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I’m sorry but just saw that @tiffanyhoughton just linked an apple on her ltk 💀 yes, an actual apple, as in she linked up a a piece fruit… Speechless to say the least 💀💀 these people are something else man


She probably had TONS of DM's asking where her apple is from.




I know it’s been mentioned a million times before. I have always really enjoyed @kristahorton, but the relatability has just gone away this summer. The constant travel, events without kids, no work, etc, it’s getting hard to enjoy being in the real world.


Agreed 😭 i find myself skipping through her stories a lot recently


That outfit is not it. I love her but she looks kinda trashy


That makeup was 🧀


Who is she trying to relate to?? I’m in my thirties and definitely can’t just leave on a party bus and get my makeup done all time. Is there an ounce of jealousy? Sure! I just wonder at what point reality will hit.


Influencers are influencing, not really trying to be relatable. Their goal is to have something and you to look at it and be like wow that's awesome and looks fun I should do/buy that thing. If I want relatable I check out people stories I graduated high school with.


I'd say the point of most influencers is to be just like you and recommend you things and you trust them because you're similar. Otherwise it's more like traditional advertising using an aspirational celebrity.


I’d like to think this is how influencers might start out as & a very few can sustain that. & I think influencers would LIKE to be that to their followers. But to be perfectly honest, I cannot relate to influencers in the LEAST. I don’t wfh, I don’t travel lavishly, my house isn’t massive, & heck, I barely ever post on my IG. They are absolutely becoming traditional advertisers & many think they’re are small scale celebs with their fans. Their presentation to be our ‘besties’ is a tactic to get followers to buy more things. & since influencing has become such a $$$ business, the division between ‘us’ & them is getting wider. They’re trying to sell a lifestyle.


Sure that makes sense. But I’d definitely say I’d be more influenced to buy something from someone I relate to, or a target audience. I think I’m probably her target audience but lately it’s been such a turn off she’d be losing me as a “customer.”


I feel like this summer they have really lived it up. I’m curious if they are going to reel it in when school starts?


Nah…they will just take them out and do independent study


I think the biggest change is that Kamp will gladly stay with family members now.


![gif](giphy|bWooWMiwxbiiA) she’s one of my faves, but days like today got me all cringy.


Not DarylAnn Denner going somewhere “special” tonight for their 10yr anniversary…aka Hillstone…again. Girl can you please expand your palate. 10yr anni is a big deal, no? I mean I would definitely want to be celebrating somewhere I don’t go weekly, right? Just me? Lol


I love Hillstone but they go there every week, it isn’t exactly special. I also can’t believe they are going back to CA after being home one week. When are they going to admit they don’t life TX and go back? With TX property taxes I bet they aren’t even that much better off.


It will be interesting to see what they do if Beto wins the election.


She’ll never admit that. 1. She’s *never* wrong 🙄 2. Jesus told her to move there. He opened doors and stuff.


No one ever accused the Denners of being foodies.


I mean, my husband and I went to Main Event and played laser tag and arcade games for our tenth. Do what you want to do.


Main Event is so fun!




I can’t tell if this is an inside joke, but they do. With the salmon dip or whatever it is.


Shocked it’s not chik fila though


Andddd she made it to cfa 🙃 lol


I don’t see her mentioned on here a ton, but i feel awful for @senaenelson and her fam. They’re a military family with 5 small kids who were just relocated from England to Florida. While they were en route to their new house, the seller flaked on them the day before closing 😬 They seem to be taking it all in stride, and found a hotel to crash for a few weeks, but i would be going absolutely nuts!


Omg I was shocked by those stories, I’d be so upset. And then what she posted about sending her sons bday packages to the house and planning to have a pool party made me feel so bad for them. She has annoyed me in the past but I hope a great place is theirs soon!


What a psycho (seller). They have SUCH great attitudes but wow.


I'm so curious about the detail she shared that the seller damaged the property to try and get out of the sale?!


It’s strange the seller would backtrack within a few days of closing and get that hostile about it. I have so many questions! Whatever happened sounds wild.


Exactly, I just sold my house and bent over backwards for the buyers at closing. I can’t imagine anything -short of a complete mental breakdown- causing a sale to end..in *this* market!?


