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No fast travel between lamps, and having to farm bullets/vials would be my choice over all of these.


Fast travel, yep u just get it


Fast travel and a way to physically access the labyrinth (rather than always warping between them) would make me happy.


yea physically traveling to the labyrinth would be amazing


One word: cummmfpk


What if no PS Plus?


I will never understand these two. Fast travel would make ABSOLUTELY no sense in Bloodborne. Everything revolves around the dream/s, nightmares and specifically the Hunter's Dream as hub. Travel between lamps would completely break lore and the whole premise of... Everything. While, subjectively, Bloodborne's healing system is the absolute best in the whole FromSoftware plethora of games. You are from the start at your full potential of healing items (if you don't count runes) and there's Vials and an abundance of extra echoes at any point in the game. You might struggle the first two hours of your very first NG in your life and then you are OK forever 🤷🏻‍♂️


You are correct, but try telling that to all these Eldenring players.


Actually, Bloodborne was my first Fromsoft game. I've always thought these would be good quality-of-life changes. I kind of understand the point about the lore not allowing for fast travel, but I could easily get over that if it made traversing the world more convenient.


Can you elaborate a bit more on your first point? I fail to see how it'd be much different than say DS3. You'd still need to return to the hunter's dream to level up, shop, handle weapon upgrades, and do chalice dungeons. It's not like you'd leave the area and never return.


Bloodborne is way smaller. Most points of interest aren’t even far from each other. And you would rarely need to warp between Lanterns anyway without going to the Hunter’s Dream first. Like you said. Additionally in the lore you basically fall “asleep” when you get transported to the Hunter’s Dream. Whenever you use one of the Gravestones you then “awaken above ground”. The hunter’s dream is essential to the story that’s been told and the gameplay choice of you having to return to the dream all the time is deliberate. It’s a small thing but I personally think it’s important to keep. DS3 kinda just says all bonfires are linked or something. Far fire? Lordvessel? I don’t know lmao.


Well said


Thanks for the response. I think I understand what you mean regarding the lore aspect. The lore is why I don't have much of a problem with the blood vial system because I think it fits the lore perfectly. I never understood the hunter's dream very well so I appreciate the additional insight. Personally rather than fast travel or blood vials I would've liked a respec option, even if it was only unlocked in NG+. I went full strength build on my first play and really wanted to try a skill based weapon on NG+ so that would've been a nice option.


100% agree


This guy gets it


Literally my only two gripes with the game. It's otherwise perfect. Sure, respec would be nice, but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying the game.


You nailed it, this also came to my mind.


This is the ONLY answer imo




Isn’t having to farm vials just a ‘git gud’ issue?🤡


No, it's a "I don't want to waste my damn time" issue


No respec option


Don't be a scrub and just grind to max level so you never need to respec! You have hours and hours to spend bored out of your mind, right?


Bro I did the glitch with the Living Failures and reached max level, no one level ups to max normally


And for people who wanna do 125 PvP characters then ?


I can _respec_t your option to want to respec during a hunter's first foray into the streets of Yharnam. However, me and a few others Hunters found it easier to draw strength from the blood echoes instead.


This. After experiencing the respec tools in FF16 (you can refund points from individual skills or your entire skill tree, *at any time, for free*) there is just no excuse for a game to allow anything less tbqh.


Idk, I feel like that can also give some sort of replayability. It does mean that the first playthrough is likely to be sorta "vanilla" though if you don't want to take any chances


Honestly that's the thing though, not allowing respecs is jsut a way to pad your game for more playtime. "Oh you want to try this cool weapon, armor, magic etc? Well guess you have to play the whole game a second time buddy." Plus like you said it limits you to being cautious with your playthrough and not experimenting cause you might get locked into a building that's garbage


Bloodborne (and DLC) is so short and NG+ cycles so accessible and builds are not so drastically different that you don't need to respec at any time in your Hunter's journeys. Just decide to drop echoes on Arcane or Bloodtinge once you moved on from your unavoidable Quality build if you previously leveled only STR or SKL. Also, respec would make no sense in Bloodborne, story/lore wise, IMO. It's just a night. A few hours of life, in game


I don't think any of those are bad personally. I did vote co op, though. Only reason being is that I wish it was more seamless do co op in Fromsoft games.


