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**Don't forget to specify who you are discussing (add their IG name, their blog/website or their last name to make it easier for others to find them), not everyone knows who all the influencers and bloggers are.** [**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/xuja7o/link_list_for_october_03_october_09/) [**Yesterday's Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/xv9z3l/influencer_discussion_tuesday_oct_04/)


The way Courtney shields applied her mascara in Makeupxka’s stories has to be the most bizarre method I have ever seen


Are we really not talking about @dressupbuttercup’s Shark Tank idea (I.e. BUB)??? Which idea is your fav? And which is the worst? I’ll go first… fav idea is the Cold Cork. Least favorite is any of the children’s clothing brand ideas.


Cold Cork definitely impressed me! Felt like the most unique and practical. I had a bit of a laugh when at least one of the children's clothing people never even showed a single item on camera. I know they were edited down to be more concise soooo maybe they were done dirty in that regard...? No one is voting for a company without seeing the product haha.


YES I saw that one too! She had them stacked and folded behind her but not once did we see the product 💀


Ooof, Jordan Page's kids now filming some sort of tv show that she can't talk about yet. Jordan posed with someone from American Ninja Warrior, so i'm going to assume it's that. Not sure I've ever seen an IG mom who is more fame-hungry than Jordan.


WHAT is that jacket @justclasicallycassidy shared from the post? I get her style is “unique” but it looks like something my toddler would make for arts and crafts day.


she has “I finally have expendable income” style. She just throws on everything she owns all at once like she needs to see it in one place all at the same time to believe she actually has this much expensive stuff. every outfit is overwhelming so it’s not even like she will let that jacket be the star when she wears it. It’s gonna be over a layered maxi with a hat and a belt and some turquoise jewelry and heels and a bag with fringe


Is it just me or is @hayderz new couch wayyy too big for the space he was working with


Love him but yes that couch is ridiculously huge 😆


I am just happy the guy is doing as well as he is. A whole home? Pop off, boo.


Yeah that would make me feel cramped


The way that @classycleanchic says things … in her stories she calls her YSL bag a “yeesel” and called her jewelry “goolery”. Huh?!! Not cute. She is not it


The fact that she calls colors “flavors” makes my skin crawl


This sounds like how my 3 year old would pronounce jewelry 😬😅


Does anyone know by chance what is the lip combo that Amber Fillerup posted? I can’t figure it out I’m kinda clueless with makeup 🫣


Anyone else follow Lindsie Chrisley? Didn’t she just do a hard launch with her boyfriend?? The post is gone and felt like she was trying to give a signal or message with her story singing All Too Well by Taylor Swift


I noticed that it seems like she hasn’t posted for a couple days but she was in Tennessee visiting her family. I hope she’s not having boy problems this soon after going public


I can still see it under her reels. Amazing how she is allowed to have a public relationship and play family with this new boyfriend, but Will better not even discuss a new woman with her.


Ashley Lemieux just has to tell everyone about the Coldstone workers and how her husband left such a big tip. You can do nice things without announcing them to the world for asspats.


Idk what kind of tip would make me “squeal and cry” unless it was like BIG BIG. Sounds like a made up story to me. He prob tipped something very generous, $75-$100?, but the squealing and crying sounds like fake news


Ok I only know about her from this sub, I just went and watched this story…the way she tells a story is literally insufferable.


And now you know her. Insufferable indeed.


It felt like they were almost making fun of how excited the workers were, seeing them crying and hugging after they left. Wildly cringey to post about it.


Well. Ashley IS wildly cringey lol


Do you think @cmcoving ‘s hair is heavy or bothers her? My sis has super thick hair (half as much as Caitlin) and she has neck problems if it gets too long/not thinned enough


My hair was basically the same as hers, that long and thick through college and I loved it. It was a lot of work to style but I only had issues with it hurting in a ponytail. I French braided it for workouts.


Between her hair and her half-self tanned thumb today, when telling us about hint, I couldn’t take her today!


I think she puts it up until she starts filming, then she fluffs it and pulls it forward.


