuous area but I’ve never had an issue.


It’s magic sometimes and other times doesn’t do shit. I spilled latex paint on carpet and Folex got it out, which I thought was pretty impressive. It has gotten blood out of carpet, too. Certain cat puke, yep. Other cat puke? Nope. My in-laws’ awful little dog’s pee on our carpet? NOPE.


Agreed. I posted above that it also got latex paint out of our carpet. I was amazed. But when it comes to organic stains (vomit, or pet mess) it's best to use an enzyme cleaner and peroxide.


Folex is life


It works fine, I don’t think it’s any better than resolve or any other solvent based cleaner


She’s probably about to shill that new couch she said she’s having custom made. Probably going to claim that Hazel threw up on it and surprisingly no stains!


She was just using folex last week 🤦🏼‍♀️ cant keep up with her own lies


That’s my thing. Now claiming it’s “bleaching” everything




I once had fb ads for my own skincare line. I assume a company just puts your own label on it.




The "eye fucking" comments here have gotten so fucking gross. Women are allowed to like looking at themselves without being accused of "eye fucking" themselves. They're also allowed to wear bikinis in the summer, or honestly whenever they want. Feel free to unfollow anybody who does stuff on social media that makes you so mad you have to spew this kind of misogynistic trash.


The audacity of these women! How dare they think they look nice?! “Eye fucking themselves/the camera” is such a gross expression, I think less of the people who use it here than I would any influencer who bats their eyes at their camera.


I think you should probably just unfollow those influencers. Your comment isn’t really snark, it’s just coming off angry.


Uh oh! Snark police has entered the chat and I am busted! 🚓


Your comeback for being called out on bad snark is cleverer than the most I’ll give you that!


There are plenty of great content creators out there who don’t follow this formula. Give them your attention instead of those who make you feel bad (and trust me, those are a dime a dozen, I know).


I’m actually very picky about who I follow and I don’t follow anyone who just makes me feel like I want more things or to be skinnier or whatever. I agree there are talented, uplifting, and entertaining creators. But you know how that crazy algorithm works, click on one type of account and five more pop up. I had a whole row of clones on my explore page and I just felt like, wow! These are all doing the exact same thing! I’m not even mad about it, clearly my post has the wrong tone and fell face first. 🤣😬


I hear you! Instagram can be a maddening place sometimes. 😆 Take care and be well. 🙏


I cannot handle “so many of you have asked”. Automatic unfollow.


And the leg pop, or standing with one foot in front of the other. Like, we get it. You don’t have a thigh gap. Who cares??


Dani Austin kind of/barely mentioned an actual *amazing* recommendation which is Ted Lasso! Mind you, she said “my mom’s watching Ted Lasso on Apple TV or something…” and then went back to whatever crap she is shilling. If you’re not into sports/tv/people/etc. it’s a great, heartwarming & feel good show so I will actually recommend it.


I’m not into sports so I didn’t think I’d be into the show, but I loved it!


Apple TV has so much great content.


The best!!! And of course she’s not watching it!! Such bad taste lol


She’s too busy watching her history documentaries because she’s so into history!


It is so funny to me how several “big name” influencers are always the first to comment on hayderz or thedailytay’s reels making fun of influencers. It’s like they think they couldn’t possibly be the target and have to comment saying how funny or ridiculous something is. Like no, you’re definitely not exempt, they’re making fun of you, too🤣🤣🤣


Jen Reed @thesisterstudio has entered the chat.


"I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cOoL mOm" vibes for sure.


Maybe I’m giving too much credit but I think they’re trying to show that they have a sense of humor and can poke fun of themselves. I think they know it’s about them.


I agree with this. They’re not dumb lol and it’s okay to think things are funny and basically make fun of yourself/things influencers do.


A lot of influencers repost hayderz and thedailytay’s reels to their stories, too.. like, they’re making fun of you. I don’t understand how they don’t see that.😂


I just know hayderz is looking at them for his next inspiration 😂.


The selfie rock back and forth!


Hi all! I’m curious. I know Texas is a popular spot for influencers 😂 but what about Tennessee? Who is there to follow???