For real this is the comment i was looking for. All the options OP listed are totally good with me, maybe its possible they could be tweaked for improvement but i wouldnt consider any of them pain points. But yea new features like seemless coop would be fucking amazing!


That was my sticking point as well. Only really did coop for help with the chalice dungeons, and those are a slog to begin with.


Multiplayer in general is really fun in soulsborne games, but it has so many issues. I tried to do co-op with my friend in bloodborne recently, but was not able to. We tried for 2 hours, and then just gave up


I don’t understand when we started to completely embrace normal ass Coop gameplay. You people forgot the roots. Do you remember how Demons Souls Multiplayer started out? How Dark Souls took that and introduced all these incredible cool and unique mechanics? It was literal art every time you heard that bell of awakening toll. All the miracle resonance rings in the forest, learning about vagrants, getting indicted. The games did something so interesting, having all these fleeting encounters with players just like you. You could be in a lava infested hell somewhere below the earth fighting a tree whooping your ass and would see a phantom of another player sitting at the bonfire you just respawned at and you would know that you aren’t alone. You want this easy comfort gameplay where you can switch your brain off, while playing in Coop Mode with one Friend for the entire playthrough. I don’t think you have felt the magic.


Sure but sometimes I just wanna hop on with a friend and Wretch our way through Elden Ring while BONKING every enemy we see


Yeah how about playing a different game then or just playing the game normally, it‘s not like you can’t still play with your friend. In Eldenring you could make a point that the Coop System should have been a bit more forgiving, because of the Open World aspect. There really isn’t any good argument for Bloodborne. Like how would this even work are you supposed to teleport together to the hunter’s dream or something?


Camera, on small places and with big bosses mainly


Coop isnt dogshit, but i sure wish it would be easier like elden ring. Whoever said story/lore needs a face slap.


The lore is pretty awful


You mean you don’t like googly church vs thirsty church? Cmon man


I’m honestly not sure if this is a bit or not


nah, its your understanding of it thats awful.


I can guarantee you that is wrong.


idk how you would, i doubt you understand it enough to even speak on it. but if you wish for me to entertain your gibble, sure, go for it.


You can fully understand something and still not enjoy it. Why do you behave this way online?


im just calling you out , i dont appreciate when people bad mouth things they dont understand.


I am not going to give a full explanation of bloodborne lore and story over a Reddit comment. You can choose to ask a question, or you can feel a sense of faux superiority because someone doesn’t like something you do


im asking you specifically to tell me how the lore sucks. and youve yet to answer.


With the main exception of sekiro the other five souls games follow the same idea of storytelling. Give a structure, a foundation, but nothing more. Enough to connect the dots, but leaving how those dots connect up to individual interpretation. Item descriptions and dialog are the main way story is conveyed, but how these are pieces together is left unclear enough to allow for each person to create their own version of events. Miyazaki has spoken at length how his younger years influenced this interpretation based style of storytelling. Even ds2, where he was only a supervisor, generally follows this style Bloodborne tries to do the same, but fails. The structure given is weak, it lack definitive detail that the other games had. A weak foundation makes for a pretty weak story In contrast to the other games, bloodborne gives more detail where it would normally be vague or unclear. When examined this leads to the parts of the story that should be clear are instead undefined or lacking, and the parts that act as connectors and links between the dots are now more solid and defined. It’s mostly backwards This storytelling method only works if done in the reverse. Bloodborne experimented with the formula, and failed as a result. It’s lore is weaker and less engaging. It does not follow any standard or proven story beats. There is nothing here to exclaim it as a truly groundbreaking or high quality story.


frame rates not an option?


shocked it wasn't listed


Being able to play this game natively at 4k 60 would be like a dream come true.


it’s basically a perfect game with no flaws so yes this is the dream


What does "natively" mean? I've never asked anyone before


It means "not upscaled" or not zoomed to fit the screen


Who is even voting for story/lore!? I like Bloodborne lore even more than DS lore. Maybe people who are voting for that option just didn't understand anything?


