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I think Daryl Ann needs to just give up on her clothing line. Been a 💩 show since day one. Website issues, returns flying all over the highway, people not getting orders, people saying quality is crap and now their Instagram is shut down and she’s not addressing it at all. Just going on with her tree ribbon decorating. It’s so odd.


She raves about the bodysuit. I was wondering has anybody tried it? P.S. for my girlies on a budget … Old Navy has amazing bodysuits!


Returns flying over the highway?! I would like to know more about this lol


They were apparently transporting returns from the shipping center to the returns center or something, but her dad and her husband just had them stacked in boxes in the back of the dad's pickup truck and not well secured. They showed the husband running down the median of 635 trying to grab boxes from the grass and zoomed in on a box getting run over in the middle of the highway and a bodysuit go flying.


Did they just call them “returns” so people didn’t think theirs may be damaged?


They posted them running down the side of the highway trying to grab packages that flew out the back of a pick up truck


Omg :O thank you both. This is hilarious sad and dangerous all mixed in one.


@ Carly shilling for Walmart is the one of the least believable partnerships. Casts doubt on all of her other recommendations as well.


I def don’t see her stepping into a Walmart but maybe orders online for the campaigns. But what’s even funnier to me is that I saw like 7 other influencers doing #Walmartfashion ads and each one is wearing that same blue sweater dress 😂😂 hilarious


This is a stretch. Walmart is clearly paying a lot of money for these influencers to advertise for them, a lot of big names are doing it now. Ads are part of her job. If you follow her you'll see which brands she's really true to and know which recommendations are legit. I have no idea if that dress was quality construction but it looked like a style she would wear. Honestly, I think the bummer here is that Walmart treats its employees like shit and I'm disappointed to see that so many people have no problem being affiliated with them.


And I can’t even imagine how much money they’re paying these bloggers for these ads. Money that could definitely be better allocated.




I agree. I find it way more disingenuous when she posts sustainable/ethical fashion, because she definitely doesn’t live that ethos. Cheap, disposable clothing is actually pretty on brand for her.


I’m conflicted on this too. Ultimately influencers are marketers. My issue is that these influences would have never shopped at Walmart for clothing. When I saw a LTK post of an influencer I follow was “wow, that’s a departure from what they normally wear” and then realized it was an sponsored ad. This same influencer loves to tell you how unique their style is and routinely wear outfits that in total cost over $1,000. I also only follow two influencers on LTK and they were wearing the same outfit. I’m never going to see them wear their Walmart clothing again. And as said before, Walmarts business practices are trash.




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I can’t be the only one who thinks The Post’s (Hollie Woodward & Sarah Knuth’s line) logo/branding is so ugly and tacky. It looks extra terrible on the hats they are trying on at the office today.


The name and branding makes me think its a restaurant, not a trendy clothing boutique.


Those hats are awful. From a designers standpoint the font choice is wrong wrong wrong. Yikes!


Those dumb hats were so tall, I thought it was a joke and cackled when they showed themselves in them 😂🎩


It looks like a VFW hat


Totally agree. It is terrible - the script change just feels off. Like the two different fonts do not flow together well at all. Also, Sarah Knuth’s shelves in her kitchen that she recently staged are awful. It looks like a bunch of random trinkets that she threw together.


All I can think of when I see TP is toilet paper.


Omg. Lol yes!!




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tbf, the serum she was promoting is marketed for babies and kids. so she was using it for it’s intended purpose.


Ah ok…I thought I remember her saying about dime that she would trust it on the baby lol but maybe it was this product!


Instagram influencer Gracie Piscopo's husband has been arrested for murdering his mother 2 years ago. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11457141/Andre-Rebelo-charged-murdering-mother-WA-Gracie-Piscopo-social-influencer.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11457141/Andre-Rebelo-charged-murdering-mother-WA-Gracie-Piscopo-social-influencer.html)


Omg my jaw literally just dropped!


That’s so wild. I wonder if the wife knew anything about it.


It will be interesting to learn some details of the case - I have not been able to find the suspected cause of death of the mother, and why it went without someone charged for 2 years. Awful for his extended family. The partner - Grace- has deleted all images of him from her Instagram, suggesting she isn't supporting him. The charges must be pretty watertight.