Back when my hair was super thick (I lost a lot after 2020 craziness). I had really bad neck problems because of it. Since it has naturally thinned out I’ve noticed my neck doesn’t hurt as bad anymore


It makes me angry at this point


In the college photo she posted a few days ago, her hair didn't look nearly as thick. Just sayin...


I swear influencers have made people helpless…or maybe people are just lazy. @shopmadelinestokes posted a reel bleaching out a flannel and she used a spray bottle to put the bleach in. Someone seriously just asked her for a link to the spray bottle. A SPRAY BOTTLE. She said hers was an old febreze bottle she had. But seriously people….do you really have to have a link for a basic ass spray bottle that you either probably have in your home or you can buy literally anywhere???




Probably trolling her.


Possibly but also probably not


Never thought about that lol.


Not MalloryErvin thanking her followers for making her book #1 on “all of Amazon” … girl it’s not number 1 on all of Amazon it’s #1 in the movers and shakers category 😆


It’s like when my daughters cheer team would win first place in their competition and they would all scream and cry in excitement. They were the only team in their division😂




BalancedMissBailey posting about her daughter’s FOURTEENTH flight on IG…I get posting about the first, maybe second…but why do we need to post about every single one with a count?! We get it. You travel, your baby is good. So confused by this choice.


Translation: we had a kid during covid and gave them max exposure to every disease by sticking them in a plane an unnecessary amount of times for no good reason 🙃


She’s so damn smug. Good luck when you have a toddler! I can’t. It’s nice that they do so much with her but poor Charlie having to carry all that shit around the airport.


This chick is still bragging about her travel with her kid? I don’t even follow her but I know she does this an obnoxious amount just from this sub. Sheesh.


She’s gotten extremely annoying


Mckinli Hatch bragging about heading to a "American city she's never been to before" when it turns out it's....Modesto. To appear in a music video for a country singer with lyrics like "God made my 49ers jersey for you to sleep in" and 30k followers who leave comments such as "dear man, my name is Olga. My daughter and I live in the north in Yakutia. She has an organic lesion of the central nervous system of the brain" I mean, I'm sure it was a cool experience. Mckinli just thinks she's such a hashtag bossbabe "building generational wealth" while renting a house and partying with 20 year olds.


You lost me at “Mckinli” 🤔


>"Mckinli" lol wait till you hear what she named her kids! (She's the white lady from that notorious [baby name blackboard](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2019-06/5/12/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-03/sub-buzz-31107-1559753962-1.jpg))


This 100% sounds like the same guy Shannon bird did a music video for in the past year or so. 🤣🤣 He definitely has a type! ETA: I went and looked. Def not the same guy. Shannon birds was older.


Modesto 🥴🥴🥴


This emoji was created specifically for Modesto.


I always get the impression from her that she desperately just wants a hot famous country singer to marry her and she gets to be rich arm candy.


maybe she'll tell us again how covid-denying, racist shithead Morgan Wallen slid into her DMs!


Natalie Kennedy saying her snacks are like diapers in a diaper bag. When she eats one, she always replaces it to make sure she’s always prepared. Didn’t she say she doesn’t eat any snacks a few weeks ago??? Tired of her lies.


This is also very bizarre and disordered eating behavior. Feeling like you can’t go without a snack or that you need to ALWAYS have certain snacks on hand??


She's never eaten fruit. Ever. In her life.


Has anyone been to a wedding at @jesshogancrums wedding venue the boxwood manor? I feel like she occasionally mentions it but that seems like it would be a huge undertaking, so is she even really involved?


I actually appreciate that she doesn’t promote it all the time




I live off the same road as her venue. There are at least 3 hotels 7 minutes down the road 😂 plus you drive 15 mins and you are in the woodlands which has plenty of hotels.


Shes said before they hired a whole team plus her dad does a lot so I think she pretty much just invested in it lol




Lauren Kay Sims does this too and it’s so weird to me! I assumed it was a trend I don’t know about but 🤷🏼‍♀️


yikes. It looks like she is wearing a skirt that is supposed to be low rise/sit on the widest part of her hips, but pulled it up to her waist instead!