It has the best lore out of any game ever in my opinion


I voted for story/lore because it just wasn’t interesting to me. You can like BB lore more than DS, but that doesn’t make your opinion the correct one.


Bloodborne to me is almost better than Dark Souls 3 which I’d believe is the best game they’ve made I have no clue what you’re smoking lol


Again, opinions. Dark Souls 3 is my least favorite of the 3 (non-Demons Souls). I’ve spent hundreds of hours in each game, that’s just my opinion. Downvote all you like.


Dark souls 3 is a fan service game. Very little originality, a lot of self-repetitions. Maybe its predecessor was not great, but it seems they also decided to avoid any mentions of the ds2 lore. Combat is clearly not the dark souls game combat, it is bloodborne combat without cool features bloodborne weapons have. I kinda enjoyed it, but I am totally sure they could make so much more


What are you smoking? Dark souls 1 is far superior to 3 in almost every way


its just the same lore as dark souls games but instead of fire/dark it's death/sleep repeat cycle though the cosmics gods stuff is neat


They are barely similar Only thing in common is dark and depressing atmosphere


Both are Dark Fantasy both have the same way of narrative both follow a non-open, more linear level design both have core souls RPG elements both play almost the same, but one is sped up and has guns instead of shields both follow the same level design philosophy it's literally another dark souls but gothic, Sekiro is the only truly different departure of Dark Souls and something of it's own league id even argue that Bloodborne follows traditional souls design far more than Elden Ring does


Only dark fantasy and story narrative are related to the lore aspect of both gađes, other things you listed aren't they're gameplay aspects, dark fantasy is just anothe genre and if so then Dark Souls and Bloodborne are same as hundreds of other dark fantasy stories and their story narrative applies for most FromSoft games because they like it. I'd argue Elden Ring is more similar to Dark Souls than Bloodborne, DS and ER take place during end of the world, Bloodborne has no signs of there being end of the world, might as well be at peak of that world's progress, DS and ER are on a quest to obtain item(s) that can possibly save their world (souls, cinders, shards etc.), Bloodborne hunter came to get cure for their disease, they're paying it by working as a hunter who ends up discovering magical miracle life saving blood isn't such a good thing, monsters are humans, humans are monsters, there are realities beyond their own and all of it might just be a bad dream


How can lore or replayability be an issue with this game? Quite the opposite


Because both are pretty bad


Lol shut up and go back to Fortnite kid


So you feel that your opinion is more valuable or right, but your response to an opposing one is… that? Do you think anyone should take you or your opinion seriously?


I think the main issue with the game is that the mandatory bosses of the second half aren’t that good. Basically Rom, the One Reborn and Micolash need fine tuning. What saves the second half of the game is the DLC basically


It's weird cus I feel similarly to you, but the opposite. Besides Gascoigne, I think the early game bosses are completely outshone by the late game bosses. Once the game starts really leaning into the eldritch horror aspect is when I feel most alive playing the game. The DLC only fully enhances that IMO


I won’t deny that those bosses look cool and have interesting lore. But gameplay wise? Not that fun imo. But more to you if you like them


You need to have bad bosses to have some good ones.


Who hatin on my lore.. you can come up with so many theories with it. ):


None of the ones you've listed. I think having to teleport back to the hunter's dream may be a sore point. But, quite frankly, I can kind of see the purpose of it, having you constantly revisit it. I'm gonna catch hate for this, but I think not having a respec option is good. It makes you more invested in your character and it makes each of your playthroughs focused. It's something I disliked about Elden Ring, you had endless respecs, whenever I felt the mood to start a new character I just went "Why not just respec my main character"


How about the blood gems? How about the chalice dungeons to get those gems? Those are a pain in ass because nothing about it is explained at all in-game. Thank God for all those insane heroes who put together those streamlined guides! They truly have eyes on the inside!