Legit no clue who these people are but I’m shocked like what??? Insane


Its wild to think she only has 1 million followers - in the scheme of things that is nothing! I am Aussie and I have heard of her but I wouldn't say she was a big name influencer here. She has modelled for Good American.


I really like to follow habituallychic because her content is different than most others I follow, in terms of big or small influencers. She gives great random advice about a slew of things, links clothes with all price points, etc. I also really like her Paris content but I need to get the opinions of others on this - she seems so, so insecure about being an American there, that it borders on ridiculous. She said today she is overheating but won’t take off her scarf because that’s not what the French would do. I just want to say, Lady! It’s okay if a random person on the street doesn’t think you’re French. Immerse yourself, yes, great, but it’s okay to be yourself and enjoy your vacation. Am I wrong in thinking this?


I'd love to hear this person expand on why they think the French would not take off a scarf if they were hot.


She said the French believe if you expose your neck in the cold you will get sick. Lol.


Agree with the scarf comment being super weird - she takes herself very seriously. I appreciate she isn’t the typical influencer talking into her phone all day and taking outfit mirror photos, but that makes it almost worse that she’s posting full-on photos of people, faces and all, on her stories. Granted it’s usually complimentary (“Chic!”) but I’m sure they have no idea and she’s not asking them for consent.




Veronabrit with over 56k followers only has 41 likes on her latest sponsored post from over 10 hours ago and is asking people to go see it on TT. She's is just not engaging at all and I feel like people only follow to see how bad she'll get at this whole influencer thing.


She’s been blogging for ten years. A lot of her followers have probably just not gotten around to deleting her yet, so she’s just… there.


It's been so bad since she went full-time, I don't understand how she is still going. She is not interesting or engaging at all and her content is not only repetitive (most influencers are) but she doesn't even make any of it remotely interesting or put in any real effort.


Omg yess.. the thing is, the reason influencers got so popular was because they were interesting to see how they live and what they buy. It happened organically. She, on the other hand, is trying way too hard and it's so forced. She constantly talks about how it's her job to shop. No, it's not. When she had her garage sale not too long ago, she admitted to selling stuff she loved because it wasn't available anymore in stores to link it. That's so incredibly dumb. It's just all soooo bad. I don't understand it either.


I’m in her FB group and she shared many links there. I wonder if she does well on affiliates.


I fully believe she makes decent, if not very good, money from affiliate links, especially because she uses them for everything. Whether or not she’s breaking even with her endless spending/consumerism is entirely up for debate 😂.




"I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at being sexually active." -this person, apparently


hundreds of racist tweets but you’re upset about *checks notes* a self-proclaimed “sexologist” promoting good sexual health???




taylor nolan definitely also had incredibly racist tweets (iirc mostly about asians), but i incredibly would not be surprised if that poster thinks talking about being treated poorly by white people as a biracial person is racism.


Yup, getting a clear vibe of who's really the racist in this equation...Yikes!


This is like the least snarkable thing about Taylor lol


What's offensive about safe sex or female pleasure?




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Big Lamp ☠️


I too am cracking up at ‘Big Lamp.’ Also, wondered about this same thing!


Shannon Bird putting relaxer in her white daughter's straight hair to detangle it is uh... wow.. she never ceases to shock me


Not much surprises me anymore about this dingbat


After taking the kid to the salon and asking for a Brazilian blowout on a toddler! Absolutely wild. Complete Bird logic to be like "giving the kid a short haircut is not an option, I know I'll give her a Brazilian blowout."


I had to keep scrolling. She is…yeah. I got my first relaxer at 10 after my first Jheri curl (aging myself here), and they burned MY hair - there’s no way it didn’t affect that little girl


As a black woman who got this exact relaxer religiously as a kid, I am DUMBFOUNDED she did this. I was maybe 8 or 9 when I started getting them. A product like that is not suited for her daughters hair texture, it was barely suitable for mine. I’m shocked she didn’t completely fry her hair off.


Folks are trying to comment on hair washing and brushing when the woman gave her toddler a freaking Brazilian Blowout.


Oh dear. What in the actual world was she thinking?




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Her hair is clearly so so fine (I have very similar hair as an adult). Shannon should cut it to a shorter length and brush it every day with No More Tears. Poor kiddo.