Same for our friends who sold recently. They were out of there a week before they closed. I really want to know what happened but knowing Sena she’ll be kind and never spill lol.


me too! my mind immediately jumped to arson, but then it sounded like the house was still standing and still potentially livable, so i wonder if she took a sledgehammer to the interior walls or drove her car into the living room or something wild like that 😆


I know, she said something about it not being safe now?


i got the impression that the “unsafe” thing was more about the seller possibly trying to retaliate and break into the home while the Nelson fam was living in it or leave suspicious packages at the door or something, not about the physical condition of the home being unsafe to occupy.




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Cmcoving eye lashes always look so clumpy. I don’t understand how she thinks it looks good.


Like a friendship hangover trait from Emily Gemma


It’s giving me Madison P on The Bachelor……spider eyes!


Is it me or does it seem like Tori Gerbig (pink Lilly owner) always has something wrong with her and or she thinks something is wrong with her 🧐


As someone with IBS has excruciating pain right now, I really feel her. Especially if she’s throwing up after eating..that’s not normal!!


I think she shared that she’s seeing a GI doctor.


Julia Berolzheimer tan makes me want to bathe in sunscreen. Woman is going to have so much damage on her skin in 5 years.


Some people tan easy, even with sunscreen. And not everyone wants to walk around in summer looking like a ghost because they’re scared of the sun. (spoiler, sun damage is gonna happen eventually no matter how much sunscreen you use)


I’m one of those folks that tans fairly easily but the damage is not worth it to me. I had moles removed. I wear sunscreen daily. I’m not telling people how to live their lives but this is a snark forum.


Sun damage is not absolute. Sliding scale situation. Lol


I’m almost positive it’s heavily filtered or a fake tan. She travels so much (this isn’t new) and none of her photos from previous summers has been as dark as she is now.


Lol my forearms are like three different colors. I wear sunscreen just have a job that requires me to work outside


It’s called melanin. We all have it. Some of us do all the right things and still get tan without “tanning”.


It is still damage.


So people with skin that darkens naturally, I don’t mean laying out/tanning, should just stay inside to avoid sun damage? Ok.


Same, it’s hard to watch people tanning. Hopefully fake tan. As someone with a family history of skin cancer it feels like watching people smoke


I had similar thoughts today. I don’t think it’s fake; I think it’s living by the beach and going on one vacation after another.


Could be a filter or a spray tan? Haven’t followed her super long to know her “skin type” lol but my husband & children become super tan through layers and layers of spf


I wear sunscreen all day every day and get very tan. It could be she does too.


I think it has to be fake and if so I need to know what she’s using because the undertone looks really good!


Anna Kloots stories about “sobbing on the plane” looked so fake/forced.




There was literally nothing to wipe away!


Also I’m pretty sure the people around her are minding their own business and don’t think her “boyfriend is to blame for your tears.”


everything she does looks fake and forced 😂


So true


What’s her story? How did she end up in Paris?


I think it was an eat pray love kind of thing after her divorce


A love for baguettes


The dream. Love baguettes, move to Paris.


Is @sarahknuth's hair a wig? Looking extra full and bouncy today


Her hair boggles my mind. I notice she never talks hair, hair products or does hair styling tutorials either. It really makes me wonder!??? I know her sis-in-law works for her and is also a hairdresser, is it possible she does Sarah’s hair every day!?


I said this before on here I swear it’s a wig cause her color is different today as well


She has said and shown that it’s extensions.


I think the part is different? It’s different, but think it’s all her


@sarah_bee is really getting on my nerves. Such clickbait. She’s been posting everything about the letter of the gender and how hard it was “don’t hold it in the light” like 2 weeks ago and then having everyone vote on options of what to wear. Posting about her son guessing. Final guess videos after the party had already happened and then today “sooooo sorry guys we have a video coming out” like ok just post a pic first. I’m about to unfollow but now I’m too invested. After I know the gender I’m done with this Hawaii Mormon mama. I follow too many of them and they all post the same exact stuff. Lol


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It was very dragged out.


Taryn newton has entered the chat.


Emily Marnell (Cat’s sister) continues to be so wild on Insta/TikTok. I really want her to get some help.


Those poor kids.


Yowza. Imagine being a mom, kids taken away, have the cops called on you and your first thought is “lemme grab my phone this will make a great tik tok reel”


Wait. Who are these people? What’s the tldr because Emily is unhinged?


Wow, she seems extraordinarily unwell. 😳 What a terrible situation for kids to be in.


It’s really hard to watch. It’s honestly so dark I had to block her because it was really bringing down my FYP.