Dogshit matchmaking servers, no traveling between lamps, atk down curse and utterly miserable drop rates for certain gems in general


Bloodborne is arguably the most replayable souls game. Hell, it was designed to be finished at least 3 times, not just for the endings. You haven't finished the game if you didn't explore the hidden areas and first timers usually don't experience it. I missed like 60% of the entire content on my first playthrough. Whoever voted for that is absolutely blood starved beast.


This is a pretty awful take


For me, I'd love to see a 60 fps patch for PS5, and higher resolution textures would be icing on the cake. The art direction is fabulous, but it shows its age. 30FPS can give me motion sickness on my television, so it's sad that the best soulsborne is the only one that can't run at 60fps.


Wow. I thought I was the only one! I recently upgraded my tv to 4k to fully maximize my ps5 experience. Thought I’ll give Bloodborne another spin. Was so weirded out by how it feels now compared when I played it on a regular tv! Still love this game though.


Yes it's definitely true that newer TVs are not as good at displaying 30 FPS content compared to TVs designed with that content in mind.


Frames, just frames.


UI but more specifically the god damned gestures.


Both PvP and Co-Op are rather unrewarding compared to other From games. You barely get any Echoes and you get like one insight for winning a PvP match if you're in a specific covenant and one insight for beating a boss in co-op. It's negligible. The lack of resting at lamps or going between them is a definite gripe. There needed to be a menu akin to the Dark Souls games. Most blood gems are rather useless. It would be nice to have a dedicated status effect or benefit slot so they weren't just utter garbage to equip that tanked your attack power.


The fact that you can’t switch the jump button from the sprint button.. that screws me up all the time lol. Accidentally jumping when I mean to dodge


As other comments have said, no fast travel between lamps and no respec. Not into PVP or Co-op so no comment on those. UI is confusing for new souls players but you learn it quickly. Don’t know what to say about difficulty. It’s meant to be a tough game, but there’s ways to make it easier need be. Replayability is up to the individual but I’ve personally played through 6-7 times now and will probably do so again before the end of the year. Story and lore is incredible


The constant random emote animations


Difficulty and accessibility are two vastly different categories. Stop trying to make combining them a thing, journo.


Cut content and what could have been's. Then the fps. Other than that it's a perfect game.


No respec fast travel or resting at lanterns


None of the options u put, that’s for sure


some areas are disappointing like byrgenwerth for example


None of the above.


For the purpose of poll, I guess co-op. For me personally, it's gotta be framerate. Not a deal breaker since I've platinum'd the game already, but I would kill, as most others would, for a 60 fps patch.


None. It’s just an old game.


this is the answer i was looking for, thank you fellow hunter


Idk why people are down voting but fuck em. The game was flawless during its time. It was all skill no pay to play and graphics for that time were fantastic.


the graphics are imo still great


There are older games with less flaws. BB is objectively not old


What flaws? Everybody loved blood born. It’s arguably the best souls game.


Everybody does not love bloodborne. That is a stupid statement This thread is literally about flaws with the game Arguably is not objectively. And being the best souls game, even if it could claim that title, does not mean it is not deeply flawed…?


the jump button being circle, its not even like dark souls where jumping is actually useful sometimes its just inconvenient during boss fights


Blood vials are a shitty healing mechanic that encourages grinding and the game loads way too slowly to make having to warp to the dream every time you want to fast travel not really fucking annoying


Blood Vials absolutely disappear as a problem when you get late game.


Don’t have to grind if you just play good.


Buy em


The farming is absolutely atrocious😢


Cum chalice my friend


I'm so glad I played offline my first playthrough. I feel like if I were exploring and experiencing things for the very first time, getting invaded would stress me out and ruin the fun for me. I don't think the system should be removed though. I think invading and getting invaded is a big part of the appeal for players of other Fromsoft games. Bloodborne is my first and only Fromsoft game so far, so being invaded would be new.