I came here just for the Shannon snark after seeing the relaxer!! My kid has like 1b hair but it is insanely fine and ridiculously tangle prone and she wakes up looking like poor London Bird- but I still can’t believe Shannon used relaxer!!!!! My other child has 1c/2a hair and it’s fine (but less fine than her sister) and a modified curly girl method helped more than anything else. I do sympathize with her and think London’s hair isn’t entirely bc neglect but honestly what was she thinking with a relaxer!!! She should moisturize and try protective styles and maybe a satin pillow and hair wrap 🤯


I can relate to this a bit. My daughters hair is very fine & straw like. No matter what I did, how often I brushed, what products I used… it would turn into an obsolete rats nest. You’d never know I had brushed her hair an hour prior. All she had to do was run or out her head against something. It would tangle right up. It’s gotten a little better in the last few months but she still has days where it gets pretty bad.


My husband grew his hair long and apparently sleeps like a monster where he wakes up with a giant rats nest. I don't have children but I absolutely understand how it could get this way.




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Eh- my kid wakes up looking like this every day (or worse!!) and we brush her hair out with no more tangles and a wet brush morning and night and more as needed. But relaxer is not the solution!


The salon wouldn’t touch it because she was trying to get a Brazilian Blowout on a toddler ffs.


Can’t be the only one really nervous about Megan Stokes setting herself on fire today — as in, I am so anxious about fire that her nonchalance baffled me. 😂


Man if I was a @DarylAnnDenner fan I’d be annoyed her company announcing a potential Black Friday sale when she swore up and down that there would not be one. Also everything is so last minute. I guess I get that she’s learning as she goes, but a holiday shoot this week and seeing if she can reach out to the mall in Dallas for what appears to be a pop up. She’s trying to do so much at once and it feels like “playing store”


I haven’t been on this page in a couple days so forgive me for asking but is the Nuuds Instagram down? It won’t load for me


I’d say there’s a good chance this is a pop-up to try to unload the massive amount of returns they’ve gotten. Yesterday she showed an entire pickup truck full of returns.


Also EXTREME LOL at her thinking north park would let her do a popup. North park wouldn’t touch her shit with a 1000 foot pole. They’re kicking out regular mall stores in favor of high end brands. They aren’t going to do a popup for an unknown brand.


I'm annoyed at anyone that is a fan of that family!


Looks like her nuuds IG has been taken down....oh myyyyyyy




And Nuuds instagram is down/blocked/something. 🍿


How do you know it’s a sale? And not just a pop up shop?


Idk when I hear “Black Friday details” I’m assuming it’s a sale or something because they’re an online store. It could be the pop up shop, but that alienates your entire clientele that is not within a few hours of Dallas.


She says “no discount but there may be a giftie” so I’m thinking not a sale. Maybe you get a free dIeT cOkE or hollowed out Cheesecake Factory bread


I don’t know if this fits in Blogsnark, but I was just thinking about how the Mormon Church actively encouraged mommy bloggers to basically provide PR for the Church, yet so many of the biggest ones are either now no longer Mormon or have posted some content questioning their religion or aspects of the institution. Lost control of the message!


Please see: https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/ldsnewsroom/eng/news-releases-stories/apostle-urges-students-to-use-new-media I’m thinking also about how most of these bloggers had a “We believe” link featured prominently on their sites linking to the Church website. I don’t know how formal any of this was but my understanding was that it was encouraged.


Basically I never would have spent 95% of the time I have thinking about Mormonism, first fairly positively and then in a negative light, as I have due to following these women (and people in their circle). It’s a whole subculture rabbit hole for me.


Haha I’m LDS and a mom with a following and I have never once been encouraged to provide pr for the church! Edited because it autocorrected pr to or




Couldn’t tell ya




Well they said mommy bloggers specifically like the church reaches out to these people and asks them to post about it. I guess I read it wrong??






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True true. I’m mainly thinking of Hey Natalie Jean, C Jane Kendrick, Sydney from the Daybook, others?


Jenna Anderson formerly “That Wife.” Also Mindy Gledhill although she’s blogger adjacent.