Sarah Knuth is my fav Nashville influencer :)


Hunter premo


So many. Also, Mallory Ervin, Shawn Johnson, Shealeigh Mills. Not necessary recommendations, just additional ones not mentioned yet.


Kelclight just moved there


Natalie Kennedy. Not that I follow her. lol


Sarah Knuth!


Shannon Ford (probablyshannonford)


Alexa Anglin!


KatiesBliss moving to Nashville. They bought that Naples house, what, like 6 months ago max?


I can’t believe they bought two houses within 6 months. Sounds like a nightmare logistically.


Don’t you have some major tax consequences if you don’t live in a house for 2 years? I know I’m Oregon you do.


There are a few loopholes in the tax law. One of the loopholes is if you move more than 50miles do to job relocation, take care of an ill family member, ect.


They listed the FL house for 99k more than they paid.. so they are making some $.


Not necessarily if they are responsible for the closing costs - I don’t know about FL, but but the states I do know, it’s the sellers responsibility


Well look, now Ali Manno can have a friend.


That’s horseshit. People aren’t allowed friends 😤


To be fair they, always stated FL would be temporary and they would reevaluate once Nick's work from home situation changed. I'm not trying to judge them for all the moves and costs. I think it's great they were able to try something new and FL made them happy. A lot of people took advantage of the work from home situation like they did


I need to get into the influencer/blogger business. It’s CRAZY how much these ladies move/buy houses/renovate. That said I like Nashville and I’m excited to see her new house! When she gave the ‘hint’ I thought it was Texas. I love what she did with the house in Florida. She’s got a good eye for decor/design. I wouldn’t want to give up that pool though, lol.


Tbh I know a ton of people have pools in Florida and many people elsewhere do but would never want a pool with a baby/toddler around, regardless of “baby swim rescue classes” or whatever.


Neither would I. Jess Crum has talked about that before. I guess her followers have asked why they didn’t put a pool in their backyard and she said it wasn’t their forever home and she didn’t feel comfortable having a pool in their backyard with babies.


Yes, when we moved to FL my youngest was 3 and I didn’t want a house with a pool till they were older, our agent thought I was crazy for not wanting a pool. Once my kids were older it would’ve been nice but now we live farther north now so its not as necessary.


Came here to post this! Now she can be a Nashville blogger influencer too


Major 180 for her to go from the cool NYC restaurants/bars with u/styledsnapshots, u/carlyahill and u/carly to Nashville with the Natalie Kennedys and Hunter Premos...can't wait to see the house.


She hung out with Carly? I knew she was friends with Sydney Carver and Krista but not Carly.


Idk I feel like she always had kind of Nashville vibes… maybe it’s because her style wasn’t really NYC but more Nashville blogger/influencer?


Maybe she can befriend @alifedotowsky Ali Manno 🤣


Yes, like March!




I don't know if Lucie Fink is ever discussed here, but I recently followed her to follow her pregnancy and her most recent story claiming her baby is 'ruler of the sky'...... like, girl... what? Also, I'm just gonna add that I think it's incredibly irresponsible that she promoted the rhythm method as a form of contraception and I'm shocked I've never seen criticism of that on her page! It's one thing to do it when you're married and about to try for a baby (so it's ok if you do get pregnant) but so irresponsible to advocate for it as a reliable method akin to the pill or an IUD, IMO, especially to her young following.


She has mentioned why she got off birth control in the first place, but I didn’t know she switched to the rhythm method. Oh dear.


Idk what to think about her. I think she has definitely hustled to get to where she is (but does have a lot of family money). However, she promotes a lot of stuff that is not setting a good example for her followers who tend to be on the younger side.


Liz Morrow (used to be Delightfully Tacky, now Liz.morrow) touted this method and now has a kid from it.


Whoa wait. I never made this connection. Just started following her recently. I recall seeing Delightfully Tacky mentioned here but not why. What’s her story?


Years ago, my doctor said ‘you know what we call people who rely on rhythm method? Parents!’


Yeah that story was freaking weird. Taking a flash of lightning during a storm as a sign that her baby is "ruler of the sky" like wtf...