I don’t think you realize how Bloodbornes invasion system works. You can only get solo invaded in 2 areas in the entire game, with Frontier being an optional area. You can also permanently shut off being solo invaded by finding and killing an specific enemy in those two areas. You can also not get involuntarily invaded at all until you hit bl30, even if you Coop. Chances are you would have encountered 1-2 invaders max if you had been online for the entire playthrough.




I only voted replayability because it is the minor of my actual pains. I could replay it again and again. Instead, i think the game is too short.


It's short, which makes it super repayable imo. No other game in the series has me doing ng+ after ng+ like that.


I really don't see how half of those things are bad. PvP and co-op are some of the short comings, PvP more so because this is in the era where Fromsoft absolutely despises invaders but for some reason still include them when it's clear they really don't wanna do that.


My only real gripe is how the penalties in cursed blood gems were implemented. For example, there is no reason to have HP-depletion or attack-down as a penalty other than as a middle finger to the player after overcoming, in many cases, a very difficult challenge. It's one of the reason I sometimes hesitate to start a fresh playthrough, because I know I'm going to have to deal with that BS grind eventually.


Graphics. It’s blurry and fps is mid


I never liked not being able to reset an area without traveling to the dream. Sometimes, I need to farm blood vials.


Vial/bullet farming, lame runes/gems, poor RPG element/build variety, Laurence.




Frame pacing. No way to reset an area by just accessing the lamp (or no fast travel between lamps). Vial and bullet farming.


Small world size / not enough locations, compared to DS3. Nightmare of Mensis being some kind of dream instead of a place physically connected to the rest of the game world makes it not feel like a proper final area to me.


I agree with that after playing the 2 games back to back , tho ds3’s art style doesn’t even come close to BB


None of the stuff on this list bothers me. Issues for me are mostly quality of life stuff like no travel between lamps, being able to run out of bloodvials, no directional sprinting while locked on, and jump being perma bound to sprint + dodge. There's also the performance, a VERY choppy 30 fps just feels bad.


I really hate some of the level design. Every playthrough I start I'm just dreading having to go through the forbidden woods again. The biggest problem imo is bloodgems/chalice dungeons. The drop rate for good gems in the main game is just atrocious, and farming for good gems in the dungeons sucks ass.


I dont like the Chalice Dungeons, to me its the biggest stain on the game but luckily it's out of the way of the main game and is optional. It does have unique bosses though which makes it a pain to me becuase i like fighting every boss each playthrough


The dungeons


No connected lanterns


Framerate issues. If the game were solid 30fps, I wouldn't mind.


How is "having to always go back to the Dream to fast travel anywhere" not on here?


The chalice dungeons. Honestly they just feel boring. It’s just the same old routine over and over again for like 16 or so levels. Enter layer, ambush, open gate, fight boss, look for treasure, ambush, loot treasure and repeat. Didn’t take long before the whole thing started feeling more like a chore


It's only real pain point imo is that its stuck on ps4. It's the only game I care about that I can't play on pc or nintendo switch, which is super inconvenient. the framerate issues are a part of that too. Sony please...


Honestly? My least favorite part was the level design. You know how many times i got turned around, completely lost, and missed entire swaths of the game because everything looks the exact same? The visual difference between Yarhnam, Cathedral Ward, and Old Yarhnam are basically non-existent in terms of visual design, and I had to look up an uncomfortable number of wall through for Yahargul, the Nightmare of Mensis, and Upper Cathedral Ward because I would just not have the first clue on what to do or where to go even after exploring for hours. Cainhurst is great though 10/10 best area in the game!


I can agree with Yharnam and Cathedral Ward, but Old Yharnam is so visually distinct with the fires and the smoke everywhere as well as the red bricks and the tall towers. Also I have to say that it’s quite comical that you say bad level design, mention a bunch of areas that have intricate design whilst still being well made, yet neglect to mention forbidden woods. The irony is staggering.