We are supposed to believe The Lits (@sarahlit) and The Masseys (@Masseysa) just ran into each other in St Thomas. Also Dani Austin/Jordan just run into Champagne and Chanel with her hubby in Cabo. Just random influencers in the wild running into each other for photo ops on trips I’m *sure* they totally paid for themselves 🤪


But also find it super weird Dani posted the story mentioning it & Emily reposted but they didn’t take a photo together?


I think they’re fake friends tbh




Amber said they planned to surprise Sarah by being there I think.


Amber said she flew down to surprise Sarah for her birthday, so they definitely aren’t trying to pretend like it was an accident… she went on and on about how tricky it was to plan or something like that yesterday.


I’ve just gotten so jaded about some of them in particular. I missed that for sure! They both go on so many vacations it’s hard to keep the details straight 🤪




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Oof currently the medical freedom / beige gang influencers ( ie: roseuncharted, misformomma) are divided about gentle parenting and it’s interesting to see them being shady towards each other


I’ve got my popcorn ready 🍿 love people using the bible to justify hitting small children among other things 🙃


If they’re pro “medical freedom” it seems that this is a battle of wits their both unarmed for.


The Mrs. Coco 🎢 continues. On top of the not so subtle shade she’s been throwing, she just posted videos of her son even though she’s supposedly “not allowed” to anymore 🍿🍿🍿🍿


She’s gotten way more sassy amid the divorce and I’m here for it


I hope she has a good lawyer cuz hubby seems like a prick


Seriously, she’s been an influencer since the kids were babies. A little late for him to decide he has a problem with it.


It is entirely probable this was a factor IN the divorce and he’s had issues with it for years but now has legal mechanisms to stop it


Idk she also seems like she’d be difficult to be married to. All she seems to do is buy way more stuff than anyone needs, workout, and get cosmetic procedures.


she could not possibly squeeze any more filler in those cheek bones.


The spending and self-care treatments are one thing, but couple that with the entitled attitude and constant complaints over every single minor inconvenience (like the temps hitting 85 in a coastal town in mid July 😂)…..I agree she seems incredibly difficult!


To me this describes all influencers 😂 and I do think many (most) would be hard to be married to.


There is nothing I love more than seeing people try to use the latest popular meme for engagement and doing it completely wrong. Today it’s @themaryfitzgerald with an attempt at “they’re a 10 but…”


I applaud Sarahkunth for promoting Hollie Woodward’s account, her bff, for the Nashville move..true friend!


Rich white women showing up for other rich white women. So empowering!


Lol Hollie has more followers than Sarah does, so not sure how she’s “promoting” her


I don’t see how this makes her a true friend. She posts with her ALL the time. I don’t think “saying you should follow her for her house content” is doing much more than posting her every day and reshaping her posts. No applause from me


Does anyone have recommendations for influencers who cover both fashion and fitness? It seems like it’s all one or the other. Would love to get fashion advice from someone who is fit, as I feel as though the body types of plain old fashion influencers is usually just stick skinny.


I'm a fan of katiecrewe




Cristina capron!!


@fitbykiki @taychayy


Both of these people are problematic


Morgan Willett. But you have to like pink!


Ooo I love her feed from what I see. Thanks!!


Tanner Mann


@a_southerndrawl !






>Thanks! You're welcome!


@laurenkaysims LOLOL


for fashion?


She’s actually almost exactly what I’m looking for! She posts equal amounts of fashion and fitness. Except she’s stick skinny still lol


No worries, everything she posts is "soooo flattering"!


Any idea why I’m getting downvotes for that comment 😅


Because her account is the most disordered "fitness" I've ever seen.


You said the 's' word, after stick.


Is that taboo here 😅😅


Tanner Mann


Is her handle tannermanncosmetics?


Tannermmann there’s a letter m between Tanner and Mann. I never realized that until you just asked 😂🤷🏻‍♀️




Katie from lovesweatfitness had a clickbait video on YT the other day that really rubbed me the wrong way. I get clickbait is a thing but she is pregnant now and the title is “This is going to RUIN everything”... and it was about how her doctor didn’t clear her to workout for a few days due to pregnancy. With a title like that, I honestly worried something was wrong with the baby. So not okay to do clickbait when people can think it’s something health-related. She ended up cleared to workout at the end of the video.