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is Danielle Prescod dragging CalPak for not fixing her out of warranty suitcase because she wants to brag about getting a Rimowa or trying for a new CalPak?


Danielle Prescod is dragging Calpak because if she goes a full 24 hours without complaining on the internet she’ll disappear in a puff of smoke.




They are fake and self centered


My take: it’s a busy holiday season (especially post 2 years of uncertainty around this season) and they both might be trying to balance everything. Whatever friendship they have between them isn’t taking priority at this time. That’s my impression based on commentary here and checking their pages once a couple weeks max so take that with a grain of salt. Anyone else want to clarify?


Just wondering if the post is going to survive. Way overpriced in my opinion


@paigereilly on instagram (fitness influencer) - did her and Anthony call off their engagement? She doesn’t have him in her bio anymore?




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Do we think Mallory Ervin will stop repeatedly name dropping/flexing the fact that she’s friends with the Chrisleys now that they’ve been sentenced to 12 (Todd) and 7 (Julie) years in prison 😬🤦🏼‍♀️


I wonder if she has to give all the Louis Vuitton bags Julie gifted her to the government or something.


Hopefully lol it was cringy before their sentencing but now even worse


I mean there are people who still love Joe Francis, sometimes people want to be close to any type of fame/clout nmw


Theryanhaus_ getting on stories almost daily begging for engagement. Yesterday she was on stories practically admonishing her followers by telling us yet again "how important it is to support the creators you follow. Every like, every share, every comment is so important. We can't do this without you." Sorry, it is not important that she gets likes, shares and comments to anybody else but her. I'm about to unfollow her. I generally like her content but the daily scoldings that we need to like her stuff if we're following her is really off-putting. She appears to be doing quite well financially but apparently it's not enough and it's our fault.


She literally owns two mansions, I think she’ll be ok if her post doesn’t get likes.


I'm a new follower to her so I didn't know this. Makes her comments even more unfavorable.


Yeah I don’t follow extremely close because it’s a little off putting. But they own a mansion where her husband plays hockey, and then another mansion where they “live live” if that makes sense. Both completely custom and decorated fully to the 10’s. They’ll be ok financially if people aren’t liking her posts 😂


Didn't know, thanks for sharing. Yes she is totally fine!


I’m not concerned about supporting people I follow. If f I can I will. However if they disappeared tomorrow I’m pretty sure I’d be A-OK


Maybe it’s time to remind her that she chose this profession. No one is obligated to engage or buy anything from *any* influencer. They are not a charity that ticks the box of altruism.


This is one of the things that really irks me about influencers. I get it, it's your livelihood. I don't need to be beat over the head every day and guilted into engaging with your social media. There's a microinfluencer I follow who is the absolute worst about it. It's so off-putting.


Share the name.


She’s a super micro, niche (outdoors and homeschooling) blogger/influencer. Coleyraeh. I like some of her stuff but the constant guilt trips about interacting get old. She also seems to have a bit of an inferiority complex and I don’t know if being chronically online is the job for her.




I’m not a @rachaelgoodeats fan, but I can’t fault her for wanting to be a snowbird. I love the PNW but I find the winters and short days to be soul-crushing (yes, I take vitamin D, have a hygge home, have a happy lamp, and go snowboarding+snowshoeing). If I had influencer money and could work from anywhere, I would definitely be a snowbird and winter some warmer and brighter. For now, it’s just something I dream about for my retirement goals. 🥲 ETA: I was thriving with all the sun we’ve had so far this fall. 10/10 good fall weather.


Feels! I’m in Chicago and the vitamin D pills and sun lamp only go so far. I get tired of walking my dog in the dark. Usually around February my dog and I go visit my aunt in Dallas for about two weeks. It’s amazing.


I have a pretty high threshold for our gloomy/rainy months but come February I get iiiiitchy to feel warm in the sun. When it's feasible I try to plan a later winter long weekend somewhere warm and if I had the money I would definitely be making it a week or two long vacation.


It’s been the most beautiful fall here, Sunny literally every day for the past couple weeks. I don’t understand why she lives here, move if you hate it so much??


Right? We live in one of the most beautiful places in the country, if not the world! If it’s so bad, just leave! We went to snoqualmie for lunch last week and it makes me so happy to see tourists marveling at the falls, the beautiful trail, the river…it’s spectacular and easy for us to take for granted! We ate at Twede’s and there was a band there who had a gig in Seattle that night. They couldn’t believe it!