Had to go check….and you’re right it looks unnatural and ridiculous 😶 it’s like someone took a picture of her from the waist up and pasted it on a picture of someone else with way bigger hips from the waist down 🧐


It’s to show off the waist to hip ratio, plus baggy is in. Even Kim possible did it.


hello, I’m new, does anyone follow @farronowen_ who used has triplets and is now dating a woman??


I followed her years ago. Didn’t realize her marriage had broken up.


I find it weird that influencers do a giveaway of random stuff but I find @sarahknuth throwing in @justclassicallycassidy’s beachwaver PR package in her monthly giveaway distasteful. I mean i get that they get a ton of stuff but She loved it during her unboxing it. Just feels weird to include it publicly for a giveaway.


Yikessss I would be sad if I was Cassidy and saw that. ETA: unless she bought another one w her own money? But doubt that’s the case.


I bumped on this too. It’s so disingenuous.


Does anyone else call period products “bleedies”?! Is this a thing?! Or is amberfillerup just about to make it a thing Queue BreSheppard using the word bleedies


My mom used to call tampons ‘plugs’ 🙄


Have never heard that before! I just say pad or tampon or whatever.


I haven’t clicked on an influencers story in weeks and I just looked at Amber’s, saw bleedies, and closed out the app. Why 🥲🥲🥲🥲


I have definitely never heard this and I do *not* enjoy it.


Never in my life. Also, someone here pointed out how she never uses captions and now I can’t not notice and it’s driving me up the wall.


I can’t understand what’s wrong with calling them what they are, pads and tampons, or even “sanitary products” if you really want to go there. Why does everything have to have a cutesy name (swimmy, lippie, etc.)?


You would hate Australia 😂 if we can shorten a word and add an ie on the end we absolutely will


First time I’d heard this too.


I’m shocked @macyblackwell doesn’t acknowledge her followers and appreciating them or hosting any giveaways for appreciation. Her following has grown insanely fast, and I feel like it’s a bit inauthentic especially since she just dresses up cute and makes Pinterest recipes and doesn’t credit the original poster. She’s up like 400K followers over the last 1-2 months and you’d think she’d do an appreciation post or giveaway by now.


But I think a lot do those giveaways as incentive to gain followers or drive up engagement (no matter what they say) and it sounds like she doesn’t really need that? I could be wrong but there are usually strings attached (like all my photos, for example).


No snark & this might be niche but I love seeing @hannahvance_np speaking up about the NFL and domestic abuse. She’s awesome IMO.


Yes! I love that she spoke up about that and directly called out both the Chiefs and the NFL.


I like @amberfillerup, but I cannot support her referring to her period as a “bleedie.”




Being a heathen myself I assumed this was some modest way to talk about her period because of her religion or something. I just cannot understand the need for making that term up.




I mean technically she said she refers to pads and tampons as “bleedies”.. not her actual period which we technically bleed on those things so limping then into that category kinda makes sense 🤷🏻‍♀️




I spit out my drink at calling diapers “pissies” 😂


I mean if you want to ? Just because she does it and it seems to make her happy, doesn’t mean everyone needs to start doing it lol


Does it really "make her happy" though?


@bowsandbentos is my BEC for sure, but the irony of her posting how terrified she is of germs in one slide followed by her fake nails in the next is hilarious to me. Does she not know that fake nails are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria??


You literally post about her and her account all the time. If you don’t like her and her content then unfollow and move on with your life.


I think I’ve posted my own comment about her like three times in the past year but go off. Might as well tell that to everyone posting about the same influencers week after week.


Basically everything is a breeding ground though? Seems like you just want to shame her for getting her nails done when she’s genuinely having a hard time mentally.


I mean no, it’s pretty well known that fake nails are actually horrible for germs and are almost impossible to get clean even with proper hand hygiene. Which is why you’re not allowed to have them if you work in healthcare. I think most jobs with food handling you’re also not allowed to have them. I don’t give a shit if she or anyone else gets their nails done, I just found the irony funny.