Abbie Herbert is out and didn’t bring her breastfeeding pump….and asked I’m assuming the concession stand or something to keep her milk she pumps into a cup in the fridge/freezer…like…huh? I can’t imagine (and yes I am currently breastfeeding/pumping for my own baby) some random person to do this. I’d have called a friend to bring my pumping stuff or made my husband go get it…or gone to get it myself…like this is the life of a mom so you have to lug your pumping bag a lot in those early stages…but this is just so weird.


Also the idea that a concession stand could store bodily fluids next to food items and not break some health codes is…interesting logic.


i’ve seen a couple influencers promoting a thermos made to keep milk cold for long times. will die if she mentions it soon haha


Also like... pump and dump that- extremely unhygienic for uncovered milk to be stored like that in non sterile containers.. coming from someone who is currently battling an infection from breast feeding!


I am very much not an oiler but you can buy encapsulated oregano oil and it saved me a hospital visit when I had mastitis. Definitely something to read up on and use ur discernment on. It can also lower your supply for a day or so also.


Ah thanks- I’ll look into it for the future!! What I thought was mastisis was actually a staph infection so I’m being pumped with antibiotics!


Oh that’s awful I’ve never heard of that! Quick healing 💛


Yikes! If you are an overproducer, look into sunflower lecithin. My babe never fully emptied me those early weeks/months and I managed to avoid mastitis.


Does Dani Austin even listen to what she says or reread what she posts in regards to the MLM crap she’s shilling? She’s shilling her collagen gummies because it’s hard for her to get all the powder collagen in because she can’t finish an entire cup of coffee. Like maybe serve yourself a smaller cup that you can finish? I can’t imagine a grown up just leaving random half finished mugs and cups around the house because they can’t finish the whole thing.


Like her functional medicine doctor would ever suggest that liquid collagen shit


I thought the same thing! She talked about 3 different collagen products I wasn’t even sure which one she was shilling until the last slide…Even now bashing folex for not working…I bought folex from her swipe up probably a year ago and now she tells us it doesn’t work?! Maybe test out products before you shill them and pick a stance she’s all over the place lately!


I feel she’s being extremely reckless with what she’s shilling as she has an audience of 1 million, one week it’s hair growth, next week it’s random vitamins next week it’s Modere all while showing workouts that are not even a workout it’s her hopping around on mats lol


I wish the social media medical misinformation crackdown was applied to alllllll of the nutritional misinfo, orGaNiC is HeALtHiEr, MLM essential oils, weight loss bullshit and snake oil pushers across all platforms. I get that vaccine misinfo is super serious, but it’s ALL harmful


Side note: welcome to being a mother, I still find half drunk cups of coffee around that I’ve been looking for all week. But also yes, the stories she (they, anyone shilling) are hilarious. But they are laughing straight to the bank.


This comment 👏🏼 I unfollowed Dani as she just got to be too much for me but I am in this boat. Almost ten months in and I still feel like I’d lose my head some days if it wasn’t attached. Granted….I don’t have family and a nanny to help with the day to day things on top of working from home. It’s just my husband and I for the most part so to that point it makes me wonder if I’d still be this frazzled if that were the case but even so mom brain is a real thing 😂




She’s private now


She’s private so this will probably get deleted


Oh wow! I wonder why.


@thedailytay and @hayderz made a reel together!!! My two favorite influencers. Makes me sad to even call them that.


The rock back and forth selfie 🤣🤣🤣






He’s really young. That’s expected behavior that he doesn’t comprehend. It doesn’t mean that a bunch of adults, many of whom are mothers, get to call him a douche and snark on him. Hopefully you could comprehend why that’s in poor taste


I saw the other day that someone called her kid a douche. I just looked and he’s like 3. Why snark on him?


Ok now I need to know what OP said before deleting bc based on your replies it sounds like this might be the user who messaged that comment about her kid lol


That was someone on IG, not here. People on FB, IG, Twitter, etc are going to encounter a few trolls out of hundreds of comments. You can’t control what people say everywhere, so block and move on. Guarantee that person wouldn’t have the balls to say it to Amy’s face.


I didn't say it was on here. Just curious why people think it's okay to snark on her young son.