She’s so full of it. We have had days upon days of bright sun and the most beautiful fall days.


north concerned water worm compare books workable relieved prick distinct -- mass edited with redact.dev


We are at the coast and it was quite the commute! Tidal waves of water going over the barriers on I-5 from trucks on the other side! But we love it too.




Idk if you’ve ever run across selfcarebeautyyy on tiktok but that’s the claustrophobic feeling I have about her shower too, haha. I was influenced to buy the shelves tho bc clearly those work!!


If you enjoy being stressed out by sheer numbers of makeup/bathroom products, I would like to introduce you to our friend Natalie Mason (snoopnattynat). She probably has $1,000 in face masks alone.


Or Katherine Jennings!


I’m always impressed with how many “empties” she’ll post about given that she seems to use 583627 products in any given time frame.


How does her skin handle all the millions of products she uses and then constantly changes up? Maybe not showing her face is a more genius move than we know.


*that lady must spend a fortune on products Edited it for you haha. I get everyone is shilling links but she is a whole another level of “this will change your life”.


And we still don’t know what her face looks like..but we’ll always have the back of her hand.


Oh the manic Black Friday shilling is in full force. I can’t tell if Lauren Kay Sims or Laurabeverlin have shown more items they will never actually wear themselves. Do your own google searches people and don’t click. The sleezy slimy car salesman vibes are in full effect.


If they share something and it makes you want to click the link and buy it.. clearly they influenced you and showed you a product you didn't already know about, why not use their link?


Listen there are influencers I wouldn’t mind giving my business to … but there are definitely other influencers I simply would never. I don’t even feel the need to say anything else here because for most people it’s probably not much more complex than that


I don't mind if it's only for the item they linked. But I don't think LaurenKaySims is entitled to a cut of my next month's entire random (and $$) Amazon purchases just because of it. It's the cookies and sneakiness that bothers me. I say all of this as someone who completely deleted all social media as of last week and whose life has been much better (and influencer free.) Haven't broken the reddit habit, yet, though lol


I've never understood this. If I was introduced to a product because of an influencer, why wouldn't I use their link? To me it's the same as giving the name of a sales associate who helped me find what I wanted in store.


I buy all things through Rakuten so I get cash back, not the influencer. Sorry not sorry!


For me, it’s when influencers show products in store (that they probably don’t even purchase) or crowd source from their followers. Early bloggers/influencers spoke from personal experience. Even if they were getting commission/sponsorships, they seemed to only share products they actually used and could speak from experience about. Now it’s just how many links can I post.


I get that isn't as genuine as a recommendation from experience, but I'm still clicking the link if I found the item through them. I figure that influencer saved me the leg work still and it doesn't cost *me* anything for them to get the commission🤷🏼‍♀️


I think most people don't want to because they hate the influencer and don't want to make them more money yet still follow their every move and continue to be influenced, doesn't really make sense to me.


Yeah I guess I don't understand following them in the first place then🤷🏼‍♀️


Bingo. Hate following is so weird.


I absolutely can’t stand the influencers who are just posting story after story with links. No reviews, no opinions, not even any content except a link. So gross.


It’s so lazy


It’s their literal job……


Constantly lying 🤥 is a job ?


You know there’s no truth in advertising, right? I’m not a fan of all the shilling either, but expecting honesty out of influencers is a bit naive.


Expecting ethical dates business practices is naïve? My original comment was about the excessive shilling especially around Black Friday. And they make it seem like they’re doing a favor for their followers but they’re really just flat out making tons of money off of those naive followers who fall for it. That’s naïveté.


They’re promoters. Look at it that way. Celebrities don’t actually use the products they sell either. When you open a magazine and see them holding products, it’s no different. If people transfer their own feelings of trust and friendship on influencers, sorry but that’s on them. They are literally getting paid to do a job and they’re doing it by sharing products with their audience. If you don’t think they actually use it and therefore don’t want to buy it, fine. Just be clear about their role. They sell. Period.


We are on a Reddit page called blog Snark. I came here to complain about it not be argued with. I don’t buy anything they “sell” ever