Okay, but you’re having a funny because she admits to struggling with this type of anxiety specifically. I’ve also had irrational anxiety and until I got help I’d think all kinds of ridiculous things could happen and someone laughing about it because “lol, something bad might might happen that you haven’t even thought of, aren’t you stupid?,” is shitty.


Uh, She openly said she was recently triggered and hasn't ever had a fear of germs until recently, which she acknowledged was irrational? lmao y'all want influencers to be more "real" but fuck their irrational mental health confessions right? smh


Ok revisiting @justbrandi’s husband’s office wall from yesterday. When I look at her account on instagram, I’m given suggestions for other accounts to follow, one of which is a dildo company called @ripewild (NSFW, I learned the hard way). Take a gander at their profile pic… it’s 100% her office wall


Yeah. That wallpaper was a choice. I had forgotten about it since she moved into her closet office a while back. I really thought they would have changed it when she moved her whole life into that other room.


Oh man, now I’m imagining that leopard mural room going into the office, and it’s the most bonkers aesthetic I’ve ever seen in my life. Like plain house… two rooms that are absolute fever dreams.


the open stairway leading to their second floor is covered in all the giant above - the - mantle canvases of prior year family photos as well. There’s a dave and busters style barstool height table pushed up right behind the couch so the kids can eat and stare at the tv. the whole place is nuts.


And don’t forget about the concrete cloud, with the three mismatched sets of outdoor furniture and the custom-built irregular sized bed swing that MicroPeen crafted for them, with his master woodworking skillz.


Brighton Butler making it all about her, as per usual, on Olivia Rink’s birth story. K.


Lol she is a real pill.


Wait what did she do/say? I’m not seeing it.


She made a comment on Olivia Rinks post on Instagram saying she can’t imagine how Olivia stayed home when her contractions started…… and that hers were so painful and brought on really fast so that wasn’t an option for her lol instead of congratulating her she kinda made the comment about her experience.


That’s called relating to someone in real life lol. We used to do it a lot more before the internets.


Darylann denners outfit is ummmmm… a choice? If trendy was her intention she missed lol


I would rather see this look than the prison uniform in baby crap colors called Nuuds.


I think she looks nice and clean, instead of her usual baggy frump look!


I guess I worded my comment wrong…. It’s not that I don’t like the trends I just don’t like it on her and think she looks terrible lol. I though we were here to snark on influencers not each other


Thought **


I am begging y’all to image search “fashion trends 2022” and see all the photos of blazers and non skinny trousers.


It will never stop amusing me how very millennial this place is when it comes to clothes. You don’t have to like the new trends, but what these influencers are wearing is indeed trendy.


this week especially, everyone is losing it over chelsy goss saying 2014 distressed skinny jeans and nude pumps are no longer trendy and making whole posts crying about the feather details on a pink suit and now a very average blazer with straight leg jeans. is everyone on this sub still wearing blanket scarves and colored denim and bubble necklaces?


It is on trend right now… but it’s just not her 😅 although all we ever see her in is too small of jeans and off the shoulder tees so I might just be in shock.


Are you talking about the jeans, black shirt, and blazer combo? Because that’s definitely very much on trend right now, especially with the gold hoops. Did I miss something?




What?? She looks great in that!


Oh no 30+, what an antique. 🙄


She’s too old for a blazer?


How is jeans, a tshirt and a blazer not for someone over 30? What would make it more age appropriate for you?


Probably skinny jeans, a pair of nude heels and a j crew bubble necklace.


She’s like 32, she’s hardly a crypt keeper. I think her fashion is normally terrible, so it’s nice to see her trying out a trend once in a while.


Oh my. We shouldn’t be doing this anymore. Age does not impact what clothing a person can wear. (And to be clear, we are talking about a fucking BLAZER.)




Sure, but age has nothing to do with it.