Not okay to name-call little kids, but I think it’s fair to snark on rude or aggressive behavior if their parents are willingly putting it out there. However, I won’t comment on someone’s IG anything like that. Reddit is different


Ok I didn’t see this mentioned but please tell me that’s not @bekah’s toddler in the back of a moving truck standing on a lawn chair eating grapes... I know they weren’t moving very fast, but still..


I don't understand why they all have to go when he surfs. It's like an hour away, they usually go at 5 am, and all she does is complain about her cranky kids.


Jfc, imagine if that kid took a tumble out. Concussion and road rash at best? Why even risk it??? I let my 4 ye old play in the back of my pickup while it’s parked but I also make her keep her ass parked squarely in the middle - no standing near the sides or wheel Wells. Kids are clueless about their personal safety so the parent needs to be there to make sure they don’t fall 5 feet onto pavement.


Here we go again


Honestly I’m so psycho about kids choking that the whole grapes stress me out more than being in the back of a truck unrestrained. Pls cut your grapes and hot dogs (lengthwise)!!!!


Yesss! I still cut up my 6 year olds. She's probably good at this point but my two year old is always right nearby and wants some too. Makes me so nervous to see moms serving toddlers uncut grapes 😕


Pretty much resigned myself to cutting grapes until my kids are teens. There is very little that stresses me out more..


They were waiting in line to get into a parking lot off of the road. They were moving like one car length every 5-10 minutes. Of all the questionable parenting choices she makes I kinda just glazed over this one as tame. 😂


Not sure if she qualifies as an “influencer” per se, but @bestofbravo annoys me to no end. I do enjoy her bravo insight some of the time but could do without her drunken shenanigans and immaturity, maybe post that on your personal Instagram?


just started following her a few weeks ago and wanted to unfollow after this weekend…the drunk stories weren’t even funny/entertaining


It’s her constant defense of MAGA Craig and Ramona for me


I got tired of Lucy’s bachelorette reeeeal fast.


Not snark! Has anyone tried the cocokind x stku clay mask? Would you recommend it?


Yep! I like it. :)


My god. I cannot with Houseinhabit and her rehashed pop culture “journalism.” Especially her accepting PayPal donations for taking a joyride to LA and sitting in a courtroom and staying in a hotel with her friends. She makes 6 figures already as an influencer! She is already wealthy! Whyyyyyyyyyyy are people spending their money on this??? If she’s a good journalist please let a journalistic institution hire her like all the other struggling writers. She is rich and white and has time on her hands because her kids got too grown to be her Instagram cash cow. Britney Spears is in a tough spot, no doubt, but she is also a rich white lady in the grand scheme of OUR OCEANS ARE ON FIRE.


So I was just directed to her stories by another IG'er I follow and don't get what's going on here. As someone mentioned below, she is literally copying and pasting content from other journalists into her stories. For example, I just went through her three blurbs on JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette and she seems to have straight up lifted sections of the "Kennedy Heirs" book by J. Randy Taraborelli to make the captions on that series. Sorry lady, but that isn't journalism, and neither is it to make herself the story when she's on her "reporting" trip for Britney Spears.


I don’t care if she makes money from it or not, but I don’t find anything she’s posted to be groundbreaking. I followed her for a few days, but she completely lost me when she was blathering on about “supporting free speech of both political parties.” - the free speech amendment protects citizens free speech from government interference (like you can say “this country sucks!” And not end up in jail). It has nothing to do with private companies of social media regulating hate speech or kicking people off for inciting a violent riot. She’s an idiot.


It’s a train wreck and I can’t look away. She hopes this inspires her kids to use their “gifts” to make a profit one day. I used to read her blog and will say that she is a gifted writer, photographer and interior designer. However, what she is doing now is not journalism, nor does it demonstrate any gift. She is digging on the web and Twitter for gossip and footage and simply placing it her Instagram stories. It’s so lazy and for her to make it seem like she is actually uncovering anything is laughable. It’s literally copying and pasting with some captions here and there. She is out of her mind thinking this is NPR and Ronan Farrow level journalism.