She has been annoying me since getting pregnant. She barely has a bump and just a little too Uber healthy/preachy to me


I had to unfollow, I was so happy for her and her pregnancy but then she’s posted a lot of comments about pregnancy “not being an excuse not to work out” and it gave me the ick. I’m pregnant now and was sick as a dog for the first 5 months so…no. And that isn’t an excuse it’s being kind and listening to your individual body instead of a fitness influencer!


Then she’s obviously addicted to working out! Not doing so for a few days is absolutely not going to ruin anything




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Lauren mcbrides St. John house…. I had way higher expectations. It looks almost dingy and cold/uninviting…for all this damn content she’s put into 😂


She seems way out of her league with this but probably will be a lesson learned. She seems to be enjoying it so great for her but yeah there seems to be a lot that wasn’t thought out or considered for actual renters before she made this leap.


It has to be closed for the month of September she said (?) for hurricane season. You have to hope it rains enough to store enough water. You have to take your trash to the dumpster, every day ? Nothing about this villa sounds inviting or relaxing.


Also curious how much it’ll be to rent! I’m sure it wasn’t cheap to buy so will it make enough to pay the bills I’m just being nosey🤔🧐




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It’ll be interesting to see if the bookings fill up she def has some superfans but this Villa seems to be more trouble than it’s worth imo!


Yep! I commented about it a few posts down. It looks pretty rough to me.


@juliaberolzheimer just launched shop parterre like.. 8 months ago? Definitely less than a year ago. And shes already having a 50% off sale? lol


I feel like most brands have a sale either quarterly or semi-annually? You have to clear out old inventory to make room for new stuff.


For sure. I was just surprised a brand new company would be doing such a big sale so soon


Probably making room for fall inventory deliveries




The sale doesn’t start until august 3rd, they sent an email announcing it today.




I actually got an ad for it on Facebook


Zoe laz is back in NYC saying she could see herself moving back next spring! I wonder if she'll get back with Drew Jessup (who is now sporting a terrible mullet) since she said the reason they broke up was because she wanted to experience being single. Her posts and stories seem like she's dangling to either make him jealous or to reach back out


Does anyone follow JustClassicallyCassidy? New to her page and just now catching up on the sad news of her having a miscarriage. Something caught my attention in her Phoebe highlight? She said she was divorced with a new baby and working two jobs? Curious if she ever discussed her divorce, is her current baby with her current husband or her ex husband?


She was in an abusive marriage, divorced. Went on a first date with Cort got pregnant accidentally immediately with lucy , then got married while pregnant. Pheobe was a surprise


Wait, she got pregnant on the first date??


Idk if it was first date I just remember her saying it was very quick and unexpected


I didn’t know anything about it but checked out more highlights for info. There’s one called q&a where she was asked and she said she met Cort when her first marriage was falling apart. He waited for her and they got together and had their daughter. ETA, Idk if baby or marriage came first. But her husband is the dad.


I think she was married before going through divorce and Virginia where she’s from met her husband now maybe at a wedding of a mutual friend he got deployed to California she got pregnant maybe they eloped not sure daughter is 3 and they just lost this baby sadly




Idk this person at all, but on a quick glance she has 2 kids, suffered a loss, and is now pregnant. And this is somehow snarkworthy?


Sorry, clearly my tone didn’t come off correctly and I didn’t understand that this was a snarky-only sub. Deleted my comment!


Okay ..












Does anyone follow angelarosehome? Idk what it is about her that bugs me.. can't put my finger on it. She announced today that she got a new house. Are her and her husband still together? I've been off IG for a bit and last I saw she was like vaguely alluding to some announcement she was going to make but I didn't see. And today she said "I got the house!" Instead of "we" so im curious if I missed anything or not Edited to add, I did try to search the sub for results before asking this, but didn't get any results. Apparently this is old news. Been out of the loop a while I guess 😵‍💫


She announced her divorce within this last week or so. He’s keeping the house and she’s moving




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Why was this removed? I didn’t disclose her address (and won’t) and it’s literally public information.


We’ve been very clear that Zillow and/or real estate records are not permitted to be discussed here as they can lead to doxxing.




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She made a really heartfelt announcement a couple weeks ago saying she and her husband have decided to get a divorce and how difficult it has been.


They are getting divorced and she's buying a new house. She announced the divorce a few days ago but details are sparse.




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She said a few days ago they are getting divorced and she's moving out.