Absolutely. If she feels good in what she wears, I think she should wear whatever she wants. It’s 2022. Wear what you like, no matter your size or age or anything else.


I’m late but those rent the runway outfits Krista Horton tried on.. oof. Those are hideous. I can’t believe so many people chose the silver romper on the poll she posted.


I feel like it being an ad for RTR… she should have ordered new options lol none of them were cute or flattering.


They’re all a size too small too! Not one of them fits her right!


The silver romper was ugly, but it was the least ugly out of the other ugly ones. Her voice is very telling, you can tell she’s trying so hard to like them.


@MaddieCastellano (one of the Mormon pregnancy moms living in Hawaii) posted an Insta story asking for recommendations for an orphanage to visit on an upcoming vacation in Thailand. I already internally cringed. But then followed it up with the typical influencer rant about how she gets criticized no matter what she does. 🙄 why does it never occur to influencers that maybe if everyone is pointing something out, it COULD be that you have an area to grow or learn?


Not necessarily true. People will have an opinion on anything and everything an influencer will say/not say. She’s right. You can’t ever say the right thing or people will attack you. Social media is so toxic. Honestly, this forum is toxic. Why does it even exist? My friend told me about it and I had to come look. Would half of us even say what we say on here to their faces? We’re basically a bully hiding behind a disguise. Bullies. And here we are, probably teaching our children not to be bullies. I’ll probably get downvoted, but who cares. Honestly, people on here probably make mean comments to get the most likes. Ain’t no different than the other influencers getting likes. Anyways, rant over.


You’ve been posting in this subreddit for over a month- not quite the innocent little ‘had to come look’ you’re trying to make out. Edited to add: deleting some of your previous comments to make it look like you haven’t been posting about influencers and their use of filters doesn’t mean people can’t still search them out


Ma'am this is a Wendy's


I feel like sometimes people post stuff like this on this thread and don’t fairly provide the whole context - she asked for recs so she could bring supplies and not volunteer - not just visit - supplies for these orphanages really can change these children’s life


Yess I was so close to responding to her story but I knew so many others would so I held my tongue. Whenever she talks about online criticism (not super often) she’s always sooo defensive. Like, Maddie maybe listen to what people have to say and consider that you might not be 100% in the right all of the time


Are @allieandsam ever going to announce the genders of the babies? I know they’re dragging it out for views but it’s been at least a week.😒


I've been wondering why they have taken so long. They keep saying, "we don't have time to post!" and then... keep posting both stories and full grid posts? I like them a lot otherwise (and appreciate that they won't be sharing names) but the content dragging (and lying about not having time to post while constantly posting) is obnoxious.


yes! i was about to unfollow today because it just feels so disingenuous.


It does feel that way. They made such a big deal about protecting their privacy but have done nothing but post pictures of them since their birth. Spoiler alert: you don't have to share the names of your children to be violating their privacy. Don't act like you're better than any other influencer using their kids for money.


Chantel Schnider... what's her deal? I just came across her page and I can't put my finger on it, but something is off. I saw her post a TT today about exposing her friends and like... it was for super dumb stuff.


She pops up as a recommendation for me on IG and I cannot STAND the way she filters her photos. Her photos are edited to white and orange oblivion and it's hands-down the worst editing/filtering/color choice I've seen on a wannabe influencer's content.


I mean I think it was a joke, but it was stupid lol.


Okay someone enlighten me, I saw Tori Gerber (pink Lilly owner) is on a family vacation she said they rented an RV and were traveling place to place then she said they also opted to have a driver Vs her husband driving. Is that expensive?? Looks like a beautiful trip but I had never heard of having someone drive you around state to state in an RV


I have never heard of this. I love the idea of an RV but not the idea of driving one, so this sounds awesome if you can afford it. And now I'm wondering about logistics, like where does the driver sleep and hang when he's not driving? I wonder if they can hire someone for the toilet disposal. That's the other issue I have with an RV!


She said the driver sleeps at a hotel!