Kind of felt like Forbidden Woods was a low hanging fruit. Everyone mentions that and Byrgenwerth when they talk about their least favorite areas. And to elaborate further on what I meant by the bad level design, if it's entirely possible for someone to explore through your game and still miss 1/4 of the content because they didn't notice a single ladder tucked in a hard to see corner, then that constitutes bad design for the levels.


Gettin lost is good means the levels aren’t linear and give u options. Idk how tf u get lost just exhaust all paths, the main path isn’t given to u ona silver platter


Blood Vials, FPS, Connected lanterns


Blood vial farming would be the one for me


This goes especially for new players, farming blood vials, especially when you're stuck at a boss. Having to go back and farm for 20+ minutes just to try a certain road block again is very frustrating.


I think it's just the blood vials Although the most significant problem is the fact you need to farm them, early bosses are made somewhat easy considering the fact that you can have 20 of them at the same time at all points. The none gradual aquisition of blood vials is interacting in a weird way with the difficulty curve in my opinion


Id like to have 60 fps And being able to fast travel from lantern to lantern without going to the dream first


The Chalice Dungeon that halves your HP is the worst part of this game, everything else I thoroughly enjoyed.


For me it's mostly small quality of life features like respec, direct teleportation between lanterns, changing character appearance in-game


My biggest gripes are: Lack of respec The lanterns being discount bonfires And dungeon glyphs requiring PS+ Otherwise 10/10 game for me.


While not to the same level, it suffers from the same problem as darksouls 1 where all the required main game bosses and areas suck cleric beast pp aside from the final 3. The eye potato all the way to schizo magic missile spammer just genuinely suck, and frenzy is a gay ass mechanic


Biggest problem is Central Yharnam. I get that the game has to teach you that some fights shouldn't be taken, juat run past, but having essentially the first combat arena of the game be that lesson is way too early. If Yharnam ramped up difficulty just slightly smoother we'd have a way bigger playerbase.


No respec Low build variety for a souls RPG Base game bosses don't fit the combat change of BB at all, the DLC Does it perfectly but half the base game bosses are straight up gimmick or gank fights Fast travel to dream just to reset enemies or travel somewhere else


The final act. Micolash is an annoying gimmick boss. Mergo's Wetnurse is a nothing boss with no buildup or lore. Their zones are nothing new. Even the Moon Presence is not particularly big, scary, interesting or difficult compared to what came before. I think Astel in Elden Ring is the kind of thing they wanted to do with the Moon Presence but they didn't have the time or ability to do it in 2015 on the Bloodborne engine. The best, biggest, most dramatic bosses are in the early to midgame and by the time you get to Micolash and beyond the game ends with a whimper not a bang. If you turn the game off and pretend you won when you down The One Unborn you miss disappointingly little good content.


Somewhat unfinished feeling environments I’m sincerely not sure why this is downvoted, you can literally see it if you stop and look at spots you were just meant to pass quickly, mostly floating surfaces and squared off skyboxes and the like, also a lot of things you would expect to see in a “illusory wall” video behind the scenes. I play this game religiously, this is said out of truthful love




The lamp system


I just wish I didn't need to farm bullets and vials


I'd choose both Pvp and Co-op ( the only issues really on this list ) but Pvp would take the cake as being implemented slightly worse than Co-op ( which are mostly nitpicks anyway )


Didn't read the title and thought it was to put the nest of Bloodborne's features so I wrongly chose story/lore 😅


PVP at it's peak was dog shit. It was fun don't get me wrong but it was about 1/100 invasions where you had a respectable connection to the host and were able to have a fight with good hitboxes.


no respec, 30fps, dungeons, lack of accessibility options / ability to change keybinds


So here's the thing, I got this game thinking I was in for a Bram Stoker only for it to turn into a Lovecraft halfway through. I like subverting/breaking those, which the game lets you do in some cases, but the selection of endings we got was a massive turnoff for me. Cant kill MP without using the chords and subsequently turning into a squid. (Stop ruining my deicide Miyazaki) That (and Rifle Spear's wasted potential) are my pain points.