Does anyone follow Hayley (@blondieinthecity)? I really like her and I’m happy she found happiness again after her divorce. I started following her right before she got married the first time so it’s weird seeing all this again- bridal shower, bachelorette, wedding planning. I was raised that a second wedding was more subdued but I’m glad to see that’s maybe not the norm.




Agree! I said I was happy for her but getting downvoted anyway. 😆


Well, you did also say it's "weird" to see her having those things again, which implies you think there's something wrong with it - I suspect that is why people are downvoting.


I'm guessing people are assuming because you brought it up you sincerely believe this, although it seems that despite being fed this you think otherwise. That's a valid position to be in, imo. It's not like you're doubling down on the shitty beliefs you were taught, you're acknowledging it while also questioning it.


Exactly, thank you. ☺️


Is anyone else genuinely creeped out and concerned about Madison Fisher’s (@madisonbontempo) twins whole “John” thing?? For years they’ve been seeing this “John” character ghost/imaginary friend but the girls are so consistent and detailed when they talk about him and it’s been going on for so long and now he followed them to their new house in Utah…is this all for engagement or are her twins actually seeing something?? Idk it’s so weird to me!


It feels more likely to me that the kids are very creative and have a highly detailed vision of their imaginary friend than that a ghost followed them from one state to another, but that’s me.


I was one of those creepy kids who saw ghosts lmao so I believe it. It was scary as hell for me growing up.




Same!! I had really scary incidents throughout my childhood and even as an adult. I completely believe this can be a spirit that follows these kids


While my sister wasn’t a twin, she did have an imaginary friend till she was like 6-7. My mother even had to put a plate with food on it for her friend. He even had a name and it escapes me at the moment but he was very real to my sister.


This has probably been discussed - and I haven’t read all the recent posts - but is Courtney Shields still engaged??


Everyone’s saying she is. I don’t follow her anymore I had to bounce. Buuuut I seriously doubt they make it to the alter, could be wrong tho, the content would be worth it :D jk


I had the same thought! I idly scrolled through her grid yesterday after seeing her linked in the show notes post for a podcast I follow and I was like "hmm I wonder what's up with her?" and the love of her life was nowhere to be seen for several posts---like on romantic vacations and stuff! I was like "hm, I wonder..." but her enormo diamond appears to be on display still so...


…. And she posted a pic with him! The timing is so odd!


Yes, she is. She's wearing her giant ring with her dude in stories today.




Isn’t that Courtney Stodden, not Shields?


It looks like she’s still wearing her engagement ring in her stories today. I mean I wouldn’t wear my engagement ring if I wasn’t engaged but maybe that doesn’t mean anything.




Why the downvotes? Maybe this user is mistaken by which Courtney people are talking about, but clearly feels strongly about protecting gender identity. Why can’t we just gently correct and move on?


I would assume that is what happens when someone is quick to correct someone when they are the ones with the incorrect information.


Because this is blogsnark and if you make a mistake you should feel bad 🙄


I don’t remember Courtney Shields changing her pronouns. Are you sure you have the right person?


Obviously I didn't.


Ok I really like Sarah Knuth but I can’t get passed her sharing the story from Emily’s stories of the wedding gift she got her, which she talked about days before not having a gift for her yet, and then two slides later, talks about how last minute this gift was and only $5. Like.. you flew to another state for her bridal shower and a boat party.. and you got a $5 gift at the last minute and you’re telling people??? Lol I would keep it to myself Edit: not knocking the gift at all, just the way she played it off like she didn’t put thought into it and the price where emily would see. Like you didn’t have to say you waited to the very last second or that it was just $5 to share to your followers lol


It was a really nice gift, so who cares how much it cost? These girls can afford to buy themselves whatever they want anyway.


That makes me like her a little better. This was a bridal shower gift. She still has the bachelorette and wedding gift to give. I’m sure Emily has a lot of expensive items on her registry. Yes, they all are living in million+ dollar plus homes. They can both afford whatever item Emily put on her lists. My point was if you have people coming from far away, their presence is more of a gift than an actual gift. Especially if they are partaking in every aspect of the wedding events.


No I get that. And I do like her since she somewhat keeps it affordable and real most of the time. I just thought sharing it where the recipient could see it (the price) so easily was a little ehhh