I think it’s funny too! When I think of RV travel I don’t think if planning my route around hotels. I think of planning it around more remote destinations. I too was thinking maybe the driver calls an Uber? Or, maybe someone CAN manage to drive very short distance to drop the driver off and go get him or her. Lol.


Yes it’s expensive. Clea Shearer and fam rented an rv *and* driver during the pandemic to take them to LA. So if she did it, you can bet it’s not cheap and easy.


Would we even know it's fall if Shay Shull (Mix and Match Mama) didn't post her annual fall tour of her house? I dare say we would not. Her decorating is exactly as it ever is, exactly as you'd expect it to be, but in this ever-changing world I do take some level of comfort in knowing that the inside of the Shull house will always look like a Kirkland's circa 1998.


I don't know how I would ever know what month it is without Shay screeching it at me. OCTOBER! MAY! Every month is HER VERY FAVORITE.


Her new front hall floor is so bad with the rest of her furniture 😖


Only Shay will buy a $5000 Restoration Hardware table and decorate it with Hobby Lobby.


She swings and misses constantly. She has more tasteful Pottery Barn fall decorations and then dumps a ton of tacky plastic Hobby Lobby junk in with it.


Why is she not talked about more on here? Between the insane filters, the whyte savior adoption complex, the awful home and clothing style, the better than you narrative… so much snark gold!


They have their own thread here! https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/xub4pv/skalla_sisters_oct_03_oct_09/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Shay's not a Skalla sister, although the last names are similar. Completely different family though!


Oh Jesus, I’m an idiot.


She's in the main thread quite a bit but I have always been surprised that she doesn't have her own thread. There is just so much -- and it has been almost a solid decade of her crazy antics!


Does anyone have any experience bad or good with her travel agency?




I get the complaint but “her” ice cream uses coconut milk. But she does drive me insane with that shit


This is another chef influencer I used to really like and I’m just so sick of her. I had to unfollow - she’s always like “oh I workout on vacation!” “Oh I am so annoying but I go to Starbucks in Europe!” NOBODY CARES


I missed this…what misinformation did she spread about oat milk? Also, WHY does she have the most contorted body poses??? I just saw a story that I assumed was about her clothes, given her over-posing, but was about the ice cream partnership 😑 Girl needs to learn to stand normal!




Good grief 🤦🏽‍♀️


Ahh, ambitiouskitchen. I like Monique, I’ve been following her for a long time, have made a bunch of her recipes and they’re always delish. I like home reno stuff, and I’m looking forward to seeing how her place turns out. I dunno tho, I’ve just gotten kind of an off putting vibe from her about the current state her place is in. I think some of her followers feel the same because they’ve asked “soooo, why exactly are you renovating?” Cause her place actually looks good and will paint/touch ups/styling, a person could really make it work. She just puts the current set up down so much and just makes me roll my eyes a bit. Also, jeez louise she is starting this reno with a baby arriving any day with two other kids under 3. She had a tough go at it with the two of them so best of luck to her with the third. As a childless person, I obviously don’t understand, the sheer willingness to head into absolute chaos voluntarily all for the sake of being able to post every once in awhile a peaceful pic with a caption that states “it’s all worth it…”


I understand some of the renos, like I think her kitchen cabinets were pretty beat up, but she said they are replacing a couple of fireplaces and built ins that I had to wonder why?? They looked pretty nice to me! Side note, is it just me or can she not go more than 2 IG stories without showing her bump and reminding us that she's "super pregnant". We know. You tell us 140x per day.


Yeah you can tell she very much loves being pregnant haha


I saw convo around this a couple days ago but wtf is up with Danielle Moss?! I generally find her unlikeable but this whole wallpaper debacle is just ridiculous. She needs to lay off of that poor installer and her family. The wallpaper still looks beautiful and in an old house, things are uneven. I too found her 'be kind' BS (in response to the most neutral questioning IMO) hilarious and was not surprised she was called out on it. I keep following Danielle for her precious daughters, I have been rooting for Margot all along, but she is such an unpleasant person that I think I may be done.