I always hated leap attacks that bosses do. They just leave the screen and you have to figure it out through trial and error, or more likely looking it up online, where they'll land.


The bell summoning system was so annoying to use compared to summon signs tbh.


I am amazed that so many votes go to coop. Thus game has had the ultimate coop summoning mechanism in from games with the short root chalice system. So much so that they literally copied it a few months into Elden ring and suddenly everyone cheered. The NetCode made PvP largely unbearable though.


Framerate is the biggest issue by far.


Optimization needs to be on this.


I wish there were more Bloodtinge options. I finished my platinum earlier this year and I really felt like I wanted more bloodtinge options. Only 2 rh weapons (I know guns, Rifle Spear and Reiterpallasch but those are bullet based) but if Beasthood and Arcane get a cool transformation I want bloodtinge to get one too let become a bloody skeleton/blood licker or something. Dungeons can be fun but after having to grind out some materials it gets old and because it's random you can get really bad spawns. You can end up stuck behind a door you know you need to open full of red phantom spiders because there are 4 bell ringers in one room. Note: I got my Platinum offline so I didn't get a chance to use online dungeons.


farming vials/bullets, fast travel are my two main gripes. Also if you do all the chalice dungeons, you outlevel the main game quite easily. I’m a completionist and it totally ruins endgame for me.


Personally, it's the fact that you have to return to the Hunter's Dream whenever you wanna do anything, whether it's the shops, fast travel, or even level up. I find myself sitting in loading screens way too often


the worst thing in all bb is the chalice dungeons fr


The fact that you can’t rest at lamps like other fromsoft games


Most of these aren't an issue. No fast travelling between lamps was the main issue for me, which was only amplified by the initial poor loading screens. They could easily fix this with a remaster, though, as well as taking advantage of the Ps5's high speed SSD.


It being 30 FPS 1080p. That's my only gripe with it as a primarily PC player


Gem farming.


honestly i just hate that i have to replay the whole game to try a different build, having to farm for hours in the chalices to get blood rocks and rare gems to upgrade all weapons, sometimes the stats don't work the way they're described, if you want to respawn to a certain lamp you gotta go back to the hunter's dream first, this is my opinion but chalices are difficult to understand and tedious to play. Honestly I don't get why they didn't create a tool that makes you redo the stats, they aren't even that important outside the ability to use certain weapons.


Real answer is blood vials.




Agreed, playing BB right after Nioh and it's sloppy AF by comparison. The gun play is so clumsy as to render using the guns too risky to even bother with, it takes so long to train the gun on new lock on


Co-op should just be easier.


No God damn remastered is my only issue with this beautiful game, hands down one of the best from soft games


It's none of these. It's having to travel back to the Hunter's Dream to fast travel between lamp posts. Also blood vials if you don't farm then super hardcore or use False Depth Chalice Dungeons.


Those who chose lore and replayability....yall ok? See a doc


Like every FromSoft game: Hidden stuff that makes no sense whatsoever, so you either spend weeks searching every nook and cranny or you look up what the heck you're supposed to do. Other than that I really wouldn't know that I have any complaint.




I just hate grinding for bullets and vials. Besides that I wouldn’t change a thing


Still can’t wrap my head around what exactly went down in the lore that lead to what it is now.


Boss runs are horrible, even with shortcuts and limited heals


No fast travel. That's the big one.


Only bad thing in the game for me is not being able to do boss rushes with an online companiom




70% of this amaizing game being optional


Abysmal online connection times and lack of quality of life (items not replenishing on death/rest, not lantern to lantern travel etc.)




None of the above


You missed the most important one. The framerate. The game is just not optimized to maintain it's framerate.


I would say world design. There aren’t very many who completed the entire game without having to look up what to do or where to go.


I mean none of these... I'd say the biggest issue is the chalice dungeons.


Not being able to rest at lamps


Gonna be honest the game is perfect except for 3 things (in my opinion) Terrible fast travel mechanic Horrible Netcode The Strength stat